
Pretending to Love


Mrs. Lee peered out her car window as she saw Junho’s car drive off into the night.  She smiled in delight when she saw the two walking over to his car. Although she had lied about having an appointment, it was for their own good. They needed time to get to know each other before the engagement party.


“Madam, would you like to follow them?” the driver asked. Mrs. Lee turned to her driver with smile on her face.  “Ani. For now, we’ll let them be.”


Mrs. Lee looked down at her phone as she scrolled through her contact list. “Actually… drive me to my office. I have a few matters to deal with.” She said with a devious smile.


~ ~ ~


   “Yah!” Soeun screamed as she slapped Junho on the shoulder. It was one thing to drag a lady out of a restaurant, it was another to leave her coat in the same restaurant… but pushing her in an unknown vehicle was crossing the line. Of course Soeun had the right to shout at him.


    “You can’t just – just – “ Soeun stuttered, trying to put words together. She hated the fact that he could just play around with her. “ – just… drag me out like that and push me in your car!”

    “Why not?”

“B-because… it’s….” Soeun mentally slapped herself. She was stuttering, and he knew it. She just, couldn’t fit the right words together. It was like he was purposely holding her tounge while she was trying to talk. 

    “Because?” Junho repeated.

“It’s rude!”

Yes, that was a stupid comeback. But Soeun had no choice.


Junho sarcastically laughed. “It’s rude when someone pushes you in the hospital.” He said as he steered the car.

“You were the one that pushed me!” Soeun yelled.

“And remembering who was the one that just walked out of the auction when you were supposed to be there.”

  “You were the one that made me leave!”

“All I did was apologize!”


“And yet you’re still blaming me for pushing you.”


Junho kept quiet. Even though she was right, he wasn’t just about to lose to a girl. “So you admit pushing me?”


“I never said that.”

Soeun turned over to the window in a bitter state. Why was she wasting her time and energy arguing anyway? If winning against him took effort, she would rather just ignore him. Nothing good would come out of arguing with this chipmunk anyway.


~ ~ ~


“Yah, what do you think they’re doing right about now?” Junsu asked.


The rest of 2PM were starting to grow weary. Chansung had left around about an hour ago, while Nickhun had just arrived. The atmosphere was the same as always. Alcohol was lingering in the air, yet it wasn’t as bad as other occasions.

Today, they were rather quiet. It wasn’t because the absence of three other members. To be honest… it was just one of those nights.


“They’re probably having dinner.” Wooyoung said as he shot the basketball in the hoop.

“Perhaps discussing engagement details.” Nickhun replied as he kept on reading his book.

“On the night they meet?” Junsu said.

Wooyoung dribbled the ball. “Well, you know what Junho’s mother is like.”


Junsu lay flat on the couch as he stretched his arms. “You know, I always thought that you were going to get married first Nickhun.” Junsu uttered.

   “What made you think that?”

“I actually don’t know. Maybe it was because out of all of us, you’re the only one that’s serious about love.”

Nickhun dropped the book, and eyed Junsu. “Why do you think I’m serious about love?”

“Why wouldn’t we think you’re serious about love.” Wooyoung replied with a question. “You’re the only guy here that has his life set out. You want to marry at twenty five for god’s sake.”

Nickhun returned back to his book. “Well, I guess you were all guessing wrong.”


“You can say that again.” Junsu uttered before getting hit by a pillow.


~ ~ ~



As the car came to a halt, Soeun looked out her window. They arrived at their destination quite fast actually. The rest of the trip was a ride through silent city. They had nothing to talk about (not that Soeun wanted to talk to him) plus, she had thought that he would have tried to make a conversation, (not that she wanted him to talk to her) but he didn’t. It was as if he sensed the tension between them.


Soeun look out the car window. For some odd reason, they were at her house? “Why are we outside my house…. and…” Soeun turned over to Junho as her eyes widened. “How do you know my address?!” she shouted. Soeun raised her fist, ready for self-defense. How in the world did he know where she lived? Of course news reporters came when they heard the news about her parents, but they couldn’t just plaster her address in the front page of the newspaper, that would have been an invasion of privacy, not to mention what Mr. Jung could do.  


Junho looked at her with a smirk. “Well, what man would I be if I didn’t know my own fiancé’s address?” To be honest, he only knew because Wooyoung told him while they were reading the report. How Wooyoung knew? Now that was something Junho didn’t want to know.  


Soeun looked at him with a cautious eye. “I swear if you’re thinking of anything – “  

    “And why would I want anything to do with you?”

Soeun slowly lowered her fist. It’s not that she trusted him… To be quite frank, even if he tried to kidnap her in the middle of the night, he probably couldn’t even get past her door. Her house had the best security system in the neighbor hood (not that she was bragging or anything).


Soeun quickly turned around and opened the car door. The faster she got out and he left, the better. It wasn’t like she wanted to hang around for longer anyway. Before Junho got out to bid his goodbye, Soeun shuffled along the path and opened the gate.


As Junho stepped out, he saw that Soeun was already at the black metal gateway. He smiled at the sight of her running away from him. What woman in this world would ever avoid him? To her, he was probably a rare disease that she didn’t want to catch.


Then again… she was different.


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I'm sorry for not updating frequently. As you know, my life is currently very busy, so it does get hard. An update will come ASAP! x


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likatulay #1
Chapter 17: awww... no more update?? this is one good story. I hope we will see an update for this... good work,, this is really good
junsolover11 #2
Author-nim i need your updates hahaha i cant sleep thinking what will going to happen :))
dudi2pm #3
Chapter 17: love your story ,, iam a fan of junho and soeun ...update soon please
taecsica1227 #4
Chapter 17: omgggggg updateeeee pleaseeee
roswiyah #5
Chapter 17: please update soon,...love this fanfic,...
esimoto #6
Chapter 17: love this story, please update soon authornim.
Drewhajri #7
Chapter 17: Please please update... I hope you do!!!
Drewhajri #8
Chapter 17: Please update soon , love you fanfic btw!!
kyoseloris #9
please update soon, i really like this story :)
jtediana #10
hey there, when will the story updated? i miss junsso :(