Chapter 1


"...we were strong,


The strongest it was ever possible...


We were the mountain in the middle of a dark ocean of the wildest woods,


The enchanted future we expected to spend together...






How did we end up like this...?"


The voice of a young man rumbled with bitterness in his head. He didn't hear anything else. Walking on nighttime empty streets of Seoul's suburbs. This dark street, barely lightened by old lamps, was carrying another memory. Every corner of this town did. KyungSoo, that was his name, the man whose eyes still could see her walking next to him. His world just crumbled apart...


-... I was thinking of asking you, but that's not a good idea *ha ha ha* - A loud laugh just shattered on the white corridor walls. Doors in also white color were open. Inside the changing room for celebrities, two men were chatting together. Best friends, discussing the latest events. The room's walls were white coffee colors. In the center, there were two sets of white couches and black, wood tables facing each other as in the mirror image, creating a footpath just in between. On the wall, opposite the doors was a long row of wood tables and black chairs scattered around like whoever was using them forgot to slide them back under. Above the tables were mirrors, hung next to each other. On the right side was a long stand with clothes prepared for the next idol's performance. 


- You'd make my song too emotional, can't be bothered with that - tall friend laughed while sitting on the first chair from right side. His name was Chanyeol, KyungSoo's best friend. Kyungsoo was sitting at the table on the left side of the room. He was smiling but his eyes were telling about irritation. 


- Because the lyrics are about the difficult breakup, it should be emotional... Creams are happy with their songs...- said with an unmoved tone.


- Right! They are doing great, I swear! - Chanyeol admitted while pointing his fingers at the door as if this girl group was standing there.


- You fitted the songs so well for them ...-


- Because they're not "fitted", the manager banned me from giving any archive songs, so I had to create new ones, especially for Creams -


- That's bad, I bet you have lots of great songs written, but can't use them - After saying those words Chanyeol's smile disappeared from his face and he continued - are you planning to use them for yourself? - looked at KyungSoo and the silence fell over the room. KyungSoo was gazing at his hands while looking for the best answer:


- No...It's fine, they will be waiting for the next idol...-


- Bollocks! - a friend raised voice while swinging his head forward - You'd be great! but...- then leaned comfortably on the chair -'s your decision. Do whatever you want - and stopped here, as he knew he'd say too much if he would continue. KyungSoo without any further discussion stood from his seat and started to walk to the doors, asking: "are you going?"


Chanyeol then smiled and did the same.




When they opened the door, just at this moment the girl group walked by together with two men looking like security. Both are tall, well-built, and equipped with a utility belt and black body armor. Just behind the 5 young girls, the manager was walking. Middle height, middle age. Wrinkles under his eyes were representing more of his personality than age. He glanced at KyungSoo for a long second and suddenly smirked while turning his head forward. Kyungsoo was just watching him without any visible reaction. Then, both he and Chanyeol stepped outside of the room and followed the group.


*click click click*


The sound echoed in the corridor.


- Chanyeol! Oh God, this is unbelievable! -a female voice shouted. She suddenly appeared next to the friend's couple, this maybe 25 or 28-year-old girl, and started to take pictures with the camera. Chanyeol was posing while KyungSoo stepped back so he wouldn't be in view. She reacted:


- What are you doing? Come here! - and pointed by her hand on the spot next to his friend.


- I'm not an idol though...-


- Sorry, what's your name? -


- Doh KyungSoo...- he almost whispered


- It's shocking! I thought you're one of the idols, you look great - she smiles after finishing the sentence.


- I'm going first, can't be late, OK? - said Chanyeol and waved his hand in a "goodbye" manner then walked away.The photographer needed a longer time to consider what she should do from now on.


- You're not going with them? - asked after long seconds.


- I'm not in a hurry, the performance will be later - and smiled shyly at her, waiting for a reaction.


- I should go because I still have a lot of content to do. See you later! - and she runs forward, slowly disappearing from his view. He was standing in silence for a long second, then decided to move as well.




Later, in the control booth, KyungSoo together with 3 other staff was preparing for the performance which will take place next 20 minutes. KyungSoo standing in the back, looking at the other coworkers, making sure everything is under control.


