~ D-1 Minah's Birthday ~

○ Not a simple friendship ○


"__________-ah ... I have something to tell you .... I don't know where to start ... but I ... I'm attracted to you," you tried to see the face of the boy who did his statement to you , but you don't succeed.
".... I know I trouble you too ... Just like you trouble me," You looked at the boy's hand take yours, he will tenderly his thumb and then continued,
"Will you be my girlfriend? " At these words, you looked up and your breathing is interrupted, you managed to see the face of the boy who did ... That boy was none other than ...
"Hyunsik ...? ... What...?? I mean .. I-I-I disturb you too?"
Without a word, he took your face in his hands, his face come near of yours, you knew it was coming, you knew he was going to kiss you and give you your first kiss. You closed your eyes and waited for the touch of his lips against yours ... You were eager to receive a kiss from him .. You thought your heart to explode at the speed he beat ... A sensation of contact, you grimaced always with eyes closed. You would never have thought it was too viscous a kiss ... And it tasted like .. of .. Shower Gel ?!
With a jump you opened your eyes and saw your litte sister pay you shower gel on your lips.
"Oh oh ..." When you open your eyes, you saw your little sister went quickly to the door of your room, you wiped the shower gel with a grin and glared !
"You've gone crazy?! Why did you do that?! Huh ?!"
"Hey it is you who has started to tighten your lips and talking in your sleep ... You expect a kiss from who ... huh? Hyunsik ??" She smirked.
"HUH?! Wh-wh-what ...."
"Hyunsiiiiiiik love ~ just kiss me please ~", she full of kisses in the wind
"You know  run Hyerin...?!
"Ooopps ..." Your little sister began to run as fast as she could, and hid in his room, you succeed to enter, and took her to the launch pad above you has touched the head and took his wastebasket and put it on her head, she began to scream.
"Mommyyyyy mommyyyyy ~ ~ Eonni (big sister) made me blind, I'm blind," you laughed during the crisis. Your mother got into the room, took the basket of the head of your little sister and watched at you. 
"She started the first ! "
"She is only 6 years _______-ah,  avenged you another way next time instead of scare her like that !
"I'm bliiiiind mommyyy ~" your mother sighed
"Hyerin-ah ...?! Open your eyes, you're not blind right?"  Your little sister opened her eyes, she looked around and saw you laughed on her bed, she shook her fists and jumped on her bed to hit you, you holding back his punches, your mother sighed again and took your little sister like a big bag of potato.
"Hyerin you gonna stop, apologize to your sister, and store your mess !" She told this by resting your little sister, who had his arms crossed and snubbed, "As for you," she looked at  you, "You'll put some clothes and go get some shopping thank you".
"Ah ... but grrrrrrr~ ...> <", you up and left in the bathroom, when you washed your mouth, you were bubbles and you felt like shower gel ... Horror ...
A few minutes later, you were ready and called Jiho whether he wanted to come with you because usually you went always with him, then he helped you bring the bags at home and become embedded even eat .. . But it does't once picked ...
"Well .. It's weird ... I'll see later," you shrugged and left.
In a few minutes you were at the supermarket, you fill the wheelbarrows all the things your mother needed. At the end you looked at the corner of the eye snacks, pepero etc..  You looked right and left as if you were watched, and went look closer. You took 2 packets pepero a classic and one with almond chips in ...
"Mmmm ... which one... ?" You spoke softly to yourself, you put it a little height in front of you and looked at each packet with a pout.
"No, it's not reasonable ... I didn't took my money, I can't use mom's money." You put down thes packages, and looked out of the corner of the eye ..
"Yes, but .. I can very well pay her later," you smiled victory and took the two packages,
"What are you doing !", Understanding of those words you put down immediately packets as if you were guilty of something.
"I-I did not steal Ajeossi, I'm shopping for my mother promised > <..." you heard a laugh ...
"There he is laughing at me?", You said to yourself, then you recognize that laugh ... You'll have to put your hand cut that belonged to this laughter ...
"Hyunsik?", You turned and saw him laughing with his hand to his mouth, when he saw that you looked, he stopped laughing and cleared his throat ..
"Oh .. ________-ah ... hehehe"
"You scared me, it's not nice ... TT___TT"
"Sorry, it's not happens again .. promise" he made you a wink, that you disrupted a bit, but you could see his smile ..
"You can laugh ... Go .. = ______ =,,,"
"Noooooon ~ I don't dare..."
"I took you to ...", you heard a small noise and then he laughed, then looked you began to move forward with your shopping basket.
