Confusion pt. 2

That's love!


A/N : Previously, Sunggyu had rejected Woohyun, but could that be real? How could Sunggyu don't see him in romantic way?




As Woohyun tried to ignore his thoughts about Sunggyu and focus on the present. Sungyeol turn to Woohyun and smiles.


"Wanna go to cafe for study?" Sungyeol asked.

"Oh, uh..." Woohyun hesitated. "I...." He looked up at Sungyeol. "Um, yeah sure."


Woohyun's mind wandered to Sunggyu again after hearing the word 'cafe' and thinking about how he used to go with him, but he tried to push it away by reminding himself that they were just friends and nothing more.


Sungyeol smiled and clapped his hand on Woohyun's shoulder. "Great! Let's go, my treat."


Woohyun followed alongside Sungyeol to the café, feeling a tiny bit better.

Once they've taken their orders, Woohyun stayed silent for a bit before remembering that he needed to maintain some sort of conversation.


" this where you first met Myungsoo?" He asked.


The question was meant to distract himself and Sungyeol from the thoughts he was trying to ignore.

Sungyeol laughed and nodded as Woohyun mentioned Myungsoo.


"Yeah, it was," he replied. "I remember that day like it was just yesterday."


He took a sip of his coffee before going on. "We were sitting over here." He gestured towards a booth that Woohyun hadn't noticed. "I had a bad day at school and was feeling all moody, but then I saw someone hot and I just had to say hi..."


He paused to take another sip of coffee, not finishing his story. Woohyun raised an eyebrow. Woohyun chuckled and took a sip of his coffee too.


"'s a good thing you did." He said with a little smile. Even though he was still feeling a bit depressed, he felt his mood lift a bit at Sungyeol's story.


"What happened next?" He asked curiously. "Did you two hit it off right away?"


He couldn't deny that Sungyeol was an attractive person, and he was already interested in hearing how Myungsoo and Sungyeol met.


"He was just as hot as I thought he was, so I made up some excuse to talk to him." Sungyeol explained. "We actually talked a lot, so...we kinda hung out for a while. The next day, and the day after..."


Sungyeol smiles as he remembered Myungsoo and his early days together.


"It's kinda funny, we used to be just like you and Sunggyu hyung... Always walking home together and stuff." He chuckled. "Then we started going out."


Woohyun was starting to feel a sense of deja vu as Sungyeol described Myungsoo and his early days together. It felt like Sunggyu could have said the same things when he first met Woohyun.


"I'm so jealous," Woohyun lamented, pouting a bit. "How come I can't have that?"


He tried to hold back his bitterness over Sunggyu's rejection, and just enjoy the time he spent with Sungyeol.


Sungyeol laughed, sensing Woohyun's unease.


"It's okay, Woohyun. Don't pressure yourself. If it happens, it happens." He said, trying to be encouraging.


"Besides, you're still friends with Sunggyu hyung. Just because he rejected you, doesn't mean he's going to stop being your friend." He paused.


"But I have to ask...have you tried moving on yet? Or...have you even considered it?" Sungyeol asked gently. "Your feelings might not be healthy for you."


Woohyun's face fell and he shook his head.


"You're right, Sungyeol...I'm still attached to Sunggyu hyung... and I don't want to move on."


He couldn't deny how painful it was, but there was also a tiny bit of hope that he could still win Sunggyu's heart.


"Even if he rejected me, I have to try, you know? I don't want to regret anything." Woohyun said truthfully. He didn't want to imagine the possibilities of what it'd be like if he never confessed his feelings.


"But you've told him, Woohyun. And he already told you his answer." Sungyeol pointed out. "Don't push it further. You might just end up hurting yourself by being so obsessed with him."


Woohyun took a deep breath and let it out. Sungyeol was right, but he wasn't ready to accept the truth just yet. He didn't want to give up on Sunggyu even if he had already confessed and gotten rejected.


"You don't know how much I still like him..." Woohyun murmured.


Sungyeol sighed, understanding Woohyun's hesitation.


"Look...I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong. Hell, I'd probably do the same thing if I were you." He continue. "But if you really like Sunggyu hyung, wouldn't you want him to be happy?"


Woohyun thought about this, and finally nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He said slowly.


"You're right...if I keep pressuring him and feeling this way, I wouldn't be thinking about him in his best interest." He admitted, feeling sad.


Sungyeol was a bit surprised at Woohyun's sudden realization.


"Exactly." He agreed. "If you care about Sunggyu hyung, you have to let him make his own decisions. You can't just make him feel guilty about rejecting you."


Woohyun stayed quiet for a bit, considering Sungyeol's words.


"I think you're right...maybe I'll stop chasing after him." He said softly. "But that doesn't mean I can just stop liking him."


Woohyun sighed and shook his head as he accepted the fact.


"I wish I could stop loving him," He said sadly. "But it's like every time I see him, those painful feelings come back. And it doesn't help that we still see each other every day."

