Mr. Byun ing Baekhyun - Part 01

The New CEO
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He was her first love...

He was her first in everything...

Her first happiness...

And her first sadness...

One week earlier...

Another busy day.

Same schedule.

Same routine. 

Same people. 

Same atmosphere. 

Eun sat at her desk staring at the screen as she proofread the report she had just finished. Today was the final day for her to submit the report and in all honesty, for the past few days, she barely had any decent rest so sleep deprivation took a toll on her, but she was hanging in there. Thank God that Coffee was discovered and later Energy drinks because without it, she wasn't sure how she would make it through the day. Rubbing her left eye, she adjusted her glasses and hovered her fingers above the keyboard, but as she was about to correct a mistake she has made, her friend and co-worker Nana came running into her office. 

"Have you heard?!" The girl exclaimed. 

"Have I heard what?" Eun sighed, leaning back into her chair as she took off her glasses. "Aliens have finally attacked us?" 

The girl frowned, narrowing her eyes at Eun. "No!" 

"Then what? I'm kind of in the middle of something and the time is slipping away." 

"Aren't we all?" Nana shrugged. "Anyway, the old CEO is retiring and we are getting a new one next week!" 

Eun blinked. "Okay?" 

"They say he is the richest man in Korea!" Nana continued. 

"Okay and?" 

"They also say that he is freaking hot!" 

Eun raised a brow. "The point?" 

"The point is that he is also young! He is single and you are single--" 

"The ?" Eun cut her in the middle of the sentence. "Do I look like a person who is looking for love? What in the world Nana?!" 

"My dear Eun," Nana hummed, walking up to her. "Use this chance. His name is--" 

"Must you try to hook me up with someone every time?" 

Nana nodded. "I worry about your future." 

"How do you even know he is handsome? Besides, every time someone was handsome to you... I had nightmares from their handsomeness." 

"As my mother-in-law likes to say," Nana winked. "You'll grow into him." 

Eun rolled her eyes. "Out! I have to finish this report! I don't have time to deal with your nonsense!" 

Nana chuckled. "I'll keep my eye on you."

"Don't you--" 

But before Eun could finish her sentence, Nana was out the door. 

"Dare..." Eun mumbled, squinting her eyes. "A new CEO? So what? Big deal! I will still get a load of work to do, so what ing difference does it make?!" She started to argue with herself like a mad woman. "Just focus on your task and get it over it! UGH!"

"You are aware, that my office is right next to yours and that I can hear you, right?" Nana chippered from the other side of the wooden barrier that separated the two offices. 

"Are you not afraid of dying?!" Eun grumbled. 

"I love you too!"

With that, Eun put her glasses back on and continued where she stopped, huffing in the process as Nana's words continued to ring in her head. 


Present time...

The silence that once settled in her bedroom was now interrupted as Eun tossed and turned in her bed, mumbling something as she crumpled the sheets under her, throwing the covers off her. 

"You idiot..." She spat, turning on her stomach and curling her fists. 


"Open the door..." Baekhyun sighed. 

"Go away!" Eun hissed from the other side. "You idiot... what are you doing here anyway?!" 

"I am the new CEO." 

"You're what?! YAH! Stop it! It's not even funny!" 

"I am dead serious," Baekhyun hummed. 


"New CEO..." She mumbled, turning to the side again as her hand dropped over hanging from the edge of the bed and a new dream clouded her mind. 


"Miss Jung," Baekhyun's voice echoed through the speaker in  Eun's office, making her frown and drop what she was doing. "Report to my office and make sure you bring the minutes of the last meeting with you."

"Can't you bother someone else?" She said. 

"No. I'll be waiting... babe." 



"I am not your babe..." 


"Miss Jung," He said, getting up from his chair and walking over to where she was sitting. "Have you missed me?" 

"Mr. Byun," Eun looked away from the papers and at him, adjusting her glasses. "That question is inappropriate. I would rather we finish this so I can go home."

He couldn't help but chuckle. "Inappropriate would be if I asked you to have with me." 

She frowned at his bluntness. "Mr. Byun, I am warning you. This is--" 

"This is what?" He whispered, their faces now inches apart as he leaned closer. "Harassment at work? Oh, come on. You and I go a long way and you know that, don't you?" 

Her heart started to race, but she kept calm, not letting him see that in fact her whole body trembled. "Haven't we put an end to it?" She asked. 

"Have we?" He asked, raising a brow. 


"We did!" She screamed into the pillow, but her mind refused to wake up as another crazy dream appeared. 


