tidbit epilogue

More than Fate or a Contract's Bond


“Darn you Xerxes!” Eeteuk yelled and towered over Kibum. “How dare you steal one of Fate’s Keys!” Kibum covered one of his ears with his finger, ignoring the blaring Eeteuk.

“Well it’s your fault for tipping me off, with the whole reincarnation thing. Besides, if I’m only given one chance might as well break another law since I already did a taboo.”

“You broke more than one! Stealing a Fate Key! Forcing yourself in different times then getting out of it, not to mention using the Key’s power to give you a fortunate human life! Hand it over!” spewed the angry Eeteuk.

Kibum threw the key towards Eeteuk’s open palm.

“I didn’t steal it, I was merely borrowing it and now that I have no use for it I’m returning it.” Kibum said with a smile and headed downstairs. “Lunch is almost over. Thanks to you I couldn’t spend time with Zhoumi.” Kibum sighed and waved at Eeteuk unenthusiastically.


a/n: holyfudgebrownies! i completely forgot about this... stupid haeki... anyway. i think it was still understandable with the first ending. sorry again...

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happy ending! yay! but what's with the silver key?
memoire- #2
Yay!!! Happy ending!!! It was confusing at first but I understood anyway. Love this fic.
sapphirewing #3
hope you can continue >.<
sorry to say but I'm a little confused... but understand when I read at the ending~
sapphirewing #4
sounds interesting >.<
please update soon!