
All In


"So, what's going on with you and your baby daddy?" 

Joohyun glanced at Karina from where she stood on a chair as they hung pink streamers across the porch's roof for Seung Ah's birthday celebration later that afternoon.

Karina had come over to assist with the decor while her husband looked after Seung Ah and Ningning for their nap before all the activities began.

Not only did it help having no little ones underfoot while she prepared for the party and the bouncy house was being set up, Joohyun wanted Seung Ah to return home and be stunned to see the backyard transformed into a magical wonderland for her big day.


“My baby daddy?” Joohyun repeated in amusement as she stepped down from the chair and repositioned it in another corner.  

Karina shrugged as she handed Joohyun the roll of crepe paper. “That’s what he is. He’s not your boyfriend. He’s not your husband. He’s the hot man you hooked up with that resulted in a baby. So yeah, your baby daddy. How are things going with him?" 


She hadn't had the chance to really chat with Karina since Joohyun had met up with Seungwan at the park the previous weekend.

Between getting last-minute things ready for her daughter's party and being on a tight deadline for a few client ads that had claimed all her free time, she and her friend hadn't had any time to catch up and talk about things. 

So, how did Joohyun explain how things were going with Seungwan when so much had changed in a short period of time?

In the week since he'd met Seung Ah, Seungwan had talked to her every single night, and now her daughter expected JooHyun's cell phone to ring right before her bath.


The little girl carried the phone around with her, and as soon as it lit up and Seungwan's name showed on the display— which Seung Ah had already come to recognize—she'd run to Joohyun for her to unlock the screen and answer it first.


It was the sweetest, cutest thing to watch Seung Ah walk through the house talking to him—her daughter couldn't sit still—and how enthusiastic her conversation always was.


She told him about her day, in more detail than Seungwan probably cared to hear, but there was no shortage of chatter from Seung Ah. 


Seungwan never talked to Joohyun right then. No, he always waited three hours later, when he knew Seung Ah was fast asleep at night, and then he'd call back so it was just the two of them on the phone.


And just like her daughter, Joohyun too had come to anticipate those calls, which always began in a casual manner, with Seungwan asking about her day or they'd discuss her work, his business and close friends, as well as his own childhood and family—which was entirely unlike her upbringing, especially considering his parents' continued marital bliss. 

During the initial portions of their dialogues, there was much getting to know one another, but somehow Seungwan would inevitably make comment that shifted the tone to one that was hot and sensual in nature.

Seungwan was highly skilled in —and no, Joohyun was not complaining in the least—and for the past three evenings, since that dirty phone call, she had hung up each time with her body relaxed and sated from the Seungwan had effortlessly coaxed from her as his deep, husky voice permeated her thoughts with all the and unseemly things he professed a desire to do unto her.

Just recollecting the prior night's -dampening call caused her face to feel warm and flushed.


“Hello?” Karina snapped her fingers several times, startling Joohyun from her intimate and arousing musings. “Where did you wander off to? You totally zoned out on me...”


And then Karina's eyes grew wide in playful accusation. “Oh, my goodness! Have you and Seungwan been hooking up?” 

“No!” Joohyun protested immediately, and threw the roll of streamers at her friend’s head, hoping to divert Karina from her line of questioning—and anyway, phone did not equal to hooking up.


Karina caught the bundle of crepe paper before it fell to the floor and became completely undone, but her face was alight with glee, as if she had just deduced a huge secret.


“You’re blushing furiously, Bae Joohyun, which I’ve never seen before. You and that hot baby daddy of yours are totally doing something.”

Trying to ignore Karina, Joohyun stepped down from the chair. Finished with the streamers, she opened the package for the My Little Pony plastic tablecloth and began arranging it over one of the long folding tables that would hold the sandwiches and snacks.

Karina helped straighten the tablecloth, though her grin never wavered. “You know, it's acceptable to have a life even though you have a child. You understand that, right? You obviously had some kind of chemistry with Seungwan originally, so clearly the two of you are attracted to one another.”  

Yes, desiring Seungwan and wanting him grew stronger with each evening when he seduced her mind and body. Joohyun only had a few close friends, and she suddenly felt the urge to speak with someone, to help her make sense of all the perplexing emotions swirling within her.