"Hey ___________-ah, wait I'm sorry, I don't have fun on you anymore."
You stopped and turned to him with folded arms.
"I promise," he raised his right hand with a little pout, you couldn't stop you but you smiled at his action.
"Aaahhhh .... Okay, I forgive you ... For a single condition !"
"Which one?"
"That you help me bring home theses bags... Jiho is not there to help me and I will certainly have a lot of bags so ... I hire you, okay?" He have a small smile crossed his arms and walked slowly like his face and stopped.
"I'm kind of ... A spare wheel?"
"Huh ? No, you're not of course ! I didn't mean it, I mean, in fact you, why are you-? Ah but wait ! Get back not the situation, you are the evil in this story, it's you who has started and then you test to go faulty ? Know that it doesn't work with me.'
You crossed your arms and bent your head on the side while he was still smiling.
"Okay, okay, I'll help you bring it all at home and you know what ? You will not even have anything to carry." He winks at you.
A few minutes later you were on your way to your house, he carries most of the bags, while you do carring just one ... and the lighter.
"Hyunsik, wait, give me at least one more ! You can't just carry all of them !" You ran before him to block the passage.
"You already have one, and then I feel less spare wheel because I carry everything," he smiled
"How do you know Jiho doesn't carry all every time?" You grinned
"I didn't know. You just confirm me." It made ​​you a wink and passed you .. You stayed behind thoughtful then he pulled you off of your thoughts.
"________-ah?! Are you coming?, I don't know where is your home !" You shook your head and ran to him.


You were now in front of your house, he put the bags outside, in front of your door.
"Thank you for helping me to carry everything ..." you smiled
"No problem... So I'm still a spare wheel ?"
"Yaaa ~" you laughed and tapped gently on his arm while he was laughing too, "No ... You're not a spare wheel anymore", you smiled softly.
"Heyyy, but it means that you really thought," he will hit your arm gently, you laughed.
"Thanks also for the nice walk."
"No problem,  we can make some more in the future .. You know, you can go out with other guys other than Jiho also."
"Huh Ah .. Is that I don't have many friends ... Even nothing but just Jiho and ... you ..?" You hesitated at the "you" and looked a little fearful that its response is no.
"I should be happy, right?"
"Huh ? Why do you say that ?! Of course ! It's an honor to be my friend," you smiled a bit of a rich way, he smiled.
"_____________-Ah .. I have something to tell you." At these words, you newsstands your dream and looked directly!
"This is actually, I-" The door opened and interrupted, both looked at the door and saw Jiho, who looked at you. 
"Jiho ?! What are you doing here ?"
"What am I doing here ? You called me several times and when I called you, you  didn't picked up once, I got worried and I'm coming to your house to see if something had happened. But at the first sight ... you were in good company... "
At these words he looked Hyunsik, who, looking away with his hands in his pockets, you looked at your cell phone and saw a dozen missed calls from him, you bit down your lips.
"I'm really sorry Jiho... I was just out shopping, and I didn't hear my cell..."
"It's okay ... I left you alone with your" New Friend " !" He passed and gave a little push with his shoulder at Hyunsik ...
"YA! Jiho-ssi !" Jiho stopped when he heard his name from Hyunsik
"_____________-ah have the right to see other peoples if she wants, you, you can have other friends but her not ? What is this friendship .. "
"What ?" You looked at Hyunsik,  shocked to see him as serious and talking like that to Jiho. You looked Jiho because you knew him, and knew he was angry easily then you looked back Hyunsik.
"Uh .. listen Hyunsik, you k-"
"Who do you think you are for telling me that ?", Jiho cut you and advanced towards Hyunsik, they were now face to face, you opened eyes wide.
"If ___________-ah wants to see me, she can t ! You're araid of what? Whether it's a new best friend ? Whether you gradually abandoned ? ... Or are you simply jealous if she got a boyfriend ? "
You saw the Jiho's fist raise up, you put between the two with raised arms on the sides facing Jiho. At your sight it stopped short his action for fear of hurting you. 
"Stop both !" You raised your eyes to him to try to calm him down.
"Jiho ... Please ..." you hated when he was fighting, since you are childs, he always fought to protect you from the other boys who made fun of you, or bother you in growing he continued to do it when a boy was too enterprising and erse ... He always hurts and you were always there for his injuries, even if he won most of the time. He looked you straight in the eyes because he knew you hated it, he looked again Hyunsik.
"I'll stop there and don't hurt you this time," you sighed in relief gently and lowered your arms.
