
All In


From the very moment her now ex-boyfriend slammed the door on her after ruthlessly ending things, Bae Joohyun never thought her crappy day could take a turn. But it had, in the form of the smoking hot guy walking next to her. 

Seungwan was even better looking than the Hades - with a killer smile that made her insides feel all fluttery. Everything about his fun, laidback persona was a 180 degree different from her ex Bogum's uptight, narcissist ways that she had witnessed. 

As they strolled through the station towards the hotel, Joohyun discreetly glanced at the kind stranger who so generously offered her a place to crash with no strings attached. They'd only known each other an hour but Seungwan gave off nothing egotistical like Brice.


And unlike some guys, he didn't come across as trying to hookup just because they were stranded either. When Seungwan asked to share her table, her first thought was clearly wrong.


Instead of just brushing her off, Seungwan had been really nice and understanding while Joohyun told him about her crappy situation. He listened really well to her story, unlike most self-centered guys who wouldn't care about why she was bummed out.

Seungwan even made her feel better about the whole humiliation thing, calling Bogum a selfish jerk with a needle . Remembering what Seungwan said still almost made Joohyun laugh.


As they wove through the crowd of people stuck at the station, Joohyun noticed a lot of women checking Seungwan out as they walked by. Even ladies and men with their dates  were caught staring by Joohyun. But Joohyun didn't blame them though.

Seungwan was seriously attractive. Handsome, pretty even and built good, with silky dark hair, gorgeous pair of eyes and a smoking hot body created for sinning. And forget about it with that y cute dimple on his face.

So. Damn. Fine. It was no wonder the girls and boys were looking. 

This guy was the definition of hot stuff on two legs, though Seungwan didn't seem to notice all the looks, unlike most men who would ham it up more to try impressing the ladies watching.


Nope, Seungwan carried himself with no big ego or attitude, and Joohyun found that really appealing too. 

While they ate, Seungwan rolled up the sleeves on his navy blue shirt, letting Joohyun - and every other women around - admire his y forearms. It was clear Seungwan took pride in his appearance, yet didn't flaunt it arrogantly like some would.


Joohyun started imagining what Seungwan would look like with his shirt totally off. She wondered what his skin would feel like under the tips of her fingers, and how the muscles in his chest might react to her hands caressing all the way down to his stomach. 

Her heartbeat sped up, and that spark of attraction that had been missing with Bogum, especially lately, came rushing back harder than ever. It showed Joohyun's body just how great and exciting desire could feel.

That electrifying awareness tightened her chest and curled seductively through her belly, then settled between her thighs, surprising her with how into this stranger she was getting already. Things were definitely heating up for her.


Well hey there, arousal. Nice of you to finally show up! 


Joohyun smiled a little as they walked into the Lotte hotel. After the brutal way Bogum had humiliated her, making her feel like their lame life was somehow her fault, she didn't feel even an ounce of guilt for how Seungwan was getting her.

In fact, it was thrilling and strangely empowering. Like a big screw you to Bogum - it only took thinking about this another man to make her body feel like a woman again. 

Seungwan headed over to the sitting area in the lobby and he put Joohyun's luggage and his duffle bag at an empty space next to a sofa lounge. "Is it okay if you waited here with our bags? It's nonsense for us both waiting in that long check-in line when you can sit back comfortable here." 

Joohyun glanced from the crowd at the front desk to Seungwan as she gave him a smile. "No problem at all, thanks."


You bet. Joohyun was fine with that choice — especially when Seungwan walked off and she saw him from behind. She was starting to enjoy the view herself.


Broad shoulders, slim waist, and a tight hugged by a fitted pair of jeans. Seungwan looked like a god. Perfect body and nice personality too. So why hadn't some girl locked him down already? Unless Seungwan enjoyed being single. 

About 40 minutes later, Seungwan came back with a room keycard for her too, just in case. They rode the elevator up to the very top floor. Joohyun followed him into their room after he unlocked the door.


