Additional Update

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I forgot to mention in the last chapter about the current status of the story. The author has deleted all of her stories on Twitter and Postype. It is temporary but she said she will only reupload after the person who has translated her work into Chinese without her permission stops translating her stories on a different platform. They even went as far as uploading her stories onto the internet archive so they could continue translating which is kinda crazy ngl. It seems like a lot of other Chinese fans are helping her however (because they were the ones who brought it to the author's attention) so hopefully the issue will be resolved soon. I personally was not aware she did not approve the translations until she announced it but I'm planning to put this entire story into draft by the end of next week. (Just want as many subscribers to get the notification as to why this is being put into drafts). You can find her work on postype but you won't be able to read anything rn because it's been all deleted until, again, the person stops translating/deletes her work. 

Please do not DM the author on twitter for her postype link. She has removed it from her bio recently as well. I will not be providing her twitter account as well. 

Thank you!

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opportunity #1
Chapter 12: Hi, thanks for doing your best to translate this story up until now. Since the author doesn't want anyone to translate, would we still be allowed to view the original work?
how sad, I was just about to read..
joyie4ever 16 streak #3
Hi, just wanna ask where’s the original story of this? Thank you
Ammsone009 #4
Chapter 12: That’s a bummer. I was excited for the complete tag though, but you’re right we should respect the author’s wish. Thank you for translating, it’s not an easy work too
Neverbealover #5
ud please 🥲
Update pls 😭
210202 #8
thank you for the transform.It is so the way,can you tell me the original link so I can see more?thanks
plutoooooo #9
Chapter 5: why I didn't see this wonderful work before? I love your stories so much. Thanks for writing this amazing story ❤️
Chapter 5: Finally jm is free to express her true feelings thanks to mj 😌 and i love when she enter in savage mode when someone talks bad about mj 😂