"How am I gonna move on?" Woohyun asked Sungyeol. "Just thinking about him makes me so sad sometimes."

He was feeling a bit frustrated with himself. "I really thought I could handle this better..."


Sungyeol sighs, feeling concern, he almost touch Woohyun's head but then he realized he can't do that, he already have Myungsoo. So he quickly move his hand away. "Sorry..."


Woohyun nod, "it's fine... Thank you, Sungyeol..." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "How can I move on if I can't..." He thinks to himself while looking outside window.


At night, Sunggyu lean on his bed, looking up at ceiling, feel guilty about what happened in college. He had says to Woohyun that he only thinks Woohyun as brother but he actually didn't mean it, he was just not yet ready to be in a relationship with anyone...


"What should I say to Woohyun tomorrow...? We've become...awkward..." He mumbled.



Woohyun had been at home for a few hours now, reading textbooks and trying to focus on his assignments. He couldn't stop thinking of what happened earlier with Sunggyu and everything that was going through his mind.

The moment he heard his ringtone, his heart nearly stopped.


"Sunggyu hyung? Calling me at this time?"


He immediately picked up the phone.


"Sunggyu hyung? What's up?" He asked with concern.


There was a short moment of silence on the call before Sunggyu spoke.


"I was wondering if you were home tonight." He said. He sounded a bit anxious, and Woohyun immediately felt worried.


"Hyung, what's wrong? Is something up?" Woohyun inquired. "Are you okay?"


"um... nevermind... Let's just see each other tomorrow..." Sunggyu says to Woohyun and hung up immediately because he feel so much awkward and guilty after today's event.


"Phew... That was awkward..." Sunggyu mumbled.


"I hope Woohyun is not upset..." 


Woohyun felt uneasy as he slowly set his phone down.


"Hyung?" He tried calling back, worried about Sunggyu.


No answer.


Woohyun tried calling once more, but there was still no response. The whole encounter had left him feeling uneasy, and he felt that something was definitely not right. He was beginning to regret his earlier confession. Maybe Sungyeol was right after all...


The very next day, Woohyun went to the canteen and looked around.


"Sunggyu hyung?" He mumbled, half-expecting Sunggyu to be there.


But as he searched the cafeteria, he couldn't spot Sunggyu's figure. Even his usual study spot seemed empty.


"Sunggyu hyung?" He called out again.


There was still no sign of him. Woohyun felt panic stricken. He went to search the campus, walking up and down hallways in a frantic search for Sunggyu.

Then Woohyun bump into Sunggyu in the hallway making Woohyun almost falls that Sunggyu managed catch him by holding his arms


"Namu- Woohyun! What- are you okay?"


Woohyun was surprised to see Sunggyu, but also relieved.


"Y-yeah..." He said shakily. "Thanks for catching me, hyung..." He looked up at Sunggyu, a bit shaky. "Um, where were you? I couldn't find you at the canteen today..."


He felt his heart racing, hoping for good news about Sunggyu's absence the previous night.


Sunggyu looked uneasy.


"Oh, I didn't eat anything" He said, avoiding Woohyun's eye contact. "I, uh...was busy."

Woohyun felt his heart sink at the response. Was this even worse news than he could've imagined?


"Sunggyu hyung, what's...what happened last night?" He asked hesitantly.


Whatever Sunggyu had to say, he had to hear it. Even if it was the last thing he wanted to hear. Sunggyu looked uncomfortable, his cheeks slightly turning red.


"About last night.." Sunggyu was finding it difficult to start the sentence. "It's a bit strange..."


Woohyun felt his heart sink at the response. Just by what Sunggyu was saying, he could tell that something was very wrong. Suddenly Woohyun had a bad feeling.


"Just tell me." Woohyun urged, his tone much firmer. He wanted Sunggyu's honesty but, Sunggyu was quiet, still unsure how to say it.


"Hyung,... just say it." Woohyun was getting more frustrated, but remained respectful.

They had always been open and honest with each other, and he didn't understand why Sunggyu was acting so different. The way he was speaking and his body language told him that something was wrong.


"Sunggyu hyung..." Woohyun urged once more, with slight sad look, a bit nervous thinking if Sunggyu would tell him bad news.


Sunggyu didn't say anything for a while, seeming to debate about his next words.


"Look, Namu..." Sunggyu started again. "I think..." He stopped. He looked down at Woohyun into the eyes.


Woohyun's heart stopped for a moment. He was expecting Sunggyu to say something related to his confession, but this was way out of left field.


"What are you trying to say?" His voice cracked as he waited for Sunggyu's response.


Woohyun wanted to reply, but he couldn't. He felt frozen as his worries became reality on what Sunggyu was about to say would be hard to bear indeed.

He could feel his heart beating in his ears, his stomach dropping and his eyes getting wet with tears.


"Just say it, Sunggyu hyung...."


His thoughts were almost a plea.


"Just tell me what you're trying to say..."


"Please, just say it..."