"But ... Know that if you dare talk to me like that again .. it's don't going to happen like that," Hyunsik smiled sarcastically and supported the sight of Jiho. Jiho looked at you, you gave him a small smile, but he didn't smile in back as usual ... He left, you watch him, without knowing what to do...
"I'll go too ... Sorry for that little confused ..." You turned to Hyunsik which was a little uncomfortable about what had happened.
"Don't worry, I used .." you smiled. 
"Good... Well, see you later." He patted you on top of your head as usual and left. You went to your house and saw your sister on the couch to watch Pororo at TV.
"Where's Mom?"
"She went to see Mrs. Choi quickly because mom wanted a recipe, so she took that advantage that Jiho has come to leave"
"He stayed ?! He asked you where I was?" You're closer to your sister, and you sit on the couch next to her watching tv.
"Yes, I told you was shopping for fun and I told him you were with your lover, Hyunsik," she laughed, you looked at her directly.
"You what ?! Hyerin .. I.. I...-AAAHHH ... I'll ...", you take the pillow, buried in your face and beat feet.
"When I said that, he got up and left," you stopped short of kick ... You thought about what had happened a few minutes ago, when Hyunsik talk about the possibility of Jiho's jealousy if you have a boyfriend ... And your little sister now said that he had reacted when she said you were with your "love" .. Is it possible that Jiho be jealous of Hyunsik and is in love with you? Not, impossible, Jiho had Minah, and if he was jealous it was just in friendship ! That is all !
You got up and ranged foodstuffs before your mother comes .. You wanted to see Jiho, because you didn't like being in conflict with him, even if you didn't know that you were wrong, you wouldn't it in you and you wanted reassure him that he is your one and only best friend. And Hyunsik is none other than .. a friend ? Yes, a friend!


In the evening, your mother warned you that a friend of his cooking club to come and eat at home with his childrens. Your little sister laughed that a man was cooking classes. You understand suddenly, her sudden request to go shopping soon and her visit to the neighbor for the recipe ... Because if your mother took cooking classes, it didn't necessarily mean she was ... good at it ? It was your mother and you love her but .. your liked her dishes least ^ ^;;
You put the finishing towels when it rang the doorbell, your mother opened the door and welcomed guests. With your little sister you stood ready to receive them and went to meet them.
"Mr Lim ! Ah I present to you my daughters _________-ah and Hyerin. They have almost the same age as your son." All of a sudden you were a little shy but curious to know both his sons. First you saw a boy of about 4 years and a half, you greeted, you put you down at his level.
"Hi, my name is ______________, and you?" You smiled at him, he looked at you without saying anything, then looked behind you and saw your little sister and ran out.
"Heyy, come back," you'd ran after him but his father stopped you
"Don't worry, there's big brother take something in the car, he had to catch up him," you looked at his father a little taken aback but listened.
"Oh but come on, take off your jacket," your mother took the jacket of the guest, you smiled because since the death of your father, your mother couldn't see anyone apart from the mother of Jiho or Mrs.Choi, and especially not a man. You heard a scraping throat, you turned and saw Hyunsik with the boy in his arms. You were shocked to see him there.
"Uh .. Hyun-Hyunsik ...?"
"Hi, you're not expecting to see me huh?"
"Ahh Hyunsik you're here. Ms. Park, this is my 20 year old son, Hyunsik." Hyunsik greeted your mother and sister. Hyunsik gave a packet to your mother, it was small cakes, you mother thanked,, then the father Hyunsik, your sister and your mother went into the living room, you looked still in shock.
"Hey ho~ you're here  _______-ah~ ?", He passed his hand in front of your eyes, you shook your head and looked at him.
"But I didn't know it was your father's friend to my mother,  finally I mean-"
"I knew this morning as I was coming to eat at your house !"
"You knew it and you didn't tell me? " He smiled
"That's what I was going to say before the door opens ..."
"Oh ... So that was it you wanted to tell me ..."
"Yes, what did you expect?", It looked weird at you
"Huh?! Well,  nothing ! "
You laughed, he rested his little brother to the ground, he remained close to him, and you thought it was cute how he was with him.
The evening went well, your parents were surprised to learn that you and Hyunsik were in the same class and was already friends .. Your little sister looking at you, and then looked Hyunsik and smirked. The little brother of Hyunsik, Hyunwoo was calm, you wish that your sister can be like him ... You also learned that the mother of Hyunsik was died shortly after the birth of Hyunwo. You suddenly felt closer of Hyunsik and still had desire to share moments with him because you also, your father died shortly after the birth of your little sister.
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Chapter 7: Please update more. . I like ur story~~