Karina was her confidant, the one she trusted most, and Joohyun knew her friend would not pass judgement upon her.


Joohyun arranged the matching plates, napkins, and paper cups on the table in a coordinated fashion.

"Seungwan has been speaking with Seung Ah daily, which she adores and anticipates. It's a wonderful way for the two of them to become acquainted without it feeling forced. But later at night," she met Karina’s curious gaze, feeling her complexion warm all over again.


"Well, he calls me and we talk...and do things."


Karina laughed lightheartedly. "Do things? As in, phone ?" Joohyun nodded affirmatively. "Yes." 

"Is it a good phone ?" 


"Extremely good," she admitted with a grin.


Seungwan possessed a filthy mouth and a wicked imaginations, which made the s he elicited from her beyond amazing.


While engaging in phone was emotionally and physically risk-free, Joohyun would be lying if she didn't admit that she missed actual .

The kind she had experienced with Seungwan in Busan. Feeling his big hands on her body, his mouth arousing her before he pinned her down on the mattress and satisfied her with deep, rhythmic s that had her panting with gratification and longing.


Self-induced and simply didn't compare to that, to Seungwan.


"So, you two have a great phone ," Karina declared, stating the obvious. "It seems a natural progression to do it in person, do you not think?"


This was a question Joohyun had struggled with internally. "I believe Seungwan has every right to act as a dad towards Seung Ah in every manner, but I am just not prepared to be in any kind of romantic relationship. With anyone." 

Simply put, for her, she no longer had trust in her judgment of men, and it was much easier and less convoluted with just herself and Seung Ah.

Furthermore, there was that fear of developing intense affections for Seungwan and getting wounded in the end if things did not work out between them, as there were certainly no guarantees.

 She also had to remind herself that his picture had just been splashed all over a major magazine as one of Seoul's hottest bachelors, and he was probably a very hot commodity at the moment—although he did spend his nights with her on the phone.


“I’m not sure I understand what the problem is,” Karina said, bringing her back around. “Has he asked you to formally to be in a relationship?”


Joohyun fussed with the pink and white balloons tied to one of the patio’s pillars. “” 

“Okay, so one of your concerns you don’t have to worry about, so why not just go for it and enjoy the ? You already know how good it is with Seungwan, and it’s not like he’s unfamiliar. If you think about it, it’s the perfect arrangement.”


Over the past few days, Joohyun had surprisingly found herself coming around to that way of thinking. Considering all the activities they’d already engaged during their phone , it wasn’t a stretch for them to transition all that to a physical affair.


They were clearly heading in that direction.


Fortunately, Joohyun was spared from having to reply to Karina as the doorbell rang, which was the beginning of the various food and cupcake deliveries she had ordered.

The party was almost finished being installed, and Joohyun put Karina in charge of getting the snacks in bowls and blending the beverage for the children while Joohyun assembled some party games for the little ones to play.  

A half an hour before the event was set to start, Karina went back home to gather up the girls to bring them over so Seung Ah could be the first to see all the party decorations before her guests arrived.

Joohyun took the short but free time to change into a comfortable dress, and just as she finished zipped it up in the back and slipped into a pair of sandals, the doorbell rang again.


Thinking it was Seung Ah and wanting to witness her expression when she saw all the party decorations for the first time, Joohyun rushed to the door and opened it without looking through the peephole.


Seeing Seungwan standing on the front porch instead, looking so breathtakingly gorgeous, with his  eyes sparkling with genuine happiness and his sinful mouth curving with a smile...all that attraction nearly short-circuited her brain.

It definitely had her body doing inappropriate things right before her daughter’s birthday party. 


“You’re early!” she blurted out.


Seungwan tipped his head curiously. “Is that a problem?”


“I, uh, no...of course not.” God, what was wrong with her? “I just wasn’t expecting you to be the first one to arrive.”


Seungwan's smile deepened. “I wanted to see and talk to Seung Ah before the party starts and her attention becomes all about the games and presents and cake.”


“Oh. She’s not here yet.” Joohyun nervously smoothed a hand down the front of her dress.


“She stayed over at my neighbors for the afternoon while I got everything ready for the party so it would be a surprise when she saw it. She should be here soon.”


