Chap 3

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Minjeong clears . “My intentions… I would like to gather more experience and hopefully if my work is deemed to be of high quality, then, I’ll be glad to stay here permanently.” 


Jimin slowly nods. 


“The answer to your second question is I’ve always wanted to work in a designer company. There’s much more creativity happening in companies like this. I’d say a lot more is happening in this one, which is why it’s such a top tier brand.” Minjeong rambles 


“Don’t think buttering my toast will make you work here permanently. Although I wouldn’t say I disagree with what you said, regardless, your answers seem artificial.” 


Minjeong is in disbelief. “What? What could possibly be the best answer?? I literally said the most professional thing possible” she cries on the inside. 


“Now that we’ve gone over your half assed answers. Listen up closely, I hate repeating myself and I will never repeat myself.” Jimin glares at her. 


Minjeong cowers. 


“First and foremost, be on time and if you’re not on time at least warn us beforehand. I am sure you were about to be late today? Am I correct?” 


Minjeong raises her eyebrows. “How did she know? I came here on time, though…” 


“Yes, I was about to be late. I apologize.”


Jimin puts her hand up signaling her to be quiet.


“Do better next time. Now the next set of rules are required. No. Matter. What.” Jimin taps on the table as she says it. 


“Don’t ever talk to anyone more than you should and never start dating anyone here. This company has a no dating policy and if I find out that you’re dating someone from this company, you’ll be fired automatically.” 


Jimin finishes off with “The other rules have been sent to your work email, it’s the ordinary rules regarding any company. I assume you know, although, seeing how you are today I think you might need more assistance.” Jimin mocks. 


Minjeong, who is mildly annoyed, just nods. “Well, if you have any questions and or concerns you can email my secretary or one of your employees next to your cubicle. Your cubicle is near my door and has your name tag on it. And don’t forget, not too much interaction inside of work.” 


Minjeong stands up and bows. “I’ll do my best! Thank you so much, Ms. Jimin. Have a good day.” 


Jimin ignores her and starts typing onto her laptop. 


Minjeong takes that as a sign to leave. “Ugh, has she always been that rude to new hires? And how did she know I was about to be late.” She scratches her head, as she goes to her cubicle. 


“Hello there, cubicle neighbor.” A man in his mid 20s smiles. “You must be Kim Minjeong, I’m Lee Jeno” He offers his hand out. 


“I hope Ms. Boss lady wasn't too harsh on you. She tends to act like there’s a rat up her ” 


She takes it and giggles. “Nice to meet you, Jeno! Yeah, I’m not going to agree nor disagree since it’s my first day but let’s just say she definitely is something.” 


She feels someone’s eyes burning holes in the back of her head. She turns around to who it could be but sees nothing. 


“Well Jeno, it’s nice that I work with someone that’s aware of her behavior. Let’s get to work shall we?” Minjeong smiles. 


Jeno smiles back. 


They both take a seat at their respective work space. Not until, Jimin gets out of her office and says “Everyone get to the meeting room now.” She stomps to the meeting room. 


Jeno and Minjeong both look at each other and shrug. As they entered, the only other seats left were right next to each other. They both took it with no other thoughts. (I mean who wouldn’t lmao) 


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cleofierayne 35 streak #1
Chapter 4: Oh she knew her way beforeee kekeke and Aeri teasing her so funny 🤣

Myghaddd she really remind Minjeong the rules she set only for her hahahaha tsundere and jealous at the same time
No_looksies #2
Chapter 4: Damn tsundere jimin is a whole nother force to be reckoned with.. poor minjeong hang in there
Chapter 3: I loved this story😍 I can't wait for more chapters😊
cleofierayne 35 streak #4
Chapter 3: Woaaahhhh I now I'm gonna anticipate this another interesting story hehehe. Jimin is really something hahaha I feel like those special rules must be only for Minjeong. She really put emphasis on that.

So, I guess she knew Minjeong before they actually met in her company. I wonder how and when ? 🤔
No_looksies #5
Chapter 3: Wow this is a really interesting story! Jimin is such a tsundere.. minjeong is just gonna have to plough through all this... The dating rule reminds me of gap the series ina way
Kylyky_ 13 streak #6
Chapter 3: woahhhh, im loving it !!
29 streak #7
Chapter 3: Lol! Tsundere Jimin…
29 streak #8
Chapter 2: Short update but interesting…