Carnival event 1

Love in my life

Tiffany looked outside of her class window while her math

teacher was talking about some stuff that she was even paying

attention. It was a gloomy school day. The sky was grey and looked

confused. Sounds of rain ran throughout the window. It felt like the 

mood of Tiffany's today. She started to dose off due to the lack off 

sleep she had these past few days because of school work and 

such until a slight knock in the head prevented her to do so. She

rumbed her head and looked at the scary person in front of her.

Teacher: Again!

Tiffany: Sorry miss. I was just tired.

Teacher: Same excuse. If you find my class so boring then you

might well find detention so boring too. 

Tiffany: Hum.. what do you mean by that?

Teacher: I'll see you after school in this room Tiffany Hwang.

The teacher walked back to the front and continue her lecture,but

still keeping an eye on Tiffany. Tayeon looked at her embarrased

and frustrated best friend and whispered to her so that the teacher

will not give her detention too.

Taeyeon : What has gotten into you lately?

Tiffany: Just tired I guess.

Tiffany tried to focus more in the lectures she had all day but still

looked at the gloomy sky once a time. One guy looked at her 


Guy: (I have the courage...ask her!)


After school, everyone of her friends left without her since she had

detention. She has to go pay the price of her mistake. She entered

the room and saw few students here. Some were at her grade and 

others she did not knew who they were. She went quietly to one of 

the open seats that were far away from the scary looking people. 

As she waited for the teacher to come in, she noticed a loud clack

from the door. She looked who was the source of this commotion.

She sighed. She turned away immediatly from this person, hoping

that this person would not recognize her. Why does this person, 

the source of her problem these days, has to meet her like this. 

But, the important question to ask is that why does it still bother her

so much? That person took a seat next to her. He tried to make her 

look at him but all she was doing was facing the window. He was

poking her and asking her to look at him. But all she was doing

was that until she could not handle anymore. She faced him

with frustration.

Tiffany: YA! I am not in the mood to talk to you!

Nichkhun: (layed back on his chair) Really! Coming from the one who

moved on.

Tiffany: YA!

Then, the teacher came in. She noticed the angry Tiffany.

Teacher: Miss Hwang! You want another detention or not!

Tiffany: (Look at her teacher) No. No. Sorry mam. 

Tiffany forced herself to take the high rod and sat back properly in her sit.

She heard the person next to her laughing enthusiastically. A vein pop

in her head.The teacher walked to the front and faced all the troublemakers.

Teacher: Today's detention will not be so typical after all. 

One student: Is it cancel?!

Teacher: YA hush! Anyway, you'll guys will be helping decorate for this

upcoming town carnival that will be held this week in our school ground. 

Same student: What! Can we just stayed here and do nothing instead.

Teacher: YA! Another detention or not!

That student will not make any more comments after this. The teacher

took the troublemakers outside of the school where the carnival will be 

held. Thank god that it is not raining anymore and the ground is not that

wet. But still, the sky was a little bit gloomy for some rain to happen later.

As they went outside, they saw other students and local volunteers helping

and building for the carnival. Tiffany notice two familiar faces. After the

teacher explained what they had to do, Tiffany rushed to the familiar

people escaping a particular person who wanted to work with her. Tiffany

poked at them in order to get there attention. They turned there back to 


Jessica: Ouch! That hurts!

Yuri: Who did this!

Tiffany: I didn't know you guys were here! (Hugged her as a sorry gesture)

Jessica: Helping out.

Tiffany: Really? You Jessica, the one who said volunteering was for not 

worth it.

Jessica: Ya you! 

Tiffany: Just tell me what it the real reason.

Yuri: Well, it is for university. Trying to get some extracurricular activities.

Jessica: Since our record looks less then average, this might help and boost 

it up to average.

Tiffany: (Laughs)

Yuri: Hey! Why are you laughing!

Tiffany: Sorry. It just not normal for you guys. But I happy to see you guys

putting effort into this.

Jessica: Thanks. (Smiles)

Yuri: By the way, aren't you suppose to be in detention?

Tiffany: Long story.

Jessica: We have time.

Tiffany: I'll explained while I help you guys make these posters and set up 

the stands for the carnival.

As the day goes by, we can see food stands and also game stands being

held up and finish. Some profesionals were finished building the rides

like the small feris wheel for the carnival. Many people were tired but the

work paid off. After everything which was suppose to be finish for today, 

people gathered around a table for a small snack. Tiffany grab a lot of 

food since she was hungry. She did not eat a thing since this morning

due to her mood. She took the time to enjoy herself with her friends

without thinking of that particular thing even tough the source was looking

at her from the whole time all day. She did manage to escape from it 

but knew she had to face it soon or later. While she was talking to Yuri, 

Jessica and some other volunteers, she noticed a tap in the shoulder.

She saw it was Wooyoung.

Tiffany: Hey? You are here! I didn't even see you.

Wooyoung: I came in late that's why.

Tiffany: Ah! So how does it look? (Points at what they did)

Wooyoung: Perfect! (Laughs) I guess you helped for the carnival because

for detention.

Tiffany: (Hit his shoulder) I enjoyed it. I want to do other things like that.

Wooyoung: (Smiles) Come ask me, I have plenty off things like this

to do.

Tiffany: (Eye smiles) Sounds good.

Wooyoung blushed at the sight of this. He hid it but Tiffany noticed.

Tiffany: (Cute...)

Suddenly, drop of rains fell on the ground and then, a flop of heavy rain

felt on them. Some people yelled at everyone to go back inside the school.

