Chapter 3


"Your hand was always near mine,I could grab it anytime...


The sand,

Collapsing under our wet steps,

The long empty street....

...we didn't care about hurting our feet while running barefoot...

The taste of this drink was different with you,

I could drink from your lips until I fell

...Because I was certain you would be there

...Next to me in the morning..."


KyungSoo's house was placed in a district of single-family houses, with the main street at the end and a street full of pubs just next door. Further down was a big beach embraced by the woods from the back side of the lake. His home was fenced off by a tall stone fence in a marble color, with a black gate looking like a dungeon entrance. It wasn't his choice, he probably would have chosen a different shape, but the fence was already here when he bought this house. Inside, nicely cut grass was on every inch of the ground and the tall trees were separating his household space from other houses creating fence extensions. The medium-sized two-story house was in melancholic azure color with dark roofs.

Behind the wooden doors, placed in the middle of the house, painted in a navy color was a small anteroom, not separated from the sitting room by doors, just an open entrance leading straight to the kitchen which was together with the dining room and on the right side the sitting room behind the long bifold doors.

- KyungSoo-yah! - YiSeuls' voice could be heard from the kitchen - Baboo, there is a festival today, are we going? - she called him Baboo like the little monkey from a cartoon for kids.

How time flies?

It's already been a year after the unexpected one-off night. This unpredictable plot twist turned out to be a blessing for both of them. After they came back from a work trip, they've been meeting almost every day. KyungSoo was a frequent guest in YiSeul's house. He meet her mother who was delighted by his presence.

- Take care of this precious boy! - mother always repeated when he came by. It looks like, even if her body couldn't do much due to sickness when he came she was receiving an unlimited energy boost so he was always receiving all kinds of different sweets, dishes, and hot drinks. She was always by his side, but he didn't mind. He was happy to be accepted by her.

Due to his job colors, he had to work many hours and go on a work trips often. YiSeul was always waiting for him with prepared dinner and snacks. They loved going to their favorite pub, just next door street from KyungSoo's house.

She was sitting now on a bar chair next to the kitchen island and looking at her phone. The island and the kitchen shelves and worktops were in navy color, fridge and cooker in silver. The rest of the walls in this room were white. The flooring was limestone grey tiles. On the right side, under the bifold doors was lying a grey carpet, just a little darker than the tiles' color. YiSeul's dark brown hair was tied in a top knot. She was wearing a black undershirt and light blue denim shorts.

- What time? - KyungSoo shouted from the sitting room.

- It says, the festival starts at 8 pm but all the tills and stands are open from 6 pm. It's past 5 pm -

Suddenly, KyungSoo appeared at the bifold doors. His hair was cut in short French crop, the top was just slightly longer than the sides. He was wearing a white t-shirt and pickle green loose shorts.

- I finished, so we can go if you're ready - said proudly showing his perfectly white, wide smile.

- Who's first in the toilet...? - she threw down the challenge and after a second of silence both started to run towards the stairs in the kitchen's far right corner.


Sun was living it's best in the blue sky. The significant advantage in early autumn is that the summer feeling can be still felt, despite the chilly wind and short days. An unexpected couple was heading down the road together along with crowds of other people. KyungSoo wore a black beanie, black and white plaid shirt, and white undershirt, together with light, loose jeans and dark sneakers. YiSeul wore a long loose black summer dress and plaid shirt in shades of brown and the same sneakers as her partner. Soon they reached the entrance of the party.

Stands were selling postcards with lake pictures or others connected to this place and festival attractions. On the beach, except for overwhelming crowds, they could find bars and stands placed on wooden flooring. Just further down on the right, a huge scene was standing with all the preparations for performance later in progress. They came near to one of the bar counters.

- Baboo, do you want a beer? - YiSeul asked while grabbing his hand tightly, so he would understand this question was rhetorical.

- I'll just take one bottle of coke please- he said to the barman at the counter

- What? You can drink one beer today! Work is done and tomorrow off - she jumped up and down while holding his hand

- Ok, let it be one then - he changed his mind... In reality, he didn't plan to drink it at all but didn't want to make her upset. - Two same please- finished placing the order and looked at her with a smirk - happy now? -

- I am happy, let's have fun today! You are working too much lately, I'm feeling like I don't have you anymore - she made a a facial expression of hopeless sadness, the one baby is doing before crying. That made KyungSoo laugh just before he grabbed their ready-to-drink beer.

