

It was late on a Saturday night and the Son household was quiet. Seungwan and Joohyun had fallen into a deep sleep after a long day. Seunghyun, however, was restless.


The little boy tossed and turned, unable to shut his brain off. Growing bored and lonely in his room, Seunghyun wondered what Mommy and Daddy were up to. He quietly crept down the hall to see.


Peeking into their bedroom, he saw his parents passed out in a tangle of limbs. Seunghyun pouted—no fun for him tonight. That's when he spotted Joohyun's makeup pouch sitting out.


An idea formed in his mischievous little brain. Carefully as not to wake them, he snatched up the bag and tiptoed back to his room.


Under the nightlight, Seunghyun dumped the contents onto the floor. Lipsticks, eyeshadows and brushes rolled everywhere. "Ooh pwetty colors!" he giggled.


He swatched a bright red lipstick vigorously on his arm, leaving a messy stain. Next, Seunghyun dragged an angled brush through a sparkly purple eyeshadow.


Giggling, he applied it haphazardly around his eyes and all over his chubby cheeks. Taking a shimmery highlighter, Seunghyun dusted it liberally over his entire face.


In front of mirror in his room, Seunghyun cackled with glee at his clownish reflection. Inspired, he decided the stuffed animals needed glam too!


One by one, he smudged and blended makeup onto all the toys. His bunny plushie sported blue eyeshadow, a squirrel had red cheeks. By the time he finished, Seunghyun was an absolute mess himself too.


But the fun couldn't last forever. Seunghyun started to yawn, eyelids growing heavy in the late hour. Choosing his favorite makeup-smeared bunny, he snuggled into bed for sleep.


The next morning, Seungwan awoke to a bright sun. He smiled softly at Joohyun's peaceful face. Something felt off though—Seunghyun was quiet all night.


Padding down the hall, Seungwan gasped at the scene in the toddler's room. Makeup was strewn haphazardly with toys covered in goop.


And in the middle of it all lay Seunghyun, makeup smeared face-down into his pillow like modern art. Seungwan stifled a laugh—their son looked like he wrestled a clown!


Joohyun shrieked when she saw the mess. "Seunghyun woke up while we slept! My's going to take forever to clean." 


Seungwan sat beside her, rubbing gentle circles on her back. "I know you're upset honey, but try not to be too hard on Seunghyun. He's still learning."


Washing Seunghyun’s face gently had waken him up. Seeing his parents, Seunghyun hid inside his father embraced shyly. "Sowwy Mommy..."


Joohyun took a deep breath to calm herself. "It's okay baby, Mommy's not mad. Just please ask permission next time, okay?"


Seunghyun nodded earnestly. Joohyun pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek. "Now let's get this cleaned up."


Seungwan rubbed her shoulders reassuringly. "Nothing a little teamwork can't handle. Let's get started!"


Seunghyun peered at them with big, apologetic eyes. "I help clean up too, Mommy?"


Joohyun smiled warmly. "Of course sweetheart. Come, I'll show you what to do."


She demonstrated wiping surfaces while Seungwan swept debris into the dustpan. Seunghyun mimicked their actions with fierce concentration.


"Just like that, you're doing great!" Joohyun encouraged. Seunghyun beamed at the praise, working even harder.


Before long, dried makeup began disappearing. Under Seungwan's direction, toys were reorganized neatly on shelves.


With the floor spotless, Joohyun collapsed onto the bed with a content sigh. "All that's left is laundering these stuffed friends."


Seungwan lifted a makeup-smeared panda. "Looks like they partied a little too hard!"


Seunghyun giggled, cuddling the toys. Joohyun drew him into her lap with a grin. "How about we give them a bath?"


Under the faucet, they scrubbed fur clean whilst chatting and singing. Seunghyun dried each toy with care before bed. Once the mess was cleaned, Seungwan and Joohyun sat at the living room.


"Seunghyun, come here please. Mommy and I need to talk to you."


Seunghyun walked over shyly. "Am I in twouble?"


"You're not, we just want to understand why you took Mommy's things." Seungwan replied.


Seunghyun fiddled with his hands nervously. "You mad at me, mommy?"


"I'm not mad, my son, you know you're not allowed to play with chemicals. You could have gotten hurt." Joohyun said gently but firmly. "More importantly, you broke mommy's trust."


"I know you were curious, but you broke our trust by disobeying the rules." Seungwan added.


Seunghyun's eyes welled with tears. "I sowwy mommy and daddy...I just wanted to play."


Joohyun softened, pulling him into her lap. "I know baby. But we have to follow rules so everyone stays safe."


She lifted his chin affectionately. "Do you understand why what you did was wrong, sweetheart?"


Seunghyun nodded vigorously. "I won't do it again mommy, I promise! Please don't be mad..."


Joohyun kissed his forehead and held Seungwan's hand. "We're not mad. I'm glad you understand now. I forgive you this time."  "Thank you for helping cleaning up the mess, my babies. I'm proud of you both."


