Part IX

Like Home

Part IX



"They've been in there for longer than 5 minutes." Taemin deadpanned. "It's been 20."

"Well that just gives us more time together, no?" Minho replied, a triumphant smile on his lips as he winked at the younger. Ever since Key dragged Jonghyun out of the living room, Taemin and Minho decided to use that quality time to their advantage. With all the heavy touching and kissing, they sat back against the couch and enjoyed one another's presence.

"Yeah, yeah. By the way, you're a really good actor. You could have fooled me." Taemin said, rolling his eyes at the older. It's not like he was jealous, but Minho flirting with Key triggered him in a way.

Minho chuckled, he loved this side of Tae. The young casanova didn't really show a lot of his emotions, so this was a nice change for the assistant. Teasing him felt like a little fun. "Maybe I should go into acting and ask Jonghyun hyung to refer me."

"Yeah so you can go make out with all these different actresses right?" Taemin scoffed, not liking what Minho was suggesting. If he wanted an actor boyfriend, he would have gotten one, but Minho was definitely not allowed.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Minho winked, nudging the younger a little. 

"I'm not jealous." Taemin said, making sure to avoid all eye contact with the handsome devil he calls his boyfriend.

"Then you'd support me if I became an actor? Maybe in romance drama's?" Minho continued teasing the younger, chuckling.

"You know, instead of doing that, why don't you stop working and come live with me? I have all the money in the world to make you happy." Taemin replied as he leaned towards the older, peering at him with puppy eyes.

"You're funny." Minho said, a vacant tone in his voice. "Maybe we should go check on the couple upstairs." Before he could make a move to stand, Taemin pulled him back to stay seated.

"I'm serious." Taemin stated.

"Taemin, all fun and jokes aside, I'm not quitting my job just so I can be a house husband for you." Minho rolled his eyes. This was starting to sound like a first fight and he didn't like where it was headed. "Let's change the subject."

"No, I don't want to change the subject. Why would you work when you have me?"

"Taemin, we've only officially been together for two days. How do you even know this is what you want?"

"And you do? You know what you want?" Taemin's voice was starting to rise as frustration took over him.

"I don't. You're being ridiculous right now." Minho replied.

"You don't?"

"That's not what I meant, and you know it."

"Then what do you mean?"

Minho sighed in defeat. This was a senstive subject for him and he didn't think he'd have to face it head on at this moment, but Taemin was important to him and he needed to be honest. "Tae. I can't quit. Not because I need the money or because I need to work. Jonghyun pays me more than I ever need...but there's a reason why I'm still here."

Taemin waited for him to continue, his eyes searching for the olders as the latter spoke. "I have a debt to Jonghyun that I promised to myself I would repay."

"A debt? I thought he paid you more than enough." Taemin's eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Not that kind of debt...Jonghyun hyung saved my life actually. We used to be neighbours back when he was 19 and I was 18. We were basically still kids if you think about it." Taemin nodded, urging Minho to continue.

"I was home alone one day, my parents left for work like they usually did. It wasn't anything unusual...other than the fact that my mother left her work papers near the stove. It was one of those old gas stoves that needed fire to be lit up. Anyways, the fire fighters and investigators concluded that since the kitchen window was open, it blew the papers onto the lit stove, creating a fire."

Taemin felt like he was going to throw up. He had a feeling he knew how this was going to end. Minho continued, "That fire combusted very quickly, and since we lived in a small house, it reached my bedroom in no time. I was a heavy sleeper during that time so I didn't wake up. Luckily, Jonghyun hyung saw the fire on his way home from work. He was just starting out his career as an idol so he still lived with his family and he would come home every few days whenever he wasn't in another city or country. I'll always be grateful that he came home that day. He threw his belongings on the ground and ran into the house, pushed passed all the fire and saved me. We both barely made it out alive." Minho sighed.

