I Will

Everyday I Love You
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WITH her best friend acting like the whole world has forsaken her, even the great teaching blood running in Wendy’s veins couldn’t make Seulgi focus on studying for the finals.

“We should just leave, Seulgi.” Wendy sighed, completely giving up on Seulgi who couldn’t even straighten up her back. She kept leaning on the table with her soul closed to being detached from her body. “Let others who want to study use this place. You’re just preventing others from succeeding.”

Seulgi slowly rolled her head to look at Wendy. Just that one action took her seconds to accomplish.

“The hell? Are you some sloth, Kang Seulgi?” Wendy asked with a frown. “What’s wrong with you this time? Don’t tell me it’s about Joohyun-sunbae again.”

Seulgi sobbed. “W-What should I do, Wendy?” Seulgi started wiping the tears from her eyes. “I accidentally called her out with her nickname while we’re at it and now she thinks I have another girl—“

“W-W-What!?” Wendy almost fell off her seat. “W-While you were at it!? Is this ‘it’ the same ‘it’ that I am thinking about!?”

“What else?” Seulgi looked away again. “Anyway, that’s not what’s important. I have to—“

“Y-You were really doing it!?” The smaller one of the duo shrieked. “B-B-But you couldn’t even initiate the other day and n-now—“

“Wendy…” Seulgi sighed before looking back at her friend with a smirk on her face. “Do you think I am that weak? I am a Kang. Of course I can initiate a kiss—“

“Delirious.” Wendy rolled her eyes. “So now you’re a Kang whenever it is convenient for you?”

Wendy leaned forward and looked at Seulgi straight to the eyes. “If you are the mighty Kang that you’re talking about then why can’t you just resolve your conflict with her? You said it was her nickname, then just tell her that it is her nickname? Is it that hard?”

Seulgi averted her stare. “Of course, I already told her.”

“Then what did she say?” Wendy asked, her right eyebrow up.

“I feel like she believes me at some point but…” Seulgi let out another sigh. “I have never called her like that, that's why she’s having her doubts…”

The Kang girl started tearing up again. “After that we never managed to pick up where we stopped. She doesn’t even respond when I try to initiate again. What’s worse is that big sausage pillow is back in between us!”

“You’re overreacting.” Wendy crossed her arms. No matter how people look at it, both of them are overreacting. One was having huge body gestures while the other one was moving like a sloth.

“Just show her proof that she’s indeed…”

“Irene…” Seulgi groaned. “My nickname to her is Irene.”

“Irene, huh? Okay. Just show her proof that she’s indeed Irene. Do you even have any?”

“Hmm…” Seulgi thought aloud. “I do have proof. I wrote diaries before and I mentioned her there as Irene.”

The other girl shrugs her shoulders. “There it is then. Just show her your diary then—“

“Nooo!!!” Seulgi whined like a child. “How can I show her my diary!? It’s embarrassing! Also, those diaries are hidden in my secret place in the mansion. I am afraid to go there.”

“TCH.” Wendy rolled her eyes. “How about tell your nanny about it and have her bring it to you?”

Seulgi finally sat properly. Her expression turned all serious at the mention of her nanny. “I can’t do that. If they find out that my nanny did a favour for me they might fire her.”

“Deym, gurl. I know your family is strict but will they really fire someone who has worked with them for decades?” Wendy could only sigh. She is very much aware that the Kangs can do something like that. If they are able to physically punish their own child then firing someone isn’t a big of a deal for them.

Wendy then looked around as if someone could really eavesdrop on them when they were using the private study room. She moved a little closer to Seulgi and whispered.

“S-So… The arrangement between you and Sooyoung is totally called off, r-right?”

Seulgi imitated her as she looked at her with curious eyes. “I don’t know. There’s no news about it after the forced trip we had last time. I think Joy did something?”

Wendy cleared as she looked away. “O-Okay… I see.”

The other girl then looked at her with mischief written all over her face. “Soooo~ are you guys a thing now—”

“No! Not yet!” Wendy hissed. “But w-we’re regularly seeing each other… S-She contacts me when she’s free…”

“And you respond to her like an obedient puppy?” Seulgi teased.

