Part VI

Like Home

Part VI



It felt like a ton of bricks hit him straight where everything hurts. Key tried opening his eyes, the brightness of the sky shining through, making him shut them right back. His head was killing him and he knew he made a lot of bad decisions last night.

Clearly, he wasnt ready to face any of them. Groaning, he tried lifting his head but it all came crashing down when his stomach started churning and doing somersaults.

He didnt know if it was from hunger or the need to projectile everywhere, but he was leaning more towards the first option. Cracking open his eyes again, it took him a moment to take in his surroundings. This was definitley not his bedroom –– the smell of Jonghyun's perfume hitting him the moment he woke up.

Immediately, the young chef shoved the blanket off of his body revealing a long oversized t-shirt and his breifs, Key's long legs in full display. 'Good', he thought. At least he had clothes on, and the fact that he wasnt in pain in a certain area, relieved him too. He thought he saw bruises but that wasnt something new when it came to drunk Kim Kibum.

Pulling the blanket back onto his body, Key layed his head still on the pillow, inhaling the scent of the man who drove him crazy as he hugged it tightly to his chest. 'What am I gonna do?!' Key thought, a million things running through his mind. Luckily the CEO was nowhere to be seen, or at least not in close vacinity, so Key tried to settle his heart and his mind while he had the chance.

It was a Saturday so the older could be anywhere, Key hoped he was at least away from the villa. At least for now, he couldnt handle facing the man he smooched last night. Smooch was an understatement, but you get the idea.

With a deep sigh, the chef removed the blanket a second time from his body and made his way out of the older mans bed. No matter how comfortable it was, he shouldnt be taking advantage of this situation. Jonghyun probably felt bad and let him use his comfy bed for the night –– when he meant comfy, he actually meant it. What the hell was this mans bed made out of? Clouds?!

He looked down at his attire in the mirror from across the room when he noticed his appearance. The oversized shirt left almost nothing to the imagination as his skin peaked out in various places and his legs on full display. Key moved to adjust the shoulder sleeve, however it only slid down, revealing the other side of his exposed collarbone.

He wondered if Jonghyun changed him, his face turning crimson from embarrasment. Walking closer to the mirror, he noticed his hair was an absolute mess, his biggest pet peave.

Moving to fix some of the strands, his eyes once again, immediately caught the small purple and green bruises on his once used to be pale milky thighs. They definitley did not look like they came from falling and bumping into things.

'What the hell?' All thoughts about his hair gone as he examined his legs. There was no way anything more than kissing ensued last night, he would have one thousand percent remembered. Plus his would be telling him a different story.

However, these bruises are freaking him out a bit. Did he fall? Hit something on his way out of the club? He needed to call Taemin and ask how the hell he got hom-.....wait

Hands. Rough touches on his skin. It was slowly coming back to him. 

"You're awake."

Startled at the sudden yet familiar voice, the chef turned his attention to the entry way of Jonghyun's bedroom. The older's deep voice sending shivers down his body as he looked his way –– his eyes watching him, making Key feel insecure. The younger was unable to move or say a word, too lost in the heat of the moment, worry had stricken on both their faces, for both completely different reasons.

The singer had black dress pants and a white dress shirt that hugged and showed off his muscles; a few buttons were undone and his sleeves were rolled up, allowing Key full access to his thick and veiny arms. The chef just wanted to rip it all off and have him all to himself.

"I'm really sorry...they must hurt." The older stated, his voice dripping in honey. Key couldnt help but melt a little as he became a bit distracted.

"W-what must hurt?" The chef asked confused, too lost in the stare the CEO was giving him. 

"Your legs." Jonghyun stated as a matter of fact, his eyes narrowing in concern.

If Key thought his face wasnt already red from embarassment, he would probably be a tomato right now. Instantly, his stomach growled loudly, making him want to run far away from this man that was turning him into tomato soup. Oh man he was hungry, he needed to stop comparing his love life to food. He turned his attention back to the older when he heard chuckles coming from the door.