“Okay...” His brows rose, his eyes now glimmering with humor as she continued to stare at him. “Can I come in?”


Oh, my God. Get it together, Joohyun! “Yes, of course!” She stepped back as he walked inside, and she noticed for the first time that his hands were filled with numerous gift bags that were clearly for a little girl’s birthday party.


“You’ve got at least a half dozen presents. How lavishly did you gift Seung Ah?”


“I swear I didn’t go overboard,” Seungwan promised. “And these aren’t all from me.” 

That surprised her. “Oh?”


“A few of them are from my sister and parents.”


Why that made her feel...bad, she didn’t know. Considering her own parents had never met Seung Ah, she never expected his family to accept the little girl so easily without meeting her.


“I’m sorry they weren’t invited,” she said, truly meaning it. “I...just didn’t want Seung Ah to be confused by seeing people she didn’t know or recognize on her birthday.” 


“They understand, Joohyun,” he said, not upset at all. “My mom and sister were just excited to buy some girly stuffs and toys. I couldn’t very well tell them no. They’ll meet Seung Ah soon enough.”


Seungwan set all the bags on the coffee table in the living room and then turned back toward her. “I have to say, this has been one of the longest weeks of my life, but my phone calls with Seung Ah have helped keep me from getting too impatient,” he admitted, right before his eyes went a little darker and more personal.

“And our phone calls...well, those kept me pretty damn happy, too.”


His gaze fell to her lips, which she had moistened with her tongue, and when he stepped nearer, she did not retreat, for the longing awakening inside of her kept her transfixed, and dear God, she wanted him to kiss her.


Yearned for the feel of his mouth joining with hers...not the fantasies he conjured over the phone, but with the flesh-and-blood man before her.  


Blinking slowly, sensually, Seungwan lifted a hand toward her face, and as his fingers touched her jaw, Joohyun heard her daughter's high voice from the front lawn outside, heading toward the door.

That snapped her from her trance, and she jerked back just as the door burst open and her daughter ran through, wearing the cute pink party attire that Joohyun had given Karina to change Seung Ah into, and her hair pulled back with a pink bow.


Seung Ah came to an abrupt halt when she saw Seungwan, the little girl’s eyes slightly narrowed and puzzled, and Joohyun could nearly feel the anxiety emanating from SeungWan, that his daughter wouldn’t recollect who he was since she hadn't seen him since last Sunday.


“Happy birthday, Seung Ah,” Seungwan finally said, and it was the rich timbre of his voice, which his daughter had heard every single night, that made a huge smile spread across her face and light up those matching dimple smiles.  


“Seungwan!” she said happily, clasping her hands beneath her chin. “You came for my birthday!”


“I said I would.” Seungwan smiled at his daughter, the gentleness in his eyes making Joohyun's heart swell with a startling emotion.  


Seung Ah’s eyes widened as she caught sight of all the gift bags on the table. “Are those for me?”


“Yes,” he said with a light laugh at her excitement. “But first, I think your mom has something to show you for your birthday.”


Seung Ah ran over to Joohyun and tugged on the skirt of her dress. “Show me, Mommy! Show me now!”  


Joohyun touched the top of Seung Ah’s bouncing head. “In just one minute,” she said before glancing back at the two grown-ups in the living room.


While Seungwan's attention had been focused solely on Seung Ah, Karina had been blatantly admiring her baby daddy.

Her friend had seen the picture of him in Seoul Magazine, but Joohyun knew that examining Seungwan live and in person was far more impactful and magnified his good looks, personality, and charm by tenfold.


“Seungwan, this is Karina, my best friend and neighbor,” Joohyun said, introducing the two. “And that adorable little girl is her daughter, Ningning.”


Seungwan gave them an amicable smile that only made him more breathtakingly handsome. “Nice to meet you both.”

“Karina,” Avery said, completely enamored of him.


Joohyun held back, just barely, from rolling her eyes at her married friend.


“Show me, Mommy!” Seung Ah said exuberantly, reminding JooHyun of what awaited her daughter in the backyard. “Show me, now, pwetty please!”


“Okay, come on.” Joohyun took Seung Ah’s hand and the five of them headed toward the back of the house.