And Sunggyu did.


"Namu... I mean, Woohyun, I don't know. You're not...just my friend."


Woohyun froze as those words hit his ears. It was so confusing. And yet, there was also a tiny, tiny bit of relief that Sunggyu had at least just admitted what he felt.

His mind was racing, both wanting more answers and too afraid to hear what Sunggyu had to say.


"What do you mean?" The words barely slipped out of Woohyun's lips as his voice shook.


His eyes welled with tears as he waited for Sunggyu's response. Sunggyu was reluctant to reply, but he eventually did.


"Woohyun, I love you." Sunggyu said quietly, his words filled with the truth.


Just hearing those words made Woohyun almost break down completely.


"Sunggyu hyung..." He murmured softly, both devastated and overwhelmed. "Do you mean in that way?"


He wanted to be clear about it, as there was no way he could take another misunderstanding again.


"Do me back?" Woohyun added.


Sunggyu nod, he keep look down Woohyun, feeling a bit nervous if Woohyun would slap him after the rejection from him yesterday that is now turn to be accepted.

But, could Woohyun slap him? Could Woohyun hate him when he can't move on the fact he still likes Sunggyu?

Woohyun's eyes locked onto Sunggyu's as he struggled to believe what was happening. Surely this was all a dream..., surely Sunggyu couldn't have felt the same way about him. It couldn't be true.


And yet, it was the truth.


"Hyung...are you serious?" Woohyun finally managed to ask, his words barely a whisper. He couldn't even believe his own words.


Tears were still welling in his eyes and he wanted to be sure of what he heard.


Sunggyu sighs. "Yes, Nam Woohyun." Sunggyu says in kind tone with a smile, he then touched Woohyun's cheek, wiping his tears with his thumb slowly. Woohyun was a bit taken aback by Sunggyu wiping his tears with his thumbs.

He felt his heart beating faster as Sunggyu touched him, but there was also a strange sense of comfort in the touch.


"Hyung,...I..." He started, but froze again as the thought of what to say and feel too much for him. He shook his head and tried speaking again.


"I can't..."


Woohyun tried to express how he was feeling, but the words just couldn't leave his lips. Sunggyu smiled gently at Woohyun.


"But don't need to say it back, Woohyun." He reassured. "You can take your time."


Woohyun felt like the air had been taken out of his lungs. This moment was too good to be true. He wanted to kiss Sunggyu, so he grab him and pull him closer. He wanted to confess all of the feelings he had kept bottled up inside for so long.


But, now seemed like the worst time for it.


Sunggyu is surprised a little when Woohyun grab him closer, he then hold the back of Woohyun's head. He tilt his head, and give a sudden kiss Woohyun on lips.

He may feel guilty rejecting Woohyun yesterday, but it doesn't matter now because he rejected Woohyun for a reason that he doesn't want to ruin their friendship if he also got rejected. At same time, he doesn't want to admit that, he just show it by showing affection.

Woohyun was surprised by Sunggyu's bold move, but he melted immediately and kissed him back with just as much passion. He wrapped his grip Sunggyu's chest shirt and tilted his head to the side, their lips meeting in a sweet and gentle kiss.

The moment they finally pulled apart, Woohyun was breathing heavily.


"Sunggyu hyung..." He murmured softly. His cheeks were bright red and his eyes filled with tears.

Sunggyu smiles down at Woohyun, he caresses Woohyun's hair, then pull Woohyun into his embrace, feeling relief to finally being honest even after he rejected Woohyun yesterday but he feel guilt for hurting Woohyun. Woohyun let out a soft sound as he was pulled into Sunggyu's arms.


"I'm sorry about yesterday...for rejecting you...I was just confused..." Sunggyu says in whispered.


"I forgive you." Woohyun replied.


He put his head in Sunggyu's shoulder and felt safe in his embrace.


"I'm just glad you finally confessed... Hyung." He was so happy to hear Sunggyu's says those words, apologizing, and honest.


Sunggyu hugs Woohyun tighter, and kisses Woohyun's hair. Woohyun was a bit overcome by Sunggyu's embrace and kisses. He sighed softly.

He had always dreamed about the two of them finally getting together and now it was finally happening.

There were no words to express how happy he felt that Sunggyu loved him back.


"I love you." Woohyun said simply, his voice shaking.


Sunggyu feels relief, at least his confusion disappeared since last night they call each other. He had always thought that their feelings were hopeless and that he would never get to be with Woohyun. But rejecting was the worst he ever did to Woohyun.

But now that they were finally together.


"I love you too... I love you so much." Sunggyu whispered as he held Woohyun close, running his fingers through Woohyun's hair. Woohyun giggles softly onto Sunggyu's shoulder.

The two were finally happy together, and that was all that mattered now.








a/n : haha... Was that too dramatic? I hope it was not that cringe XD but enjoy this WooGyu things! Love you!<3

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694 streak #1
Chapter 3: sunggyu being wishy-washy😅