Chapter 6

When butterflies fall in love, do they get humans in their stomach?


Taemin P.O.V


“You killed it on that stage, Tae,” Jonghyun smiled as he pulled me into a hug, “in both dances. Great job!” I smiled and hugged him back.

“Thanks hyung. I just did my best,” I said when Key pulled me out.

“My baby! You are one amazing dancer, do you know that?!” he said proud, “even though I hate you for dancing in a condition like that. I mean…” he pulled my shirt up and looked at my stomach in front of everyone, “I only see bruises here! That guys is going to die as soon as I see him!” Embarrassed, I tried to pull my shirt down; I first succeed when someone cleared . Key pulled back and then I saw my mother. She sent me a smile.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here in the first round,” she said, “but I must say… I’m very proud of you, Taemin,” she smiled to me and I widened my eyes. My mum was here? She had seen me dance? And win?! It was a dream. She couldn’t be here, could she? She always had work, always! The only thing that helped me being sure that it wasn’t a dream, was the pain I felt in my leg when I slowly walked against her and let her hug me. My mum was here.


“ARRRRRRGH, THE PAAAAAAAAIN!” I whined and threw myself at the couch, crumbling together, “it hurts damn much! I’m gonna die!”

“Yah, did you remember to take your painkillers?!” Key asked and tried to hold me down.

“…before I left the house,” I mumbled through the pain.

“Aish you!” Key disappeared and a second later came back with a glass of water and a handful of painkillers.

“Here. Take these,” he said, “if you ever dance in that condition again, I’m seriously going to tie you to your bed until you’re completely healed, you hear me?!”

“Key, calm down. Taemin won because of that-”

“Yeah I know! But he worries the out of me!” Key cut off Jonghyun, “how can I leave him here tomorrow? How can I make sure he gets his rest, huh?!”

“I will make sure of that.” I looked up and saw Amber, “don’t worry.”

“A-Amber? What are you doing here?” I asked surprised, “weren’t you… like, going home?” Amber smiled and shook her head.

“Nope. My parents and brothers decided to eat at my grandparents in the other end of Seoul so I was stuck alone. Can I join this party?” I groaned in pain and scowled at her.

“What party?” I mumbled and she laughed.

“Serves you right.”


“Should we watch a movie or something?” Amber suggested when the TV-shows on the television started getting boring. I mean, they only sent old dramas on every channel! Those you’d always watched at least three times and remembered everything of. I nodded.

“Yeah…” I looked around, “where did Key and Jonghyun go?” I asked and tilted my head. Amber shrugged.

“They’ll be back soon?” she said. I nodded and looked at her.

“You can find a movie then,” I said, “there are some here and some in my room. I don’t care, choose what you wanna watch…” Amber nodded and went to the shelf.

“Don’t you have any horrors?” she asked. I nodded smiling.

“In my room.”


Amber P.O.V


I went to Taemin’s room and just opened the door without thinking. Maybe I should have listened first or something, ‘cause what I saw – and heard – wasn’t something I really wanted to see. Jonghyun and Key were having… a very loud making out session on Taemin’s bed. I fast closed the door and hurried back to Taemin.

“Tae, I think we’re going to watch one of these movies… alone,” I said. He looked at me.

“Huh?” he tilted his head, then smiled a bit, “Jonghyun and Key were using my room?” he said. I nodded, wondering how he could talk that freely about it.


“REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE SHEETS!” Taemin yelled, without getting a response, then smiled to me.

“They have been like that since they started dating. I’m kind of used to it now…” 

“Ehh… o-okay?” I said. He laughed.

“Choose a movie. They can join us if they want to…”


Somehow, I ended up finding a horror-movie anyways among all the movies in the living room, one that was scary just from the start. Taemin was staring at the screen all the time, hugging a pillow tight as he watched and more than once I removed my gaze from the TV to look at him. He was interesting to watch. He moved all the time, I didn’t know if it was because of the pain or the movie and his face showed hundreds of emotions in some way. 

