When the snow warms hearts

Everything about her
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The sequences of passionate scenes for the Loyal Pin pilot were so intense that the director blushed and didn’t know how to give feedback.

After letting the duo do their job inside the car, the prestigious director interrupted them and asked if they could shoot a last scene in the bedroom.

Becky held her smile when she noticed he was avoiding eye contact with them.

Once the two females entered the room, the man finally discussed with them some emotional aspects of the characters and what he hoped they could show at that moment.

The taller one was standing near the window and she couldn’t stop pressuring her hands.

Becky touched Freen’s back gently and whispered:

__ It’s okay. We can do it. I’m not gonna play games with you in the middle of a scene. You always respected me and supported me during the shooting of our first pilot and the series in general.

The Thai actress turned to glance at the one she loved and her smile warmed her partner’s heart.

__ I’m not afraid of you, Nong. I’m afraid of myself. 

__ Then don’t be. I’m still your Nong Beck and you’re still my Phi Freen. We are great individually. Yet, we are unbeatable when we work together. Despite any feelings, Freenbecky never failed at doing what we must.

Freen rubbed the brown-haired girl’s arm affectionately and said:

__ Thank you. You’ve grown so much, Bab... I mean, Bec.

The 25-year-old blushed because of the slip of her tongue.

Grinning, the younger one winked:

__ No matter what, I’ll always be your BB. You better accept it.

The cameraman asked them to go to their marks, and they sighed.

Freen gulped the second she saw Becky shifting to Anil’s stare and her whole body trembled with desire.

They did the scene once and the older one kept taking advantage of the angle of the camera to hide her true feelings.

Despite that, Becky was touching her and knew she was highly affected.

The younger one was struggling to mask her excitement, too, and they had their hearts in their mouths the moment the director asked for the second take.

When the shooting ended, Freen exhaled and shared a longing stare with her partner.

__ Good night, Bec. Rest well and take care.

The younger one and nodded.

__ You too, darling.

Freen’s stomach was filled with butterflies and she walked to the dressing room fast. 

Becky waited until the older one finished chanting her clothes and then did the same.

The 20-year-old asked P’Fai to take her home, and they faced a traffic jam for almost an hour.

While in the car, the Thai-British wondered how she would survive the next two or three months.

Shooting romantic scenes with Freen in two projects was a bigger torture than she expected.

Once the actress arrived in her building, Becky told her parents she was exhausted and locked herself not to be bothered.

Looking around, the beautiful brown-haired girl saw several gifts from her partner. 

Freen Sarocha was part of her life in so many ways that Becky didn’t know how to live differently.

Those 4 months practically ruined her mental health because of those self-restrictions.

“I miss your warmth, babe. I don’t think I can keep going this way much longer.” 

__ x __

Rawee called Freen a few hours before the girls would embark to New York.

Surprised, the actress asked the older woman:

__ Did something happen, Mom?

The middle-aged woman smiled before speaking:

__ No, darling. I just felt like giving you my blessing. I failed at taking care of you. I’m sorry. It’s been a scary year. Becky has been threatened since the first semester, among other things. I should have protected you too...

The 25-year-old exhaled and then, said:

__ Not your responsibility, mom. I failed at protecting Bec, too. You should be disappointed.

__ Don’t be silly! After me, you are the best one to protect her. That’s why I’m calling. You girls have this new challenge. And will be shooting abroad without your families. Please, keep being yourself with Becky. Even if you two decided to be different in public. You’ll be the closest of a family member present on her birthday. Thank you in advance. I know I can trust you. And take care of yourself, child. 

Freen struggled to hold her tears. However, her voice cracked:

__ Thank you, mom. I will do my best for her.

Neither Rawee nor Freen commented to the girl about that phone call.

After trying to keep their flight a secret, the two girls arrived at the airport and the older one asked if her partner had brought thick clothes and Becky giggled.

They sat side by side in the first class and the brunette made sure Becky was drinking water and eating properly during the entire flight.

P’Fai exhaled with relief since she knew Freen was better at handling the cute, stubborn kid than anyone else. 

When the plane landed, Becky was shocked for two reasons: it was way colder than she expected and Freen didn’t seem to be as affected as she was.

They were taken to the hotel and the younger one sighed with relief at the confirmation the production booked the same room for Freen and her. 

The only weird detail was that they put them in a room with two double beds.

“! She is not gonna sleep next to me. I alre

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Once again, this is fictional and I'm not respecting timeline. I also changed my plans about some events.
Ps: IF you hate Freen or don't like Freenbecky's bond, go find another author and stop reading me. Thanks.


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story19 #1
Chapter 27: After yulsic, i found freenbecky. The great chemistry of freenbecky. Great story there. Beautifully written. Keep writing. It is been really a while since I login to this account. I just want to read, but this story deserve a comment. Kudos to you author-nim.
Chapter 27: Wooohoooo!! Im very happy with how the finale turned out! Touching, fluffy and lovely ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💚💚💚💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to new FreenBecky fics in future from you 🙏 take care and stay safe as always 😊
Chapter 27: Well i am with both of their moms 🤣🤣🤣
1197 streak #4
Chapter 27: I can imagine the side eye their moms gave them LOL
Chapter 27: I do feel complete after reading now 😊 knowing they will have a mini Freen as well is so Awwwwwwww! Thank you for sharing ❤️
JuReen_Sloth #6
Chapter 26: They announce they are together is 1 heck of a news but TRIPPLET?? that is totally gonna break the so meds for monthssssss... Untill the babies is out.
1197 streak #7
Chapter 26: TRIPLETS!? Oh good lord bless there souls 😭🤣
Chapter 26: Wow!! Triplets is definitely a very fortunate and lucky instance for them. Can wait for the 2nd special chapter now... Sadly this story is ending 😢 thank you fir the update, take care and stay safe
Chapter 26: Oh myyyy...triplets on the way...CS family
Chapter 25: We need this in real life too. Thank you for the update