In the next hour, the sun has settled down. They've been walking around, enjoying their time. In the meantime, KyungSoo was pretending to drink the beer but secretly poured it out here and there. It wasn't that he didn't want to have fun, just he didn't feel like drinking now. His mind was too much absorbed by the events around him, the people, the lights, and how nice would be to sit in his favorite pub's bar chair and just enjoy the time without too much noise and constant pushing through the crowd.

- Baboo - YiSeul woke him up from his thoughts suddenly - look, the concert is starting - and pointed at the scene where the powerful neons were lighting most of the beach. They came near the stage, barely pushed through the crowd but hopefully made it. KyungSoo was just standing focused. YiSeul was jumping while a three-person group was playing their folk music. Then one actress has done the stand-up skit. Then another rock band. KyungSoo was standing still, not making any effort to enjoy the show. Instead, he was carefully analyzing all the sound effects, equipment quality as well as lyrics and background details. YiSeul looked at him, the irritation was slightly visible on her face. She grabbed his hand and pushed him through the crowd's end, which was just at the shore of the lake.

He stiffed in place, not knowing what her behavior meant. Will she start reproaching him or she just doesn't want to be there anymore? She looked deep into his eyes in silence, the atmosphere was heavy.

- ..What? - he asked when she moved slowly to his right side while still gazing at him with a suspicious look....

-Wha..woow!- she pushed him straight into the lake! He fell splashing the water all around, sat, and from his gaze, you could hear many swearing words even if he was completely speechless. Suddenly, he jumped up grabbed her hand, and dragged her to the water together with him

- You won't get away with this! - The shore of the lake has shallow water so they've been lying flat and laughing. Soaked wet. He suddenly crouched down and started splashing the water on her, she stood up to fight back. Their laugh was spread across the beach and even the main concert couldn't drown it out completely. At some point, when they stood up Kyungsoo grabbed her wrists, pressed his chest against her, and made her move backward slowly to the dry part of the shore. She then released her hand, grabbed his back, and tripped him, but unfortunately, they fell over together on...

None of them expected that someone would be passing by at that second. They flew into the woman walking by with a man who seemed like her husband. Both of them were looking wealthy. That woman jumped back on time, but they still hit her slightly leaving her wet and dirty from sand traces on her long pink colored dress and flowers painted at the bottom.

- Are you out of your mind?! - she shouted when they picked themselves up from the ground. Her husband took a step forward:

- Look what you've done! This is unacceptable! You almost hurt her?!- he shouted in range. KyungSoo clammed up for a long second, then when he opened his mouth to apologize...YiSeul grabbed his hand and pushed to the crowd to run away. The husband was still shouting, but they didn't understand the words anymore. Just run, and run ahead.

While running they took off their soaked wet shoes, dirtied in sand. They laugh while holding their hands.

"WOW!" KyungSoo yelled with his head raised high. She was laughing loudly, it was more difficult to run when her back was bending from laughing, but KyungSoo held her hand so she wouldn't stop.


They had reached KyungSoo's beloved pub, "Inferno". The name had nothing to do with the decor of this place or the menu served. Blue and purple color neons were hung above the old, wooden doors. The glass walls were covering the whole wall belonging to this pub, including the fully glazed doors.

They walked in looking like two typhoon survivors. Inside, the dark brown wood flooring was covering each piece of the floor. The walls were painted in yellow. there were not many tables, two on the right, and three on the left arranged in a row under the wall. The toilets were at the right corner behind the bar, and from the left to the middle was the counter and a few bar chairs under. Both the doors and the counter were in seaweed color, something between brown and green. Some could say it's a green shade, the others it's brown, all depends on the person's view perception.

- You're not sitting on my chair wearing these clothes! - The female voice just objected. KyungSoo after his eyes found the source of this voice smiled and waved his hand in a greeting manner.

- Sarah, two beers for us please -

- Hi Sarah! - YiSeul waved a hand too and turned to KyungSoo- Baboo, maybe whisky? - He nodded his head in agreement while placing his hand on her arm and bringing her closer to him.

