Chapter 13

In Time By Your Side

"Are you ready for this?" Kai asked you as you two walked up to the crowd of students surrounding the assigned classes paper. You took a deep breath and sighed deeply. You were really hoping you'd get into class with Kai this time, you had your fingers crossed.

You finally got to the front of the crowd and your eyes started searching like crazy for your name. "I've gotten Class C1." Kai said.

"I've gotten class C2." You said sadly. Kai just shrugged. "Looks like I'll be facing another semester without Kai with me.." you thought sadly.

"Hey Hey!" SoHee yelled behind you. She was holding hands with Tao, which you noticed, but it didn't erk you anymore. You were numb when it came to Tao. Basically, you just didn't care for him anymore. You had a house and dad to look after anyway. You were glad to you see your friend again, you hadn't seen SoHee all summer, obviously because she was too busy with her boyfriend.

"What class?" You asked SoHee. 

"Class C3! What about you?" She replied.

You frowned, "Class C2.."

"Ah, looks like you'll be having class with Panda.." SoHee said awkwardly. 

"Who is that?" You and Kai asked simultaneously.

"Tao sillies!" SoHee said, holding onto Tao's arm. You felt Kai looking at you. He was probably trying to see how you'd react or if he could read how you felt. You took in a deep breath, what had happened, had happened, and it was last semester. You were over it. 

"Cool!" You replied. The first bell rang warning everyone to get to class. 

"Well then see you!" SoHee said to you and she kissed Tao before she left to go to class. Kai gave you a half hug and waved bye before he walked to class.

You felt really odd, you didn't know whether you should just ignore Tao or try talking to him? You weren't trying to rekindle your friendship but you didn't want to be rude either. Anyways, you knew better than to get hung up in things like anger.

"So.. we have the same class again.. cool.." you said awkwardly. Tao just nodded. "Did you have a nice summer break with SoHee..?" Tao just shrugged. He was being difficult and you really weren't going to force him to speak. If he didn't want to, it probably just made things easier for you. After that you didn't try to talk to him again. You both just walked to class together, at a distance, in silence.

When you finally got to class you sat at a seat in front so there wouldn't be any distractions from the lessons and it seemed Tao made a point to sit as far away from you as possible. Not that you really cared, afterall, it was for the best. 



"Oh, back in the basemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeent! Ohhhhhhhhhhh the dustyyyyy old school basemeeeeeeeeeeeeent!" Kai jokingly sang as you guys sat down on the stairs splitting an egg sandwhich. You just laughed being careful not to choke on the piece you were chewing.

"I have to admit, it is nice being here again." You said making sure not to speak while you had food in your mouth.

"Mhm." Kai had a mouthful of the sandwhich, his cheeks looked like a hamster's. It made you giggled. "Kai is so cute.." You thought feeling a million reasons why you loved him coming back at you full force. You felt your heart beating quickly again.

"Sorry I'm late!" SoHee said coming down the stairs, going between you and Kai to the dusty old couch and she wasn't alone. Tao followed quietly behind her. "Ah, yeah, I hope you guys don't mind! Tao is going to be eating with us now! I mean we've been dating for almost two months now.." SoHee put an emphasis on the word "dating" as if no one knew about them. "Well say "hi" Tao!" SoHee nudged him. Tao awkwardly raised his hand and waved it once. Now, you seriously almost choked on your sandwhich. It was the most funniest thing - you only let out a giggle which then turned into a vicious cough.

"Woah, are you okay?" Kai asked you. You tried to nod yes but you don't think he noticed because you were coughing so hard and you couldn't stop. You felt Kai's hand hitting your back and someone offering you water. But it wasn't Kai's hand on your back.. it was Tao's. This came as such a shock to that you started to cough even more.

"Try to calm down a bit and drink some water okay?" Tao urged you looking straight into your eyes, not hitting your back anymore but gently rubbing it. You didn't think much about it and obeyed what he told you. You tried to calm the coughs down then took a gulp of water, and slowly they disappeared. After your last cough everyone sat in the basement awkwardly. "What now..? Someone speak..? Please..?" You thought feeling your face getting red.

Tao stood up and cleared his throat, "It sure is a good thing I decided to take life guard lessons this summer huh?" 

"Yeah, definantly, thanks Tao." Kai said sincerely while rubbing your back. SoHee just sat on the couch expressionless.

"Tao and I should.. go.." SoHee said, seeming to give Tao some weird look.

"Sure." Kai said. You were refusing to speak. You just almost died and Tao came to your rescue. "Thank god for Tao's life guard lessons.." you thought.

SoHee gripped onto Tao's wrist and led him up the stairs.



"What was that?!" SoHee asked Tao, angrily.

"Are you serious?! Your 'best friend' was almost dying! Would you have prefered for me to have sat there motionless, watching much like you did? Would that have made you feel better SoHee?" Tao replied, sarcastically.

"That's not fair Tao!" SoHee said sitting down on the bench trying to hold back tears.

"What? That I just saved a life? Okay, yeah I'll remember that the next time someone is about to die. No, no let me just watch someone die if you're in the room."

"You offered her your water.. you've never did that for me before.."

"Have you almost ever died?"

"Tao, you're dating me. It's been almost two months, aren't you ever going to accept that?"

"Accept that you forced me into a relationship? Well, I don't know SoHee. I guess I haven't really adjusted to that reality yet."

"You've gotten so sarcastic Panda.." SoHee said, wrapping her arms around Tao's neck. Tao just said there emotionless. He'd gotten used to it by now, not that he cared. She kissed him and it was the same. It was nothing to him.

"Did you feel anything?" SoHee asked him, hopeful.

"No." Tao replied, nonchalantly. The word stung SoHee. In return, Tao felt his cheek stinging within a second when SoHee slapped him, tears threatening to flow from her eyes. She walked away angrily as the bell for lunch to end and class to countinue rang.


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Okay, Chap 9 is a tad bit short... Sorry guys! But I hope you enjoy it! x


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Kpop2000April #1
Chapter 16: Oh no girl you got them wrapped around your finger <- pretending to be gangsterish
Anyways i have an idea for a future scene * please use it* ok so _____ has a fight with Sohee and ______ storms home and her dad is still at the same spot and ____ bursts into anger and starts packing her things shouting at him " Talk.... Now.. Dammit talk or else I'm leaving this place." -silence- *tears forming* "Fine if that is how you want it." <--- drama =(•_•)//
go kai go kai go kai go kai
Shawtygrrulzzang #3
Chapter 14: Tao . My Panda . ♥ Update fast author-nim .
Chapter 13: About time u update this ff!xD
Aww Kai <3
Wonder if she'll ever find out what actually happened...
Update soon! <3
thip_exo #6
fangirl4life #7
waaahh <3 KAI
sorry. bias things. cx
Dude, I think a couple of tears fell out when I read this... (I'm such a softie >_<)
aw thanks for the shout out at the end :') That was even better than I had expected! total plot twist omg I'm interested in seeing where this all goes