Back to their roots

Lily- A story of rebirth
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While Becky and her grandparents were trying to convince Freen to let them buy the new house in Thailand, the director released a picture of the movie on his Instagram account.

The fans got extremely excited and curious about the mysterious woman in the scene with Becky because they could only see the co-star from the back while their idol had such an intense gaze.

To make things even more interesting, the guy published the movie synopsis and kept the name of the other actress in blank. 

When she saw that, the Thai-British commented with her former friend and Freen pointed out:

__ I asked them to keep my name a secret until the release of the movie. It’s too soon to welcome drama in my life.

__ Alright. Fair enough. Now back to important things, listen to my grandparents.

Maggie and Bob smiled and hugged the brunette from both sides.

The 31-year-old laughed and asked:

__ What is this Armstrong combo?

Bob patted the artist’s back and said:

__ Sweetie, just stop being so stubborn. Nobody wants to control you. We are family. And two old fools have no reason to sit on money. I told you before. Robin doesn’t need us. Neither do Richie and Becca. Since we are moving to your country, everything shall be sold here. Consider we will invest in Lily’s future.

Exhaling, the handsome woman replied:

__ I do understand your point. However, it feels weird. I saved money too...

Maggie intervened:

__ We are going to rebuild our lives, right? A place big enough for our group is pricey! You, Becky, and we share the costs. And the property stays in our girl’s name.

Looking at the brown-haired female with a pouty expression, the dark-haired female rolled her eyes and exclaimed:

__ Okaaaay! Such a mafia! These Armstrongs are so annoying!

The international star grinned, which exposed her dimples.

__ Thank you, P’Finn.

__ Narak dee... __ Freen accidentally let it slip and the elders giggled.

Bob stepped back and informed:

__ Well, I’ve got a lot to do now that we reached an agreement.

__ Me too. I need to see the best way to close my local business without causing problems. Bec, keep an eye on Lily while I’m out.

The 27-year-old nodded while checking the older one out.

Maggie waited for those two to leave to playfully hit her granddaughter.

__ What, Nana? __ Becky rubbed her arm.

__ Don’t be too in the face, kid! Freen hasn’t dated in years. And you know she is shy. Hold your horses.

The actress laughed out of embarrassment and asked:

__ Am I that obvious?

Shaking her head, the old lady crossed her arms and spoke with sarcasm:

__ You??? No. It’s just my imagination.

Becky sighed and confessed:

__ Sometimes it’s hard not to hold her tight and keep her in my arms. I thought I had overcome the past. But...

Maggie caressed her granddaughter’s face affectionately.

__ You two are meant to be. Everything will be fine.

__ Thank you, Nana. Now lemme look for my tiny one.

The elder beamed and watched the young woman walk away with pride.

__ x __

It took them all three weeks to deal with all the bureaucracy related to their business and the process of moving out.

Nun and Robin helped them to find the right property in Thailand.

They sent five links, and the two actresses talked about it for a while.

Becky suggested:

__ Even though they’re all excellent, the second and the fifth are too far from Bangkok. The first is too exposed.

__ Yeah. I also believe the third and the fourth are the best. The third is a bit far from the city but is not too distant from my mother’s cafe. And it’s the biggest property. Good to have our vila.

The brown-haired one nodded while staring at the older female’s mouth.

Shy, Freen looked away and murmured:

__ Listen, Bec... I know what I said. But I feel that we should not mess with the past. Let’s focus on what matters: our daughter.

Grinning, the younger one commented:

__ It’s the first time you speak like that. “Our daughter”. You sound comfortable. 

Shrugging, the artist responded:

__ Well, you’ve earned the right to be her mom with a change of behavior.

The 27-year-old smiled and hesitated before asking:

__ About the first topic, can’t we go back to what we used to be in the past? You know, the flirting thing?

Freen smirked and affirmed:

__ Ah, when you would flirt with me all day, every day...

Pouting, Becky exclaimed:

__ When WE flirted all day, every day. People believed in your angelic persona in public. But I know how you were backstage.

The 31-year-old cracked up and blushed.

__ If you say so... Anyway, I can’t force you to behave completely. Buuut... Lily needs us. And being a parent is demanding. So let’s not get lost in...distractions.

__ You didn’t forbid me from flirting with you.

 Becky’s familiar smug opened a soft smile on the Thai female’s beautiful face.

