New Beginning (part 2)

Fallen For You


“Molly, come on. Let’s go home. It’s almost 9” Anne said as she picked up her bag and walk out from locker room. “I’m ready” then She ran followed Anne.

 “Hay, did you know what time you’ll start work for that film maker?” Ask Molly. What the curious girl. Anne can’t figure it out how Philip could deal with Molly every-days.

 “The first one, it’s not film, Molly, It’s Music video. Next week, he will tell me for the details later.”

 “What the different? Isn’t music video is a short film?” Molly didn’t like budge. It’s better if you give in because you’ll never win if you have argued with her. Over all, Anne feel too tired to have an argued.

Suddenly Anne’s call-phone blinked. She in hurry answered the phone. “Hallo?”

“Bonjour[1] Anne.” Heavyvoicedacrossthere.

 “Papa!” then something that Molly couldn’t understood came. Anne parents like to phone Anne to make sure their beloved daughter is alright. No matter she is the only child. For sure Anne parents didn’t allow Anne to stay alone in Shanghai, they are more agreed if Anne stay with them in France but in the end, they allow Anne to stay there because of Mark.

But since Mark decided to move in France, Anne parents try to persuade Anne again. But lately, they gave up, it’s almost 3 years persuade Anne to move there and noting works.

 “I’m ok here, Mmm, I know, see-you papa.” Anne disconnected the call and took a deep breath.

 “Are they tried to persuade you again?” ask Molly. She patted Anne’s back gently.

Anne smiled, grateful. Maybe this is the reason why Philip could stand until now. Molly is so sensitive and caring.

 “Yes, I think they had been give up but I was wrong. They are the best.”

Molly hold Anne’s hand and they walked to the train station without any word

[1] Hallo

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