To Be With You

Everyday I Love You
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EVERYONE was staring at Seulgi the very moment she stepped in the school grounds. Being stared at was nothing new to her but she already has the idea about the reason why they’re staring at her.

“There she is. The one who did the crazy confession week but ended up going out with another girl.”

“They spent the night together after the Saturday night date, right? There were insta posts from Joy.”

“So she really just played with the girl she confessed to?”

“Poor girl. But she is Kang Seulgi. Her being in love with that ordinary person is weird. Going out with someone like Joy is normal.”

“Still dude… She made a fool out of Bae Joohyun-sunbae…”

“Joohyun-sunbae is actually pretty though. Have you seen her without those glasses?”

“She got dumped technically. Wanna give her a shot?”

Seulgi glared at those guys she heard talking about their plans for Joohyun. They stiffened in fear since it was the first time they saw Kang Seulgi with that look on her face. She usually has this happy, bright smile but to have her glare at them is surely a warning.

The guys fled the scene. Seulgi could only sigh.

“The news has already spread.” She continued walking towards her classroom, ignoring all the murmurs and chatters as much as possible.

“I wonder how Joohyun-sunbae is planning to face all of this. She just told me to just do what we always do.”

Joohyun was actually talking about their school routine. Seulgi usually goes out first while Joohyun follows around 15 minutes later so that no one would find out that they are living together.

They also don’t talk too much at school since they technically can’t because of their classes. Seulgi eats lunch with Wendy while Joohyun goes to the cafe. They eat dinner together but most students are already away. Only a few saw them being lovey dovey and no one even believes those few witnesses.

“I guess I’ll just leave everything to Sunbae for now. She did say she has a plan but she doesn’t share it with me.”

Seulgi's nostrils started flaring while she tried to stop herself from smiling. She couldn’t help but to be happy every time the fact that she and Joohyun are already an official couple crosses her mind.

“Keukeukeu…” Seulgi’s suppressed laughter gave goosebumps to other students. “I should’ve taken the opportunity to initiate a kiss. Should I try tonight? Keukeukeu—“

“Stop laughing like a ert.”

Seulgi almost jumped towards the wall when Wendy suddenly appeared beside her. “W-Wendy! Don’t surprise me like that!”

The smaller girl rolled her eyes. “I was calling you earlier but you weren’t responding. It seems like you were daydreaming.”

Seulgi scratched the back of her head. “Haha. Probably I was…”

Wendy took a good look at Seulgi before continuing, “It also seems like nothing bad happened between you and Joohyun-sunbae despite the news.”

The taller girl smiled. “Thankfully, everything turned out for the good.”

“Good for you then.” Wendy sighed. “Actually, I confessed to Sooyoung last night.”

“YOU WHAT!?” Seulgi did the ㄴ😲ㄱ reaction which earned her a smack on the shoulder from Wendy.

“Stop overreacting, you idiot! As if you don’t know about me having feelings for Sooyoung!”

Seulgi rubbed her poor shoulder. She believed her shoulder would one day fall off if Wendy and Joohyun would not stop smacking her like that. “S-So… How did things turn out?”

“Of course, she was surprised but…” Seulgi watched how Wendy’s cheeks blushed. “She didn’t drive me away. It doesn’t seem like she dislikes it as well.”

The two went inside their classroom, turning the noisy room into a prayer room in just one second. Everyone was looking at them but they didn’t mind anymore.

“Did she give you an answer?” Seulgi asked after taking a seat.

“No…” Wendy sighed. “I already know that she likes you. Asking her for an answer is like self torture so I just confessed to her and leave right away.”

Wendy was surprised when she felt a hand gently patting her back. She then disgustingly turned to Seulgi who was nodding at herself while fake crying. “I’m really proud of you, my best friend. You finally faced your feelings. You really did well.”

The smaller girl then pushed Seulgi’s hands away but was very careful to touch her. She was pushing her with some force field. “Please stop telling me that with that face. You look gross.”

“Come on, Wendy-ya!” Seulgi crossed her arms followed by a pout. “Don’t you feel better after you let it all out? Isn’t it much better to give it a shot rather than giving up before even doing anything?”

Wendy could only roll her eyes as she shook her head. There went another sigh. “Yeah, my friendship with Sooyoung is technically over now that my feelings are out in the open.”

“Hey, don’t be like that!” Seulgi elbowed her which almost pushed her out of her seat. “Don’t be too negative! You don’t know how things will turn out after that confession. Who knows? Joy might have a change of heart!”

“TCH.” Wendy coldly scoffed. “You’re actually wishing for that because you’ll benefit from it, don’t you? You’ll have one less problem if Sooyoung stops chasing after you and you’ll be able to chase Joohyun-sunbae all the more.”

“Come on, Wendy. You know it’s not like that.”

Wendy’s eyes widened when Seulgi looked like she flashed a sad face on her peripheral vision. She quickly turned to her but the other girl was already looking by the window.

“I never thought of Joy as a burden. I’m actually really thankful for her because she constantly made me feel loved despite how my family treated me. There are many times that I wanted to return the favour too.”

Wendy then watched Seulgi feel her heartbeat by placing her hand on her chest.

