Chapter Two

그 입술을 뺏었어 (I Stole Those Lips)


Back in the Classroom. . .

                "Hayoung! Did you do the homework for Chinese?" Hayoung's desk neighbor Sehun asked, looking at her with desperate eyes.

                "Sehun, when have I ever done my homework? Besides, LuHan's a cool guy! He won't kill us!"

                "Did you do your English homework? Kris isn't as sincere."

                ". . . I'm screwed"

                "Dammit, so am I, and it's all your fault."



                "Students! Let's settle down~!" The happy Chinese teacher sang as he clapped. The girls in the class giggled at the teacher's childish behavior and how cute he looked. After the kids had settled down, LuHan flashed one of his signature smiles. "We have a new student today! Be nice to him and treat him well ne?"

                After LuHan had finished, the classroom door slid open, and a handsome boy entered the classroom. Girl's eyes dilated as the boy looked at the class and smiled gently. He had jet black hair that was messily (but with style) tossed around, had eyes that naturally formed into a crescent, and small, thin lips that girls would yearn to have. Let's just conclude that he was better than the average Korean student.

                "Hello, my name is Lee MinHyuk! Please take care of me!" He said with a happy tone, and girls squealed with excitement.

                "Is there anyone who would like to give this new student a tour?" LuHan asked, and almost all the girls' hands shot up like a rocket.

                "Why can't they volunteer like that in class to answer a math question?" Hayoung grumbled, and SeHun laughed.

                "Well I don't know Hayoung. Would you rather find the reason why the quadratic formula is what it is, or take a hot guy on a school tour?"

                "The math one because I know you would go instead of me!" Hayoung grinned, and SeHun rolled his eyes.

                "Hayoung!" LuHan called, and Hayoung's head swung towards the young-looking teacher. "Can you take MinHyuk on a school tour?"

                "I didn't volunteer Mr. Han" Hayoung replied with a polite (and slightly sarcastic) tone. LuHan ignored Hayoung's tone of voice and smiled.

                "This'll get you out of Chinese and English, and we all know" Mr. Han gestured the whole class " that you didn't do your homework."

                "SeHun didn't either!" SeHun smacked Hayoung on the arm, and Hayoung smacked him back.

                "No Hayoung! Get your lazy off of that seat and give this young man a tour before I call your gaurdian!" LuHan yelled, making Hayoung, SeHun, and the rest of the class freeze. They haven't seen LuHan, the happy, doe-eyed teacher get this mad before.



                "So I don't even know what I'm supposed to do" Hayoung started, as she slid the classroom door shut behind her. "Do you want to see anything specific in our school?" she asked, turning around to face the new student.

                "A general tour would be nice? Like the one Mr. Han asked you to do?" MinHyuk replied with a mocking tone.

                "Cut the crap" Hayoung snapped, already irritated from being kicked out of class without doing anything wrong (this time). "

                "Aww, sorry am I annoying you?" MinHyuk teased, and Hayoung wanted to rip her hair out.

                "Yes you are."

                "Too bad you have to deal with me for two class periods"

                "You son of a unicorn."


After School . . .


                "... then he locked me in the music room!" Hayoung exclaimed, earning laughter from her so called "friends".

                "How did you even get tricked into the music room?" JiEun asked, trying to hold in her growing laughter.

                "He told me to show him the music room, and after I stepped in the room, I turned around to see him closing the door and holding the handle!"

                "I'm sorry to hear about your rough day" JiEun tried to comfort Hayoung, patting her back. "You probably won't have to deal with him anymore! I mean the seat next to you is taken by SeHun right?"

                "... I guess so..." Hayoung sighed. "We should buy some ice cream. I need to cool my head"

                "You always have to cool your head. You're worse than JongIn when he gets angry. And that guy turns into a human hulk I swear" ChiHoon commented, resulting in a punch from Hayoung.



                "Hayoung! That's enough!" SungJae cried, tugging Hayoung's free arm as the other grabbed the frozen yogurt lever. "Do you know how expensive frozen yogurt is?! That looks like it weighs 3 kilograms!"

                "Shut up SungJae! I'm in stress. Girls eat when they're stressed." Hayoung grumbled, reluctantly releasing the lever and grabbing the cup from underneath. "Chihoon's buying this time right?"

                "Yeah! I - what?! I'm paying?! This is not the reality I wanted!" Chihoon cried, grabbing his hair and yanking on it.

                "You're the richest out of us! You're a fitting model for Abokiss for goodness sake!" Hayoung bluntly stated, and SungJae glared at her. Chihoon put his hands on his waist with an 'are-you-for-real' expression. Hayoung only scoffed.

                "That's awfully rude Hayoung, you should apologize" SungJae scolded, and Hayoung rolled her eyes.

                "You're just like HimChan at times SungJae" Hayoung whined.

                "That's what I'm aiming for"

                "I want to chuck this expensive ice cream on your face right now, Yook SungJae."


At Home. . .


                "HimChan! I'm home!" Hayoung yelled. She quickly kicked her shoes off and her backpack on the ground. "What are we going to have for dinner?"

                "Hayoung! Be respectful and use formal language with me! I was born 5 years before you!"

                "My speech towards you show how close we are!"

                "Oh B.S. Hayoung. I made pasta a few minutes ago. It's still in the pot."

                "Thanks bro! You're the bomb!"




                After eating, Hayoung went to her room and jumped on her bed. She pulled out her phone and she saw a few new messages from people.


                [From : SungJae]

                -Do you think you can help me with math?


                Hayoung rolled her eyes.


                [From : Hayoung]

                -Is that what you say to your best childhood friend? Where's my 'hello'? And yeah sure. Give me the problem.


                She sent the message and scrolled  through her inbox. JiEun texted her about the new kid (Hayoung thinks that she has the 'hots' for him), SeHun asked help for basically all the subjects (I don't even know he got into the honors high school class) and Chihoon sent pictures of him modeling and asking which pose suited him the most. She quickly replied to them and rolled around in her bed. She didn't want to go to school tomorrow if it was the last thing on earth.



A/N hit me now. . . LOL I'm so sorry I haven't updated. . . I have no excuse and its really sad how I forced myself to write this chapter. . . maybe after the plot unfolds more I'll have more fun writing this. ..  but I started this fic when I was in my BtoB phase, , , I went back to my original B2St and B1A4 and then suddenly I liked SeHun more than I did before EXO came out (I called the maknae when I heard SM was going to release a new group. ..  I know its sad) Congratz to SeHun for graduating high school though!

And then I bought an EXO album and I didn't get a Sehun card *enter children awwws here*

I love BtoB no matter what, but my motive for writing went down, and I started to read more than write (LOL) 

I'll try to update faster, but sorry for this pathetic chapter

P.S. Teacher LuHan and Kris. . . damn I would take Chinese and English just for them.


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Chapter 2: Will you finish the story? Please???
Chapter 1: I want to know more pleaseee ;;
Chapter 2: i like this storyline though! Its cute... Btw this hayoung, is the one from apink or just a character you create? Lol
Chapter 2: i subscribed after reading the foreword...the first two chapters were good! update soon!~
Chapter 2: Waiting ! ~
Chapter 1: Because it catches our eyes xD
Keke~ spoil brat? Dramas? I agree.. I have seen soo many dramas~
Update soon, author nim :)
Chapter 1: OMG you finally updated. :D and on New Years too!!!
Chapter 1: OMG finally!!!!!! I missed this story!!!!!!!! Awwwwwww why did you erase your chapters?!?! Well update soon!!