- Make it two whisky shots then - The woman behind the bar was a tall woman with her black hair tied up in a top knot. The printed headband was covering her forehead. Cat eyes make-up and red full lips were giving an exotic vibe and doubling her currently annoyed facial expression. She wore just a black sleeveless tank top and leggings. She was giving them stink eyes while polishing the beer pints.

- To the toilet, both of you - she grabbed the tumblers for whisky and turned around to open the cabinet filled with all kinds of alcohol bottles.

The runaway couple came back after generally sprucing themselves up and sat down on the first bar chairs. "...Creams Yura became a hot topic lately, after being spotted with a man in public..." KyungSoo looked at the TV hanging in the center of the right side wall. This news made him smirk a little.

- What? Are you laughing? - YiSeul grabbed his arm to catch his attention

- That's not my problem anymore, never was really, but it's funny how media works -

- Who's producing them now? - she asked while raising the glass to have a first sip. KyungSoo was holding the glass but felt the need to continue the topic.

- The one who was recruited by Kim some time ago. But I don't mind, Creams we're difficult after debut - and smiled at her like he's happy it's over.

- How's Yeolie doing after the promotion? -

- Oh, Chanyeol's doing fine, he always was. Living his life now as an unbridled producer, I guess this work suits him better - - And your new task? Have you had a general meeting today?-

- Yes - he paused to smile widely as something enjoyable happened.

- Shocking. You're making this face like you had the time of your life but not telling what was it, I need details! - she pushed him slightly to show her demand.

- There's not much for now. It's a four-person boy group, two rappers and two singers. Management decided to push them overseas so there are many plans for that in mind -

- How are they called? -

-...Tempo - the sudden silence was broken by a loud laughter bouncing off the walls.

- But...Why?- YiSeul couldn't believe it

- I gave them a few ideas but apparently the name was already chosen by Kim, and it's about the genre. They'll be a hip-hop group. Of course, it makes sense, but...- and he laughed again, just this time he controlled the volume a little lower. Suddenly he leaned down and started whispering into her ear:

- I will finally use my few old records, they'll be perfect for them... -

- Ok, why are you whispering? - she played along and whispered

- Because no one can hear this, it's a secret - he pressed the pointing finger to his lips and smirked while looking deeply into her eyes. She turned her head to do the same. They'd been looking at each other for a longer few seconds, and then suddenly she kissed him. Just a quick peck on his lips, and again they looked at each other. He did the same. Their smiling faces resembled the ones that children have before experiencing something for the first time, fascination? Maybe. Excitement? Also possible. Suddenly she grabbed his face and they drowned in a long fulfilling kiss like they couldn't hold back anymore...

- That is disgusting - Sarah's voice suddenly crushed the atmosphere. They raised their heads in a rush, she was here all the time! Sarah was leaning on the counter with her phone in hand. She wasn't disgusted, and to be honest she was enjoying the show very much. Seeing her amused face was very rare so they both started laughing from awkwardness, YiSeul covered her embarrassed face with her hands but still burst into laughter...

Time went by and after drinking more than one whisky shot, mostly sponsored by the entertained barmaid, the unexpected couple decided to finally go back home...

The front doors of KyungSoo's home opened, and they entered the kitchen. Walking slowly, taking off their shoes and clothes, throwing them under their feet while facing each other. Their bodies were like a photo magnet from holidays, bought for a few pence on the beach's souvenir stand, stuck to each other like those magnets to the refrigerator, and rubbing the tips of their shoes while moving. Kyungsoo was the one walking backwards. When entering the sitting room he grabbed the stereo system controller from the coffee table in the middle of the room and took a quick glance at which bottom to press. The radio was on. Their moves were supposed to remind the dance, but touch was the main goal so smooth spinning in circles was the best name for this choreography.

- Not complaining anymore, eh? - she said while showing a flirty smile.

- Never...- and he bowed his head slowly. Suddenly the time had stopped and every tiny sound disappeared. There was no outside world, only this room. His mind was stripped of all the thoughts and replaced by her lips. Leaning his head to the side and slightly opening his lips. His heart rumbled very loud, he wished to silence it for a second...just a second would be enough...

The left hand was pressing her back to pull closer, as close as it was possible. Like she would run away...The interlocked fingers in connected right hands couldn't decide how was more comfortable, bended, or stretched. She closed her eyes, waiting for the final blow of euphoria which was already rooted in her trembling bones from top to bottom of her body. He pressed gently his lips...