The suite was huge and roomy, with a living area and kitchen in the middle. On either side were bedrooms that each had their own bathroom.  

Seungwan tossed his bag on the couch, then wheeled her luggage into one of the bedrooms and parked it by the bed. When Seungwan turned to Joohyun with an easy smile, she caught a brief spark of warmth in his eyes as his gaze flickered down to her lips for a moment. 

Now that they were alone for real, Joohyun sensed a shift in the energy between them. A seductive pull was suddenly harder to resist.


Seungwan was that very temptation, and Joohyun couldn’t stop wondering what would happen if she stepped closer and touched him. If she lifted her face to his for a kiss, just to see what Seungwan tasted like and what it would be like for him not to be so much of a gentleman.  

Seungwan put his hands in his jean pockets, like he was also struggling to keep them to himself and needed to hold them still. "Here's a soft, comfy bed for the night and that hot shower you wanted," he finally said in a rougher tone despite being polite.


"And if you just want to crash and sleep, I totally get it. But if you'd rather have some company and you're up for taking me up on cheesy movies and snacks, I'll be in the living room."


Seungwan started to leave, and Joohyun stopped him. "Seungwan?"


He glanced back with an unreadable expression. "Yeah?"


"I just wanted to say thanks for listening when I needed to vent," Joohyun told him, needing Seungwan to know how grateful she felt for him being so kind and caring after her crappy afternoon.


"You seem like a genuinely good guy, which is rare these days." She would know, considering her track record with wrong kind of men. 

The corner of his mouth turned up in a wry smile that downplayed the compliment. "Yeah, well sometimes being good guy is way overrated."


Seungwan exited quietly and closed the door, his last remark hinting that keeping his hands to himself might not be so easy. Seungwan was very much struggling between being respectful to Joohyun due to her breakup with Bogum, or to give in to the attraction they both clearly felt.  

Joohyun understood the physical tug-of-war because she felt it too. Letting out a deep breath, she grabbed her toiletry bag and went into the bathroom. After undressing, she the tap, pinned up her hair, and stepped under the spray.

The hot water washed away the last of her hurt and anger from the day. Bogum wasn't worth the emotion. If she was honest, her heart wasn't really broken, because for at least the past two months, she knew their relationship with Bogum was heading south.


As always, the subtle hints had been evident. Him working later hours more frequently. Canceling plans at the last minute without reasonable explanation. Being distracted on his phone when they were together and telling her it was work-related matters when she inquired about who he was communicating with.


However, instead of heeding those signs, Joohyun did what she typically did. She afforded Bogum the benefit of skepticism, hoping that for once, her intuition proved incorrect.


She persevered, never wanting to feel as though she didn’t try to make things work, because she had always vowed she wouldn’t treat relationships like her parents did—as disposable.


Ultimately, Joohyun’s efforts and determination never paid her efforts, and she constantly found herself on the receiving end of a speech indicating it was not him but her, for one pretext or another.

Just like her two previous relationships prior to Bogum, she had been dumped once the exhilaration and excitability faded, and it constantly left her feeling as though she wasn’t worth of effort. That she was not sufficient. 

That was the painful aspect, because she had matured feeling that way with her mother and father. She had been utilized as a pawn in her parents’ divorce, depending on what either desired from the other at any given moment, but once they achieved their objective, their attention abruptly concluded until the next time one needed her for some type of leverage against the other.

Joohyun constantly felt like a thing to be traded rather than a daughter to be loved unconditionally.


From a very young age, that continous push and pull of her life with her parents, until Joohyun ultimately graduated secondary school and could relocate to another state for college where neither individual could continue to manipulate her emotions.

Regrettably, that upbringing had carried over into adulthood and her relationships with men. Joohyun was always too eager to appease, even at the cost of her own contentment, and it invariably came back to bite her. 

