
That's love!



myungyeol is done, this is woogyu<3


Sunggyu and Woohyun are two boys best friends that are same class in campus. Their feelings are mutuals.


Woohyun had been staring at Sunggyu for a while now. He's always loved the way his eyes sparkle in the sun. Or how his hair is so silky smooth. He'd always been afraid to confess his feelings, thinking that Sunggyu wouldn't feel the same way.

But today, Woohyun was feeling brave. He took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to finally say it.


"Hey... Sunggyu hyung...I know this might come as a surprise,..."

The words came out of his mouth more easily than he expected, but he wanted Sunggyu to know how he felt.

"...but, I like you..."


Sunggyu just stared at Woohyun in shock. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Woohyun was his best friend, the last person he expected to like him romantically. So he open his mouth and speak up.


"I-I'm sorry, Woohyun." He finally said after a long moment of silence. "I don't feel the same way. You're like a brother to me." His voice was soft yet firm.


Woohyun couldn't believe it. His heart felt like it was being torn apart. He was too hurt to say anything else, so he just nodded silently and turned away from Sunggyu.

As he walked out of the classroom, he could already feel the tears in his eyes. He felt lost, confused, and broken. He wished he could take back what he'd said.


"I just wanted to be with him." He thought to himself, trying to hold back his tears. "Just one chance..."


Sunggyu didn't have words to say more as he was trying to process what just happened but then he realized,


"Maybe I was too harsh...but it's true, I only think him like a little brother..." he mumbled, but also feel guilty of saying that to Woohyun who already out of classroom.


As Woohyun walked out, he felt like he could never show his face at campus again. He didn't want to see Sunggyu's face, or anyone else that knew about the confession. He wanted to run and hide, but where could he go?

He then finally found a quiet corner of the campus, far away from everyone else. It was a nice place to cry. He had never felt so alone in his life.

After some time, Woohyun started thinking that maybe it was all his fault for falling so hard for Sunggyu. If only he had just kept his feelings to himself and accepted him as a friend, none of this would have happened.

As Woohyun was pondering these thoughts, he heard footsteps approaching. He looked up to see who. It's Sunggyu, who was running over to him with a worried expression on his face.


"Woohyun! Where have you been?" Sunggyu asked. "We've been looking for you everywhere..."


Woohyun couldn't believe his ears. Sunggyu was looking for him? Why?


"I didn't want to see anyone." Woohyun whispered. "I just wanted space."


Sunggyu's eyes filled with concern when he heard that.


"But, you left the classroom so suddenly. You didn't say anything, you just left...-" He paused. "Did it have something to do with what I said earlier?"


Woohyun looked away, trying to hold in his shame.


"It should be obvious..." Woohyun thought.


Sunggyu sighed and sat down next to Woohyun, keeping a careful distance.


"Look," he began. "I'm really sorry for what happened earlier. I shouldn't have said what I did so harshly."


Sunggyu was silent for a moment, wondering if he should say anything else, but then he realized, he had to take the risk.


"I may not feel the same way that you do about me," Sunggyu said carefully, "but I do still care about you."


Woohyun could only nod sadly, relieved that Sunggyu didn't just shrug off his confession.

Sunggyu's words were comforting, but Woohyun couldn't help feeling disappointed. He had hoped that Sunggyu would change his mind and give him a chance.

But maybe this was the best that Woohyun could get. He wanted Sunggyu to know how much he meant to him, even if it was just as a friend.


"I'm sorry for telling you all of this," Woohyun said finally. "I just...needed you to know how I felt."


At Woohyun's apology, Sunggyu's eyes widened.

"No, Woohyun, don't apologize." He said warmly. "I'm the one who messed up." He let out a deep breath.

"I know this won't change the way I think about you...or how you feel about me," Sunggyu continued. "But I don't want you to think that I don't care or appreciate you, because I do." He added.


"And I always will." Sunggyu's voice was gentle. Woohyun slowly nodded, taking in Sunggyu's words.

"I'm sorry for making things awkward," Woohyun murmured. "I just thought that if I could just be honest, maybe things would be different." He added making Sunggyu raised a brow, but chose not to say anything.

"But..." Woohyun paused. "Even if it was awkward for a while... you'd still be my friend right?" he asked sheepishly. "Even if things didn't work out the way I wanted..." He looked away from Sunggyu.


Sunggyu's expression softened as he saw Woohyun's hopeful yet nervous smile. He nodded at Woohyun's question.


"Of course!" He said, reaching out to put his hand on Woohyun's shoulder. "You're still my best friend and you always will be. Nothing is going to change that." He smiled.

Woohyun breathed out a sigh of relief and smiles back at Sunggyu. Sunggyu's touch was comforting, so Woohyun just kept still, letting Sunggyu's hand rest on his shoulder.

"Yeah, maybe you're right." Woohyun replied. "But, Thanks."



Unfortunately, the whole day in college are silence between Sunggyu and Woohyun even after Sunggyu comfort Woohyun for a while earlier but it becomes more awkward because Sunggyu feel guilty while Woohyun is hurt to talk to anyone especially Sunggyu, so they could be enough with silence the whole day, all Woohyun can do is to text Myungsoo to confess everything about today's event.