“It can’t be helped. I am trying to win her heart, okay?” Wendy rolled her eyes. “You better not be hiding anything from me, Kang Seulgi. If I find out that your arrangement is still being considered then our friendship will be over!”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Seulgi pulled back with disbelief on her face. “I told you I don’t know anything! And does it really matter? I won’t let them decide who I marry. I am in love with someone else and I will go after her even in the depths of hell! You should also fight for Joy if you really love her!”

Wendy scoffed. “You’re really a Kang, right? You’re talking like you were from that legendary Bae clan!”

Realisation then hit Wendy after that statement. “Hey, is Bae Joohyun-sunbae from that Bae Clan?”


“Do you remember? That one clan that is known for being crazy in love.”

“It’s not being crazy, Wendy. It’s being romantic!” Seulgi corrected.

“Whatever.” Wendy rolled her eyes for the nth time, Seulgi couldn’t stop wondering if there’s a mechanism attached in her eyes that makes her roll it every one minute. “Anyway, it doesn’t seem like she’s from that clan. I feel like she does the bare minimum for you and you’re the one who’s doing anything.”


“And, if she really is from that clan then she’d be the daughter of the last male member of that family since she carries the surname, right? Who’s that again? The jazz musician… Ah… No way.”

Wendy shook her head. “If she’s the daughter of that musician she won’t be living in a cramped space like that. Also, the last male Bae married Ahn Hyunmi! She’d be a freaking billionaire! She’d be…”

Wendy’s voice started trailing off, her eyes squinted. She then turned to Seulgi who immediately averted her stare. “Aside from the children of their Clan Head, the young Ahns are being hidden in the public until they graduate from university… So—”

“W-What are you talking about, Wendy?” Seulgi hurriedly grabbed a book. “Let’s just go back to studying!”

“B! We haven’t even started! What do you mean ‘go back’?” Wendy crossed her arms and went back to detective mode again. “Ahn Hyunmi’s daughter is going to be presented in the public very soon, Bae Joohyun-sunbae is graduating after this semester…”


“Bae Joohyun-sunbae is running a cafe… The last male Bae, Bae Joowon, built a cafe somewhere near where Ahn Hyunmi studies to show love for Ahn Hyunmi that was a university student back then…”


“And the Ahns… They all study in SKK…”

Wendy slowly turned to Seulgi, Seulgi felt like she was trapped in a corner. She couldn’t even look away. All she did was gulp.

A mischievous smile then slowly curved up off Wendy's lips. “Is this the reason why you’re so confident about her? It’ll be a big surprise to your father—”

“It’s not like that!”

Wendy watched how Seulgi showed frustration as her grip on her book tightened.

“It’s not like that, Wendy.” Seulgi looked at her straight to the eyes with those determined monolid eyes. “I’ve been into her before even finding out about her… Also, she doesn’t even know that I know…”





“SO, she did tell you that she has a nickname for me? Why didn’t you tell me right away? I already gave you the lipstick, right?”

“I actually used it all up too~”

Jimin’s chuckles earned a smack on the shoulder from Joohyun. The two were at Joohyun’s usual seat at the cafe. Since it will be finals soon, Jimin was given a week to focus on studying from her agency. But, instead of using the time given to her to study, she stopped by at the cafe to have some chit-chat with her ex-co-workers.

“Yoo Jimin.” Joohyun shook her head. “I can’t believe you.”

“Sorry, Unnie.” Jimin apologised, still wearing that playful smile. “So many things were going on with my life at that time. Sorry, that I forgot to tell you about it.”

“It’s fine.” The older girl smiled back. “But… did she also tell you the nickname she has for me?”

Jimin weakly shook her head. “She didn’t tell me about it.” Jimin tried recalling the things Seulgi told her that time. “Well, she did tell me that she wrote diaries before and whenever she mentioned you, she used the nickname she gave you.”