Clearly, Joohyun could not trust her judgment when it came to the opposite . And evidently, it was time to re-examine her life and focus on being satisfied without a man who would inevitably disappoint her as all the others previously had.


Pushing all those thoughts from her head, she finished up, rinsing the foamy body wash from her skin and shutting off the water before she transformed into a prune.

Grabbing a towel, she dried off, then wrapped it around her as Joohyun walked back into the bedroom to get dressed.


But as Joohyun looked through her luggage, she came across the lingerie she had purchased as a suprised for Bogum, which was all she had intended to wear for the weekend—that or nothing else—other than her jeans outside of the hotel room.

The risqué nightgown in her hand mocked her for being a fool, and Joohyun suddenly wanted to forget about her embarrassing afternoon and erase Bogum from her mind completely tonight.


Joohyun thought about Seungwan waiting in the living area for her, and her pulse beat gradually and profoundly in her veins as his final comment echoed back to torment her . . . being a good guy is way overrated.   

Seungwan did not want to be a good guy at least for tonight. That much Joohyun knew. What he wanted was her, and after having her self-esteem take such a direct hit, the notion of feeling y and desire, even for one night, was so tempting.

The last thing she wanted presently was a commitment when that evidently was not her strength, but a, mindless with a stunningly hotter-than-god handsome, searingly attractive stranger she’d never see again? Yes, that sounded absolutely perfect and precisely what she required right now.


Gathering her thought to follow through with her plan, Joohyun let the towel drop to the floor and donned the black lace transparent baby-doll with see-through matching underwears before she changed her mind.

She unclipped her hair and let it fall to her shoulders, then ruffled her fingers through the strands to give her a more disheveled, just-arose-from-slumber kind of look. She touched up her makeup and dabbed her lips with a tinted balm.


Her stomach was now felt with frenzied unrestrained nerves, but there was also something incredibly stimulating about being so impromptu when Joohyun was the kind of woman who always planning things — well she was the strategizer, J in the MBTI.


But observe where that had taken her...confined in a flood in Busan after discovering her former partner had been screwing with another woman.


Yet it had also left her stranded with Seungwan, and for once in her life, Joohyun was going to be spontaneous and appreciate whatever tonight and the good guy in the living area had to offer.

Seungwan scrolled through the listing of movies available, uncertain of Joohyun's preferred  genre following her day. He had raided the mini bar as promised, and all the snack foods were on the coffee table awaiting their impromptu slumber party.

Seungwan was simply waiting, impatiently, to know if Joohyun would join him or not. After her  draining day, he wasn't sure she would feel up to socializing, and as much as he would understand her choice, the thought mostly disappointed him.


When Seungwan heard the door to her bedroom open, a flood of relief surged through him. "So, what are you in the mood for?" Seungwan inquired, anxious for Joohyun to join him.


Seungwan was hoping that Joohyun sat beside him on the same sofa rather than the singular chair opposite the couch - Gosh, what was he fourteen years old lovestruck boy? "We have our selection between a romantic comedy, action adventure, or a horror film." 

"None of those," Joohyun replied, her voice soft and husky as she approached from Seungwan's peripheral vision. "The only thing I'm in the mood for"


Thinking he must have misheard Joohyun, Seungwan turned to look over at her. His mouth fell open, totally blown away by the beauty before him. Joohyun stood just a few feet away, looking all kinds of hot in a little black transparent night dress that practically begged him to come over to eat her.


Seungwan didn't know what to make of the situation. Was someone messing with him? His entire body locked up as he tried desperately to get a grip on the huge wave of lust fogging up his brain.

Seungwan somehow got his mouth shut, but now his jaw was clenched super tight as he battled the desire to do something dumb, like shove her onto the couch and finally give in to the electricity that had been sizzling between them.


God, Seungwan couldn't look away from Joohyun's smoking hot outfit. The lacy night dress hid almost nothing and tortured him in the best possible way. 