Some people gathered the posters they made back inside the school in 

order to protect from the rain. Tiffany wanted take back what she and her

friends made since it was hard work she did. She took the stuff and ran. 

She ran too fast and fell on the a puddle of water. Soak and wet, she looked

at the ruined posters. She wanted to retrieved it but felt a hand grab her

bridal style. She looked who it was. Sigh. He ran back in the school while

carrying her. A certain guy was looking angrily at the situtation it is happening.

He put her in a seat and looked at her. Tiffany was looking at the damaged

posters she did outside,being all ruined. 

Nichkhun: (Worried) You could have catch a cold you know.

Tiffany: (Frustrated) I don't care.

Nichkhun: I do. 

Nichkhun held her hands to warm her up. Tiffany blushed at his touch.

Tiffany: (Why Tiffany....Why)

Soon after, Tiffany's friends found her. Nichkhun noticed and left saying 

some few words.

Nichkhun: Wait for me outside the school doors,I'll bring you back home.

Without answering, all she could do was agreed. Yuri,Jessica and Wooyoung

 went up to here with some hot water for her.

Jessica: Are you alright? What were you thinking!

Yuri: You could have catch a cold or even worse!

Jessica: Here, have some water! (Gave her the cup)

Tiffany: (Dissapointed) Guys, I am sorry. The posters are all ruined. I could

not save it.

Jessica: OMG!

Yuri: It is okay. We can make it any other time. All we want is you to be safe.

We can replace a poster, but we cannot replace you.

Yuri and Jessica hugged Tiffany.

Tiffany : Thanks guys.

After they finish hugging, Yuri noticed a really worried guy standing next to her.

Yuri: We'll leave you two alone for awhile.

Yuri grab Jesscia and went to talk with others leaving those two alone. Wooyoung

suddenly drop on his knees and held Tiffany's hand. Tiffany was surprised and 

touched for some reason,

Wooyoung: I should have carried you here.

Tiffany: (Tap his hand slightly) It's okay.

Wooyoung suddenly hugged her with all his might. He embraced her trying to

appology and to comfort himself and here that she was all okay. She respond.

They unhugged after a minute. They looked at each others.

Tiffany: I'm okay. Don't worry. (eye smiles)

Wooyoung smiled. That what he wanted to see and hear. 

Wooyoung: (This is the time) I have something to ask you.

Tiffany: Yes?

Wooyoung: You want to come with me to the carnival?

Tiffany: (Surprised) Um... (What does he mean by a friend or...) Sure.

Why not. It will be fun.

Wooyoung: (Smiles) Great. 

Tiffany: (Why?....)


After the rain stopped, everyone left to go home. Yuri and Jessica went

the seperate way. Wooyoung offered to accompany Tiffany home but she

lied that her father is coming to pick her up. Why did she lied? The thruth

is that she had an appointment with someone and that someone was already

waiting for her. She hoped inside his car and they drove off. In the car,

it was akwardly silent. Tiffany is again looking outside.

Nickhun: So how do you feel?

Tiffany: (Surprised) Um....(Courage!) Confused I guess...

Nickhun: What?! 

Tiffany: Wait! What are you talking about? Aren't you asking about

the thing you talked to me about the past days!

Nichkhun: (Laughs) You are so full minded. I am talking about today silly.

Tiffany: (Angry) If you are not taking this seriously, then you mind as well

not talk to me.

Abruptly, she felt his hand grabbing hers. 

Nichkhun: Who said I am not serious. (Looked at her intensively for a second 

before looking back at the road)

The rest of the ride was silent and his hand was still on hers. Tiffany felt stiff.

She was also blushing. During the ride,Nichkhun noticed a small smile on

Tiffany's face. He liked that.

When they arrive in front of her house, Tiffany took her hand off his and waited

for a second. She wanted to say something. She looked at him and bravely said.

Tiffany: I think it is not the right time.

Nichkhun: (Confused) For what?

Tiffany: You to love me again. And I to you.

Nichkhun: (Hurt) You are lying.

Tiffany: Um..What?!

Nichkhun: (Looked at her intensively) I know you still had feelings for me deep 

in you heart. I know you forgive me for what happen in the past. I truly regret

it and sorry for it. I broke your heart and now, I want to put it back up. WIth me

in your life. That is why, I will chase you down until you amit love me. I don't

care what you have to say. I still love you and you love me too.

Tiffany: Nichkhun...why...

Nichkhun: (Looked away because he was shy at what he said) It is late. Go 

rest. I'll see you tomorrow.

Tiffany got out the car and wanted to greeted him goodbye, but he just ran off.

Tiffany: Am I lying...






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WOW ‹𝟹
Chapter 70: KHUNFANY FOREVER!! <3
pinkypanter #3
Chapter 69: please update it so soon
Exosehunyehet #4
Chapter 68: Update soon author-nim, i love this story :)
meme19 #5
Chapter 68: Hey you know right that we always waiting for your update? Soo keep figthing writing-nim! I love this story. Keep in ;)
xxtreesha #6
Chapter 68: Is there going to be more chapters?
Amie_Harumi #7
Chapter 68: I'm happy now coz finally you update this story
Chapter 68: Don't abandon this fic~ TT TT
Sorry, I just had feelings that you will abandon this~
pinkypanter #9
Chapter 67: what happend to your promise?
Amie_Harumi #10
Chapter 67: Even Nichkhun an Tiffany broke up , please don't stop