Seung Ah swung Joohyun's arm back and forth as they walked. “I’ve been waiting and waiting all day long for my party and...”


Her daughter’s squeal of delight cut off whatever she’d been about to say as they stepped out to the patio and Seung Ah saw all the streamers, balloons, and the unicorn piñata and other decorations that had transformed the backyard.

There were cupcakes and goodie bags for the kids and fun games set up on the lawn, along with the big, pink bouncy castle that looked more like a palace for a princess. 


“Is this for me?” Seung Ah asked in awe.


“Yes, baby, it’s for you,” Joohyun said. It was the first time she’d really gone all out for her daughter’s celebration, and seeing her guileless reaction, she was glad she had.


Seung Ah went over to Seungwan and slipped her tiny hand into his, as if it was the most natural thing to do. “I want to go in the big castle,” she said, giving him an eager smile. “Will you take me?” 

“Me too!” Ningning said, grabbing his other hand not wanting to miss out.   

Seungwan laughed, seeming comfortable with both little girls’ attention—unlike some men who wouldn’t be as patient. “Come on, I’ll go with both of you,” he said, clearly not wanting either to feel left out or that he favored one.


The trio headed toward the bouncy house, with Joohyun and Karina watching them depart.


“Oh man, girl,” Karina said with a wistful sigh. “Your baby daddy is so fine. And how he is with Seung Ah...I swear my ovaries just burst.”  

Joohyun gave her friend an incredulous look at the ridiculous comment. “Seriously?”


“Oh yeah. Mark my words,” Karina said slyly. “A few single moms today will be all over him, you have to fight them off with a stick.”  

Joohyun shook her head. “I’m not his keeper, Karina."


“You should be,” her friend suggested with a sly smile. “Even if it’s just to keep him around as your baby daddy with benefits.”


Joohyun chose not to reply. She and Seungwan shared a child but weren’t exclusive, so he was free to date others despite their phone .


Except that mental pep talk bite her back in the a few hours later when the party was in full swing.


The mothers who stayed zeroed in on Seungwan, the only guy present. Even Karina's husband chose football over raging kids with boundless energy. 


Joohyun introduced Seungwan as a friend upon arrival, not wanting Seung Ah to hear about her father secondhand.

But designating Seungwan as platonic for now drew unwanted interest from single women as he spent time playing outside with the kids.

Little boys clambered over him like a living jungle gym while girls demanded attention too. Seungwan did his best keeping everyone happy, appearing to genuinely enjoy himself.


Rosé, a recent divorcée, sauntered over to where Joohyun and Karina cleared discarded plates and cups. The twenty-something blonde was petite yet disproportionately busty.

Never one to hide her figure, today Rosé displayed cleavage in a camisole and short shorts highlighting tanned legs, finishing the look with tall wedges.


"Your friend seems familiar," Rosé said as Joohyun cleared leftovers. "But I can't place where I've seen him before." 


"I thought the same," another woman, Jisoo, added. "Isn't he the man featured last month in Seoul's main magazine as the city's most hottest bachelor? The lawyer guy."  

Across the table, Karina threw Joohyun a clear look: Claim him now before those es steal him away. But Joohyun wouldn't publicly claim Seungwan nor lie to Rosé and Jisoo.


"Yes, that's him," she admitted.


Karina groaned in disappointment beneath her breath.


"My God." Rosé's interest intensified. "Single, breathtakingly handsome and presumably rich and smart with all the cases he had won. And he adores children."


Jisoo laughed. "Sounds like you're already sizing him up for husband number two."


"Oh, he definitely has the potential," Rosé studied Seungwan with a slow smile. "He appears hot and thirsty. I'll bring him water, save him from those annoying hyperactive kids. Think that earns a date?"


"It's worth the attempt," Jisoo said, encouraging Rosé since she was married.

Rosé grabbed water from the cooler and staggered across the lawn in towering heels, determined to help Seungwan hydrate. She shooed away playing children and offered the cold bottle. 


Joohyun tormented herself watching their exchange. She couldn't hear words but saw Seungwan's charming smile and Rosé's ensuing laughter, flipping hair to showcase ample cleavage.  


Ugh. Joohyun hated the simmering jealousy intensifying as Rosé brazenly examined Seungwan's muscle, running fingers flirtatiously over his arm.

