Miss perfect?

Mess it up.
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As the bell rings, the raven haired student slowly closed her notebook, filled to the brim with doodles. Finally...


She takes a deep breath, calming her heart down before gathering her things and sliding them into her leather backpack, sorting them carefully according to their size and colour.


Pulling the zip to a close, Jimin's eyes catch the way the boy sitting infront of her turned around, resting his arm on her table. Her brows are brought together into a frown.


I should bring sanitizer tomorrow...


"Jimin, do you have the notes for math? I fell asleep." Quirking a brow at the boy, Jimin only shakes her head at the way the boys eyes were glittering before picking up her bag and standing up, off the chair. Annoying.


"Bro, you really think she's gonna talk to you that easily? Besides- asking her for the notes is useless, she was drawing the whole time." Pushing the chair in, the raven haired girl glances at the way the boys seat mate smacked him on the back of the head. Annoying.


"She literally has the best grades." Glaring at his friend, the boy points a finger towards Jimin. Rude.


"Yes, and?" Jimin sighs, speaking up for the first time the whole lesson. ing pests.


"You study then." A shrug from the boy, looking up at Jimin with a flirtatious smile.




"Not here." With that, the girl would walk out of the classroom, intending on heading over for the dance club. We should finalise the choreo for the next comp... 


Unbeknownst to her, someone was slowly and silently sneaking up behind her.


"Jjim, gonna check your locker today?" Chaeyeon drapes an arm over the girls shoulder, the other hand holding a packet of strawberry mint coffee up to her lips.


Pausing for a moment, Jimin looks over to the older woman, grimacing at the disgusting drink.


"What the is that flavour." Immediately bursting out into laughter, Chaeyeon starts smacking the girls collar as an outlet.


"This is why I ing love you, best reaction by far. Anyways, locker. I'm craving something sweet." Taking her arm back, Chaeyeon instead decides to stick her hand in her pocket, walking lopsidedly.


"Walk straight, Lee Chaeyeon." A voice comes from the side, both dancers look towards the left.


" Oh, Kkura! I can't really walk straight you see, I'm abit gay." The pink haired girl only rolls her eyes, kicking the taller's shins.


"Jimin, this girl is the dance clubs pres?" A soft chuckle comes from the tallest of the three, surprising Sakura.


"...Unfortunately." Suddenly, footsteps double in numbers and the crowd parts slightly, revealing a group of girls walking straight towards the raven.


"." A whisper under her breath, only audible to Chaeyeon and Sakura.


" They're not that bad." Chaeyeon takes another sip of her coffee


"I hate them." Sakura rolls her eyes.


" They're always bothering me."


Ning Yizhuo, Giselle, Somi, Yunjin and Heejin. Now don't get any of them wrong, they're not the mean girls. But they kind of are. They're just- mean to boys.


They were definitely trouble makers for Sakura, who was a part of the student council.


"Uniform alteration, not following dress code, Giselle your tie is loose, the rest isn't even...wearing any. What the is that hair colour Yunjin, Somi? Heejin why are you wearing A ING COLLAR!?" Sakura pushes past both girls, scanning the group of girls over for any broken regulations, safe to say, many.


"This IS my natural hair color Gurl." Running her fingers through the platinum blonde locks, Somi rolls her eyes at the council member.


"There's literal videos of you with black hair, your roots are also showing." A stoic face.


"Your hair is literally pink right now, Sakura." Chaeyeon pipes in from the side, laughing. 


"This is for work, that isn't. If the two of you want to dye your hair, get permission first." Jimin zoned her eyes out on one of the phones pointed towards them, capturing Sakura whose blood pressure was dangerously high.


"Unfortunately, we don't work as idols." A shrug comes from the orange haired girl, Sakura only takes a deep breath to calm herself down.


"My neck was feeling a little too constricted." Giselle takes the tie off, causing the pink girl to take a deep breath, feeling her blood pressure rise impossibly higher. Jimin walks over to the other side, silently shielding the idol from the phone camera.


" What do you think? Does it fit me? Hyunjin got it for my birthday." Moving her hair out the way, Heejin flaunts the collar, a name tag attached at the side.


"WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED! WHAT THE IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU!?" Stressed out of her mind, Sakura explodes and the moments of silence right after gets interrupted by the loud laughter of Ning and Chaeyeon.


"Kkura, drink some water to calm down." Jimin only watches with a poker face, inwardly disgusted with the way Chaeyeon raises the packet of strawberry mint coffee to Sakura's lips.


"...Lee Chaeyeon." Half a beat passes, the student council secretary spins on her heel and knees the dancer in the stomach.


"Why are you drinking that? What is that?? Is it being sold in one of the vending machines?? Where did you even get it? Who thought it was a good idea?? I need water, actual ing water." Eyes raising in surprise at the speed of the older woman's ranting, Jimin smirks before turning to walk down the hall, seeing the student who was recording the ordeal put down their phone.


"Wait wait- Jimin we have something to say though." Sighing, Jimin turns to Aeri, tilting her head, annoyed.


"It's just... you won the contest again, so you have your prize..." Right, that stupid ing contest.


Rolling her eyes, Jimin reinforces her poker face before outstretching a hand.


"Give it then." Somi raises a brow at the attitude but gets held back by Heejin who whispers something into the girl's ear.


Giselle sighs before placing the bouquet of chocolate roses along with an envelop into Jimin's hands.


Looking into the envelop, Jimin blinks twice before tossing both to Chaeyeon. Somehow perfect, nice.


"You said you wanted candy." With that, Jimin continues her walk to the dance room.


"Jjim, there's literal money in here. Not a s

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Chapter 4: ahh I wanna know more T_T haha
I like it so far !! <333
Chapter 2: 😣😤😤💙❄
eightcount #3
Chapter 2: I'm hooked. Can't wait to see you how things will build up.
Cyndrux #4
Thank you for releasing it author, I love how the story starts. Please continue updating