"You must be hungry." Jonghyun stated, almost sounding unsure if he should continue. "I made some food...will you join me?"

Key nodded a little too eagerly, his hair bouncing as he did so, making the older smile gently at the youngers cute bed ridden appearance. The singer couldnt help but to walk over and move the youngers hair away from his eyes –– his fingers gently caressing Key's skin as he did so.

The chef was feeling all sorts of emotions at this moment. His body unconcously leaning into the simple touch as his eyes slowly closed. 

"You must be tired. Let me bring your breakfast to bed." Jonghyun said softly, his eyes glazing over the calmness of the youngers features. They've come a long way. To think Key hated him just a week ago, was an understatement for the singer. The older was glad last night didnt change anything. 

"I-I'm okay....I can join you downstairs." Key almost whispered, too lost in the close heat of their bodies.

He honestly felt like he could faint at this moment, Jonghyun was being way too gentle with him, it made the chef feel many things. Things that made him contemplate over the fact that he locked lips with his client. They really need to have a talk, this changed a lot of things.

"I'll just wash up first...if that's okay." Key hesitantly said, hoping he could have a few moments to pull himself together first.

The singer nodded and finally moved away from the younger, not before lingering a moment as he gave Key a last once over before moving towards the bedroom door. "I'll be downstairs, take your time."

Key felt like he was holding his breath until the older left the room, finally letting out a deep sigh. His hands suddenly moved to mess up his hair (that the singer just fixed) in frustration. He wanted to scream but he wasnt a little .

He was going to freshen up, make himself look presentable in front of his boss, and try to figure out a way out of this messy situation. Either he was going to bag a new man or he was gonna lose his beloved job, either or, this was gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions for him.

The chef was serious when it came to his clients and second base, more like 4th base if he counted last night. If he was being completely honest, he didnt even know what the bases where, for all he knew, he could have hit base 30 with the CEO. He really needed to call Taemin.

Before than, Key decided it was best to sneak/run back into his own room so he can change into something more appropriate and fitting. Plus he didnt think it was proper hygiene to use Jonghyun's toothbrush, no matter how many dirty thoughts ran through his brain on mouth to mouth scenerios.

More like Jonghyun's mouth on his, but he won't admit that. At least not to the older male, he needed to be a professional, no matter how hard his heart was trying to break out of his chest everytime the singer looked his way.

Walking back into his room, Key noticed his clothing from last night neatly folded on his bed, as well as his cellphone plugged into the charger. Jonghyun must have really made sure he was taken care of last night, because he certainly did not come home with anyone else. Speaking of, he should send Taemin a text.

Sitting on his bed, he reached over to his phone, he thought he'd have at least 20 missed calls or texts from the young casanova, but he only had three. One from each of his friends last night wishing him another happy birthday and telling him that they hoped he had fun.

Smiling gently to himself, he sent a breif reply to each one of them, thanking them for showing up last night and for the being the greatest friends he could have ever asked for. Also, making sure he sent an extra text to Taemin, asking him to call him when he was free after breakfast.

Wait...he scrolled back up on the younger's messages that they exchanged. He definitely did not remember texting Taemin last night, this was bad. Not really bad, but this was just going to ensue more teasing from the young tycoon and maybe more headaches. It was texts from Key saying that he left with Jonghyun, a selfie of them being extremely close was sent right after. Like way too close and personal for someone else to be seeing. 

Now that he examins the texts once more, it looked as though Jonhyun was the one that sent them. A blush creeped on his face as he slowly smiled. He could'nt help it, it felt like they were actually dating. Oh god. And how did the older get his passcode to unlock it in the first place? He obviously must have told him, clearly this shows how completely whipped the young chef was.

It was a selfie of himself and Jonghyun, which looked obviously taken by the CEO as his own hand's were preoccupied on the olders cheek and neck. Key's face was hidden behind the older, looking like he was whispering in his ear or something and Jonghyun had the most irrisistable smile on his face. Underneath the selfie was a reply from Taemin telling them to 'have fun ;)'. 