Woohyun thought about how different the day had turned out. After talking to Sunggyu, everything was supposed to get better. But instead, it was still quiet and awkward between them.


He sent one more text to Myungsoo, explaining what happened.

"Hey, Myungsoo...sorry for bothering you but, I really need to talk after class." He pressed send, and then waited anxiously for a reply.


Myungsoo is busy in class but his phone got loud notification that he immediately turn off the notification. He secretly looked at his phone, confused by Woohyun's text.


"Yeah, I guess," he texted back. He was tempted to ask more questions, but thought it'd be best to wait until he actually met Woohyun.


He didn't have to wait long; their classes ended soon after, and they met up in the hallway.


"Hey, Woohyun!" Myungsoo said. "So... What's up? Did something happen?"


"Myungsoo..." Woohyun said, forcing a smile. "Um..." He looked away, not sure what to say. "This might sound weird, but...can I tell you something?"


"What is it?" Myungsoo asked, raising an eyebrow. "Is everything okay?" He sensed that there was something going on, and his curiosity was piqued.

Still, Woohyun was hesitant to say too much. He sighs. He said reluctantly. "I need to tell you first that Sunggyu hyung and I...had a bit of a disagreement today."

Myungsoo instantly grew concerned. "What kind of disagreement?" He asked quickly. "Are you guys okay now?"


At Woohyun's hesitation, he pressed even harder.


"Come on, spit it out," Myungsoo said impatiently. "You can't just drop a bomb like that and not tell me what happened." His voice was edged with worry.


Woohyun looked to the ground, trying to find the right words.


"Well...we were having a heart-to-heart..."


He paused, feeling like he was about to be sick. He dreaded what was coming next, but felt like he owed Myungsoo the truth.


"And uh... I've...told Sunggyu hyung that I liked him." He stayed quiet, letting that sink in.


Myungsoo stared at Woohyun in shock.


"Wait a minute, are you like Sunggyu hyung!?" He asked, incredulous. "Like, in a romantic way?" Myungsoo asked again and Woohyun just stood there, nodding silently.


"Woah, Woohyun! Why didn't you tell me?" Myungsoo exclaimed, a lot more excited than Woohyun thought he would be. "What did Sunggyu hyung say?" He pressed. Woohyun looked away, feeling embarrassed.


Woohyun looked down at his feet, unsure how to continue.


"Well...." He started, feeling a bit sheepish. "I did tell him, but it didn't go the way I expected." He took a deep breath and looked up to meet Myungsoo's gaze.


"Sunggyu hyung doesn't feel the same way, Myungsoo." He admitted quietly. "He just thinks of me like a brother."


The moment the words left his mouth, Woohyun felt a wave of sadness wash over him.


Myungsoo was speechless. He couldn't believe what Woohyun had just said.

", you confessed, and then Sunggyu rejected you?" He asked. "Really rejected you?" Wooyun nodded, too hurt to say anything.

"Oh no." Myungsoo murmured, putting his hand to his mouth in shock. "So that's why you wanted to meet up."


Woohyun sighed and nodded. "...I had a feeling for a long time, but I was too scared to say anything. I was afraid of what might happen if I told him."

He paused, shaking his head.

"I just didn't want to lose him. I thought that maybe if I just stayed quiet, maybe I could just keep him as a friend."

"I was wrong, though...and I should have spoken up sooner." He was starting to tear up. "I'm only making things worse by keeping it in."


Myungsoo listened carefully to everything Woohyun had to say. He knew how much it must have taken for Woohyun to actually make a confession like that.


"I can see why you'd hesitate," Myungsoo said calmly. "And it wasn't your fault that everything turned out the way it did."


Woohyun felt relieved to hear Myungsoo say that, but was still sad about the whole situation. He didn't want to think about all the what-ifs, he just wanted to forget what he felt toward Sunggyu.


As he looked over at his best friend, his smile was a bit brighter. "Thanks, Myungsoo." He said sincerely.

Myungsoo gave Woohyun an encouraging nod, feeling relieved that he could bring some comfort to him.

"No problem, Woohyun..." He says to him.


After talking to Myungsoo, Woohyun tried his best to calm down, but it was difficult not to think about Sunggyu. He felt lost and confused, feeling like a fool for confessing.

As the school day ended, he tried to gather his thoughts and compose himself a little more before going home. Usually he'd walk with Sunggyu, or hang out with him in the library at least, but today it felt too hard for him that he decided to go home with Sungyeol instead.

Sungyeol was Myungsoo's boyfriend, so Woohyun wasn't exactly the happiest going home with him. Still, he felt a little better now that he had talked to Myungsoo.

As they walked to the bus station, Woohyun tried to ignore his thoughts about Sunggyu and focus on the present. Sungyeol turn to Woohyun and smiles.


"Wanna go to cafe for study?" Sungyeol asked.


"Oh, uh..." Woohyun hesitated. "I...."




To be continued....






A/N : wait for part 2!<3 thank you! ;)








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702 streak #1
Chapter 3: sunggyu being wishy-washy😅