“Don’t open the door, don’t open the door,” he mumbled and led my gaze back to the screen. And the guy in the movie, opened the door. Stupid. Taemin made a jump in surprise and somehow landed with his thigh against mine.

“Uh-oh… s-sorry,” he mumbled and moved away again. I bit my lip and just kept my gaze at the screen.

“AWKWARD TURTLES, what are you watching?!” a high voice yelled right after as Key and Jonghyun entered.

“Horror,” Taemin said, keeping his gaze at the TV just like me. Or, I looked up and saw Key study Taemin’s face. I also looked at him and saw a slight blush on his cheeks. How cuuuuuuute~ Wait.

Scratch that.

Key sat down beside Taemin, making him jump again.

“Umma!” he complained, “it hurts in my… back!”


3rd Person P.O.V


The movie ended with no other embarrassing situations and after that, Amber really had to pee. She excused herself and ran of as soon as the scrolling credits started and that made Jonghyun laugh.

“Funny girl,” he said and looked at Taemin. Taemin bit his lip and shrugged. Then he looked at Key.

“Key, can I ask you something private?” he asked. Key looked at his boyfriend who nodded and got up.

“I’ll… go and… check your room,” he said and left. Key chuckled, then looked at the younger.

“What is it baby?” he asked. Taemin hesitated. How should he say it?

“I… I’m getting this weird feeling in my stomach sometimes,” he said and bit his lip, “I don’t know…”

“Is it anytime Amber is near?” Key asked and chuckled. Taemin thought for some seconds, then nodded and looked down. Key chuckled again.

“Baby, that’s what’s called butterflies.” He said, “Butterflies in your stomach!”

“Butterflies? Why? Is it some feeling?” Taemin asked. Key laughed now.

“Yes baby, it is. It’s called ‘falling in love’,” he said and hugged his friend, “and I approve!” Taemin blushed furiously.

“Umma then… if we get butterflies… when butterflies fall in love, do they get humans in their stomach?” Taemin already knew that it was a weird question to ask, but he wanted to know. Key smiled and shook his head. Taemin wasn’t a kid but he talked so innocently sometimes! Especially around Key.

“It’s just a saying, Taemin ah. But since I never had been able to talk to a butterfly, I can’t really answer your question,” he winked and Taemin blushed.

“Oh…” he said. Then Key ruffled his hair.

“Nuuuuurh… my baby is in looooooove~ Aigoo, how cute!” Key’s umma-feel started and he hugged the younger tight, forgetting about Taemin’s pain until the younger pushed him away.

“U-umma… it hurts!” he said and rubbed his back. Key looked down.

“Sorry… I couldn’t help it.”


Amber P.O.V


“J-Jonghyun? What are you doing?” The door to Taemin’s room was opened and inside, Jonghyun stood and looked around, blankly. He looked at me in surprise.

“Huh? Oh… I…” he hesitated, “Taemin wanted me to find something… but… I can’t find it,” he said and came to me. I tilted my head.

“What is it?” I asked, “maybe I know where it is?” Jonghyun shook his head.

“Nothing important. He can just get it later,” he said and smiled, “let’s go back!”


There was a bit weird atmosphere that night when we went to bed. Jonghyun and Key got Taemin’s bed and Taemin brought two madrasses for him and me on the floor.

“Eyyyyyyyy Taemin. Why are you making a space between the madrasses?” Jonghyun asked and kicked the two together, making Taemin stare frightened at him.

“H- hyung! She... Amber is... she’s a girl hyung!” Jonghyun was grinning like a kid, then he smiled innocently.

“Sooooo? You two are close right?” Taemin looked at me and then nodded.

“O- of course but... but still,” he mumbled and looked down at his feet.

“It’s okay. I see no problem, really,” I said and shrugged. I really hoped that no one could hear my heartbeat right now.

