
Written in the Wind of Whimsy

Prompt 13: Beyond (min. 100 words)
Kim Jaejoong, Kim Xiah Junsu, Park Micky Yoochun
356 words

Beyond these unseen boundaries that try to keep us shackled to one spot, you all were there beside us on the other-side trying to reach us. You kept us company through our tears and tribulations. Our hearts ache through it all, but we could endure because you are there with us.

When our world was in chaos and full of pain, your undying love pushed us through. It was a bright light through a tiny hole that lit our dim world, and that gave us hope to continue on our tough journey.  

If a door was closed we tried a window, if that window was slammed on our faces we tried another window, if doors and windows were closing on us we would still try to dig our way or hummer our way or create a new way, just to be with all of you. If paths were blocked before us, we would just have to create a new path to get to you.  

We had made up our minds, that we will be more determined now to reach out to all of you.

We will compose new songs, sing new songs, and dance to a new choreography, just for you.

We will be more than just composers, singers and dancers, for we will be actors, directors, producers, writers, and we will try everything and a lot of things, so we could reach out to all of you.

The red ocean did not diminished, but it continued to flourish.  We hope you would  continue to take the journey with us. Distance means nothing to us for we will cross many oceans timeless times to see your faces and hear your cheers.

Our tired bodies, tired minds, and tired souls, would find solace in your presence.

Forever we will wait for our two friends to join us.  

We will work harder and try our very best, for all of you. We know, those two are working really hard, too for all of you.

Thank you, for staying by our side. Thank you, for your love, and please continue to look after us and take care of us.


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Buffalohighschool18 #1
Chapter 3: I miss them all
Chapter 24: Aya! This plot could be expanded into a trilogy! ^-^ This could serve as the outline. Nyahaha! I'll beta for you, if you decide to work on this :3
Chapter 20: I like that you were consistent with the mood/tone. It's melancholic. Even her thinking what to eat had a wistful note to it. I actually liked that part between them the most.

Just a few things to re-consider. The first line is a set of phrases and it didn't go well with the rest of the sentences. Perhaps you can do without that line and keep us guessing what's going on than dropping the bomb of leaving the military from the beginning. Try reading it without it and the flow is much better plus his thoughts alone give us a hint on what is going on. Why wouldn't a South Korean male artist not be able to stage right? I am not comfortable writing in present tense, although I have fics using this tense but I can say it worked here. You forgot "full" next to "chock". Chock alone gives a different meaning. And "long blink" was repeated more than twice within a few words in between but I have no synonyms for it.

Keep writing :D
Chapter 20: That...That was so touching. *wipes tear*
Thanks for the advice, I do appreciate it.
found my own story in the random story
May 8, 2012
Thank you, for the comment.
I've been thinking about it, and don't know how I'd approach it.
So, I will have to leave it as is for the meantime.