“But I can’t just tell my heart what to do. This one is basically new but it still goes crazy for the same person just like the old one did.” Seulgi turned to Wendy with a conflicted smile on her face. “There’s nothing I can do with how and with whom my heart gets wild for. I do feel sorry for Sooyoung but I won’t be the one who can make her truly happy.”


“Even if I force myself to be with her, she would be the one getting hurt in the end. So, yes. You’re right.” Seulgi turned to the board and leaned a bit forward, placing her chin on her palm. “I hope that Sooyoung ends up with you because I know that you’d be there to give your heart fully for her. I mean…” Seulgi pressed her lips together for another smile. “You’ve been into her for the longest time. You just kept everything to yourself because she likes me. You tried playing with other girls but your heart still knows what it wants. You won’t just confess to her without the smallest hope for her to actually look back at you, right?”

Wendy’s eyes immediately turned misty while still looking at her friend. She hurriedly looked up to keep them back. “Yeah, yeah. I know, you’re really my best friend.”

Wendy tried her hardest not to let her voice crack. She knew what kind of mess she turned out yesterday even before the confession took place so she knew well that she had to change the topic or else she would bawl her eyes out and that’s not so cool at all.

“So, how did it go with you and your beloved Sunbae—What the hell, Seulgi!”

Seulgi was already smiling from ear to ear even before Wendy managed to finish her sentence. She was swaying left and right even though there was no music being played.

“My father works hard but I guess my lovelife’s angel works harder~” Seulgi sing-sang, making Wendy cringe.

“What do you mean? Just say it straight to my face. I promise I won’t die in envy!”

“Really?” Seulgi asked with that teasing face. Wendy threatened to punch her in the face which Seulgi just laughed at. She then invited Wendy to come closer and started to whisper.

“Actually,” she started. “I and Joohyun-sunbae… we are officially girl—”

Shouts were heard from the people inside the room when they heard the sound of shattered glasses. The next thing they knew was seeing the broken window and the soccer ball that bounced off after it hit Seulgi at the back of her head making her collide with Wendy’s head.

Seulgi was then seen holding the back of her head and her forehead at the same time while turning towards the broken window. She could hear people asking her and Wendy if they were okay and she gave them a thumb up even though it did shake her brain.

She stood up, grabbed the ball and stood by the broken window. The students playing soccer were horrified to see her holding their ball.

“K-Kang Seulgi-ssi!”

“S-Sorry, w-were you hit by our ball by any chance?”

“I-It’s him! He’s the one who kicked the ball towards your classroom!”

“I-I-I didn’t mean it! It was an accident!”

“Accident, my .” Seulgi murmured while giving them the glare of death. She then smirked which made the guys shriek. “You are really challenging me, huh, curse? Let’s see how long you can keep up with a Kang.”

Seulgi then threw the ball back at the players.

“Listen, everyone!”

Wendy suddenly felt goosebumps when Seulgi started shouting by the window. She isn’t supposed to be like this. She’d usually say that it’s okay and move on quickly with a foolish smile on her face but did she just really hear her shout at them?

Seulgi took a deep breath and, “Listen, Bae Joohyun is my girl—UGH!”

Gasps were heard from the whole classroom when Seulgi was knocked down with a baseball ball that hit her straight to her forehead.

Seulgi grabbed the ball that hit her and a sinister laugh was heard, sending goosebumps to everyone in the room.

Seulgi quickly stood up, her forehead so red after all the hits. Everyone watched her as she made her way towards the smart podium in front of the class. She the mic.

“Ah-ah, mic test.” After ensuring that the mic was working, Seulgi faced everyone inside the classroom. “Listen, everyone. I, Kang Seulgi, officially started dating Bae Joohyun-sunbae yesterday. She is now my girl—ACK!”

A rubber eraser came flying towards Seulgi but thankfully, she managed to evade it. A student immediately stood up and apologised for his flying eraser, explaining that he and his friend were just playing eraser battle and he flicked his eraser so hard it was sent flying.

Wendy watched how annoyed Seulgi had turned into. It was the first time she showed that kind of face. Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, Seulgi marched out of the classroom.

“Y-Ya, Kang Seulgi! Where do you think you’re going!?”

Wendy rushed out to follow the said girl. Thankfully, there’s still time before classes start. Wendy tried calling out to Seulgi but the girl was fuming while murmuring about some curse or something. She then found her making her way to the broadcast room, giving Wendy war flashbacks.


When Wendy entered the room, Seulgi was already inside the booth speaking to the mic.

“Everyone, this is Kang Seulgi of the Business Dep

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71 streak #1
71 streak #2
Chapter 4: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
71 streak #3
71 streak #4
Chapter 7: A masterpiece
Another master stories are no less than a romantic drama.. 😍😍😍 thoroughly enjoyed this visualising each scene.. thank you so much author~nim..
Chapter 19: Woww.. the curiousness you leave at end of each chapter.. especially this one.. 🙌🙌
Chapter 23: AAAAAAA this is too goodd!!!! Miss honeybunch when is the wedding? 🥹🫶🏻
Chapter 4: Such a sweet start.. always love 🍪 of your stories 😁
Chapter 4: LMAO this is so funny, I can’t take it 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 23: DAMN! This is my 2nd book i finish with your stories authornim!! First, I really loved Mark Me Red. Now, I can't help falling deeper for EILY. It's a chef's kiss and I can't wait to read another story! Thank you so much for this! I'll read TROMP <3