"What are you doing?" Eun blinked. 

"Nothing," Baekhyun hummed as his index finger traced her arm. 

"You are too close... I prefer to have my space," Eun said, getting up from her chair, but she found herself sitting in his lap before she could even react. 

He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Where do you think you are going?" 


"Stop lying to yourself," He whispered into her ear causing chills to run down her spine. 

"I'm not--" 

"You are. You pretend like my presence doesn't bother you, when in fact it does. My presence makes you nervous. It makes you tremble. You are not immune to me, and I am not immune to you either."

"I. Don't. Care." 

"Mhm," He rolled his eyes. "Keep convincing yourself that." 


Not allowing her to finish, he slammed his lips against hers. 


"The ?!" Eun sat up in bed as she woke up from it all, in sweat. 

Looking around she took a few deep breaths trying to calm down her racing heart. It has been a while since she dreamt of Byun Baekhyun. Her first love. Her ex. Random dreams of that person were not something that happened to Eun, after all, he was the last person she would even think of or want to think of. Yes, she will admit,  that after their break up, it took her some time to get over it, and during that time, she did have dreams of him, but they stopped. So, the fact that she dreamt of him again was confusing. 

"The Eun? Of all people, you dream of him? Really?" She started to mumble, questioning her sanity at this point. "What is wrong with you? That story is long finished... Freaking strange."

Rubbing her face, she ran a hand through her hair and turned to the side to look at the look. It was ten to 6 so there was no point in going back to bed since her alarm will go off at six anyway. Sighing she got out of bed and slipped into her slippers before reaching for her phone on the nightstand and turning the alarm off. Wrapping her robe around her, she dragged her sleepy body into the bathroom. She wasn't the morning type, but it was a must so there was no point in complaining about it, right? 

Throwing her clothes away, she got into the shower and leaned on the shower wall, closing her eyes as she let the hot water hit her body. There was nothing better than a good shower in the morning to help her wake up and get ready for the day, but unlike other times when nothing but business was on her mind, this time it was not the case. instead of the reports and meetings that she was going to have, Byun Baekhyun roamed threw her mind and her brain had no intention of sending him away. 

The dreams she had continued playing in her mind and Baekhyun's face showed in front of her. And just like that, out of the blue and unprovoked her heart squeezed in her chest, and a strange nostalgic feeling hit her. She blinked her eyes open and turn off the water. 

"You are a crazy woman, crazy," She mumbled to herself as she wrapped a towel around her body. "What is wrong with me today?" 

She continued speaking to herself like a lunatic as she wiped the mirror in front of her. 

"Focus! You have so many things to do today and it's not the time to think about stupid , especially not Byun Baekhyun!" Eun scolded herself. 

Taking a deep breath, she forced the thoughts away (or at least she tried to), and continued getting ready for the day. 


As always, Eun arrived early before the others so that she could finish up a few other things before the meetings. She can't say that she loved them, but it was part of her job and she had to do it, thankfully they weren't longer than an hour. Placing her things down, she sat down at her desk and started her laptop. As she waited for it to boot, she took a sip of coffee out of her cup and stretched her fingers, yawning slightly. But the peace did not last long, to her dismay. Nana busted into her office with a grin on her face, making Eun look at her with a raised brow. 

"Rise and shine! Today will be a great day! I can't just feel it!" Nana's voice echoed in

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Jcdfdc4BBh #1
Chapter 2: It was too easy for them to get back together. But I guess that’s real love! 🥰
969 streak #2
Chapter 2: It was quite abrupt for me. But I guess there us an urgency in the situsion. Could you please consider an epilogue.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 2: Sweet ☺️☺️☺️
Chapter 1: Aww distance and it’s cruel way to separate people
Nlnz2016 #5
Chapter 2: Love this story. So glad Baek came back for her.
Chapter 1: Well, it looks like Eun’s dream might become a reality xD Mr. Byun f**king Baekhyun just appeared and Eun’s world just froze XD

This was a great chapter! :) I liked it!
Chapter 2: I love this!!! I’m in all the Baekhyun feels right now 😍
Chapter 1: I am loving this! This planned attack
Chapter 2: I love it!! I love, love, love it!! Yes! We do create our on destinies. We are the pilots of our own ships and we must navigate through life the best we can. I am so glad that these two created a second chance for themselves!
Thank You, you know I'm a er for BBH stories.
december0898 #10
Chapter 1: excited for the next chapter.. 🥰🥰🥰