"It's been over a decade and it still makes me wonder what would have happened if Jonghyun hyung wasn't there. You see, Tae. I'm not here because of a job, I'm here to look out for him. To make sure he doesn't get into his own head whenever he's alone. He started to become depressed and the work load became too heavy, but I tried to make sure he didn't feel like he was in this alone. He's my best friend and savior after all....." Minho paused.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." Minho whispered towards the end, his hands moving to wipe the tears away from Taemin's face.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm so sorry Minho. I shouldn't have said any of that stuff." Taemin replied, his voice breaking as he leaned to hug his lover.

"I'm sorry too. For teasing you too much." Minho smiled gently, arms enclosed around the younger, squeezing him tightly.

"You can work for as long as you want and as much as you want. I'll support you no matter what." Taemin mumbled into the olders neck.

Minho chuckled, "You have no idea how much I've fallen for you, Tae." He whispered gently.

Taemins eyes softened, "Me too. You have no idea how much I've fallen for you too."



"Maybe...we should...go...back...down." Key whispered, each word interrupted as his lips unceasingly continued to be devoured by the singer.

"Why?" Jonghyun snickered as he pecked the youngers lips for the hundredth time. "I think they're enjoying their time alone."

"And here I was thinking you thought Minho liked me." Key raised his eyebrows as he smiled at the older's actions.

"Yeah me too. But now you're mine and he only has Taemin left. So, he can have Taemin." Jonghyun concluded, smiling at the pretty chef staring back at him.

"Wow, great analogy you got there. It's truly impressive." Key smirked as the older pouted at his response. He couldn't help but peck those plump lips again, making the singer smile back at him.

"Did I ever mention how pretty those eyes of yours are? Cause damn." Jonghyun whispered, his nose rubbing against the chef's.

Key couldn't help but laugh gently at the older, his dimples showing as he did. "You've called me pretty before. But never my eyes."

"Well clearly it's always been on my mind. I'll make sure you know how beautiful you are, everyday."

"Everyday?" Key chuckled. "I need to step my game up then Mr. Gorgeous."

"How can you call me gorgeous, when the world should be down on their knees for you?" Jonghyun countered, a smirk visible on his face.

"Maybe its because I have the hottest man on the planet yearning for me." Key said, leaning in closer so his lips ghosted a tiny bit over the singers.

"Oh man, you have no idea how perfect you are." Jonghyun concluded as he closed the gap between them, relishing and savouring every ounce of each kiss he placed on the youngers.

After a few more minutes of devouring one another, Jonghyun and Key decided it was best to leave the closet. No matter how uncomfortable it was, they kind of didn't want it to end. But clearly 5 minutes turned to at least half an hour, and they were starting to lose all function in their legs from standing for so long. 

As they made their way down the stairs, Jonghyun moved to intertwine his hand with Key's, making the younger blush profusely. As if Key couldn't already get used to to the fact that Jonghyun liked him back, his heart continued to beat as if he was a school boy with his crush.

A sweet view of Taemin and Minho cuddling on the couch could be seen as the older couple made their way towards them with smirks on their faces. "Hey children, I think it's getting late." Key announced, chuckling at the startled young couple.

"So you both are together. I should've known." Jonghyun mumbled, mostly to himself but was still heard, making the other three chuckle at his reaction.

"And it looks like you guys are enjoying your honeymoon faze. Thanks to us, of course." Minho replied as he laughed enthusiastically.

"Yeah, yeah." Jonghyun replied, rolling his eyes but smiling either way. He had a great night and he was definitely thankful for his best friend for knocking some sense into him. The singer was happy, for the first time in a long time.

"Jonghyun hyung." Taemin voiced.

The singer looked at the younger in question, "Mm?"

Taemin released himself from Minho's embrace and stood up from the couch. Walking over to the older, he gave him a big bear hug. "Thank you."

Jonghyun looked at Minho and Key, confusion written all over each one of their faces, except for Minho. The assistant had a feeling of why and smiled gently. "Why are you thanking me Tae?" Jonghyun asked.