“Kang Seulgi? Writing diaries?” Joohyun repeated. “That’s pretty weird for a Kang to do…”

“If she wasn’t on that funny KangWiki website, I would never believe that she’s a Kang.” Jimin smiled while remembering her warm, smiley bear unnie. “Also, she said that calling you Joohyun-sunbae has already grown on her. That’s probably why she isn’t calling you with a nickname.”

“Calling me Joohyun-sunbae has already grown to her?” Joohyun repeated but her face dimmed in the process, taking Jimin aback. She looked around and saw Minjeong looking at them. She was about to send an SOS signal to the said girl but Minjeong was quick to turn around and run downstairs.

“M-Minjeongie…” Jimin turned back to Joohyun who seemed like she’s about to blaze into flames anytime soon. “U-Unnie… What’s the matter?”

Joohyun looked at Jimin with those eyes enough to drive some gangsters away. “If she’s grown fond of my name then why didn’t she moan my name?”

“M-Moan?” Jimin gasped in exaggeration. “Unnie, y-you guys are already on that stage? W-Wild!”

“Is that what’s important now?” Joohyun asked, trying to sound scary even though it’s obvious that she was embarrassed. Her cheeks just gave her away. After that incident, after Seulgi tried to explain her side, Joohyun ran to the restroom to somehow calm herself down.

She tried to calm down the intense urge for sovereignty over Seulgi brought by the Ahn blood. That feeling being mixed by her strong feelings towards the girl brought by the Bae blood didn’t help at all. She almost crossed the line that time.

Hence, the return of the giant sausage pillow.

“She called out for someone’s name while we’re at it… Don’t you think that’s suspicious?” There goes her Ahn blood again.

Jimin looked at her in disbelief for a second before cracking out into laughter. Joohyun’s eyebrows twitched. “What’s funny, Miss Yoo?”

“Unnie? Didn’t you hear what I just said earlier?” Jimin tried to calm herself. “Seulgi-unnie said she wrote about you in her diaries. Do you think someone in university still has the time to write diaries? She probably knew about you even while she’s still in highschool. You were a band vocalist, weren’t you?”

“B-Back when she’s in highschool?” Joohyun repeated.

“Come on, Unnie. It’s Seulgi-unnie that we’re talking about here. The person who spent one week doing crazy love confessions for you. The person who shouted on top of her lungs on the rooftop just to tell everyone that you are her girlfriend. The person who chose to be exiled by her own family, lives a life she isn’t used to, all of it just to be with you.” Jimin shook her head before taking a sip of her coffee. “If I was Seulgi-unnie, I’d really be hurt, you know?”

Joohyun’s facial expression slowly flattened up with every statement that Jimin dropped on her. The other girl is right. Here she is being overcome by her innate trait again. She already made a mistake once because she’s being controlled by her blood.

‘I must know better…’ Joohyun told herself as she took a deep sigh. ‘It’s Seulgi that we are talking about here…’

Jimin smiled, satisfied that she knocked sense to her senior. “What will you do when I debut and get all busy, Unnie? Who will talk to you like this?”

The girl tried to search for Minjeong again but Jiwon was the one she found in the area where Minjeong was standing just a while ago. Jiwon gave her a bow when their eyes met be

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71 streak #1
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Chapter 4: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
71 streak #3
71 streak #4
Chapter 7: A masterpiece
Another master piece..you stories are no less than a romantic drama.. 😍😍😍 thoroughly enjoyed this visualising each scene.. thank you so much author~nim..
Chapter 19: Woww.. the curiousness you leave at end of each chapter.. especially this one.. 🙌🙌
Chapter 23: AAAAAAA this is too goodd!!!! Miss honeybunch when is the wedding? 🥹🫶🏻
Chapter 4: Such a sweet start.. always love 🍪 of your stories 😁
Chapter 4: LMAO this is so funny, I can’t take it 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 23: DAMN! This is my 2nd book i finish with your stories authornim!! First, I really loved Mark Me Red. Now, I can't help falling deeper for EILY. It's a chef's kiss and I can't wait to read another story! Thank you so much for this! I'll read TROMP <3