The chef groaned to himself for the millionth time that day. His hangover was completely gone by now, his head filled with a million other things, other than the fact that he felt like his body was crushed by a bulldozer. Now he wishes he was actually hit by one. 

Deciding he should finally wash up and stop wasting time, he quickly takes a 5 minute shower and brushes his teeth. Changing into a simple white sweatshirt and black skinny jeans that hugged his thighs perfectly. he stops and gives himself one last look in the mirror.

At least he's a bit more presentable, he wasnt sure how he had allowed Jonghyun to see him stark, almost half out of bed with his hair sticking out in multiple places. He feels as though he can still feel the bruises on his legs, the memories of last night making him flustered. 

Slowly making his way down the stairs, the chef inhaled the delicious aroma of breakfast. His tummy making angry sounds telling him it was time to devour the food Jonghyun made. Smiling gently to himself, he see's the older CEO standing near the wide glass windows with a coffee in his hand.

It seemed as though he was deep in thought as he looked out the backyard of the villa. The sun was shining through, making Jonghyun's sun kissed skin even more alluring. Key couldnt help but admire him from afar.

As if he heard the young chef's steps, the singer turned around only to meet feline eyes staring back at him. He gently smiled, "You're here."

"Of course. Shall we eat?" Key didnt know where he got so much confidence from, but he thanked the universe for being on his side at this moment. It was either this or combust. There was no in between.

"Let's. I hope it's to your liking." Jonghyun said as he made his way over to Key, his arm snaking its way behind the chef's waist, leading him to the dining table.

Key blushed, the touch so subtle yet so heavy. He felt like he was going to faint. He was usually proud of himself for always holding his ground, however, the older did things to him that no one had.

It was a one time thing, Key thought. It wasn't like he went around trying to bag all his clients. Jonghyun was a special case. He was...just...Jonghyun. And that honestly scared him the most. 

"Thank you. You really didnt have to make breakfast. You already did so much for me yesterday." Key said gently, his eyes avoiding Jonghyuns as he sat across from him. It smelled delicious, he just wanted to shove the food in his face, but obviously that was a big no, no. So he settled with waiting until Jonghyun picked up his spoon first.

"You deserve it. After all the hard work you do, I think two days worth of breakfast would not be enough. Now eat up." Jonghyun said in a stern yet sweet voice. How he did that, Key didnt know. Clearly being a successful music artist who's gotten global recognition would allow him to build a temperment and professional attitude. Yet, he had this soft, sweet and caring aura around him. It was incredibley indeering. 

Key smiled, his dimples in full display as he blushed. Moving to pick up his spoon, he starts eating the breakfast Jonghyun worked so hard on. The older must have woken up early, even with a hangover to prepare breakfast for the chef.

Looking up, he noticed Jonghyun wasn't eating, just watching him eat instead. 'Was he not hungry? Did he already eat? Maybe I made him wait too long'. Too many thoughts ran through the youngers head.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Key asked hesitantly, his eyes settling on the uneaten plate in front of Jonghyun. He was unable to make eye contact as the olders gaze remained on him the whole time. 

As if he was broken out of a deep thought, the singer smiled awkwardly, "Ah, yes, sorry."

Damn, that smile just made the young chef feel all sorts of things inside. If only the older knew how weak in the knee's he made the younger become, his affect on him making him dizzy with butterflies. He used to be proud of his 'sassy, take no attitude', however, Jonghyun just melted all of that away and Key didnt want to admit how much he liked it.

"You must have a lot on your mind." Key said hesitantly, his eyes moving back down to his own plate, unsure if he would turn the mood sour.

The older sighed, "I'm sorry, I was hoping you wouldn't notice."

This made the chef lift his head, his eyes meeting the singers, "You don't need to can always talk to me." Key hesitated before adding, "–– I mean, if you ever need a friendly ear to listen." Blushing as he spoke the words, he didnt want to sound like he was insinuating anything. Or at least he had hoped.

Jonghyun smiled gently, "Thank you."

The young chef nodded as he smiled back, "Of course."

