

8 pm at the Son household. Joohyun had just finished bathing while Seungwan helped little Seunghyun build a block tower in the living room. Suddenly, all the lights flickered out as the power went down around Seoul.


"Blackout!" exclaimed Seunghyun excitedly from the darkness. Joohyun came with some litted candles and joined the them. "Everything okay in here?" she asked. Seungwan nodded. "Just a normal night suddenly become an adventure for our little man here." They smiled looking their son.


"Let's play camping!" said Seunghyun excitedly.


"Should we? Let's set up the living room." Joohyun ruffled his hair. Working together by flickering candlelight, the family transformed their living hall.


First they laid out blankets on the hardwood floor to form the tent platform. Seungwan helped Seunghyun arrange cushions around the edges to create walls while Joohyun draped sheets overhead.


"It needs door!" announced Seunghyun. They fashioned an opening by folding back one sheet corner. Inside, their son beamed triumphantly. "Our camping is weady!"


Next came embellishments. Joohyun arranged pillows for seating by the entrance. Seungwan placed a lantern in the center to mimic a campfire. Touches like clothesline ropes gave it an authentic feel.


Within their cozy canvas shelter, the lantern cast a warm golden glow over the small family. An idea came to Joohyun as she saw the lantern. "Would you like to play a game before bed?"


Seunghyun nodded eagerly. Joohyun took his hands in hers. "Let's make shadow puppets on the tent walls!"


Seungwan helped orient the lantern behind them as Joohyun began shaping figures with her fingers. Seunghyun watched in delight, guessing each one - a bunny, cat, bird taking flight.


"Can you teach me to make shadows too, Mommy?" he asked. Around them, blankets muffled outside noise, creating an intimate hush for their lesson under the canvas sky.

"Of course, sweetheart." Joohyun took his chubby hand in hers, noting the contrast between their skin tones, one pale and one dark, like yin and yang completing the circle.


She oriented his palm toward the tent wall and gently moved his first two fingers. "See how you can create a bunny like before?"


Seunghyun watched the amorphous figure form on the canvas, eyes widening. Then he tried replicating the movement himself, tongue poking through his smile of concentration.


A misshapen blob emerged, and he giggled at his creation. "It's funny! Daddy, help me, a cat."


Seungwan took the small hand in his larger one, guiding deft movements. Together father and son conjured an animal silhouette as Joohyun watched her boys bonding through imagination and play. 


Then he tried creating his own. Soon the canvas walls danced with amorphous shadows as three imaginations run wild. Laughter filled their shelter, warm and rich despite electricity's absence beyond.


All at once, rumbling echoed within the tent. Joohyun met Seungwan's eyes, lips quirking in a knowing smile. "I think someone's tummy is ready for a snack."


As if on cue, Seunghyun's stomach added its voice to the growling chorus. "Mine too!"


The adults exchanged an indulgent look. "All right, last snack before bedtime. Wait here." Joohyun disappeared into the candlelit house.


"I'll come help too!" chirped Seunghyun, bounding after her eagerly on his small legs. Ever the little gentleman. Seungwan followed to lend a hand as well by candlelight.


Within the cozy nook, Joohyun lit more flames to push back shadows. She began assembling fruits, crackers and cheese when little arms encircled her thigh.


"I'm coming to pwotec you, Mommy," Seunghyun announced solemnly. "So the dark doesn't scare you."


Joohyun felt her heart could burst with love for this precious soul. She scooped him up, nuzzling her nose to his giggling one. "My brave knight! I feel very safe now."


Seunghyun looked at the food, brown eyes wide with focus.


"What can I do, Mommy?" he asked earnestly. Joohyun set him to tearing crackers into smaller pieces. His tiny fingers nimbly broke the slices apart.


Seungwan began slicing apples with care, occasionally sneaking a piece for Seunghyun to taste.


Soon their preparations were complete. With lantern held high, the adventurers returned to their tent.


Joohyun passed around pieces of melon, apple and banana. "Make sure to chew thoroughly, Seunghyun-ah." She gave her son a napkin. "We don't want any mess in here!"


"Thank you Mommy!" Seunghyun said politely before taking a big bite of apple. His eyes widened at the treat. "It tastes even sweeter in the dark!"


