PERFECT MATCH : An Interactive Survival Show Applyfic - APPLY OPEN
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!! Please tag your app with perfectmatch

Age range is 2002-2008 except for the plotline exceptions. The faceclaim needs to have been that age at one point in her career.

Ethnicity should be at least half asian. Make sure your character's ethnicity matches their faceclaim's!

For the personality, give me a balanced character please, so give me someone with a good amount of flaws and virtues.

For the background just think about how your character got here and why, it doesn't have to be very long. 

Trainee Profile
Your character will have a single twin! So if their vocal twin is Yujin she will also be their dance and rap twin. Make sure the twin matches your positions!

I've added a section where you can tell me why you chose that twin. It's optional but different people have different perceptions of an idol's skillset and I'd love to see why you chose them and how you see it.

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PERFECT MATCH: Not gonna lie, I thought there was no interest in this story so I was so happy when two apps came in! I am still committed to writing it if there is interest <3


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14 streak #1
Chapter 3: Is TRI.BE Jia suitable to be a visual?
hi, it looks like the app code is broken?
Chapter 3: rubs hands in slow motion like a cartoon villain
Chapter 4: a quick question, how many times are we allowed to apply?
just wondering, i don't know if i'll make more than one, but i just wanted to see if the option was available:3
Chapter 4: ive had a character completed for so long but with no where to go....and i think shes finally found her home!!! im super excited :D
Chapter 3: s2's sub vocal, visual is giving me flashbacks to poor lelush on produce camp 2021 💀💀
14 streak #7
Chapter 3: I might have an idea for the fangirl and last chance plotline!
Chapter 2: ooo those are some definitely interesting company, especially mnh with that being chungha's ex company after all

i can smell the competition sparking woohoo!!