
Everything about her
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Freen and Becky joined the rest of the Idol Factory team one day after they got back to Thailand.

Saint explained about the video everybody was about to shoot for Mother’s Day but the brunette couldn’t focus.

The Thai-British noticed her partner was not at her best. So she found an opportunity to ask what was going on.

Instead of saying anything, the 24-year-old invited the younger one to go to the restroom.

Unable to hold any longer, Freen spat it out:

__ I’ve been stalked everywhere. They even have images shot in my place. I’m not safe inside my own freaking apartment, Becky. How am I supposed to sleep ever again?

Taken aback, the 20-year-old asked:

__ What do they want? Money? Let’s go to the police.

Slowly shaking her head, the brunette glanced at the girl with sad eyes.

__ I can’t. They’ll release a video soon. The intention is obviously to destroy my reputation. I’m sorry, Becky. This will affect you too, at some level. I’ll be accused of lying about our bond, among other stuff. But I prefer that then seeing myself showering or walking in my room everywhere.

__ What video will be released then?

The taller one grabbed her phone and played the fake video to her partner.

Becky frowned with a puzzled expression. However, Freen burst into tears and she forgot everything.

The younger one pulled her lover into a tight embrace and felt the Thai actress’ body shaking in her arms.

__ Everything will be alright, P’Freen. We can overcome any problem.

Crying on Becky’s shoulder, the dark-haired one murmured:

__ You were raised In the Western way, babe. I’m an Asian woman. They don’t tolerate women reaching higher positions than men. Especially in the Asiatic market. Asian women can’t expose their lives either. A small demonstration of normal life, or showing any tiny flaw is enough to end careers. I’ll be branded as a , a witch, a liar.

__ P’Fiin...__ Becky caressed the other girl’s hair but ended up crying too.

They stayed in the restroom for a while because the tears didn’t want to go away.

After a while, Becky kissed the older girl’s forehead and murmured:

__ I’ll always be there for you. No matter what.

__ Thank you, Bec Bec.__ Freen held the Thai-British even tighter.

When the brunette was able to calm down, she asked her co-star to sneak into the other room and grab her purse.

Both of them did light makeup in an attempt to mask their true emotions.

The duo joined the whole IDF cast once again and the team finally shot the MV.

Becky was exhausted and needed to get back home to finish some university exercises. So P’Beer followed her.

The light brown-haired girl glanced at her person and they shared a significant glance before she left.

Then, Freen asked Saint to give her some minutes of his time and they found an empty room.

Without beating around the bush, the actress summed up her problem and showed him the video.

The boss glanced at his star and said:

__ I was targeted by China a while back. What is the real threat, Nong? Is it about Nong Becky? I know you would never get involved with that filthy guy.

Shrugging, Freen responded:

__ It doesn’t matter. I can’t prove my innocence right now. And Becky must be protected. There is no need for both of us to lose everything.

__ Neither of you should lose anything. We need the police.

The brunette shook her head emphatically and exclaimed:

__ P’Saint, they have something against Nong as well. I can’t let them attack her! 

Feeling powerless, the boss murmured:

__ I’ll tell Chen to talk to you to see what can be done. Meanwhile, I’ll look for a new condo for you, Nong.

__ Thank you, P’Saint.__ There was no brightness in the girl’s eyes.

She waited at the location of the MV for 20 minutes until Saint’s partner arrived.

The younger one explained the whole situation to the other guy and asked him to discuss the issue with the actress.

P’Chen looked at Freen with sadness on his face.

__ Please forgive me, Nong. I should have listened when people warned me not to enter the Chinese market without protection 

Shrugging, the brunette murmured:

__ With all due respect, your words don’t mean much now. I told you something was weird months ago. All those rumors about me and men, among other things. By the way, S looked for me a couple of weeks ago to offer to fake a video of us together and keep the stalkers away from Becky. Funny how my enemies got exactly this video, even though I rejected the offer.

Chen exchanged a significant look with the 24-year-old.

__ I was afraid they might target you and Becky in a dirty way. To be honest, I don’t know how to protect you. 

__ Let’s just keep the trash away from the little one.__ Freen sounded exhausted.

The older guy hesitated before asking:

__ What about the Fanboom this weekend? Do we cancel?

The Thai girl had a bittersweet smile on her face.

__ Nah. The show must go on. This will probably be the last one.

Sighing, the guy said:

__ We’ll say you will have a press conference on August 1st. I guess our only chance to keep Becky safe and try to expose them is... playing their game. You can

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Once again, this is fictional and I'm not respecting timeline. I also changed my plans about some events.
Ps: IF you hate Freen or don't like Freenbecky's bond, go find another author and stop reading me. Thanks.


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story19 #1
Chapter 27: After yulsic, i found freenbecky. The great chemistry of freenbecky. Great story there. Beautifully written. Keep writing. It is been really a while since I login to this account. I just want to read, but this story deserve a comment. Kudos to you author-nim.
Chapter 27: Wooohoooo!! Im very happy with how the finale turned out! Touching, fluffy and lovely ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💚💚💚💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to new FreenBecky fics in future from you 🙏 take care and stay safe as always 😊
Chapter 27: Well i am with both of their moms 🤣🤣🤣
1198 streak #4
Chapter 27: I can imagine the side eye their moms gave them LOL
Chapter 27: I do feel complete after reading now 😊 knowing they will have a mini Freen as well is so Awwwwwwww! Thank you for sharing ❤️
JuReen_Sloth #6
Chapter 26: They announce they are together is 1 heck of a news but TRIPPLET?? that is totally gonna break the so meds for monthssssss... Untill the babies is out.
1198 streak #7
Chapter 26: TRIPLETS!? Oh good lord bless there souls 😭🤣
Chapter 26: Wow!! Triplets is definitely a very fortunate and lucky instance for them. Can wait for the 2nd special chapter now... Sadly this story is ending 😢 thank you fir the update, take care and stay safe
Chapter 26: Oh myyyy...triplets on the way...CS family
Chapter 25: We need this in real life too. Thank you for the update