- Don't...!- he raised his voice but then hesitated - ...Don't use the middle lamp, it will make them dazzle, it's too strong -


- Oh, you're right. Sorry! - answered the one sitting on the left side of the controller and twisted one of the caps. KyungSoo came near and looked at the soundboard.


- That should be ok - said and raised his head to look at the scene behind the wide window. The view was incredible. Hundreds of seats in red colour as well as the carpet. Approximately 10 step stairs led to a stage top, 2 pairs, one on the left, second on the right. The massive curtains that split the stage and hidden the other half were in navy blue colour. Suddenly, the door was opened and the photographer girl from before came in.


- Hi, would you mind if I make a few shots? - All of them looked at her with many questions in their eyes.


- What for? - finally, the one sitting just at the right end of the controller broke the silence. She smiled happily and said:


- It's mostly for my portfolio, but we may be using them later, of course with your permission only! - then stuck her camera to her smiling face and pressed the button to make a picture. KyungSoo wasn't happy. He looked at the girl resentfully, but when he was about to start talking, the doors opened again...


It was the manager, who casually walked in. Without any word, he stood next to KyungSoo and looked behind the window, then started:


- All prepared? -


- Yes, we just finished. The program is starting next 5 minutes, we are ready - Then manager looked at KyungSoo out of the corner of his eye.


- Did you imagine?...- he grunted. Surprised KyungSoo asked: "Excuse me?" 


- Did you imagine yourself there? - those words were like a knife straight into KyungSoo's heart. He barely managed to stay calm:


- Why would I do such a thing? -


- We both know this could have been your stage, but with your attitude, we would need a mask or dubler - then smiled like it was the best joke he could ever think of.


- You would be hidden behind the scenes and gi...-


- Can you...!- KyungSoo interrupted him, but backed off the next second, then finished with a low tone voice:


- It's not the best time, leave it manager Kim...- The smile wasn't coming off the manager's face, but he did as he was told. KyungSoo suddenly turned around and saw the photographer still standing there with a frightened face.


- Do you need to be here? - asked. She then, without any word opened the door and walked away.




The performance was glamorous. Creams have shown spectacular shows and gathered hundreds of fans cheering for them singing their producer's songs. After the show, the audience started to walk away, and staff rolled up the equipment or cleaned the stage. Two friends, Chanyeol and KyungSoo walked into the theatre by the backstage doors. Suddenly, Chanyeol stopped:


- KyungSoo-yah, sorry! - and fold his hands as if in prayer - I forgot I promised Sue I'll show her some things online and take her back home, you know what I mean - and stick out his tongue flirtatiously - Sorry, I promise I'll pay you back double for today! - and run back to the backstage leaving KyungSoo alone.


He wasn't upset, he wasn't even sure if he was bothered about it. This was a long, difficult day and the only thing he wished for was going back home and lying in his comfy bed. He turned around and walked towards the main entrance, but then...sudden hunch told him to stop. In the middle row, just on the first seat next to him was the photographer girl, looking at the camera and sliding photos. She wept silently...her right hand was holding her head widely to cover part of her face. KyungSoo looked at her in silence, why the sudden need to speak to her? It's not his business, and they don't know each other...why the hesitation to just walk away?


- What? - she asked, while still covering her face and looking at the camera. KyungSoo was looking for the best question to ask. Then after a couple of seconds, he goes:


- You're not going home? - It wasn't the best choice of question, but it just flew somehow from his mouth, surprising himself.


- ...are you hungry?- she asked without moving an inch from her last position, making him step back and open his eyes widely out of shock:


- W..well...I didn't plan it, but I can grab a takeaway if...that's OK? - almost whispered, still mesmerized. Suddenly she smiled and looked at him:


- Then let's go, what was your name again? KyungSoo, the producer of Creams? I like it! My name is YiSeul, the photographer in training - she smiled gracefully even though the tears were still lying gently on her cheeks. That made him smile happily for a second. This wasn't in the scenario. Meeting her that day wasn't planned at all, but even if he was tired, this new colleague seemed like the best companion after this long, demanding day. It's only today! They will never meet again, so why not?


Won't they?


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NME6778 #1
Chapter 1: Ohh, their meeting is so awkard... and kyungsoo is so shyy..
Chapter 3: This is so cute! ^^ Their relationship together seems pretty sweet so far.