The older's gaze remaining on him as he spoke, "You have the cutest dimples."

Shocked, Key's eyes widened, feeling his face become warm. If it wasn't redder than ever, he didnt know what was. "T-thank you." The chef almost whispered, unable to keep from stuttering at the comment. 

"I'll be right back." Jonghyun said as he stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Sliding open one of the cupboards, he pulled out two gift boxes. One was as small as the palm of his hand and the other bigger than Key's face. They were neatly wrapped in silver wrapping paper and a bow placed on the top each, Jonghyun definitely knew how to give gifts.

"For you." The older said, placing both gifts on the table near Key. "I hope you like them, I wasn't sure what you'd prefer so I picked these out thinking they'd match you well." 

The chef wasnt sure where to look, he was flabberghasted at the idea of Jonghyun buying him a gift. But now he remembered the older mentioning he left his present at home when they were at the club. His eyes gazing back into the olders, he couldnt help but blush and smile sweetly. "You really didnt have to."

Jonghyun chuckled at the younger chef's reaction, "Well now that I know you can smile like that, of course I had to. Please." He said, motioning to the gifts in front of Key.

The younger laughed lightly, "Okay, if you say so. But please stop mentioning my's kind of embarressing..." Jonghyun laughed as he nodded gently, his chin motioning to the gifts. For someone as calm as the CEO, he sure was pretty impatient. Key wanted to laugh out loud.

The young chef moved to open the first gift that laid on top of the larger looking box. They say the bigger, the more expensive, but in Key's world, it's the complete opposite. He'd hoped he'd get the small one out of the way first. 

Moving his fingers to remove the wrapping paper, a black velvet box came into view. Key had to hold his breath as he slowly lifted the lid. It was beautiful. There lay a matching Cartier Juste un Clou ring and bracelet. Shocked, he immediately closed the box and handed it to the singer.

"Jong, this is too much." Unable to stop himself, the older's name was blurted out of his mouth making the singer smile. 

"If I knew you were going to say my name like that, I would have gotten them sooner." Jonghyun chuckled at Key's irrisistable face. He was so angry yet so adorable at the same time, the older could get used to this. The chef usually called him Mr. Kim or sir; but seeing as the younger wasnt enjoying his comment, he pushed the velvet box back into Key's hands.

"You can't decline a gift, unless you want to hurt my feelings."

"You cant use that against me." Key rolled his eyes.

The older smiled as he watched Key slowly re-open the box and just stare at it. This wasn't the first time the young chef has recieved a lavish gift from a client, however, this time was different. This was a bit more intimate. More real.

"Do you not like them? I can get them exchanged for ––"

"Yes! Of course! ....of course, I love them...but––"

"No buts. Will you at least try them on? Just so I know I got the right sizes." Jonghyun urged the young chef. His eyes looking as if he was pleading.

Key couldnt resist those puppy eyes, so with a deep exagerated sigh, in which he made sure Jonghyun heard, he removed both items and put them on. They fit perfectly. He can almost hear the big smile on Jonghyuns face.

"They're perfect." Jonghyun gently spoke, gazing at the jewellery on the youngers hand.

Key rolled his eyes but smiled sweetly at the olders reaction. The younger hated the fact that he's been unable to control himself around the singer, so without making a fool out of himself any further, he moved to open the second larger box. 

This time with a little less care, he ripped the wrapping paper, revealing the thing he's been dreaming of getting himself for the past year. Instantly he jumped up and squealed in excitement, "Oh my god, Jong! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Jumping into the older mans arms, Key tightly hugged him, his arms wrapping around Jonghyun's neck as he laughed happily. The singer moved to bring the younger closer by the waist, holding him tight to his body. His nickname blurted out for the second time making him smile wide. "I didn't know a knife set would make you this happy, I should have gotten you two."

"There you guys are." Minho's voice came out of nowehere, breaking the intimate atmosphere in the room. Both Jonghyun and Key turned towards the tall figure coming their way almost bumping noses with how close they were. 

