beggining o.o i think i spelt it wrong

The On camera

------------no ones pov snsd place------------

At the snsd

                              As Sunny was walking around the place to find her game , the tv randomly .

So as she went to turn it off T-ara Eunjung appeared on the screen which cause her to fall.

Sunny screamed which caused everyone to come into the living room.

The members asked what had happened and as they were discussing it the tv made noice.

" Hello SNSD, im going to show you my members secrets but dont tell them mkay" Eunjung said and nodded her head.

"Everyone sit down somewhere and enjoy the show "Eunjung said and turned the camera around to face infront of her.

"I can only show you Dani,Hyomin,jiyeon but dont worry it will be intressing oh and this is our practice room,"Eunjung said and introduced  it.


                                                                               ------------no one pov tara place ------------

As Eungjung went into the practice room she saw Hyomin dancing and singing to JAY PARK = STAR.

Hyomin looked over at Eunjung then ran across the room and hid behind a big teddy bear.

"Why do you have a camera?" Hyomin asked while carrying it infront of her which caused Eunjung to laugh.

"Because i was going to record you so that you can later monitor yourself" Eunjung lied and Hyomin put down the bear  .

" Ok wait  Dani-ah " she called over a girl who was picking a diffrent song but was now dancing and holding hands with her.

"Did you hear that this girl is gonna be in our group  but shes goin be the new maknae."Hyomin explained while smiling.                                                                

"Hey, did you hear that Sunny misses you." Eunjung said which made Hyomin let go of Dani's hand and jump around not noticing the camera pointing at her.

AS Hyomin was jummping around the room Eunjung was recording her after a few minutes she stoped and walked back to her.

"Are you serious, she actually misses me ?" Hyomin asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes i was out with friends, they said that Sunny was moping around because of you"Eunjung said and almost immediatly she started jumping around.

"Does she like me 2 ." she paused and before anyone could say anything she spoke again " Wait ... dont answer that she's probley with someone"

Hyomin decided after a while to practice so she "infinite= the chaser"

                                                                                            _______________________--songs over :3--__________________________

" WOAhhhh  that was awsome!!"Dani said while clapping.

Hyomin walked over to a seat and just plopped down on it "IM SO TIRE--D"Hyomin yawned.

The door creaked open which made the camera face a girl walking in towards hyomin.

As  the girl reached Hyomin she sat on her lap and Hyomin put her chin on the girls shoulder.

"Hey, have you heard from Sunny ." the girl (Jiyeon) on Hyomin's lap asked which cause her to be pushed and to fall on the ground.

"Stop teasing me and dont say who-shall-not-be-name name "HYomin said and hit jiyeon's leg.

"OOooo-hhhh you mean Voldemort?" Dani asked which caused her to be hit in the head by Hyomin.

'Dani, it's Sunny from Snsd." Hyomin groaned and rolled over " Why am i stuck with yall?" Hyomin said while rolling on the ground.

"Why dont you just confess to her" Eunjung said while messing with the camera.

"Yh, i dont feel like getting beat up and getting rejected" Hyomin said as she was stretching in her chair.

The other 3 girls looked at her in pure shock.


                                                        SORRY FOR SHORT STORY STILL WRITING IT




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o.o yh its probley a weird story


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Chapter 2: this is so funny, updtade when you have time athour-san ~
YulSicSLTTR #2
I would like an update of this story, it has potencial
so bad :(
Chapter 2: You must update D: haha anyway its a good story :P
Update soon
nice chap! update soon.. :)
tafi089 #6
I dont know why but i laugh at the end
(: Please Update soon
JuanCarlos #7
Update soon pls^^
Comment if you want more chapters because i wrote this on my kindle DX its hard to do that.

IF you want me to add chapters/update then comment