The bottom of the short gown kinda hung over her midsection like a veil, sheer enough for him to see the dip of her waist and the roundness of her hips. A tiny black thong was the only other piece of clothing on her body. Both pieces did next to nothing to cover her up.


Joohyun looked like some kind of goddess, so freaking y it took his breath away. All Seungwan wanted to do was run his hands over her smooth skin, kiss every inch of her, taste her and lose himself in her.


His nerves were on major high alert just being near Joohyun like this. Everything was on display for Seungwan to admire. Every uncovered inch of her skin seemed to call his name.


Seungwan muttered a curse under his breath. When Joohyun made a little unsure sound deep in , he hastily looked back up to meet her eyes. For a brief second Seungwan saw a glimmer of doubt flashing in those beautiful brown orbs of hers.

That unsure look didn't match up at all with the confident, take-charge babe currently on display. Seungwan could sense her nerves even if Joohyun was trying hard not to show it. 

"This was probably a stupid move," Joohyun said, her voice showing just how many second thoughts were rolling around in her head. She started to spin away, the skimpy black fabric whipping around her hips and legs as she walked back to her room.


Seeing that Joohyun took his pause the wrong way, — like he wasn't into her, Seungwan jumped up fast and caught up to Joohyun before she made it halfway across the living space.

Seungwan curled an arm around her middle and tugged her body against his front. Big mistake though - the moment their bodies connected, Seungwan knew he was done for. Every inch of Joohyun's felt electric against Seungwan, from her shoulders down to her thighs squeezed against his. 

Joohyun struggled  to break free of his grip, her curves wiggling and squirming against the his hard member pressing against the zipper of his jeans.


Seungwan his jaw tight against the tidal wave of desire crashing through his veins, threatening to obliterate any shred of self-control or rational thought he needed. And this situation definitely called for keeping a level head so he could think with his brain, not down there. 

Joohyun pushed at his arm once more but it didn't give. A frustrated noise escaped her lips. "Just let me go, Seungwan," Joohyun said, her voice soaked in defeat and vulnerability.


"Please." Hearing her plead like that just about broke Seungwan. 

Seungwan wasn't letting her go until he knew she was alright. "Joohyun—"


"Don't make this worse than it already is," Joohyun cut in, her whole body still tense against his. "I must have misunderstood you, and I don't think I can handle getting rejected twice in one day." 

Aw hell. The last thing Seungwan felt was disinterest towards her, but he didn't wanna take advantage or her or the issue either. Seungwan released her and spun Joohyun around so she was facing him, hating the leeriness in her gaze.

Joohyun looked ready to bolt and Seungwan wasn't about to let that happen till they got a few things straight. His hands gripped her hips to hold her in place as he backed her up against the wall, putting some space between him and where she stood.


The impulse to run his hands up her slender waist and over her gorgeous chest almost spilling outta that tiny top was wild. Seungwan planted his palms on the wall on either side of her head to stop himself.

Joohyun tilted her face up at Seungwan and he almost smiled seeing the doubts from before were gone, replaced by a stubborn look that turn him on crazy with want.


“First thing, you got it all wrong,” Seungwan told her. “You suprised the out of me cause I wasn’t expecting you to come outta your room looking like a full a kitten. And second, I'm not rejecting you, personally.”


Joohyun lifted her chin. “Just what I’m offering?"


The corner of his mouth curled up at the sassy tone in her voice. Before Seungwan could second guess it, he touched one of the soft brown strands of hair that fell by her chest. He rolled the silky strand between his fingers, thinking of how it’d feel wrapped all around his fist, tugging and pulling while she gasped and begged for more. 

The steamy visions in his head only stoked the fire inside him higher. “So what exactly you offering up, pretty?” he asked, knowing he was tormenting himself but way past the point of no return.


She looked at him. "Ain't it obvious?"


