PERFECT MATCH : An Interactive Survival Show Applyfic - APPLY OPEN
They were so close to debuting their group that they were already practicing their debut song.

The Pocketdol Girls are a polished unit who were so close to the finishline and now they're right back into the uncertainty and competition of their pre-debut era.

They have to prove themselves all over again and now the competition has doubled.

CEO: Lim Kwangseo
This project group has been in development for a long time but the CEO still doesn't consider them ready. They're a very talented bunch, but he is still looking for that one member with real star power to complete them. They needed a center, or so the CEO thinks anyway.

Now that doesn't matter anymore, suddenly Maroo's CEO has all the center material at his disposal in the other teams, and he's left seeing how far the talent of his trainees will get them.

CEO: Si Jaehyung
They were still in the early stages of getting a group together. They have a vague idea for a concept and a lot of trainee hopefuls but, realistically, they were at least a year or two out from actually debuting someone. The CEO was more than happy to send some of the hopefuls in and see if anything sticks.

The MNH girls are an unbalanced bunch. Some are debut-ready, some are still very rough. Most of them haven't worked together for very long either and don't know each other very well yet.
S2 had absolutely no plans for a new girl group. They already have one failed group and a newly debuted Kiss of Life behind them, why would they?

Ever an opportunist though, S2's CEO wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by. So he looked high and low for a handful of girls to present as S2 trainees.

This team is by far the most chaotic, with big gaps of skill and experience between them. They're the dark horses of the show, and hey, if even just one of them makes it that's an additional revenue stream for S2, right? Maybe they won't pull the plug on Kiss of Life then?

(can you tell I'm still salty about Hot Issue?)
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PERFECT MATCH: Not gonna lie, I thought there was no interest in this story so I was so happy when two apps came in! I am still committed to writing it if there is interest <3


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11 streak #1
Chapter 3: Is TRI.BE Jia suitable to be a visual?
hi, it looks like the app code is broken?
Chapter 3: rubs hands in slow motion like a cartoon villain
Chapter 4: a quick question, how many times are we allowed to apply?
just wondering, i don't know if i'll make more than one, but i just wanted to see if the option was available:3
Chapter 4: ive had a character completed for so long but with no where to go....and i think shes finally found her home!!! im super excited :D
Chapter 3: s2's sub vocal, visual is giving me flashbacks to poor lelush on produce camp 2021 💀💀
11 streak #7
Chapter 3: I might have an idea for the fangirl and last chance plotline!
Chapter 2: ooo those are some definitely interesting company, especially mnh with that being chungha's ex company after all

i can smell the competition sparking woohoo!!