Pulling back from the embrace he gave the older, he smiled gently. "Just cause. Thank you for being so amazing and kind to Minho hyung and our Kibummie. I trust my best friend will be in great hands." Taemin concluded as he patted the singers shoulders with both hands. "By the way, we'll be sleeping in Key hyung's room tonight since we drank and everything. Dont need a DUI, am I right?" Taemin chuckled.

"Hope that's okay with you guys!" Minho finished, chuckling as he stood up from the couch and held his boyfriend by the waist.

Key rolled his eyes, he was confused as to why Taemin thanked Jonghyun, but he'll ask the younger about it later. "That's fine with me, what about you Bummie?"

'Great, here we go with the nicknames' Key thought. As if the older just calling his name didn't already send shivers down his spine. He was a little nervous but excited to share the same bed as Jonghyun tonight, it felt like things were going so fast but so slow at the same time. But he was excited none the less.

"Y-yeah that's fine." Look at him stuttering again. As if all the make out sessions they had didnt make him any less nervous. Just being beside Jonghyun made the butterflies in his stomach flutter.

"Great! We'll see you both in the morning. Sleep tight!" Taemin said enthusiastically and eagerly as he pulled Minho along behind him.

"Goodnight!" Minho voiced as he happily trailed behind the younger.

Jonghyun and Key watched the young couple make their way up the stairs. Key smiled, everything felt a little too surreal, Jonghyun had placed his arm behind his waist, pulling him closer to the olders body. A gentle kiss on his neck made him shiver as he looked up at Jonghyun who was smiling sweetly at him. 

"Are you okay to share a bed with me?" Jonghyun said, whispering into the chef's ear. 

The latter rolled his eyes and smiled, "I think it's better if I sleep on the couch tonight." Turning around to face the singer, Jonghyun had a look of worry on his face, his arms tightening around the chef's waist to keep him by his side a little longer. 

"The couch?" 

Key nodded, a hint of playfullness in his voice went unnoticed by the older. "Because if we share a bed...I dont know if I'll be able to control myself." The chef bit his lip seductively, hoping Jonghyun would get the message.

Jonghyun glanced down at the heart shaped lips that he's come to love so much. It seemed as though the younger liked to , so the CEO wasn't going to let him get off that easy. "You're going to be the death of me Kim Kibum." The young chef yelped as the older picked him bridal style and carried him to the bedroom. "You're not getting away that easily."

Key giggled at the way Jonghyun held him tightly and carried him. He knew the older went to the gym a lot and took care of his health, but he didn't realize how strong the man actually was. They've only slept together twice, including this morning which both were purely platonic; Key was a bit too drunk to remember the whole birthday night ordeal, but waking up with a shirtless Jonghyun this morning, only made the younger imagine what everything else looked like. 

"Your mind seems to be occupied, what are you thinking about?" Jonghyun said as he gently lowered the young chef on the large bed. The older moved to sit on the edge of the bed, his attention fully on the beautiful human laying there.

Key couldnt help but admire the older as they glanced at one another, their eye contact never breaking. He smiled as he moved to sit up to face Jonghyun and sit across from him. "Jong..." He almost whispered, his eyes lowering to the older's plump lips.


"When did you realize you had feelings for me?"

Jonghyun smiled as he took the chef's hand in his, caressing the soft skin gently as he spoke. "That's what's been on your mind?" He chuckled gently as Key rolled his eyes and poked the older's stomach. 

"Nevermind then." Key tried to move away but a strong arm kept him where he was.

"If I say since the moment I laid my eyes on you...would you believe me?" 

Key's eyes widened as he looked at the older incredulously, "W-what?"

Jonghyun nodded gently and smiled, reminiscing the memories he had of stealing glances and subtle touches. The older could laugh at how stupid he was to never make a move, but at the same time, Key was someone he never thought would share the same feelings for him. He wasn't very good at this 'dating' or 'courting' thing people did nowadays.