Seungwan watched as her tongue slid across her bottom lip, sparking a whole new set of naughty thoughts. "Tell me," Seungwan said, keeping it light but making clear he needed to hear it straight. "Just so we both know where we stand."


Joohyun paused a sec like she was gathering her courage. "Remember that fantasy I told you about before? The one about with a stranger in a hotel?"


How could Seungwan forget? "Yeah."  


Joohyun let out a breath. "That's all I want. No names, no personal stuff. Just one night of straight up hot with no string attach."


Yeah that sounded great, except Seungwan was starting to want so much more with Joohyun. "I'm not  a one-night stand kinda guy."


It was true. Unlike some of his friends, he’d never been down to just get off without plan to see a girl again. That wasn't him. Seungwan wanted to know the women he had been with, liking the intimacy of learning what really got them going so next time was twice as good because of that bond.


"Make an exception?" Holding his gaze, Joohyun brazenly slipped her hands under his shirt, her fingers grazing his skin above his jeans. "I just wanna forget today. I just wanna feel good." 

Seungwan shrugged. "So I'm your rebound guy?"


"Would it really be so bad?" Joohyun asked, trying to bait him even more as her hand slipped south, zeroing in on his weakness — , and taking full advantage of it.


Joohyun palm cupped his length, already as long and rigid as steel. And when Joohyun gave Seungwan a squeeze through the fabric, Seungwan almost let out a wild noise from how much he needed her touch.


"I'm not looking for any commitments, Seungwan. I just want you to me," Joohyun said, breaking down all his good intentions piece by piece.

Joohyun rose up on her toes so just barely, enticingly grazed the corner of Seungwan's. "And it's plain as day by the size of your arousal, I know you want it too, so please don't tell me no." 


There was only so much teasing a man can take, and Joohyun had just pushed Seungwan past his limit. Before he came to his senses - Goshh, did he really wanna reject them both at this point?

Seungwan shoved all ten fingers into her hair and around to the back of her head to take control, then plunged his mouth onto hers. Her lips parted in a gasp of surprise and he didn't hesitate to sweep his tongue inside so he could truly taste her.

Joohyun was hotter and sweeter than Seungwan had imagined, and as the kiss intensified, Joohyun gripped his shoulders and made the iest little noises in the back of . 

Heat rushed through him at the thought of hearing more of those sounds as Joohyun begged to Seungwan to bury all 8 inches of himself deep inside her. 


She wanted to get ed? Alright, Seungwan gave it to her what she was after without making any attachments. But when morning came, before they departed from Busan back to Seoul, Seungwan planned to have her last name and digits in his phone.


Because Seungwan already knew one night with Joohyun would never be enough, and he wanter more and gave her more. And Joohyun would realize it too. He aimed to make sure of that.  

When Seungwan finally ended the kiss and lifted his head to look at Joohyun, she was breathing just as hard as he was. The want etched on her gorgeous face enthralled him.

Bringing one hand to her jaw, Seungwan skimmed his thumb along her wet bottom lip. When Joohyun the tip of his finger, he felt it to his bone.  

He groaned, knowing if he didn’t slow it down he wouldn’t last. "If we do this, we do it my way," Seungwan told her.


Joohyun blinked slow at him. "And what's your way?"


"I wanna take my time." Seungwan slowly traced a finger down the black lace round her chest, watching her nips stiff against the thin fabric. "We got all night, and I wanna enjoy this. I wanna enjoy you."


"Umm, yes please," Joohyun whispered in agreement.  


Taking her hand in his, Seungwan led her back to the couch. He sat and drew Joohyun closed. "Straddle on my lap, sweetheart."


With his help, she climbed over Seungwan, settling her knees on either side of his hips and bottom on his thighs. "Will you take off your shirt?" Joohyun asked, though her hands were already lifting the hem and shoving it up his torso, clearly itching to rid him of the garment. 

Seungwan took over, pulling the shirt over his head and chucking it aside. Only seemed fair he was half- too, since it wouldn't be long till Joohyun was.