Seungwan chuckled. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. Now maybe we can all relax a little with some light conversation." He took a few crackers and offered them around. "So what do you guys think caused the blackout in the whole city?"


Joohyun pondered as she took a cracker. "It must have been something major to affect everywhere. Maybe an accident at one of the power plants?"


"Oooh, or aliens attacked us!" Seunghyun said excitedly.


"Really?" Joohyun asked enthusiastically.


Seungwan put an arm around the boy. "Why don't you tell us a story about what you think might have happened. Use that wild imagination of yours!"


Seunghyun's eyes lit up almost as bright as the candles. He took a moment to think deeply about what could have caused such a widespread power outage. Being only 4 years old, he didn't have much real-world experience to draw from. But he let his lively imagination run wild.


"I think...some mean aliens came down from their place!" he declared.


"Aliens, huh?" Seungwan replied encouragingly. "What did they do then?"


"They used their powers to take our light!" Seunghyun exclaimed, making zapping noises. "Zap zap zap! Then the city went dark."


"Oh no!" Joohyun gasped in feigned concern. "What did the aliens want?"


"They wanted our lights!" the boy answered matter-of-factly. "So they caused the blackout while they take the light!"


Seungwan chuckled. "Those sneaky aliens! I bet the secret agents had to fly up and confront them."


Seunghyun nodded eagerly. "Agent Bunny took her jet and chased them. Then she fight them and won!"


"And then the aliens flew away, promising never to take our light again!" finished Seunghyun triumphantly.


"What an amazing story!" clapped Joohyun. "You have such a creative mind."


Seungwan checked his watch in the flickering candlelight. "Wow son, it's way past your bedtime now. But I bet all that excitement has you too wound up to sleep, huh?"


Seunghyun let out a big yawn. "Uh-huh. But it's so dark outside the tent..."


Joohyun his hair reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll be right here. Let's get your pajamas on."


She helped Seunghyun change while Seungwan packed up the leftovers. But when it was time for bedtime brushing, Seunghyun hesitated.


"Mommy, can you come with me? I don't like being alone in the dark bathroom." He clung to her shyly.


"Of course, sweetie." Joohyun picked up a candle. "Honey, can you get Seunghyun's favorite book to read after?"


"You've got it." Seungwan grinned at their son. "We've got you covered all the way, brave alien fighter!"


Seunghyun smiled bashfully and took Joohyun's hand. They made their way slowly through the blackened house, candlelight flickering off the walls.


"Look, all the shadows are dancing," Joohyun pointed out gently. "They can't hurt you, only entertain."


In the bathroom, she lit more candles as Seunghyun brushed. The bubbling laughter of their voices echoed off the tiles, warding off loneliness.


Back in the tent, Seungwan had tucked blankets around a pile of pillows. Joohyun settled in the middle with Seunghyun snuggling. 


Without central heating, the night air grew cold. Despite bundling under blankets, the air still seeped chill into their socks and fingertips. 


Beside them, Seungwan stretched leisurely before tucking an arm under Joohyun's neck. She leaned into his embrace while holding Seunghyun closer.


Suddenly, two icy feet pressed against Joohyun's calves, causing her to squeal in surprise. "Yah, your toes are like icicles!"


Seungwan chuckled while Seunghyun gazed up at her with innocent eyes. "But Mommy, my feet are cold." He demonstrated by poking her arm with his little frozen digits.


Joohyun caught his fingers, blowing warm breath over them. "Is that better, sweetheart?" He nodded, cuddling close once more.


But Seungwan was not so easily satisfied. Grinning slyly, he slid his feet slowly up Joohyun's leg, eliciting muffled giggles.


"Yah. Son Seungwan. Stop that!" she protested half-heartedly. Turning, she found his face only inches from hers, eyes dancing with mischief in the low light.


Before she could react, Seungwan's chilled toes were wiggling pressed against her bare calves. Joohyun shrieked with laughter, tried to bat him away.


"Alright you two, that's enough!" she managed between gasps. "No more icy feet, or no story for you Son Seungwan." Joohyun shot him a playful glare. But her eyes betrayed amusement rather than irritation.