"I thought I completely ruined my chances of being with you after your birthday night. I don't think I ever apologized."

"You never needed to apologize, Jong. To be honest, I was really hoping you would show up. When I found out you stayed behind just to make me breakfast that morning, I felt guilty for having put on so much extra work on your shoulders. But then you showed up...and...I was so happy. I really liked you, Jong. Now more than ever. I dont regret what we did that night, I hope you don't too." Key sighed, he felt like he just ran a marathon with how hard his heart was beating.

Silence took over the room for about a minute, making Key suffocate a little.

"Can I kiss you?" The question so sudden, yet so needed. Jonghyun's eyes were glued to his as he moved closer to the younger. "I dont think I'll be able to function if I don't."

When did Jonghyun become such a baby? It was adorable. Key giggled, "Come here." His palms held the singers face as his heart shaped lips met plump ones. It was a gentle and sweet kiss, no tongue, no heat, just enjoying the feeling of one another, it was perfect.

After a few moments of gentle kisses, they both pull away slowly, their noses touching subtly as they tried to catch their breath. "Let's freshen up and get to sleep?" Key suggested to Jonghyun's dismay. He could kiss the young chef until the end of time if he wanted to, but he could never deny Key of anything.


Key looked at the older, his eyebrows lifting in question to let the older continue.

"What about you?"


"Yeah...when did you realize you had feelings for your boss?"

"Can you not make it sound like an HR problem?" 

Jonghyun chuckled, "Im kidding, I'm just curious is all."

Key blushed, he didn't even know where to start. "'s kind of embaressing."

"Tell me anyway. It's only fair since I told you mine." Jonghyun took the young chef's hand and squeezed it, intertwining their fingers together.

The latter sighed, "I always thought you were very good looking...extremely..."

Jonghyun chuckled at the confession, "Sounds a little extreme."

"S-shut up...anyways...your looks were one thing but you were a bit intimidating. Like...whenever you would eat the food I made or whenever you left for work...I kind of thought you hated me for a while."

"I'm sorry." Jonghyun sighed, he never meant to act that way around Key. It only made him feel more regret.

"It's okay, I know you didn't hate me. It was just my insecurities making me think things. But...I always had these feelings towards you, though I never dared to let them flourish in any way because liking my boss went against everything I worked so hard to achieve. But...sometimes you would look at me a certain way, or we would touch in swift moments and it made my feelings go deeper. I think it was the moment you complimented my cooking was when I kind of let my gaurd down, just a little."

"Just a little?" Jonghyun smiled gently.

"Maybe...a lot?" Key blushed as he looked down at their intertwined hands.

"So you're telling me that you liked me for quite some time now? Maybe since the beginning?" Jonghyun's hopeful eyes baring into the petite figure in front of him.


"Maybe sounds like a yes to me."

Key laughed gently, "Fine. It's not my fault my boss is so handsome...and sweet...and kind."

"Go on."

"Shut up." They both laughed and smiled sweetly at one another.

"I love it when you tell me to shut up."

"Why?" Key looked at the older incredulously.

"Because then I could kiss you instead." Jonghyun replied, his lips already sealed against the young chef.

They were both over the moon. Key had never felt so much love from any of his past relationships and it almost scared him if it wasn't for Jonghyun holding him right now. He was happy, for the first time in a long time, he was so utterly happy. 

"Let's wash up and get changed." Key suggested one again.

"Let's." Jonghyun replied with one last peck on the youngers lips. He could'nt get enough of the beauty in front of him. He felt so lucky to have someone so ethereal and otherworldly sharing this moment with him. He felt so lucky to have someone as smart and kind as Key. He was so, so happy.




After brushing his teeth and changing into more comfortable clothing, Key walked out of the older's bathroom in a baggy shirt and pants. Jonghyun laid on the bed admiring the beautiful human in his room, "You look amazing in my clothes." 

