~ H-7 Minah's birthday ~

○ Not a simple friendship ○


The next afternoon, it was Sunday, and you still had not news from Jiho. You were sitting at your desk, in front of a drawing that you started,  you watched your phone in your hands. You hesitated to send a message, you don't know if he would answer you, or how he would answer you. In addition, today was the birthday of Minah, you wondered if he was still prepare her surprise party, and if you were always invited...
"Ahhh .... I wonder if I should go see him ? .... Yes?? " You up from your chair, "Why ? I've done nothing wrong, it's not me to apologize. "
You stale," Yes, but .. I want to know what he does ... No! _________-ah stay at home ! "
You put your phone on a corner your desk. "Yes, here, I will not see you, and don't send a single message to you,  Mr. jealous of everyone WOO JIHO !" You took your pencil to continue your drawing when your mother knocked on your door and entered in your room.
"____________-Ah? Can you report this to the mother of Jiho please? I had borrowed." You turned slowly and looked at your mother,
"Why me?! It's you who has borrowed it, not me." And you turned at your drawing,  your mother looked almost shocked that you didn't go, because usually you jumped on every opportunity to go hang out at Jiho's house .
"Okay ... You got some issues with Jiho darling?"
"No," you still look at your drawing, without taking a look at your mother.
"Well ... In this case, I'll go by myself ... While I still have many things to do ..." Your mother took a tone of complaint, but you know very well that she did it on purpose soften, and sighed.
"What to do ? Cooking ? There are ready meals, just to warm up ! Housekeeping ? I did this morning ..." Your mother grimaced, stuck out her tongue, then closed your door. You sighed ... You stopped your pencil , you looked at the photo of you and Jiho which was on a corner of your desk, you shook your head and continued to draw ... A few seconds later you speed up and ran outside and caught your mother.
"Moooom ! " Your mother stopped and turned, you arrived at her level.
"Let me carry that to the Jiho's mother ~ huh ?", You'd take the flat but she turned and just telling you a  "No" and walked. You made a face, then you went to block the passage.
"Mommyy ... My dear little mom, why are you like that huh? " You gave her a smile, "Ayuuu * (* ajummas noise made in korea), Mom, let me bring her that, you have so much to do.  "
"The dishes are just to warm up and housekeeping is done ... It's not what you told to me? I have nothing else to do but-" without a word you snatched the flat to your mother and raced home to Jiho, without turning.
".... But I'll leave it to you because I'll play with your little sister .... Ahh .. This girl ..." Your mother sighed and laughed then returned at home.
You arrived at Jiho's house, then rang, you jumped a little because you were pressed it opens, so that you can see and also ask if you could help prepare the party, like that you were sure that you two talk again without problems. The door opened and ....
"Oh, ________-ah, glad to see you," ... And it was the mother  of Jiho ...
"Ohh ... Ms. Woo,  Jiho is here ?" You tried to see behind her.
"No, he prepares the anniversary party for Minah. But, ______________ -ah, you think this is serious with her ?" She looked at you with a quizzical look.
"Huh?", You looked a little taken aback by his question, "Oh, uh ... Yes I think it's serious ... Well, you know where he is preparing the party ?"
"No, sorry ... Ah but this is not my flat that you have in your hands? " She pointed her flat.
"Huh?" You followed the direction of her finger, "Ah yeaahhh, I came back it to you."
"Oh thank you, you want to go in and have something to drink ?" She made a little space to the door.
"No, no thank you, I'm going home. So.. Goodbye"
You waved at her. You went and put a kick to a small stone ...
"So ... How am I going to find the place without calling now ? AHHH !" You scribbled hair ... A weird man looked at you, you stopped your action and he make a forced smile. You sit down on a bench close enough to Jiho's house, you thought of a way to find the place without calling because you wanted to surprise him on one side.
"Huh?! This is ___________-Ah, right? "
You looked up and saw Yukwon, a friend of Jiho. You smiled and he smiled back.
" What are you doing here? Did you just not help us to prepare? " He asked at you. 
"Huh? Jiho asked you to help for Minah's party ?" Suddenly, Yukwon interested you a little more ...
"Well sure, I am always there to help," he tapped his chest on the side of the heart and made you a wink. You don't often hang out with Yukwon, but you knew he was nice and funny .
"So you don't help ?  It's weird...." , he scratched his head and looked up, you laughed,  your minds back then .. Yukwon could lead you to Jiho ... "Bingo!"  You whispered this, clasped both hands together and looked at the sky as if you spoke to God. Yukwon you looked weird,  you stand up.
"But I helped~~  I just went to get something which miss at the party," Yukwon looked up and down at you with an air.
"You have nothing..." You stopped smiling and looked at you ... ".... He's not so stupid as that ...." you thought this when suddenly he pulled you to your thoughts.
"Oh but I know ! Because you were looking for it but  you were a little tired so you're rested a moment, right ?" He looked you with a big smile, you gave him a great smile in a way and tell.
"That's it~", he snaps his fingers, laughing, "Waaaa ~ I'm too strong, I can accompany you then to go together ?"
"Huh? Oh yes .... Yeah !! " You looked away while he took your arm and you two start walking, you don't know where. You were looking quickly in your head what to buy ... Balloons? Cups? Sodas? ... Your step stopped since Yukwon stopped, you looked  at him at first, then looked at the store in front of you, where you stopped ... So... Go to buy balloons...