Seungwan kissed his cheek. "You're still learning sweetie. From now on, ask us before touching anything unsafe, okay?"


Seunghyun answered, "Yes. I'll be a good boy, I pwomise!"


"Now how about helping me cook breakfast? Should we eat pancakes?" Joohyun said.


Seunghyun perked up. "Pancakes?! Can I cwack the eggs?"


Joohyun went to the fridge as Seungwan set the table. "Of course, but gently please."


Together they mixed batter, Seunghyun taking his task seriously. Soon the kitchen smelled of buttery goodness.


Seungwan carried plates piled high. "Dig in everyone!"


Seunghyun dove in, mouth full of smiles. Joohyun beamed at the sight, her earlier frustration dissipating.


 Seunghyun ate quietly, occasionally glancing at his parents with a small smile.


Joohyun ruffled his hair fondly. "I'm glad we had this chat. Remember - mommy's and daddy's here any time you need to talk, okay?"


Seunghyun nodded at her. "I Love you mommy daddy."


"Mommy and daddy love you too, Son Seunghyun."


Under the table, Seungwan gently caressed Joohyun's hand with his thumb. She looked over with a raised brow, questioning his intentions.


Joohyun looked up curiously. "What are you up to?"


Seungwan his thumb along her knuckles and leaned in to whisper. "I just want to spoil my beautiful wife. Will you let me buy you a new set?"


Joohyun's heart swelled at his affection. "You really don't have to—"


"Please? After the day you've had, you deserve this ," Seungwan insisted with a charming smile.


Joohyun's expression softened, knowing resistance was futile against that face. "Alright, I suppose looking wouldn't hurt." As much as she wanted to refuse, the idea of browsing makeup and spending quality time with her boys was tempting.


"Alright, you've convinced me. It would be nice to replace the items I lost," she conceded with a smile.


Seunghyun perked up at the mention of their outing. "Where are we going?"


Seungwan ruffled his hair. "To find Mommy some new makeup that mommy likes."


 "Can I come along? Please!" He bounced excitedly in his seat.


Joohyun laughed at his eagerness. "Of course you can. But Hold your horses little man, let's help Daddy clean up the table first."


While they cleared the table, Seungwan swooped Seunghyun into his arms for a playful dance around the kitchen. Joohyun watched them fondly as she rinsed dishes.


Before long, they were piling into the car towards the downtown shopping district.  Upon arrival, Seunghyun clung to Joohyun's hand, awestruck by the dazzling storefronts. She led them directly to her favorite luxury beauty emporium.


The displays were indeed impressive - delicate brushes, pearls encrusted on compacts, gemstone powders. Joohyun took her time browsing intricate palettes.


Seunghyun gazed up at a display of iridescent lip glosses like magical potions. "So pwetty mommy! Can I pick one for you?"


Joohyun smiled warmly. "Of course baby, choose your favorite." She was touched by his eagerness to be involved.


After careful deliberation, Seunghyun selected a shimmering rose gold eyeshadow palette. "This one matches your pwetty smile," he said with a toothy grin.


Joohyun took the palette. "Ooh, rose gold. Good choice!" Seunghyun beamed proudly. They kept shopping together hand in hand. Seungwan walked over, still unsure in the world of cosmetics.


Seunghyun turned to him with a serious expression. "Daddy, which lipstick suits Mommy best?"


Seungwan scratched his head chuckling. "I'm not too sure son, makeup is kind of a mystery to me."


Undeterred, Seunghyun took Seungwan's hand and led him to the lipsticks. After close observation, he selected a rosy pink. "This one fits Mommy's lips like her smile," he stated proudly.


"If you say so buddy! I'll trust your judgment," Seungwan ruffled his hair affectionately.


He glowed at the compliment. Their basket was filling nicely thanks to Seunghyun's discerning selections.


As Joohyun tested an eyeshadow, Seunghyun got distracted by glittery nails. "Can I paint your nails too?"


"When we get home, it's a date. For now, help me choose one more thing."


Seunghyun stopped at a luxe brush set. "These will make you the best artist!"


Joohyun ruffled his hair. "You sure know how to spoil Mommy. Thank you sweetheart." She lifted the brushes, impressed by its texture.


From that day on, Seunghyun always helped his mommy pick out makeup.




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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 7: More
Favebolous 0 points #2
Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 8: I'm happy reading Irene who is jealous haha
Chapter 8: Not me thinking that Rosé saw them k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Joohyun seeing them kissing is so kdrama scene and i love it! Ijbol joohyun. I would be Hella embarrassed if i ever meet meet my sister in law. Love how supportive her sister is to him.
Chapter 2: I'm crying 😭 this is too soft oh god i love domestic wenrene so much
1692 streak #6
Chapter 8: I love this au so much~
Bltrx82 #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim
Chapter 4: Honestly, I really like stories with family themes like this. always feel warm when reading it and smile when imagining it 🥰
Chapter 7: ♨♨♨
Let's 🏃😤