Their Love Is Enough

Flow Like A River
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Prompt 8: Cherish

Character(s): Zhou Mi, Henry Lau

Setting: SS4 Shanghai (04/14/2012)


It was another Super Show 4 concert, this time in Shanghai. Zhou Mi let out a small sigh as he scanned the audience, taking in the empty seats right as the music started for his solo. He shook his head to clear his thoughts so he could focus on one thing – singing. Just do what you always do, Mi. Be thankful for the ones that are here.

He sang his solo, putting as much emotion into the song as he could without straining his throat. Pretty soon, the song was over and as he smiled and exited the stage, he couldn’t help but think how even though it had already been four years, it seemed like some things still never changed.

Some time later, it was time for Super Junior-M to perform “Perfection.” Zhou Mi and Henry had been getting ready in one of the dressing rooms and were almost finished. It had been strangely quiet, which bothered the tall vocalist, because Henry was anything but quiet. He glanced over when he heard Super Junior’s “actual” maknae let out a small sigh. The younger one caught his eye and smiled bitterly, shaking his head.

“It’s always the same thing when we perform here, isn’t it, ge?” he murmured while putting on his suit jacket. “Especially ever since…” he sighed and shook his head again. “You’d think things would change, but—”

“Xianhua,” Zhou Mi interrupted him softly, using the violinist’s Chinese name instead. He knew that Henry usually didn’t like being addressed as such, so Zhou Mi made sure to only use it whenever he was being serious. The taller man walked over to him and put his arms around the younger one, enveloping him in a hug. “Don’t dwell on the past, Xianhua – it can’t be changed. You know we can’t make everyone happy and that there’s always going to be some people out there who aren’t happy with us being a part of a Super Junior subgroup. Remember what Lìtè-ge said at Super Show 4 in Seoul – ‘Our Henry and Zhou Mi, you have to treasure them more; that way, Super Junior can last for 100, 200 years.’[i] We have brothers and fans who cherish us, Henry. Their love is one of the things that keeps me going and prevents me from giving up. Doesn’t it do the same for you?” He let go of the younger one, knowing that it was almost time for them to perform (if Ryeowook’s panicked shouting outside their dressing room was any indication). He grabbed the long trench coat that came with his outfit and gave the younger one a warm smile. “Now come on, we need to go show those fans that we’re ‘太完美’.

The young violinist let out a chuckle as he followed the taller man out the door. Right before they had to appear on stage, he reached out and gave the vocalist’s hand a squeeze. Zhou Mi turned around and looked at him questioningly. Henry only smiled and muttered a “thank you” in Cantonese, to which the other responded with a smile of his own. They lined up on stage and performed the routine that, by now, could have been performed in their sleep. Everyone gave it their all, but none more so than the two Chinese members who, despite first appearances, never really liked to perform in Shanghai after the incident in March 2010. But they vowed to never give up. They would keep going – for Super Junior, for their fans, and for themselves.

The rest of the concert passed by as it normally did – Zhou Mi and Henry remained backstage after Super Junior-M’s performance, watching as song after song was performed. When it came time for them to come out, they did so quietly, each sporting a small smile on his face as he gazed at the audience. Zhou Mi smiled wider when he saw a group of fans holding birthday banners for him, touched that some of them actually remembered, even though it was still a little early.

“Zhou Mi, what are your thoughts about today?”[ii] asked Super Junior’s ever-talkative

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Chapter 7: Wanna know how I'm an idiot? I saw that this was updated (back when you posted the Aaron Yan chapter) but I went straight to the last chapter and was reading it like, "I thought I've read this before" O_o and then coming back and finally checking my notifications, I saw this was updated again and I went straight to the last chapter again before I finally realized my mistake XP so after reading Aaron's chapter and this one...

First off, I'm happy that you're back with this story! ^_^

I've never heard of Bella Yao so I had to look her up but this was still devastating to read. But I like how you were able to help us visualize her final moments. this was so touching.
Mistachio24 #2
Chapter 6: .................... ./teary :<
Mistachio24 #3
Chapter 4: (because the song wasn't meant to be sung by one person."

this.. just... resonates with me sdm... like they're always in "misery loves company" situations together, and boy have they gone thru a lot... thanks for the angst (/brb drowning in feels)
Chapter 5: I love this! You write zhoury bro love with angst. That's the best mix!!
Chapter 5: ohmygod.



i've always felt that henry and zhoumi should be appreciated way more than they are now, and these drabbles just broke my heart :c
... i literally have tears in my eyes right now. ohmigoodness, i love henry and zhou mi so much! i'm so sad that they're always dealing with crap for not being superjunior13. superjunior15 ftw!
Awww Zhou Mi and Henry went through so much crap!! But i'm glad that they keep smoing for us fans! ^_^
4: OMG I cried it. I wasn't very confused, but the author note helped. This is so beautiful <3
3: OMG I don't want to hear such a heartbreaking music as well ;w;