Group date 2

Love in my life

Saturday! Yes today it's saturday. The day all the student can enjoy. No waking-up

early, no school,etc. The day to have fun. For Tiffany and her friends, this saturday,

they will be attending for the first time a group date. Tiffany was excited because

Taecyeon is coming  but on the hand, she was angry that Nichkhun and Yoona

is going. They will ruined her time with Taecyeon and her. Hope all goes well.


Tiffany arrived early to Nichkhun's place. Her parents drop her off and she entered his 

house to wait because it was an hour early. After seeing Tiffany at his hour this early,

Nichkhun was to annoyed. They were now in living room waiting for the others.

Nichkhun : Why did you come this early!

Tiffany : I organized this group date. I should be the first to be here.

Nichkhun : You know I wasn't awake when you came.

Tiffany : So are you wearing that to karaoke? (Looking at what he was waering)

Nichkhun was wearing a purple polo shirt with a small aligator sight and black jeans.

His black shoes were the kind that rich people wear.

For Tiffany, she wore a pink dress with yellow dotts on it. She wore red flats.

Nichkhun : Yes why?

Tiffany : Nothing. (He looks kinda hot.....Don't think of that Tiffany!) (She hits herself)

Nichkhun : (Weird girl)


After 30 minutes of talking, the door bell suddenly rang. Nichkhun and Tiffany went to open

the door.They have arrived together.

Yoona: Hi guys ! (Waving)

Yoona was wearing a yellow spaghetti shirt and a brown shorts. She wore beautiful high heels.

Taecyeon : Ready to go?

Taecyeon was wearing a blue polo shirt and black shorts. He wore blue shoes that 

ressembles the shoes of Nichkhun's.

Yuri and Minho : Let's go have some fun!

Yuri was wearing a black and purple dress with a big stunning belt. She wore black high heels.

Minho wore a polo shirt too but a red one. He was wearing a black and brown shorts. His shoes 

was a converse.

Taeyeon and Jessica : Let's go hurry ! Our resevertion!

Taeyeon wore a white t-shirts with letters on it and a blue jeans. She was wearing converse too.

Jessica was wearing a spaghetti shirt too but a red and white one. She was wearing  white shorts 

with high heels.

Wooyoung : Hurry!

Wooyoung was wearing a green and white button shirt with blue jeans. He was wearing a converse


Beakhyun,Jaebum and Junho were waiting for them near Nichkhun's dad car.

Beakhyun was wearing a brown t-shirt with blue jeans. He was wearing biker shoes.

Jaebum was wearing a black polo shirt with blue jeans and biker shoes.

Junho was wearing a long blue sleeves shirt with black jeans and biker shoes. He was also wearing



They enter Nichkhun's dad car and suprisingly, everyone could enter it. They arrived at a karaoke

place in the center of downtown Seoul. They enter the place and sat on the sofa. There room was

big adn classy. They took a place to sit :

Right to left

Minho,Yuri, Jessica, Jaebum, Baekhyun, Taeyeon, Wooyoung, Tiffany, Nichkhun, Yoona, Taecyeon 

and Junho.

Tiffany : (Why is Taecyeon so far from me and....why is Nichkhun sitting next to me!)


They ordered some food and the food quiclky came. Suddenly, Yoona took the microphone.

Yoona : Ok who wan to start? (Looking at everyone)

Everybody : (Silent)

Yoona : Oh come on! Let's do a couple song. Let's start with the couple....Yuri and Minho!

Minho : Why us!

Yuri : It'll be fun.

They took the microphones and sang a song.Everyone was cheering for them. After they sang, Jaebum

and Jessica sang, Taeyeon and Beakhyun sang. Yoona and the others force them to sang together.

After that, Yoona  chose to sang alone. Junho,Taecyeon and Nichkhun sang a rap song. With the mood

rising up,everybody sang and participated. But only Wooyoung and Tiffany didn't sang yet. They were to

shy to sing.So Yuri and Jessica force them to sang together and they did. They sang a love song.

Tiffany : (Why a love song) Wish me luck guys!

While they were singing,Tiffany never knew that Wooyoung had a good voice.

Tiffany : (He should a singing...)

Everybody : Tiffany your turn!

Tiffany : Opps....