Her appreciative gaze took in his shoulders and chest as she touched him with care, hands gliding along his pecs while her thumbs grazed his chest. Joohyun her lips like she wanted to put that sultry mouth all over him but didn't know where to start, though Seungwan had tons of ideas.


"God, you are so...everything," Joohyun said, her tone filled with awe.


Seungwan slid his palms up her bare arms, her skin incredibly soft under his rougher fingers. "So everything?" he questioned with interest.


Joohyun nodded, those wandering hands of hers feeling up his biceps before moving down his forearms. "So hot. Hard. Gorgeous. y. And big," she added with a suggestive smile. "That is not a needle in your pants."


Seungwan laughed abrupt at their shared joke. "Not even close," he said, giving credit for himself. Pressing his hands between her shoulder blades, he brought her in tighter so he could graze his teeth along her shoulder and nuzzle his damp lips on her neck, breathing her feminine scent. He on her supple skin, loving the way she shivered and moaned and arched towards him so freely.


His fingers found the thin straps holding up her lingerie, dragging them both down her arms. "Your turn to show me your chest," Seungwan teased as he leaned back once more against the couch cushion and gradually peeled off the lacy material. 


His breath caught in his throat when her perfect chest came free. "God, you're perfect," Seungwan rasped, and didn't hesitate to cup all that beauty in his hands. He deliciously, swirling his tongue around while Joohyun buried her fingers in his hair, gripping the strands and holding him there while murmruring for more, more, more.  


Her knees locked around his hips, and she rocked against his trapped member, chanting please, please, please. He dropped a hand between her spread legs, expecting to have to deal with ...except, Hell, they were crotchless, and his fingers slid inside her. A possessive growl tore from his chest, cause while Joohyun might bought the y outfit for Bogum, but she had worn them for Seungwan.  

Her body shuddered, and she dropped her head to his shoulder, her breathing was hot and damp. With his free hand, he drew her head back so he could look at her flushed face as he her, as he brought her closer to the edge. hung open, eyes heavy-lidded with heat and passion as they held his gaze and pled for the peak he wasn't quite ready to give her yet.


"Such a sweet, naughty girl," Seungwan said. "Tonight your body is mine, Joohyun. All mine. I wanna taste it and make it feel so damn good." 


"Yes," Joohyun gasped. "Make it feel good, please."


Done with the teasing, Seungwan crushed his lips to hers in a deep kiss. He increased the pressure and speed of thumb. Her wild groan vibrated against his lips, followed by a higher pitch cry of ecstasy as Joohyun gave into the intensity of her .






An irritating BEEPING sound was trying to get into Seungwan's sleepy brain. Beep after beep. Annoying as hell and wanting his attention when he wanted to keep sleeping because, after a whole night of getting to REALLY know Joohyun in a physical, close way, his body was truly worn out. In a best way. 

Forgetting what made him wake up at first, Seungwan put his face back in the pillow, smiling slowly as his mind replayed one of the hottest, iest, really great night he ever spent with a woman.


After Joohyun's first out in the living room, they went to the bedroom, where he took off their clothes and got down to making her feel so damn good that no other man could compare. 

Luckily, Seungwan had five condoms in his bag that he left there from his trip with his ex over years ago. He was glad to find them, and they used each and every one until late at the bed when he did it with her for the first time, then against the wall, on the dining table after they took a break to eat some food from room service, in the shower after they got carried away with the marshmellow dipped chocolate as desert, and again with her on bed.


They were both totally wiped out after going at it all night with no left. Seungwan and Joohyun passed the hell out on his bed from being so tired physically. 

Seungwan started waking up with a morning wood, as his mind thought back to how bold and shameless Joohyun had been. When it came to what Joohyun wanted in bed, she was real open and honest about it.

