Problems x5

Pretending to Love

Junho watched her walk away slowly as he laughed lightly. He couldn’t believe what he just went through. The way she just shouted everything at him, so straightforward. Of course, he didn’t take the words to heart, because he knew that taking anything to heart would only result in weakness, and weakness is the key to downfall. Junho still couldn’t quite figure out Soeun though, she seemed like she was independent and headstrong, however, some parts of her seem as if they’re vulnerable enough to strike at. 


“Mr. Lee.” a voice called out. Junho turned around only to find his secretary behind him. She looked concerned as if she bad news was just about to come out of . “What seems to be the matter? And if you had news, why didn’t you just call?” 


His secretary looked down and apologised all of a sudden. “I was actually just near by on my lunch break, and I heard that your mother is coming to keep a watch on you.” She said nervously. “If you know your mother well, she would like to see you with Miss. Kim happily. However, as I was walking around I clearly saw you two in a fight, and if your mother finds out, Miss. Kim will have to spend more time at work.” 

Junho looked blankly at his secretary still figuring out everything that was said. “Excuse me?” 

His secretary exhaled in exhaustion. “I was talking to Miss. Kim’s secretary the other day on business matters, and she had told me that Miss. Kim herself for a couple of weeks has been feeling very ill. However because of business purposes, she decided to ignore her health and go on with her schedule. Her health is not in its best condition, and I’m afraid that if the Madam sees you two apart, when you should be together, she’ll definitely increase the workload of Miss Kim until you come to your senses and help her.”  


Junho sighed as he rubbed his temples with one hand. He wasn’t surprised his mother would go to these lengths to get what she wanted, however, after such a long day, he seemed to wonder when this would all end. “So you’re saying that I should run after her?” 

His secretary nodded. “Its for Miss Kim’s wellbeing.” 


Junho exhaled trying to calm down. “Aish.” He cursed under his breath. “Women are such a problem.” 

Junho turned around slowly, in the process of making a decision of whether to leave her be in hopes of his mother not finding out, or go after her. It was a gamble really. It was either one or the other, and both contained results he couldn’t be sure of. The only difference was he wasn’t gambling on himself, rather he was gambling on the wellbeing of someone he only met a few months ago. If he was the person he was since a teenager, he would without a doubt walk away. It wasn’t like it was his problem. However, as time goes on, was it his responsibility to be her lifejacket against the waves of his mother now? The contract technically stated that they would live separate lives hidden from the public. But whenever he doubted helping her out, his mind listed consequences. 


Before he knew it, Junho found his legs taking control as he felt himself running.  He couldn’t even believe that he was running. It was the first time he had to chase after a woman. Never once did he have to be the chaser, rather he was always the one being chased. He flew by stalls, as his eyes tried to scan the different faces and people. It wasn’t hard really, as most of the people her were of the older generation. “Aish. Kim Soeun where did you run off to?” he mumbled to himself. 


~ ~ ~


Soeun clenched her teeth in anger. She hated him. She hated the way he talked as if he knew her. She hated the fact that he tried to comfort her. She hated everything about him. His words she hated the most. 


Soeun stopped in her tracks and felt her head scream in pain. It was the third time today, and it was taking a toll on time that Soeun didn’t have. She was sick. That was all that she could admit. Soeun knew that it was better for her to go to a doctor at least to check up on her condition, especially since the accident. However with the schedule that she had, when did she have time? On somedays she couldn’t even squeeze in dinner, how was she supposed to fit in a whole doctor’s appointment. 


Soeun slowly started to take small steps towards a short bench she could see at least 5 feet away from her, however she could feel her head become lighter than usual, as the vision in front of her became a blur. “Yah. Kim Soeun get yourself together.” She uttered to herself, almost trying to keep herself conscious. She could feel her body become weaker with more movement. 


“Kim Soeun!” a voice called out. She gripped the strap of her bag for support as she tried to turn her body around to identify the familiar voice. However, as her vision became worse, she felt herself falling, as if she was about to collapse. 


~ ~ ~


Soeun tried to open her eyes lids slowly as the white ceiling of the room became a blur to her. She could feel the heavy pain that took control of her head. She could hear voices close to her. Soeun let her eyes roam around the room as she tried to figure out where she was. The last thing she could remember was trying to sit down. ‘I must have lost consciousness.’  Soeun thought to herself. She turned to the bedside table next to her, and found her bag was situated on top. Soeun ped the front pocket and caught sight of her phone. 


11 missed calls

9 new messages


Soeun unlocked her phone only to find most of the messages from Jieun


You’re on the news! You're at the hospital?! 

Yah! Kim Soeun where the hell are you?!

YAH! Kim Soeun!!!!!!!

You think this is funny? Is this a joke?

I’m going to kill you if you don’t reply. 

Why aren’t you answering your phone?!?!?!


Soeun put her phone aside as she sighed. She dreaded the fact that Jieun knew that she was in the hospital, and most of all, that she was sick. If she could get away with being admitted in and out with not even a speck of attention from anyone, she would personally count that as a blessing. 

