Chap 4

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The next day-


Minjeong woke up to her alarm after a very tiring day yesterday. She remembers that today is her second day of work. The excitement leaving her body before it can even be expressed as an emotion.


She gets up to get ready and decides to wear something cuter than what she wore the day before. A cute blouse and a long skirt.


As she’s putting on her perfume Yizhou walks in, “You’re looking pretty today? What’s the occasion?”


Minjeong rolls her eyes “I have to look good to get treated somewhat better.” Yizhou nods in agreement “yeah the world is like that, unfortunately, but you shouldn’t take how she treats you to heart. Apparently, she’s like that with everyone.” She pats Minjeong’s shoulder.


“I knowwwww, anyways, I’ll tell you how today goes if I come back here in one piece, knowing how my boss is I’m afraid of the outcome” They giggle while Minjeong grabs her bag.


“Alright, if anything happens you know who to call. Good luck!” She puts her thumbs up


Minjeong walks out to take the train, she has a car but she prefers taking the train. She only uses her car when it’s for emergencies or inclement weather.


As she gets into her seat she wonders what the day has in stock for her. By the time she actually comes up with an actual thought of how it would go the train had arrived.


She steps out and walks to the building she works at. When she walks in she hears people whispering. One person whispered “Oh look the new hire is here thank goodness she didn’t quit on the first day. Especially after how the boss has treated her.” Another person replied with “Right???”


Minjeong looked at them and they waved at her cheekily. She waved back with an awkward smile, not knowing what else to do.


As she gets into her cubicle she overhears Jimin  conversing with someone in her office, but she couldn’t  eavesdrop properly even when the door was slightly opened. Inside the room was a stern faced Jimin and a joyous stranger.


(POV SWITCH) (Jimin’s)


“Okay, Aeri. What do you want?” Jimin scrunches her eyebrows. Aeri portrays a Cheshire smile. “Well, is it a crime to know how my best friend is doing??”


“No, but it is a crime to trespass this building.” Jimin smirks.


“Stop acting like that, also, everyone is talking about how you’ve been treating the new hire and you’ve given her a set of rules?” Aeri questions, thinking it was bizarre for Jimin to do that.


“Who told you that? This was highly confidential and I’ve been treating her like I’ve been treating everyone else. In a professional matter.” Jimin points out, not wanting to talk about this further.


“Yeah…. Sure…” Aeri studies Jimin’s face. “It seems like you know her already? From how you’re treating her differently. What I’m saying is, take it easy on her or else you’ll scare her.”


“How do you even know that I’m treating her differently?” Jimin avoids the confrontation.


“It doesn’t matter, and it looks like you’re doing it anyway. Where do you even know her from? you’ve never acted like this before and we’ve known each other since high school.” Aeri pushes for an answer.


“I just know her, now, stop meddling unlike someone here I have things to do.” Jimin finalizes.


She loves Aeri but she won’t tell her how she met Minjeong and she definitely won’t be telling her any time soon. No one should know that there’s infatuation beneath the mistreatment. That’s the only difference between Minjeong and everyone else.


Jimin sighs before she asks what’s new with Aeri. Attempting to change the topic. Before she can muster another word, Aeri gets a phone call that her shoot starts very soon.


“It was nice catching up, Jimin. But I have things to do. Model things.” Aeri sticks her tongue out to prove that she in fact did have things to do.


“Remember what we talked about and try not to eat the girl.” Aeri winks before bidding Jimin goodbye.


Jimin holds the bridge of her nose. “I forgot how annoying she was.” She looks through the glass to see Minjeong working. “I won’t eat her just yet, Aeri.” She slightly smiles bef

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cleofierayne 35 streak #1
Chapter 4: Oh she knew her way beforeee kekeke and Aeri teasing her so funny 🤣

Myghaddd she really remind Minjeong the rules she set only for her hahahaha tsundere and jealous at the same time
No_looksies #2
Chapter 4: Damn tsundere jimin is a whole nother force to be reckoned with.. poor minjeong hang in there
Chapter 3: I loved this story😍 I can't wait for more chapters😊
cleofierayne 35 streak #4
Chapter 3: Woaaahhhh I now I'm gonna anticipate this another interesting story hehehe. Jimin is really something hahaha I feel like those special rules must be only for Minjeong. She really put emphasis on that.

So, I guess she knew Minjeong before they actually met in her company. I wonder how and when ? 🤔
No_looksies #5
Chapter 3: Wow this is a really interesting story! Jimin is such a tsundere.. minjeong is just gonna have to plough through all this... The dating rule reminds me of gap the series ina way
Kylyky_ 13 streak #6
Chapter 3: woahhhh, im loving it !!
29 streak #7
Chapter 3: Lol! Tsundere Jimin…
29 streak #8
Chapter 2: Short update but interesting…