Because of that, Seungwan already knew what really turned her on, how her body reacted to different touches, and what would make her scream his name feeling amazing—taking him along for the wild ride too.


Not by his choice, Seungwan played along with her no string attached exchanging names nor personal info. He let Joohyun have her fantasy about with a stranger in a hotel, knowing he could maybe convince her the next day to meet him again. Not just another hookup, but a real date to get to know each other better. 

Ding...ding, ding. That noise woke Seungwan up again. "What the hell?" he thought, rolling over and opening his eyes. The shades were down so it was hard to see if it was still night or morning.

He looked over at where Joohyun had been sleeping, but she wasn't there anymore. Seungwan wondered if she was up already or if she went to her own room at some point.



Seungwan was more awake now. He realized the beeping was his cell phone getting texts. First thing he saw was it was after 10am. Damn, he never slept this late! Unlocking his phone and squinting at the bright screen, he read the texts.

They were all from the Busan KTX about the flood, saying all trains would start back up that afternoon. His was rescheduled for 3:20pm.


Wanting to let Joohyun know about the new time since they were on the same train home, he got out of bed and pulled on the jeans on the floor. Then he combed his fingers through his messy hair as he walked into the living room. It was empty and quiet.

Seungwan headed to her bedroom. The door was already open. When he glanced inside and saw the bed was made and her suitcase was gone, his stomach dropped cause he knew Joohyun left.  

A handwritten note from her on the table where they did it hours ago confirmed it. "Seungwan, you were exactly what I needed and more. Thank you for an amazing night. Joohyun."


No phone number. No contact info. Not even a last name to help him find her back in Seoul.


God, Seungwan was ghosted. He swore out loud, his chest feeling tight with frustation. He was determined to find Joohyun before leaving Busan, cause he knew Joohyun also felt a real connection, more than just wanting to hook up.

Joohyun was probably still around somewhere catching their KTX out — that little bit of hope kept Seungwan somewhat calm as he showered, packed his stuff, and checked out of the hotel.


Seungwan went back to the Busan KTX station and headed straight to the new platform for his train that would board at the set time, once the tracks cleared from water that flooded overnight. But Joohyun wasn't there yet. Seungwan was there hours early though, so he grabbed a bite to eat then sat in the waiting area. 

Time moved at a snail's pace as he checked out every brunette woman who walked by - none of them were Joohyun - until they announced over the speaker it was time to board the train to Seoul.

When they called his section, Seungwan didn't get in line. Instead, he waited until everyone else took their seats on the train leaving just him and the station workers left in the terminal.


"Sir, if you're on this train you need to board, they'll lock the doors in 5 minutes to get ready for departure" the woman at the ticket counter said.


Seungwan nodded half-heartedly and finally boarded the KTX train. As he shuffled down the aisle to his seat, he gave all the passengers a good look, making sure he didn't miss Joohyun by chance.


But she wasn't there. After storing his bag, he plopped down in his chair. As the train pulled away from the station, Seungwan had to face the fact that Joohyun didn't want to be found.


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Half way done with the chapters ~~~ and here is an edited pic

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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 12: Aaaaa good
Bltrx82 #2
Chapter 15: I need more story like this. Author-nim, thank you so much for this best story.
Bltrx82 #3
Chapter 14: give me another story like this author-nim 🥺
Chapter 10: It must be very difficult for Joohyun, because she is still not brave enough to take risks with Seungwan
Chapter 7: joohyun jealous is my favorite hahaha
Chapter 5: this is very sweet
Chapter 3: I just found this story and it's really interesting, I will read it until the end. Luckily, it's already finished (hopefully).
I always enjoy time traveling story and esp when it's about my two favorite people. Anyway, I or She POV are both lovely so it doesn't really matter for me
Chapter 14: omygod this story is so good!! it's been a while since the last time I read a wr family au and i love it so much! thank you for writing this i'm so glad they had a happy ending huhu
Chapter 12: Perfect ending! 🥰