Truthfully, it wasn't just because she wanted a quiet life, it was also the thought that she didn't want to get used to relying on people again. The more a person relies on someone, it was a fact that losing them would be harder than losing someone you were barely attached to. 


As much as she genuinely cared for her best friend, she always kept a distance somewhere in her heart. She was better off living a life with a locked heart. What was the point of putting time and effort into planting seeds, but resulting in a wilting flower? 


“You’re finally awake Miss Kim.”  Her secretary said as she walked over to the bed where Soeun was lying down. Soeun tried to sit up with the strength that she had, seeing that her secretary was here. “Oh no! You don’t have to sit up! It’s best if you just lie down where you’re comfortable.” Her secretary said initiating with hand movements for her to lie back down. 


Soeun smiled. “Its okay. I’m fine. I need to stretch my back anyway.” She said, as she finally sat down on her bed. “How long was I unconscious for?” Soeun asked her secretary. 

“Around 2 hours.” 


Soeun nodded her head in understanding. As much as she wanted to stay and sleep, she remembered the huge amounts of papers that were lying on her desk, ready for her to finish. 

It was a pity really, that she could only have her mind on work. 

“And what about the office? Any updates?” 


Her secretary smiled awkwardly as she tightened the seal to her lips. “Miss Kim, I don’t mean to be in any form rude or misleading, but I was ordered to keep you away from office matters until after your wedding.” Her secretary said quietly as she looked down afraid of what Soeun would say. 

“What?” Soeun said surprised. “Who gave you the order?” 

Her secretary looked up slowly, biting her bottom lip, still in a state of fear. “I was also told not to give you any information regarding this matter.” 

“Excuse me?” Soeun said in utter shock. She tried to swallow the anger that was rising inside of her. “If you’re not going to tell me who told you, I’ll walk out of this room and figure out myself.”

Her secretary looked up and widened her eyes. “Miss Kim! You’re still in a state of illness! You can’t leave the hospital!” 

“Well Miss Tae, you’re still my secretary, you can’t keep these issues away from my knowing.” 

Her secretary swallowed nervously. “But I was told -“ 

“I already know what you were told, I’m trying to find out who was the one that told you.”   


Her secretary tried to calm herself down as she looked down again. She contemplated slowly whether or not that telling Soeun was the right thing to do.  Of course either one had different consequences, but the result was the most important factor. Her eyes looked at Soeun directly as saw the burning anger that was beaming straight towards hers.  


“It was…. your fiancé….Mr. Lee.” Her secretary finally stuttered as her face turned pale. 

Soeun could feel her heart drop as her eyes widened in anger. “Lee Junho was the one that told you?” 

She nodded her head. “Yes ma’am. But I’m sure he had good intentions.” 

Soeun tried to calm her nerves down as she looked down at her mother’s ring on her finger. She didn’t know what to think at the moment. Her mind was like a fresh piece of paper… blank. 

“Where is he now?” Soeun asked in a quiet voice, still surprised. 

“As I came into your room, he left.” 

Soeun looked up even more surprised. “You mean he came to the hospital?” 

“He was the one that was in the ambulance with you.” 

“Excuse me?” Soeun tried to keep a straight face as she asked. 

“Weren’t you with him when you fell unconscious?” Her secretary asked with curiosity.

Soeun tried to think back to her last memory. All she could remember was walking away from him. He was never there again. “I precisely remember being by myself when I collapsed. Technically, no one I knew was with me.” 

Her secretaery looked at her puzzled. “Well, I guess the most important thing is that you’re safe.” She said. “You need some rest ma’am. I’ll tell your doctor that you’ve already woken up, and she’ll will most likely tell you some details.” 

Soeun nodded in agreement as she smiled. “Thank you.” 


~ ~ ~


Junho sat down in the hospital waiting room quietly as he read through some papers his secretary dropped off from him. It had been two hours since Soeun was unconscious and since then, he had waited patiently in the hospital. He had stayed, not because he wanted to, nor was it because he cared for her. He stayed for the mere fact that there were reporters swarming around the place, asking questions about them and demanding answers that he really didn’t want to give. 


Junho lifted his wrist and set eyes on his watch. 7:00pm. 

He yawned, and rubbed his eyelids, trying to remember the last time he had a full night of sleep.It had been quite a while. He started to calculate how much work he had left with the hopes of hitting of to sleep earlier than usual tonight.




Junho opened his eyes to find his secretary in front of him. “Miss Kim has just woken up, and from her secretary, she has found out that you initiated her leave off work.” 

He looked down back to his papers and nodded. He truthfully had no reason to care whether she found out or not. If she had been careful in the first place, things wouldn't have happened they way they ended up. “Okay.” He replied flipping to the next page. “Have the cameras outside stopped flashing?” 

His secretary bowed in apology. “No they haven’t sir.” 

Junho nodded with a calm expression. “Since I’m here for the while, outline to me the meetings and schedule that I have next week.” 

