Unrequited Love

Killer Sessions [HIATUS]
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Minjeong's mind was a jumbled mess of thoughts and emotions as she made her way to Jimin's office. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled deep within her since receiving the call from the police department. The news of another murder had hit her hard, and the thought of losing someone else was almost too much to bear.


By the time she reached Jimin's office, Minjeong's body was visibly trembling with fear and anxiety. She sank into the chair in front of Jimin, her hands shaking uncontrollably, and began to recount the details of the call. The pain and anguish in her eyes were impossible to ignore, and Jimin could see that her patient was barely holding herself together.


Listening intently, Jimin felt a pang of sadness and sympathy as Minjeong recounted the painful details of her complicated history with the newest victim, Yeri.


Minjeong's heart had always belonged to Yeri, and it was a love that had grown with them from the time they were children. They were inseparable, the kind of friends who shared everything and spent every moment together. As they grew older, Minjeong's feelings for Yeri became more complex. She couldn't help but be drawn to Yeri's infectious smile, her sparkling eyes, and the way she moved with a grace that left Minjeong breathless.


At first, Minjeong didn't understand what these new emotions meant. She had never been interested in anyone romantically before, so the intense longing she felt for Yeri was foreign and confusing. She tried to suppress these feelings, pushing them deep down inside, hoping they would eventually disappear. But the more she tried to ignore them, the stronger they became.


One day, when they were sitting together in their favorite spot by the river, Minjeong finally found the courage to confess her feelings to Yeri. She poured out her heart, telling Yeri everything she had been feeling for so long. Yeri looked at her with a mix of shock and confusion. Minjeong's confession had taken her completely by surprise.


For a moment, they just sat there in silence, Minjeong feeling more vulnerable than she had ever felt before. Then Yeri spoke, her voice gentle but firm. She told Minjeong that she loved her too, but only as a friend. It was like a knife to Minjeong's heart. Yeri tried to be as gentle as possible, but the sting of her rejection cut Minjeong deep.


For a while, Minjeong tried to pretend that nothing had changed between them. She tried to be the same loyal friend she had always been, but the tension between them was palpable. Every time they were together, Minjeong felt a twinge of pain in her chest, knowing that Yeri would never see her as more than a friend.


As time passed, Minjeong found herself withdrawing more and more from Yeri, unable to face the pain of being rejected every time she saw her. She couldn't help but wonder why Yeri didn't love her back in the same way. She loved Yeri with all her heart, but it seemed like that love was only causing her pain.


Years passed, and Minjeong and Yeri drifted apart. They both went their separate ways, and Minjeong tried to move on with her life. But even as she met new people and formed new relationships, her heart still ached for Yeri. She couldn't help but wonder what could have been if only Yeri had loved her back in the same way.


Now, years later, the memories of her complicated past with Yeri still haunted her. She tried to move on, to find new friends and new passions, but the memories of her first love lingered like a shadow over her heart.


As Minjeong tried to recount the story of her past with Yeri, her mind was filled with memories that she had long buried. The warmth of the sun on her skin, the sound of laughter echoing through the halls of their school, the smell of the cherry blossoms in the park where they used to play together. It was as if the past was unfolding before her very eyes, and she couldn't help but be swept up in the emotions that came with it.


As she spoke, her voice grew softer and softer, the words tumbling out in a torrent of guilt and regret. She wondered if things could have been different if she had been more honest with herself about her feelings for Yeri. Maybe if she had taken the chance to confess her love sooner, things would have turned out differently. Maybe they could have been happy together.


Minjeong couldn't help but feel a deep sense of regret and guilt for what had transpired. She looked up at Jimin, tears streaming down her face as she shared her innermost thoughts and feelings. Her voice was filled with remorse and self-doubt as she whispered, "I can't help but feel like this is somehow my fault. If only I had been a better friend, maybe things would have turned out differently."


Jimin reached out and gently squeezed Minjeong's hand, her eyes filled with compassion and understanding. "This is not your fault, Minjeong," she said firmly. "You couldn't have known what would happen. We need to focus on finding the killer and bringing them to justice."


As Minjeong sat in her psychiatrist's office, she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. The string of murders that had been plaguing the city for the past few weeks had been weighing heavily on her mind, and as she recounted the intricate details of their shared past, she couldn't help but wonder if there was a connection.


Jimin watched her carefully, noting the fear and unease that was etched across her face. She knew that Minjeong was struggling to come to terms with the possibility that she might be the next target, and she wanted to do everything in her power to help.


"Do you think this is all connected to me?" Minjeong asked, her voice hushed with fear. "Is someone trying to get to me?"


Jimin paused, considering the possibility. "It's definitely a possibility," she said slowly. "But we can't jump to conclusions just yet. We need to gather more information and piece together all the evidence before we can say for sure."


Minjeong nodded, grateful for Jimin's level-headed approach. But as she continued to ponder the situation, a sense of fear and unease slowly began to creep over her.


"Have you ever considered that this person might be actually trying to…help you?" Jimin asked, her voice low and serious. "That they're doing this not because they're after you, but because they care about you?"


Minjeong was taken aback by the suggestion. It was an idea that she hadn't considered, and one that was both intriguing and unsettling. She couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to it - if the killer was someone who was trying to protect her, even if it meant committing these terrible acts.


"It all seems so...insane," Minjeong murmured, still feeling unsure. "How could someone think that killing people is the way to help me?"


Jimin nodded, her expression serious and contemplative. "I know it sounds crazy," she said thoughtfully. "But we can't discount anything at this point. We have to consider every possibility, no matter how unlikely it may seem."


As the possibility of someone trying to protect her sank in, Minjeong couldn't help but feel a complex mix of emotions. On one hand, the idea of having someone looking out for her was comforting. On the other hand, the thought of someone going to such extreme measures to do so was deeply unsettling.


"Who could it be, though?" Minjeong asked, her voice tinged with anxiety. "And why would they go to such lengths to protect me?"


Jimin shook her head, her expression solemn. "We don't know yet," she said quietly. "But we're working hard to piece together all the evidence and find out who's behind this. And in the meantime, we need to make sure that you're safe."


Minjeong n

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highskies707 #1
Chapter 4: Hmm... the plot is good but you keep talking in circles. Every chapter you start of with one paragraph, then the next paragraph ends up being a rewrite of the first. It's too much filler.
brdfillet #2
Chapter 6: what if it was actually minjeong or jimin 🤔
Jamess #3
Chapter 6: it’s okay otornim take slowly.no rush bud 😁😁…..now ning is is also the main suspect here 🤔🤔
ToughSoul_SoS #4
Interesting 🤔
Eybrelros #5
Update when?🥹
mammt_ #6
Chapter 1: how come I can't help but think of a plot-twist, maybe jimin is the serial killer???.
I'm sure she's not but my mind is wandering
Chapter 5: 😍😍😍💙❄
Jamess #8
Chapter 5: owh wow i can’t wait jimin gonna involve her feelings towards minjeongie 🫢🫢😁👍👍
cleofierayne 35 streak #9
Chapter 4: 🤯 Now Jimins evolving feelings makes this exciting.
Jamess #10
Chapter 4: hmm 🤔