We Are The Creators Of Our Own Destinies, Aren't We? - Final

The New CEO
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It was her...

And it was always going to be her...




“I’ll help you,” The female spoke, looking at him. “She can fool others but not me.”

Baekhyun looked at Nana, slowly nodding his head. “Does she still keep those pictures?”

Nana nodded in confirmation. “But of course, she thinks that keeping them in a box in the attic means nothing, even the infinity sign tattoo that you guys did… she had many chances to get rid of it, but didn’t. She just hides it with the rings that she wears.”

“Had she ever talked about… us?” He asked curiously.

“Only if she’s drunk, but when I tell her about it the next morning, she refuses to listen, let alone admit it,” The female shrugged. “She has a theory.”

Beakhyun raised an eyebrow, amused. “And what would that be?”

“If she doesn’t talk about you, it means you never existed. If she hides the pictures and everything else that brings back memories, she can move on. But she is only lying to herself… and frankly… getting on my nerves with it.”

“I can imagine…”

“The reason why I tried to hook her up with others,” Nana continued. “Was not because I really wanted it to work, but because I wanted to see her reaction. She is searching for you in each and every one of them, but I played along. I continued to nag about it and push her to her limits, but I always got the result that I wanted.”

“What would she say?” He asked, leaning on the chair.

“Hmm,” The latter shook her head. “This one is too short, that one is too tall. Another one has blue eyes, another talks funny… and the list just goes on. There was something missing in each and every one of them… and you and I both know what. Therefore, I have decided to help you.”

“Thank you.”

“Now,” She looked at him. “Don’t get me wrong. I am on nobody’s side. Both of you are at fault for your failed relationship and that is something that the two of you need to work on. My only job is to get you in the same room.”

He nodded.

“I want my friend to be happy and if you are her happiness then let it be,” Nana said. “But don’t expect it to be easy.”

“I’m aware,” He replied. “I came here to make things right and no matter what, I will not back away. I let her go once, but I won’t let her go again.”

“Good, because if you do…” The girl looked at him. “I will personally make your life a living hell and I am not even kidding.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Great, then I’ll see you tomorrow,” Nana smiled. “And this meeting nor conversation never happened.”

He nodded in reply as Nana picked up her purse and left the office.


Nana’s words rang in his mind as the two exchanged glances. Nana motioned him to go after her before she threw her attention back on the papers in front of her.

“Something has come up,” Baekhyun spoke as he looked at the others. “Until I get back, I will ask you all to prepare the reports and the lists of achievements that this company has had up until now. We’ll leave the introductions for later.”

The crowd exchanged looks but said nothing, as they did what they were told. Baekhyun quickly marched out of the meeting room, looking both ways down the hallway, only to hear the elevator door open. He ran quickly, managing to reach it is prevent it from closing as Eun blinked, taking a step back.

Baekhyun stepped inside as the elevator door closed behind him and silence filled the room. Eun’s eyes locked on his as her heart started to race out of control. She wanted to move and run away, but her legs refused to listen. She wanted to scream, but there was no voice coming out of her. She wanted to hit him, but her hands refused the action. It felt like she was frozen.

Frozen in time.

“Eun…” He whispered her name as he pressed the emergency stop button.

The elevator halted to a stop with a slight shake making Eun’s back hit the wall. Baekhyun approached her as she gulped, her eyes never leaving his.

“Eun…” He called out again.

That voice.

That look in his eyes.

“Baekhyun…” She mouthed.

“I’m sorry, Eun… I’m sorry, baby girl.”

His heart raced at the sight of her in front of him. His hand reached for her cheek and he gently caressed it. She didn’t move nor try to push him away, instead, she leaned into his touch, closing her eyes for a moment. Black Opium. The fragrance that she always used, had once again blurred his senses and drugged him. Throwing him back to the time when they were happy.


His hand ran through her silky hair as her head laid on his chest. The gentle summer breeze gave them a warm and comfortable feeling as the stars shone above them and the moon was their witness.

“It’s beautiful…” She whispered.

“Mhm,” He hummed. “But do you know what’s more beautiful than the night sky? You.”

She blushed. “Hush.”

Baekhyun chuckled, tightening the hug around her. “And if I don’t?”

“I’ll make you,” She mumbled.

“How?” He smirked.

She lifted her

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Jcdfdc4BBh #1
Chapter 2: It was too easy for them to get back together. But I guess that’s real love! 🥰
961 streak #2
Chapter 2: It was quite abrupt for me. But I guess there us an urgency in the situsion. Could you please consider an epilogue.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 2: Sweet ☺️☺️☺️
Chapter 1: Aww distance and it’s cruel way to separate people
Nlnz2016 #5
Chapter 2: Love this story. So glad Baek came back for her.
Chapter 1: Well, it looks like Eun’s dream might become a reality xD Mr. Byun f**king Baekhyun just appeared and Eun’s world just froze XD

This was a great chapter! :) I liked it!
Chapter 2: I love this!!! I’m in all the Baekhyun feels right now 😍
Chapter 1: I am loving this! This planned attack
Chapter 2: I love it!! I love, love, love it!! Yes! We do create our on destinies. We are the pilots of our own ships and we must navigate through life the best we can. I am so glad that these two created a second chance for themselves!
Thank You, you know I'm a er for BBH stories.
december0898 #10
Chapter 1: excited for the next chapter.. 🥰🥰🥰