“Actually, sir, your mother -“ 


“Lee Junho!” Mrs Lee walked in the room with a stern expression. “Is this how you try and take down the company?” His mother shouted as her employees made sure that the hallways and rooms were empty. “You already have a reputation playing around with women! And now you come out with this?!” Mrs Lee took out her phone and shoved it in front of his face. 


Article: Fighting Before Fainting?

The hot new couple Kim Soeun and Lee Junho have only been officially engaged for a few weeks and it seems that they’ve already landed in deep waters! The couple were spotted at an organic market in Seoul on a date, until things got risky very quickly. After having lunch and walking around the markets on their date after work, they were seen having quite an argument as we could see that Kim Soeun was shouting very angrily at her new fiancé. Kim Soeun then made her way towards the main road, away from Lee Junho before falling unconscious. She is now in a stable condition in Seoul National University Hospital, with a high fever. With conditions as they are now, will our newly engaged couple even stay engaged? And the question that has everyone asking, will there be a white wedding?


Junho read the article calmly and looked up at his mother. “Is there something wrong?” 

Mrs Lee clenched her fists and slapped her son on the cheek with a thud. “Do you think this is a joke?” 

Junho calmly stood up and looked directly in his mother’s eyes. “Do you see me laughing?” Mrs Lee clenched her teeth in anger as she brought her hand up to slap her son again before Junho stopped her as he grabbed her wrist. “Do you think that making Soeun work until she gets admitted  into hospital seem like a joke to you?” He said widening his eyes in anger. “You knew she was sick, and you knew she was having a hard time, and yet you still played around with her thinking that she was a new toy that would complete your doll house that, really, we all know is my future.” Junho let go of his mother’s wrists and tried to calm down as he knew that his mother’s employees and his secretary was watching. “Next time you try to control what my future looks like, look at your present to start with.” He whispered the last sentence to make sure that no one else could hear, except for his mother. 


Junho calmly walked away from his mother before rubbing his temples in exhaustion. He was on a roll. It had been a long time since his fights with his mother had increased with number. He remembered that he used to always shout and argue with his mother as a child, and the result would be cries of pain in his heart and hidden tears that yearned to escape. Junho never understood the mindset of his parents. It was always the company first, while he was always last. 

Of course, after re-evaluating as he grew older, he understood that once one could smell the riches money brought, greed would come along as well, and love’s position would unfairly be taken away to last place. But with saying that, he never really believed in love itself, so what was the point in re-evaluating when green was his favourite colour. 

He unconsciously looked up from his thoughts and found himself outside Soeun’s hospital room. Junho took hold of the handle and contemplated whether to open the doors. He opened it slightly before he saw a peak of Soeun looking down at what seemed to be a ring on her finger. 


Soeun sighed as she let her head fall slowly on the pillow. “Truthfully, my hatred for him as a whole still burns inside of me. And everything he does makes me want to slap him myself.” Soeun whispered in anger. She spun her loose ring that was on her finger, belonging to her mother. 

“But, sometimes, not all the time, his actions do make me regret thinking of hurting him.” She tilted her head as a puzzled look came onto her face. “Even though I haven’t mentioned this, his face looks very familiar, as if I’ve seen him somewhere before.” 


Junho slightly laughed at her statement. It wasn’t because his face was familiar, it was the fact that everyone knew him to the extent where he’s become a household name. 


“But I still hate everything about him. Just… why did he even guarantee me leave off work? It made me regret shouting at him unfairly.” Soeun kicked her feet in the air in frustration. “Aish. I’m supposed to be sleeping.” 


Junho slowly smirked in amusement. He grabbed the handle again and agreed with himself to leave her to contemplate about him in peace. 

“Mr. Lee.” a voice called out quiet loudly. He turned around in surprise and saw Soeun’s secretary stand in front of him. “What are you doing in front of Miss Kim’s door?” She asked in curiosity. 


Soeun looked up to her door as she saw it slightly open. “Secretary Tae?” She called out. The door slowly slid open as a gush of wind came in through the hallways. 


“Lee Junho?!” Soeun shouted in surprise as the door revealed Junho standing behind it. 

She widened her eyes in shock. Did he just hear what I said?

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed! 

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I'm sorry for not updating frequently. As you know, my life is currently very busy, so it does get hard. An update will come ASAP! x


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likatulay #1
Chapter 17: awww... no more update?? this is one good story. I hope we will see an update for this... good work,, this is really good
junsolover11 #2
Author-nim i need your updates hahaha i cant sleep thinking what will going to happen :))
dudi2pm #3
Chapter 17: love your story ,, iam a fan of junho and soeun ...update soon please
taecsica1227 #4
Chapter 17: omgggggg updateeeee pleaseeee
roswiyah #5
Chapter 17: please update soon, this fanfic,...
esimoto #6
Chapter 17: love this story, please update soon authornim.
Drewhajri #7
Chapter 17: Please please update... I hope you do!!!
Drewhajri #8
Chapter 17: Please update soon , love you fanfic btw!!
kyoseloris #9
please update soon, i really like this story :)
jtediana #10
hey there, when will the story updated? i miss junsso :(