Joohyun's stomach twisted the most  when the woman withdrew phone from her shorts’ back pocket, typing something in. Joohyun could only deduce an exchange of numbers been made between Seungwan and Rosé.


Joohyun tossed the last scraps of wrapping from gifts Seung Ah tore open. Her stomach knotted more even more.


And it didn’t help matters when she glanced at Seungwan and Rosé again and found him looking at Joohyun while the woman in front of him had her head down as she continued to do something with her phone.


His scrutiny made her self-conscious, so after gathering bowls and trays she fled to the kitchen to avoid witnessing her baby daddy securing a date.


For fifteen minutes she occupied herself putting away leftovers and cleaning dishes, knowing Karina had things under control outside.  


Finally ready to face whatever Seungwan and Rosé did together, she exhaled and turned from the sink. A gasp escaped seeing Seungwan casually leaned against the doorframe.


Seungwan's arms were crossed over his broad chest while his expression showed concern but she hadn't heard anyone come into the house. How long had he stood there and watched her silently?


The thought was unnerving. "I was merely getting ahead of cleaning so it wouldn't take longer once everyone is gone," Joohyun said in case he sought her location and absence. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she was battling a green-eyed monster.

His gaze analyzed hers perceptively. "Are you okay?"


"Of course," she said, realizing belatedly her chin protruded too defiantly. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"


Seungwan pushed from the doorway, slowly nearing her, each step hastening Joohyun's heartbeat. "I saw how you watched myself and Rosé before entering, and you looked less than fine."


Somehow affecting nonchalance, she glanced down, avoiding intense eyes. "It's none of my business with what  you do with other women."


Seungwan touched her chin, compelling eye contact, thumb caressing her lower lip. "Do you truly think that I would talk to you the way we do on the phone and say things that make you moan my name as you come, then turn around and go out with someone else?"


She swallowed hard. "I don't know  what I think," Joohyun answered honestly, hating the vulnerability in her tone.

Doubts and uncertainties. "I merely know past men haven't always considered my feelings regarding relationships. Not that I label what we do a relationship, it's just..." Her voice drifted off, at a loss.


His jaw clenched. "Just so you know, I'm not like Bogum or other idiots that came before him  who failed to appreciate a fine thing. And I do not screwing with other women when my focused is on the only one I want. And to ease your mind, Rosé doesn't do a thing to me, because you alone fill my thoughts on how I want you. I've had one relationship since Busan over three years ago and it was short lived for a few weeks. Know why?" Seungwan asked, fingers sliding around her nape, drawing her face, her lips nearer still.

"Because I've compared every woman to you, and they all always come lacking. So do not doubt what stirs between us is real. You need to try lower your guard and give what remains between us a chance. Can you try and do that?" 

Seungwan wasn’t asking her for a commitment, which she wasn’t sure she was capable of giving him when she’d never personally had a relationship with staying power, anyway.


And truthfully, for Joohyun, resisting Seungwan was getting more and more difficult, and taking that next logical step to just give in to what they both wanted and desired— each other—was easier than fighting their attraction when they were near one another.

She just had to be careful to keep her heart and emotions out of the equation, and just enjoy her baby daddy with benefits. “Yes, I can try.”





Enjoy reading!  

But I had to break it to you guys that the chapters in total would be around 14, plus minus. Soo yea we arrived at the half of it.

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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 12: Aaaaa good
Bltrx82 #2
Chapter 15: I need more story like this. Author-nim, thank you so much for this best story.
Bltrx82 #3
Chapter 14: give me another story like this author-nim 🥺
Chapter 10: It must be very difficult for Joohyun, because she is still not brave enough to take risks with Seungwan
Chapter 7: joohyun jealous is my favorite hahaha
Chapter 5: this is very sweet
Chapter 3: I just found this story and it's really interesting, I will read it until the end. Luckily, it's already finished (hopefully).
I always enjoy time traveling story and esp when it's about my two favorite people. Anyway, I or She POV are both lovely so it doesn't really matter for me
Chapter 14: omygod this story is so good!! it's been a while since the last time I read a wr family au and i love it so much! thank you for writing this i'm so glad they had a happy ending huhu
Chapter 12: Perfect ending! 🥰