'When the hell did he come in?!' They both thought. As quickly as he went to hug the older, Key removed himself just as fast. 

"Did I interrupt something?" Minho knowingly and teasingly said. 

"NO!" Key said out loud, almost startling not only himself but the CEO as well. The chef created some distance between himself and Jonghyun, doing everything he can to avoid the singer's stare. 

"Alright, alright, no need to yell." Minho jokingly said, finger rubbing his ear dramatically as he teased the couple. "Looks like you got your gifts! Did you like them?"

"T-they're really nice...thank you." The young chef gestured towards Jonghyun as he moved to re-wrap the expensive looking knife set of his dreams away. He's been dying to get these ever since they were released, but it was a large 10k he wasnt willing to splurge on.

Now that he thought about it, the older must have spent a lot of money, it was starting to drive his anxiety through the roof. It's not like he didnt like expensive gifts, but expensive gifts from someone so y, so gorgeous, that you want to lather whipped cream on just so you can it off of the singers body.

Not only that but, GOD Jonghyun's voice drives him insane. Key hates himself. He thinks its smarter to just run in front of traffic right now, rather than face the man of his (dirty) dreams any longer.

"No need to thank me Key, it was all Jonghyun hyung's doing." Minho winked and smiled teasingly. He wasn't able to hold himself back from making fun of the two who were standing awkwardly in front of him.

The young chef rolled his eyes and turned towards Jonghyun, not making eye contact as he thanked him for the hundredth time this morning. "Thanks Jonghyun, I really appreciate it." He smiled and slowly looked up at the older, seeing a gentle expression on his face. 

"Anything for you bummie," He said smiling. Moving his gaze to the assistant, his voice changed into a serious tone,"Minho, did you bring along the the reports?" 




Key was speechless to say the least. Did Jonghyun just call him 'bummie'?!

"Here you go." Minho moved to hand a binder of files over to the CEO. "Dont forget your meeting starts in two hours, everything is set up and ready whenever you are."

'Meeting?...But it was Saturday...' Key thought.

"Alright, thanks Minho. I'll meet you outside in a moment." Jonghyun gestured to the assistant as Minho nodded their way (not forgetting to smile and wiggle his brows teasingly) and walked back towards where he came from.

"You have a meeting? At the office?" Key asked, secretly hoping the older man didnt have to leave.

Jonghyun nodded reluctantly, "It shouldnt take too long." As if they had an unspoken agreement to spend time together today.

"O-okay. Did you want me to make you some lunch for when you get back?" Key asked, his eyes giving away the fact that, yes, he wants to make lunch for the older, and he hoped the singer would indulge him.

"Please. I'm starting to miss your cooking." Jonghyun smiled at the youngers shy exterior. He loved sassy Key, but shy Key was all the rage. It just made the younger even more exquisite.

"You havent already?" Key chuckled, almost embarressed at his own blatant comment.

"I have, I just didnt want you to think I'm needy or anything." The older laughed wholeheartedly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

This made the younger melt, how could this guy excite him, anger him, and then subdue him in less than a minute? He thought he finally met his match if he was going to be completely honest. Key has never been so down for anyone, until now, as humiliating as that sounds.

"I'll be right back." The singer continued. "Make sure you get some more rest, and finish your breakfast. It might be cold now but re-heat it."

The young chef was about to make a snide comment about how he was the chef and not the older, but a certain assistant's voice rang through the villa. "Yo! Hurry up!" Minho yelled, startling both Key and Jonghyun.  

"I better go..." Jonghyun said, lingering as if to stay near the younger a bit longer. 

"Y-yeah...I'll see you later?" Key almost whispered softly.

The CEO nodded, lifting his hand to graze the youngers just a bit before leaving for his meeting. 'It must be important,' Key thought, 'I probably held him back from work so he's got so much going on now.' The young chef let out a sigh and sat back down to finish his breakfast.

Jonghyun was right, it was now cold. Standing back up, he grabbed his plate and re-heated the food. He made sure to clear Jonghyun's uneaten plate, in which worried Key that the older would probably be starving once he came back home.