* buzz buzz*

The vibrating phone in KyungSoo's pants detonated the grand moment, shattering the passion all over the room walls. He jumped one step back but after seeing the anger on her face returned to his place like an obedient child and answered the phone:

- Chanyeol....- almost whispered with a resentful tone but it's not in his personality to cause a quarrel when Chanyeol wasn't even here and aware of what moment he just exterminated.

- KyungSoo-yah!- and laughed without reason- you alright? How's it going? - Kyungsoo was suppressing his anger:

- Fine, was at the festival today with YiSeul -She then started to dance gently with her fingers under his left ear going down the neck

- Oh, good boy, I wish I would say the same but May is recording for the next few days so I'm kind of lonely like Akon *ha ha ha*- he busted out of laugh from his own joke, while KyungSoo's mind was wondering somewhere in his girlfriend's eyes.

- so, mate, pack your bags, and say sorry to your missus. We're going to Gwangju tomorrow! -

- What? What for? -He raised his voice but YiSeul held his head in her both hands while pressing gently her right hand pointing finger to his lips to settle him down. Then she his lips quietly by hers. His eyes suddenly regained the glow.

- Listen carefully ok? JJ Entertainment is doing a large-scale event for the 14th birthday. All stars must be there, including Tempo. They'll have a pre-debut show. Also, Kim needs help with Creams...I know right? But you've been there already so you'll be fine. Imagine.. - he laughed before starting the sentence. Kyungsoo wasn't paying attention, was holding the phone a little further from his ear and enjoying the teasing moment with his girlfriend. She peck-kissed him here and there...

- Imagine Kim already needs your help after taking this family guy. I don't care really, but I bet he is crying now.Right, KyungSoo-yah I need to go, May is -

last few words he said in supersonic speed and hung up after barely finishing the sentence.

An unexpected couple was having another "look me. in the eye" challenge in silence. Suddenly, "Who's first upstairs!" Yiseul shouted and they ran upstairs while taking off and throwing their clothes under their feet. Kyungsoo made it to the top of the stairs first but he waited on her for some reason. When she reached his point, she pushed him and jumped into the room which was just on the right corner. She then took off her pants and he jumped to the room dragging her with him to the bed. They looked at each other and laughed. While being on top of her He gently took off her bra strap and leaned over to kiss her peach-colour stripped skin. She grabbed the white-brown line pattern duvet lying under them. Then Kyungsoo grabbed another side of it, and they disappeared under.... this small room with one double bed and slopped ceiling above it where all walls are in russet color.


- Sir Tae Woo! -

In the daytime, just in what looks like the city center, a man's troubled voice has been heard. The main road was wide and across the streets, you could find all kinds of shops and office buildings. The ones touching the sky, glazed and modern. Also the two-story old buildings with restaurants, corner shops, and other essential stores. Crowds walked by, it was probably sometime in the afternoon.

- Sir! - the middle-aged, black-haired man who was definitely an office worker judging by his clothes, finally found the "Sir" he was looking for. He stopped and banded down breathing heavily, his chubby weight could explain his lack of physical condition. The man who he was looking for was standing focused with his head raised high. Tall, short haircut looked like he just come back from the military. His facial features were not particularly characteristic. Sharp bones, long V-shaped face. Eyes were reminding jokingly cat on stand-by, long on the outer side and round like a coin on the inner side. Long nose and average-shaped lips. He wore a suit in a light shade of grey and a white suit shirt under. The office worker started his report:

- The stock has gone up! And compared to the forecast we are -3.4% behind. That can be fixed but Lyon company said they are considering cancelation, that woul...-

- Shush...- whispered Tae Woo while looking fascinated at the other side of the street.- You can tell me when we will get back to the office-

- But sir! - the terrified employer clenched his hands into the fist. What is more important than this?

Tae Woo smirked.

YiSeul walked on the other side of the street with two shopping bags and headphones in her ears.

- Interesting...- he whispered.


Have you had fun in the last few years? ...YiSeul...



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NME6778 #1
Chapter 1: Ohh, their meeting is so awkard... and kyungsoo is so shyy..
Chapter 3: This is so cute! ^^ Their relationship together seems pretty sweet so far.