Key blushed at the olders comment as he made his way to the bed where Jonghyun laid. "And you don't have a shirt on...again." Eyebrow raising at the bold choice of the half ness the CEO presented.

"I cant help it, I get too hot."

"You are very hot indeed." Key smirked as he crawled towards the older on the bed, Jonghyun moved to let the younger lay on his arm as they faced one another.

"I didn't realize how brazen you were with your words until now. I'm a bit worried." Jonghyun's eyes narrowed at the younger.

"Why?" Key whispered, his eyes lowering down to the olders lips, biting his own in the process.

"Because. It's taking all the willpower in me to stop myself from devouring you right now." Jonghyun whispered back, their lips so close to one another as their breath mixed and their hearts beat fast.

"Don't stop yoursel- mmm."

And without letting Key finish his sentence, Jonghyun kissed the chef for the millionth time that night. It was a night filled with gentle kisses and touches until they fell asleep in each other's arms. A smile placed on each of their faces as they dreamt of one another. For once, there was no doubt and no fear in their hearts, just pure conviction and certainty to allow the future to take them where they were meant to be. 





Helloooooo! I am so sorry for making you guys wait so long for Part 9!!

I hope you like this short yet sweet chapter. I wanted to make sure that a bit of Minho and Jonghyun's background story was written. Hopefully it doesn't seem to rushed!

Please let me know what you think! 

There will most likely be one or two chapters left in this series, I dont want to prolong it more than it needs. 

I want to make sure that this story ends perfectly.

Love you guys so much!! I'll see you in the next chapter shortly <3





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Hello friends! Thank you so much for being so patient with me. Im a flight attendant so it's a bit hard to update when I want, but i've officially brought my laptop along with me so I can continue writing. Chapter 8 will be out soon! Keep an eye out! I love & appreciate all of you so much!! ♥ xoxo ♥


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sh____ #1
Chapter 9: i really want to read new chapters!🥹 can’t wait 🩵🫶🏼
queenlove #2
Chapter 9: Ah! I feel single reading this beautiful couple.. I am just happy that all the misunderstandings are finally over. Now we get the kissy and cheesey couple instead. I love it 💓
Chapter 9: oh god i felt like interrupting intimate moments of jjong and kibum, also i love the side story of 2min, the reason why ming works with jjong.

i really got giddy every time this story is updated :3
747 streak #4
Chapter 9: This chapter was perfect, I loved all the fluff and their complete acceptance of each other. Also, I really enjoyed the backstory on how Jonghyun saved Minho in the fire. Looking forward to the next chapter.
747 streak #5
Chapter 8: No! I can’t believe I’ve already reached the end! This story is so good, I’m happy that I found it. Your plot and characterization are wonderful, and the setting is so vivid. Now that Jjong and Key are official, I can’t wait to see how their dynamic changes. It’s going to be a fun ride.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes jongkey is official now also 2min being the matchmaker i can see them giggling at jongkey being in denial oh my god
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 8: Glad it works! :) 2min are great wingmen! :) Hopefully, the next day, they are not gonna act awkward again. :P
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 8: Aw yesssss
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 7: I really wanna know what Minho and Taemin have planned for Key and Jonghyun. :P Sound like great friends. Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 7: Okay, that scene made me melt, jongkey my fluffy babies ㅠㅠ Kibum is definitely overthinking, but I can understand him. Like, yes, Jjong treats him with so much adoration/love (Idk what will be more correct in this situation, so far), but I also think it's normal for Kibum to want verbal confirmation from him. And knowing 2min, I think we can expect something soon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And of course, 2min's <33 I am glad that Taemin changed his mind and now they are together ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
And please, author-nim, don't worry about anything, the part with 2min's was great. You gave us hints about them in the early chapters so it doesn't feel like something rushed, I really enjoyed it 😌
Thank you for update, I can't wait for the next chapter <333