While he was waiting for his food to heat up, Key looked down at his hand. The ring and bracelet obnoxiously heavy with feelings, his own if he might add. His fingers gently caressed the outline of the jewellery as his thoughts wandered.

'Did Jonghyun like him like that?' 'Did the older see a future with him?' It felt like a wedding band almost. A promise. But maybe that was just what the younger thought. Maybe he was looking into things too much. He didnt want to expect so much and then have his heart crushed again, after all these years. 

Key didnt know how to trust his own heart. He didnt know if what he and Jonghyun had could even make it past professional, even after the heated scenes of his birthday night. He just didnt know what to trust.

He's had rich men flaunting their money at him, acting as if they owned him. No matter how much of a big spender the chef was, he knew where he came from, and he hated when people threw their money away like it was nothing. But...there was something about Jonghyun. 

Something about the way he looks at the young chef. Something about the way he smiles at him and compliments him. He had a strong love for his family and he had such a soft heart. Key couldnt help but notice only good things about the older man, and that scared him.

Was he in too deep? Was it all too good to be true? Would Jonghyun grow sick of him and want something –– no...someone else?

He sighed, he didnt want to think too much. Whenever he did, he would tend to end things before they even started. And he knew for a fact that he didnt want any of this to end.




I'm back and ready to attack! 

I just wanted to say thank you to all my beautiful readers. Your comments truly showed me that this story was worth continuing and so I HAD to update it for ya'll. I hope you enjoy Part 6, I worked super duper hard on it!!!

I didn't want to give too much as I wanted the flow of the story to continue where I left off, so please let me know what you all think!!

I'll see you in Part 7!

Love you all & thank you again for all the love, support and kind words!



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Hello friends! Thank you so much for being so patient with me. Im a flight attendant so it's a bit hard to update when I want, but i've officially brought my laptop along with me so I can continue writing. Chapter 8 will be out soon! Keep an eye out! I love & appreciate all of you so much!! ♥ xoxo ♥


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sh____ #1
Chapter 9: i really want to read new chapters!🥹 can’t wait 🩵🫶🏼
queenlove #2
Chapter 9: Ah! I feel single reading this beautiful couple.. I am just happy that all the misunderstandings are finally over. Now we get the kissy and cheesey couple instead. I love it 💓
Chapter 9: oh god i felt like interrupting intimate moments of jjong and kibum, also i love the side story of 2min, the reason why ming works with jjong.

i really got giddy every time this story is updated :3
747 streak #4
Chapter 9: This chapter was perfect, I loved all the fluff and their complete acceptance of each other. Also, I really enjoyed the backstory on how Jonghyun saved Minho in the fire. Looking forward to the next chapter.
747 streak #5
Chapter 8: No! I can’t believe I’ve already reached the end! This story is so good, I’m happy that I found it. Your plot and characterization are wonderful, and the setting is so vivid. Now that Jjong and Key are official, I can’t wait to see how their dynamic changes. It’s going to be a fun ride.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes jongkey is official now also 2min being the matchmaker i can see them giggling at jongkey being in denial oh my god
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 8: Glad it works! :) 2min are great wingmen! :) Hopefully, the next day, they are not gonna act awkward again. :P
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 8: Aw yesssss
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 7: I really wanna know what Minho and Taemin have planned for Key and Jonghyun. :P Sound like great friends. Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 7: Okay, that scene made me melt, jongkey my fluffy babies ㅠㅠ Kibum is definitely overthinking, but I can understand him. Like, yes, Jjong treats him with so much adoration/love (Idk what will be more correct in this situation, so far), but I also think it's normal for Kibum to want verbal confirmation from him. And knowing 2min, I think we can expect something soon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And of course, 2min's <33 I am glad that Taemin changed his mind and now they are together ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
And please, author-nim, don't worry about anything, the part with 2min's was great. You gave us hints about them in the early chapters so it doesn't feel like something rushed, I really enjoyed it 😌
Thank you for update, I can't wait for the next chapter <333