The room was filled with cheers. Everybody was singing, eating and especially, having fun.Even

Wooyoung was having fun. All of the sudden, when the music stop, Yoona suggest playing truth 

or dare. Everyone wanted to play but Tiffany didn't because she knew if she chose truth ,her friends

would ask her if she likes somebody. Unfortunately, she was forces to play. They used a bottle

to turn and choose who will be the victim. During the game, Taecyeon had to ask waiter for his number,

Nichkhun had to tell a secret,Yuri had to tell here first time with Minho,Taeyeon had to kiss

Beakhyun on the cheek and Jaebum had to tell if he had ever liked someone. Unexpectedly,while

Tiffany was laughing at Nichkhun's secret, the bottle landed on her and Nichkhun had to dare her or

force her to tell the truth. Tiffany was shocked and scared because he knew she likes Taecyeon.

Tiffany : I choose....(Truth: He can ask me if I like someone in this room.Dare : Kiss Taecyeon!).....

I choose dare!

Nichkhun : Ok then....(Suddenly Taeyeon wispered in Nichkhun ears and it gave him an idea.)...So

I dare you to kiss a guy here on the lips. 

Tiffany : Taeyeon! Is this the revenge!

Tiffany forced Teayeon to kiss Beakhyun.

Taeyeon : Yeh...Hehe!

Nichkhun : If you don't to it then you'll have to do something more embarrasing.

Yuri,Jessica, Yoona and Taeyeon : Do it,do it, do it, do it.

Tiffany : (Looking at everyone) (Who should I kiss!!!! Baekhyun,Jaebum and because

they have a girl. because I bearly know him. way because Yoona is here!

Nichkhun....never! Wooyoung.....I already hug him.)

Suddenly, Tiffany took Wooyoung's face and she kiss him on the lips. Everyone was shocked especially

Nichkhun and Taecyeon. She then let go after 5 seconds and quiclky look away from him.It was akward.

Yoona : Ok let's continue.

Wooyoung: (Suprised and had red cheeks)

After Tiffany kissed Wooyoung, she went to the bathroom. She was so hot. 

Tiffany : (Why did I did it!) (With red cheeks) 

She washed and face and came outside.She bumps into Taecyeon.

Taecyeon : Tiffany,are you ok.

Tiffany : I'm good! (Taecyeon....)Let's go back.

Taecyeon : Wait! I brought you something.(Gives her a pink bracelet )

Tiffany : Thanks but why?

Taecyeon : Just a gift.

Tiffany: Thanks.

They enterd the room and they sat at there places.

Tiffany : Let's continue playing!

Everyone : Yah!

Wooyoung : (Talks quietly with Tiffany) You ok?

Tiffany : I'm good. It's just a game you know that right?

Wooyoung : Yah....


It was now 10pm, everyone had fun.It was the best hang out that Tiffany and her friends

attended to. The group date went great. Nichkhun drop everyone off and at the was just

Tiffany and Nichkhun in the car.

Nichkhun : So have a great time?

Tiffany : Yes you?

Nichkhun : Ok....

Tiffany : Why ok? Isn't the best group date you had attend ?

Nichkhun : Yah but I needed something more...

Tiffanyy : Like what?

The car stopped at Tiffany's place. Out of the blue,Nichkhun kissed Tiffany on her lips.Tiffany was

was suprised.She tried to push him away but Nichkhun holding her tighly. Eventually, Tiffany

didn't let go because Nichkhun was a great kisser. Tiffany was trapped in Nichkhun lips.She had no

emotions.She wanted only to kiss him back. They kissed like a minute and then they let go. 

Nichkhun : ....Bye see you at school.

Tiffany : ....Bye (Red cheeks)

Tiffany got off the car and ran to her house.

Tiffany : (Nichkhun.....why did you kiss me?But most importantly, why did I kiss him back...)

Nichkhun : (Tiffany....That is what I needed to make this night perfect)



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WOW ‹𝟹
Chapter 70: KHUNFANY FOREVER!! <3
pinkypanter #3
Chapter 69: please update it so soon
Exosehunyehet #4
Chapter 68: Update soon author-nim, i love this story :)
meme19 #5
Chapter 68: Hey you know right that we always waiting for your update? Soo keep figthing writing-nim! I love this story. Keep in ;)
xxtreesha #6
Chapter 68: Is there going to be more chapters?
Amie_Harumi #7
Chapter 68: I'm happy now coz finally you update this story
Chapter 68: Don't abandon this fic~ TT TT
Sorry, I just had feelings that you will abandon this~
pinkypanter #9
Chapter 67: what happend to your promise?
Amie_Harumi #10
Chapter 67: Even Nichkhun an Tiffany broke up , please don't stop