“See? It’s okay Taemin!” Jonghyun smiled widely and clapped Taemin’s back. Key just rolled his eyes but smiled satisfied.


Key P.O.V


I snuggled into Jonghyun’s chest as Taemin turned off the lights. I’d seen him send me reproachful glances since I didn’t discuss the madrass thing with Jonghyun and took his side. 

“That’s my foot Taemin!” Amber whined after a few seconds and I could hear Taemin apologize immediately. Jonghyun chuckled and pecked my forehead. I heard Taemin find his place and pull his duvet over his body.

“Goodnight guys,” Amber mumbled yawning.


“Goodnight Amber!”

“Sweet dreams~” we all said and that was kind of it. Soon Jonghyun’s snores were filling the room, mixing with Taemin and Amber’s heavy breaths. I dozed off soon after...


Wuf wuf!

I opened my eyes sleepily. It was still dark outside but a dog was barking, what sounded like right outside the window. I sat up and looked down at my sleeping boyfriend’s face. He was still sleeping peacefully, with a face like a little happy kid. I couldn’t help but smile at him. He was really something. 

I turned my attention towards the two on the floor and my mouth opened instantly. They were laying pretty close. Like, one of the madrasses almost weren’t actually needed! I stretched my body over Jonghyun’s to get a closer look as my curiosity took over. Between their bodies were there hands laying an inch from each other. The biggest shock came though when I saw Amber’s fingers gently entangle with Taemin’s. I lost my grab of the bededge and fell down with a loud THUD. Amber sat up immediatly and Jonghyun groaned loudly.

“K- Key,” she whispered surprised. I couldn’t quite see her but the look of her face told me that she was very surprised. I gulped.

“I... I was about to go to the bathroom,” I whispered, “but I fell of Jonghyun!” She nodded slowly.

“Sorry!” I whispered as I got up and hurried out of the room. 

God damn it, Kim Kibum!


“Umma~ Umma, get up!” Someone was poking my cheek repeatedly. I groaned and hit that persons hand away and snuggled my duvet as I couldn’t feel anyone by my side. 

“Go away,” I mumbled as someone pulled in the duvet, “mine!”

“Umma, c’mon! Everybody’s up already! Breakfast is ready!” I sat up immediately.

“Who cooked? Taemin, I swear, if you and Jonghyun-”

“Amber did! Don’t worry,” Taemin rolled his eyes and I sighed relieved.

“Good. I wouldn’t have eaten if it was you or that dino who cooked,” I mumbled. Taemin chuckled softly.

“Don’t worry. Amber is great! Now get up!”

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Chapter 6: Omg I freakish love this! TAEBER ALLLLLL THE WAY I TELL YA! Beautiful job, I say! Beautiful! Should there be an update anytime soon, yes? ^.^
Waiting for the update! This is cute c:
Lukber #3
Chapter 6: great fanfic ..please update soon
SHINeeFever_95 #4
Chapter 6: Cute~!!!! I can't wait for the both of them to figure their feelings out!!!
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 6: Make taeber kissing soon yo!
Please add the TaeBer tag here so that the anyber lovers can find your story ^^ LOVE IT SO MUUUUUCH , Amber and TaeMin are so sweet and loving , JongKey as always JJANG
mssavor404 #7
Chapter 4: Yay Update!!!! I can't believe Taecyeon would do that tsk tsk...atleast it wasn't Junho who in my bias in 2PM LOL. I'm torn between wanting Tasking to perform, & wanting him to rest (my poor baby). Just wanted you to know I'm here looking forward for your updates!
mssavor404 #8
Chapter 3: Wow. This is the first hetero fanfic I've ever liked. I started reading it before I saw how long ago an update was. Hopefully oneday you'll go back to it. I subscribe!
sleepylips #9
this story is so strange that i might have to sub to it! ^__^ (i'm always on hetero fics. so this is new to me)
genderswitch, what a nice idea! LOL