First Session

Killer Sessions [HIATUS]
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Minjeong sat nervously in the waiting room of the psychiatrist's office, her hands fidgeting in her lap as she tried to steady her racing heart. She had been assigned to see Dr. Yoo Jimin, a highly respected and renowned psychiatrist after her department had recommended that she seek help dealing with the stress of her job as a detective. As a seasoned professional, Minjeong was well-accustomed to dealing with the darker side of humanity that came with her line of work, but the case she was currently working on had been different. The murders were particularly gruesome and disturbing, and the killer seemed to be targeting people connected to her on a personal level. This left Minjeong with a sense of overwhelming guilt and responsibility as if she should have been able to catch the perpetrator sooner.


As she sat in the waiting room, lost in her thoughts, the receptionist called her name, interrupting her reverie. "Ms. Kim? Dr. Yoo will see you now". Minjeong stood up, her heart pounding in her chest, as she walked down the hallway toward the doctor's office. She had never been to therapy before and wasn't sure what to expect.


Minjeong was immediately struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere as she entered the doctor's office. The room was large and well-lit, with a large window overlooking the bustling city. The doctor herself, Dr. Yoo Jimin, was a striking woman with long, dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Her demeanor was kind and compassionate.


Dr. Yoo greeted Minjeong with a warm smile as she entered the room. "Hello Ms. Kim, please take a seat. I'm glad you could come".


Minjeong tentatively nodded and took a seat across from the doctor, her nerves still palpable. Despite her attempts to appear composed, her hands trembled slightly as she placed them in her lap. The room was well-lit, but the doctor's piercing blue eyes seemed to shine brighter than anything, making Minjeong feel as though she was being examined under a microscope.


Dr. Yoo leaned forward in her chair, her gaze fixed intently on Minjeong. "Let's begin with the basics, shall we? Please, tell me about yourself," she began in a gentle yet assertive tone.


Minjeong hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought the police department gave you a file about me."


Dr. Yoo let out a small chuckle, "You see Ms. Kim, files are something that is written with care and a lot of thought goes into them. But when people speak, they normally have about two seconds to formulate a phrase in their head before saying anything. It's a lot more spontaneous and genuine. I want you to tell me about yourself, not a piece of paper."


Minjeong couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the doctor's words. "Great, Minjeong. Being an on the first interaction," she thought to herself. "Sorry if I was rude, it's just you can probably tell from the fact that I'm here, I'm not in my best mental state right now," Minjeong said, offering an apologetic smile.


Dr. Yoo nodded sympathetically. "Well, my name is Kim Minjeong, and I am a detective for the Korean National Police Agency. The reason that I was sent here is that the case I'm currently working on's being rough on me. I'm losing sleep over it, and I'm always grumpy...I'm not really functioning well at the moment, doctor," Minjeong explained.


"I see," Dr. Yoo said as she scribbled something in her notebook before quickly returning her attention to Minjeong. "And has anything like this ever happened to you before?"


"Yeah, but it doesn't even compare to what's going on right now," Minjeong avoided looking at the doctor as she spoke, her voice laced with emotion. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had been creeping up on her ever since the first murder occurred.


"Tell me more about this case you're working on right now. Do you have any idea why it's taking such a toll on you?" Dr. Yoo asked, her voice filled with concern.


"Ah...I'm sorry doctor, I...I can't really share information about this case. Everything about it is highly confidential," Minjeong responded, her voice barely audible. She couldn't bring herself to share the gruesome details with anyone, especially not with a stranger.


Dr. Yoo let out a sigh. "Look, Ms. Kim. If I were to count, I would say that about 70% of my patients come here with problems related to something that is also classified as 'highly confidential', most of them are from your field of work, and actually, some of them are from the same organization as you," Dr. Yoo leaned closer to Minjeong as she spoke. "I am going to say to you the same thing that I said to all of them. I can't help you with your problems if you don't tell me what your problems are."


Minjeong sat in silence, her mind racing as she weighed her options. She knew that she needed to trust Dr. Yoo, but it was hard to open up about something that was so secretive.


"In my line of work, we have something called 'Client confidentiality', Ms. Kim. It's not an option; it's a requirement. And even if it wasn't, I have my morals too. You can trust me, Ms. Kim. You have to trust me for this to work. I will never reveal to anyone what happens or what is said in our sessions to anyone," Dr. Yoo reassured her, her voice gentle and understanding.


Minjeong hesitated for a moment before answering. "They were all colleagues of mine. People that I have worked with for years. Yeah, maybe they weren’t the greatest people on Earth, but it's hard to process that someone could do this to them. Each murder was more gruesome than the last, and each one seemed to be a message directed at me specifically."


Dr. Yoo nodded understandingly. "I can imagine how difficult that must be for you. Can you tell me more about the murders? How are they being carried out and what is the motive behind them?"


Minjeong took a deep breath before beginning. "The murders are all being carried out in a similar fashion," she said, her voice tight with tension. "Each victim is found with their throat slit and their hearts removed. It's a gruesome and disturbing crime, and it's happening at an alarming rate. We have no leads, no suspects, and no motive for the killings. The only thing that connects them is that they were all colleagues of mine at the police department. I can't shake the feeling that the killer is targeting people around me specifically, and it's starting to take a toll on my mental state."


Dr. Yoo listened intently as Minjeong shared the details of the case, her heart heavy with empathy for the detective. She could see the exhaustion and fear etched on Minjeong's face, and knew that this case was taking a heavy toll on her. "That sounds like a very stressful and emotionally taxing case to be working on," Dr. Yoo said, her voice gentle and compassionate. "I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be working on a case like this, especially when you are so close to the victims. How are you coping with it? Are you getting enough rest? Are you eating well? Are you talking to someone about what you're going through?"


Minjeong let out a deep sigh as she shrugged her shoulders. "I'm doing my best, but it's hard to shake off the feeling that I should have been able to prevent this. I feel like I should have s

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highskies707 #1
Chapter 4: Hmm... the plot is good but you keep talking in circles. Every chapter you start of with one paragraph, then the next paragraph ends up being a rewrite of the first. It's too much filler.
brdfillet #2
Chapter 6: what if it was actually minjeong or jimin 🤔
Jamess #3
Chapter 6: it’s okay otornim take rush bud 😁😁… ning is is also the main suspect here 🤔🤔
ToughSoul_SoS #4
Interesting 🤔
Eybrelros #5
Update when?🥹
mammt_ #6
Chapter 1: how come I can't help but think of a plot-twist, maybe jimin is the serial killer???.
I'm sure she's not but my mind is wandering
Chapter 5: 😍😍😍💙❄
Jamess #8
Chapter 5: owh wow i can’t wait jimin gonna involve her feelings towards minjeongie 🫢🫢😁👍👍
cleofierayne 34 streak #9
Chapter 4: 🤯 Now Jimins evolving feelings makes this exciting.
Jamess #10
Chapter 4: hmm 🤔