[to be honest, I decided to write this chapter, because of this video. And all the blackout stuff is just to reach to Seungwan rubbing the feet on Joohyun]


Seunghyun wriggled between them, ever the mediator. "It's okay Mommy, Daddy can listen too. His feet just get cold sometimes."


The boys started to calm down and Joohyun began softly reading the bedtime story. Wrapped securely in Seungwan's embrace, she held little Seunghyun close against her heart. His eyelids grew heavy listening to the calming rhythm of her voice.


The flickering lantern and cozy confines of their makeshift tent added to the sleepy atmosphere.


Seunghyun's sleepy breathing had deepened into restfulness, his chubby fist curled limply against her chest. Joohyun gazed down at his tranquil expression, feeling her own soul calm in response.


Seungwan softly kissed her forehead. "He's out," he whispered, smiling as Seunghyun snuggled tighter in slumber. Joohyun returned the look, eyes shining with maternal tenderness.


Carefully disentangling herself, she tucked blankets snug around her sleeping son. "He looks so angelic when he's dreaming."


Seungwan slipped an arm around her shoulders. "Much more so than when he's awake and getting into mischief."


They shared a soft chuckle, mindful not to disturb Seunghyun's rest. In the flicker-filled dark, Seungwan gazed deeply into Joohyun's eyes.


"I'm sorry for being so cheeky with my icy toes earlier, my love," Seungwan whispered sincerely, her hair. 

Joohyun leaned at his caress. "It's alright, you were only playing. I know your intentions were good."


"Even so, I want to properly make it up to you." Seungwan leaned down to press a tender kiss to her forehead. 

 "Should I warm you up properly?" He tenderly kissed her lips once, then her nose, then each cheek in turn. "How's that?"


"Mmm, much better. You're lucky you're cute."


"So are you," Seungwan whispered, pecking her lips again. He gathered her close once more, tucking her head under his chin. This time he was careful to keep his feet far from her legs, and Joohyun melted contentedly into his toasty embrace.


"With our son sleeping, perhaps we could find some comfort of our own. I find myself wishing for private time with you." He caressed her cheek tenderly.


"What do you say we let our little angel sleep, and find more personal comforts of our own?" Seungwan's breath was warm against her skin.


Joohyun knew the gleam in Seungwan's eyes well, and felt stirrings in her heart in response. Yet she hesitated, glancing toward their son. "I don't want to leave him."


Seungwan kissed her forehead reassuringly. "Only for a little while, and we'll be close by should he wake. Come, some tender companionship will ease both our cares after such a long day." He gently brushed Seunghyun's hair.


His caring touch and soft reasons gently soothed Joohyun's concern. She knew Seungwan would keep vigil as much as she.


"All right," Joohyun agreed quietly with a smile. Carefully unraveling herself from their sleeping bundle, she took Seungwan's outstretched hand and followed him from the tent.


Hand in hand, they made their way through familiar rooms until reaching their bedroom.


Seungwan kindled more candles to illuminate Joohyun's lovely face. Cupping her cheek, he whispered, "You are my light in the dark, now and always."


Their kiss in the low glow spoke of passion restrained all evening for their child's sake. But here, no such hold was needed on the desires kindled between them for so long.


Lips and hands rediscovered in a dance as intimate as their hearts. Before long, clothes were shed and love was made, a passion play witnessed only by flickering flames. Their joining was slow and deep, a celebration of life and love in darkness' face.


In each other's arms after, sated and adoring, their private joy seemed brighter than any blackout. Together, nothing and no one could dim their light.

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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 7: More
Favebolous 0 points #2
Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 8: I'm happy reading Irene who is jealous haha
Chapter 8: Not me thinking that Rosé saw them k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Joohyun seeing them kissing is so kdrama scene and i love it! Ijbol joohyun. I would be Hella embarrassed if i ever meet meet my sister in law. Love how supportive her sister is to him.
Chapter 2: I'm crying 😭 this is too soft oh god i love domestic wenrene so much
1692 streak #6
Chapter 8: I love this au so much~
Bltrx82 #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim
Chapter 4: Honestly, I really like stories with family themes like this. always feel warm when reading it and smile when imagining it 🥰
Chapter 7: ♨♨♨
Let's 🏃😤