__ When have you ever listened to me, Becky Rebecca Patricia Armstrong?

__ Narak dee... I listened every time. It was just impossible to resist the temptation to annoy you. And you continue being great at avoiding some topics.__ The shorter one laughed.

The brunette pretended to be upset to tease the alluring female.

__ You’re such a little !

Winking, Becky provoked:

__ But you find me cute.

Freen rolled her eyes and mumbled:

__ Whatever...

Getting close to the older woman’s ear, the Armstrong girl whispered:

__ And our mouths match perfectly. 

The handsome pretty artist pushed her co-star while gulping.

__ Shut up!

__ Why don’t you make me do it? __ Becky defied with a naughty expression.

Freen laughed and walked toward the corridor.

__ I could. You know it damn well.

__ That’s why I’m leaving a bait.__ The 27-year-old giggled.

The 31-year-old held her smile and changed the subject.

__ Hey, what about the movie? Have you finished your scenes?

__ Yes. However, I can’t fly to Thailand with you guys. First, I have an obligatory stop in Paris.

The artist nodded and stated;

__ That’s better, actually. I came up with a plan to keep Lily under the radar. Our family will leave the airport in Bangkok in different groups. You are too famous not to be recognized. If you were seen with your grandparents being picked up by one of your parents...

Becky agreed and added:

__ You’re right. We should be extra careful for our child. 

__ x __

Becky’s father and Freen’s mother went to the airport. 

Nun met Maggie inside the restroom to pick Lily up.

The middle-aged female left the place through the back door.

Then Robin took his parents away while Freen was spending time at the gift shop as a strategy.

Once they were all gone, the brunette waited 10 extra minutes before going outside to take a cab.

When the artist was about to enter the vehicle, she heard the scariest words:

__ P’Freen! I missed you!

Worried, the 31-year-old glanced at the fan and smiled while discreetly waving.

She got into the cab and asked the driver to leave immediately.

Aware of the heavy traffic and the long ride, the brunette logged into her Instagram to distract her mind. 

However, the charming woman almost had a panic attack the moment she saw a picture of her doing the checkout at the airport.

“! I had just stepped into the country..”

Ten minutes later, Nam sent her a message asking if the picture had been edited.

Freen told Nam she had been so busy dealing with personal issues that she forgot to update her.

The older one got so excited to know the news that she called the brunette.

__ P’Nam, I miss you so much. But I can’t say some things on the phone. As soon as I get to my new house, I’ll give you a call. __ The 31-year-old murmured while seeing the driver’s confused glance in the mirror.

She continued checking her social media accounts and held her breath the moment fans started to trend her name on X.

After almost two hours, the handsome female saw her new property and smiled with joy.

The place was certainly bigger than she thought and Robin, Rawee and her mother had made sure the right people were hired weeks before to adjust everything for their family.

Lily heard the sound of the car engine and waved from the window.

The 5-year-old asked permission to go greet her mother and Nun walked outside holding the child’s hand.

Freen paid the driver and ran toward her baby.

__ Mummy, I missed you! __ Becky’s miniature grinned while being squeezed and kissed.

The artist smiled at her daughter’s giggly sounds and affirmed:

__ Mummy missed you too.

Nun, who had no chance to greet her only child at the airport, pulled Freen for a tight hug.

The three of them went inside and found the 4 Armstrongs sitting while enjoying some tea.

Rawee pulled the brunette by the hand and offered:


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sunmooskywin 0 points #1
1197 streak #2
Chapter 29: Awww baby Jasmine!! Welcome to the chaos! I mean family! 🤣🤍
Chapter 28: Hurricanes or Typhoon? 😂 Its good that after so long they managed to release whats within with quickies 😶 piece of life chapter is the way to go now 😌 thank you the update 😊 take care and stay safe
Chapter 28: Hahaha...the hurricane 🤣🤣
Chapter 27: Im so happy for them! 😢 As long as they are safe, healthy... Other occurances will be just a passer by 👍 This is avery good chapter to me... Thank you for the update! Take care stay safe 😊
story19 #6
Chapter 8: Hmmm, becky, arent u a laywer yet, hahaha.
story19 #7
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun.. Go Becky, just kiss and make up alreqdy.
story19 #8
Chapter 6: Ohh, i though the meeting will happen, i got excited but well, it will happen eventually.
story19 #9
Chapter 5: Good chapter, would becky cry a river or go berseck once she found out about the baby.
story19 #10
Chapter 4: That was fast, freen is pregnant. I feel bad for becky though, she deserve to know but she gave up on freen, better not.