unlikely trial run

every version of us
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a/n: ngl i havent written a piece based off the courtroom/legal drama in a long time and i almost forgot all my jargon, needless to say, i had a hard time with this prompt but i suppose this wouldnt be a challenge if it was easy, so i got through it --- kind of crack and ridiculous - i just took it and went off the rails and i hope its written well enough but its about to be 8am and i want to be unstuck from this prompt hopefully have more to come!

prompt from orangebearies - umpah umpah irene x power up wendy + in a courtroom


Judge Kwon Boa stops in her tracks as soon as she enters the courtroom because of the sheer ridiculousness that she sees before her. She lets out an exasperated sigh as she makes her way to her seat. Decorum over the years has really changed and Boa is sick of seeing the counsels before her become more and more embarrassing.

The only saving grace was that this wasn’t the actual trial. 

Boa doesn’t even want to ask, but she has to say something. “Did you two come from the same damn costume party or something?” 

Wendy smiles brightly at her. “Actually, we were just going to a concert.” She stands before her like a damn girl scout for crying out loud. Her white dress shirt pulled up a little too high and her skirt a little too short with her damn multi patched sash.

“Together?” Boa raises an eyebrow at them.

“Yes, your honour.” Wendy chirps. She sends a warm look over to Irene.

On the opposite side, Irene lets out a sigh, arms crossed, none too pleased about being in court in her outfit. Even though she looks amazing in her pink top and skirt with cute boots. She had designed them specifically so that she could match her favourite idol. She loved it earlier, she’s just displeased because both of them forgot about their court date and rushed back to meet it.  “She doesn’t need to know—” 

“Oh, I do,” Boa interjects with her authority. Because Wendy looks happy as can be and Irene looks disgruntled as usual. But something in the air is different with the two of them in the courtroom at the moment. “Are you two finally dating?” 

Irene’s jaw drops. “Objection, your honour, relevance?!” 

“We’re not in trial right now,” Boa shuts her up by holding the gavel up threateningly. “And by both of your manner of dress I can hardly call any of this p

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i fear i've already peaked in writing this compilation - it's game over everything after ch2 is gonna


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Riscark #1
Chapter 2: The way it went slow at first and then just BAMMM! Bend over 😳
1197 streak #2
Chapter 1: My lady they are in LOOOOVVVEEE
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 9: Woah woah woah!!!! This is very new prompt for me. Ceo ssw and prof bjh.

Imagine ssw being all profesh, cool and serious in front of everyone but such a baby when with bjh. Aaaaaaah *heart eyes
Seungwanniepuppy #4
Chapter 3: Cliffhanger!!!!!! This is so cruel of you!!!! Damn! But love all the prompts so far
Seungwanniepuppy #5
Chapter 2: Im so uses of reading sugarmommy ssw but bjh as one, is actually really to mt liking. I hope this gets pick up and have more chapters. Coz i need to see jealous bjh when ssw debuts and gets all the attention.
Seungwanniepuppy #6
Chapter 1: Damn this escalated quickly!!!!!
Bintangpratama30 #7
Chapter 3: Penasaran tapi sangat pendek
Bintangpratama30 #8
Chapter 2: Penasaran kelanjutan nya tapi ini hanya one shoot
Bintangpratama30 #9
Chapter 1: Woalah ending yang membangongkan tapi keren
todayis_wenrene #10
Chapter 1: that escalated so quickly 😅😅 i was so immersed i forgot this is a series of short one-shots 😅