appropriate dress

every version of us
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a/n: i took this prompt and went somewhere completely elsewhere because i could and i wanted to change up the genre a little bit - its got some intrigue and mysticism and i hope its enjoyable something i don't get to write often so im glad to test/exercise those things here -- you must have a lot of questions, but like i said completely up for reader interpretation and i kind of hope to see some really good thoughts on this and pls don't forget to check out the visuals i included 

prompt from moonbliss - psycho!irene + be natural!wendy + fashion designer irene x con artist wendy


Wendy has been to strange places before, but nothing prepares her for the place Taeyeon recommends to her. There’s something about the tailor shop that is off. 

It feels like a little time portal Wendy gets taken back to, unlike the modern expensive boutiques. The wooden furnishing and walls are all ornately designed. Neat walls of suit jackets and matching trousers line the wall. There are a few glass cases of accessories, ties, tie bars, pocket squares, watches of all varieties, and chains. 

Wendy expects an old man to meet her. She expects a Geppetto with his old white hair, perfect white shirt and vest, with pencils behind his ears, tape measure around his neck, and a warm smile. What she gets at the desk is a bespoke man with perfectly coiffed hair reading a leather bound book. 

He looks handsome and statuesque as he stands there in his perfectly tailored three piece suit with smooth satin material shimmering under the natural light. It fits him like a second skin. 

“Hi, Mr. Bogum?” Wendy carefully reads the wooden name tag that matches his suit. “Is Miss Irene here?” 

Bogum closes his book smoothly and he turns to her slowly with a smile growing on his face. “Who sent you here?” he asks with amusement in his voice.


“Ah, I see.” Bogum then reaches for something behind the counter and Wendy sees the cane. He stiffly walks with it, leaning on his good side, as he waves her over. “Follow me.” 

The warning bells go off in Wendy’s head. Something about this place sends shivers down her spine but it intrigues Wendy. There’s a mystery there that makes her curious. And Taeyeon says this Miss Irene is important for her success. In the line of business that they share, no doubt there are quirky and weird personalities that Wendy deals with, but this is getting weirder by the second. 

Bogum leads her to the back room, where there’s a large velvet curtain. He uses his cane to press a button that draws the curtains apart down the centre. Wendy quirks her head at the theatrics. “Miss Irene is waiting for you.” 


Wendy doesn’t question him further. She doesn’t get to as he hobbles with his cane back to his post in the front of the shop. 

Wendy hears the sound of a sewing machine whirring. It’s a distinct sound of metal sliding against each other in regular intervals. It doesn’t stop as she enters the room. 

Not knowing what to expect, Wendy takes in everything carefully. One side of the wall is lined with suit pieces and dresses while the other wall is completely lined with s

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i fear i've already peaked in writing this compilation - it's game over everything after ch2 is gonna


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Riscark #1
Chapter 2: The way it went slow at first and then just BAMMM! Bend over 😳
1197 streak #2
Chapter 1: My lady they are in LOOOOVVVEEE
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 9: Woah woah woah!!!! This is very new prompt for me. Ceo ssw and prof bjh.

Imagine ssw being all profesh, cool and serious in front of everyone but such a baby when with bjh. Aaaaaaah *heart eyes
Seungwanniepuppy #4
Chapter 3: Cliffhanger!!!!!! This is so cruel of you!!!! Damn! But love all the prompts so far
Seungwanniepuppy #5
Chapter 2: Im so uses of reading sugarmommy ssw but bjh as one, is actually really to mt liking. I hope this gets pick up and have more chapters. Coz i need to see jealous bjh when ssw debuts and gets all the attention.
Seungwanniepuppy #6
Chapter 1: Damn this escalated quickly!!!!!
Bintangpratama30 #7
Chapter 3: Penasaran tapi sangat pendek
Bintangpratama30 #8
Chapter 2: Penasaran kelanjutan nya tapi ini hanya one shoot
Bintangpratama30 #9
Chapter 1: Woalah ending yang membangongkan tapi keren
todayis_wenrene #10
Chapter 1: that escalated so quickly 😅😅 i was so immersed i forgot this is a series of short one-shots 😅