30 minutes later, you arrived at destination, you saw the whole band friend which Jiho & Yukwon were a part... Boys ... Beautiful boys ... You knew them all, even if you don't see them often, moreover one of them came to say hello ...
"Heyy Nuna !! "
This big voice, you knew it too well anyway, it was the younger of the group, Pyo Jihoon, always smiling and making jokes .. He came and took you in his arms.
" I missed you so muuuuchhh~ ~", He shook you so much that you thought you could no longer breathe ... You never have thought that.
"Ya Pyo Jihoon! Let down her breath, the poor ..."
You turned your head somehow to see the beautiful and "derphyo" Jaehyo ... Anh Jaehyo ... Jihoon left you while making a small pout, what you found too cute and smiled.
"Hi ________-ah," Jaehyo bowed to say hello, then hesitated ...  And took you in his arms and twirled you, you were shocked, he and Jihoon laughed.
"YA YA YA! Jihoon -ah help me ~", Jihoon laughing clapping and saying "Daebak" (amazing).
"Jaehyo-ya ! Put her down ! You talk about Jihoon but you're worse !"
At these words Jaeahyo stopped and grounded you,  you found that earth suddenly was not very stable .. You fell down ... The time you resume your minds, you saw a hand stretched in front of you, you looked up and saw Kim Minhyuk, who smiled at you. You took his hand and raised, you blew a small "thank you" shy, then you saw that Lee Taeil smiled at you and waved at you.
You also saluted. The boys were happy to see you because they don't see you often, as you, but on these times, you know that you'll don't be bored with them. Although you don't see them too much, they often help Jiho to fight to defend yourself, and you thought it was still too cute and nice of them.
" YAA ! WHAT IT'S HAPPENING HERE? Oh Yukwon-ah you're finally here !"
You recognized the voice of Jiho .. Suddenly you thought that coming here, was a bad idea.
"Aiishh don't sream ! I arrived a bit late because I ran into ________-ah and as you had sent her to buy some stuff,  I accompanied her." He smiled at Jiho, who looked shocked while you split up on ... You don't know where go... You looked up and gave a small smile with a small hand sign to Jiho. He didn't seem to have digested what happened yesterday, he looked at you coldly, you still was supporting his eyes, then you saw a little smile to the corner of his face and smiled. You looked at him confused but you smiled.
Moments later, everyone was working, while you were in a corner with Jiho sat on a table next to one another in the process of talking ... Finally talk ... You didn't dare say anything ...
"So... I asked you to buy something? ..." He looked at you from the corner of his eye, you looked away because you knew he was looking at you ...
"What is it?", Without looking, you handed him the bag full of balloons, he laughed, bowed his head and looked straight in front of him.
"Yes ?"  You looked at him, he looked at you.
"Sorry about yesterday, I wouldn't have reacted like that ... I mean, you have the right to have another friend ..."
"Really ?"
"NO !"  You pouted and looked in front of you,
"You know ... Hyunsik is not too bad, he doesn't hurt me if that's what you scared ... " You felt that he looked at you but he didn't speak ...
"__________-Ah? "
You looked at him,
"Thank you for coming today to help us ... Even if you are somewhat lied ..." he looked at you with a smile mixed with laugh.
"I'll tell nothing..... " 
After a short silence, you looked at each and other then laughed uproariously.
"Seriously ... Thanks .. With preparations for the party, I was somewhat for fear of spoiling the surprise for Minah, you know.  And see you, it gave me the strength to continue, because after the dispute of yesterday I was very hurt, I mean, you're someone special to me, very important and I can't stand when it's cold  between us or else ... " You looked at him and smiled.
"I don't like too when it's cold with each other," He jumped off the table and turned to you.
"Say, as a best friend you can do me a favor?" You nodded,
"Well, then ...  Can you busy Minah and bring her here tonight ? "
"Uh, yes, good, but I told her what ?"
"You'll find it," He gave you a wink and walked.
"Ya ! Jiho" You jumped off the table and joined him,
"I tell her what ? Cuz she will suspect something, not ? I mean, she's supposed to spend the evening with you and not-" he interrupted you in putting his finger on your mouth, you looked at his finger, then he took off his finger and began to speak.
"I deliberately broke up with her 3 days ago, so you'll see her and give comfort and you'll do everything that a girl do with a girl when it goes wrong, okay ?"
"Huh ?! But I've never been with girls, I don't know what it is !"
"You will find many, I trust you .. Yukwon will send you a message to tell you when to come, but normally it will be for 20 hours," He gave you a wink.
"Well, I leave you because I still have the cake etc ... I left her to  you from ... Now ! " He laughed and left you .. You stayed behind.
"He's funny ... I was talking to Minah when he was there .. I'll tell her what when I'll go talk to her .... And then,  she lives where ?.. YA YA ! WHERE SHE LIVES ? WHERE MINAH LIVES HUH ??!! JIHO ~ "
You ran before he left to take the cake ... 
I'll try upload more than before ^^ 
Oh, in Korea we are the 12/11/12 so... Happy Birthday to my girl DARA !!! ♥ Love youuu # kkk
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Chapter 7: Please update more. . I like ur story~~