chapter three: secrets, confessions, heartbreaks


Winter slowly arrived and at the same time as the finals for that semester. Every student of Diamond started to diligently work their off to study so they could pass, including Minjoo. She was already studious but she needed to work extra harder to maintain her high grades and not disappoint Eunbi.


She ordered hot coffee from the lavish canteen then sat in front of Chaewon who was in a daze. Yeji and Jimin were nowhere to be seen. Yeji was too busy with club activities while Jimin… lately, she had been missing in action without a word. They would like to think that it was just family matters.


“It seems like you’re thinking of something so deeply,” Minjoo commented as she snapped Chaewon back from her trance. “Want to tell me about it?”


Chaewon sighed deeply and heavily, looking very frustrated. She hesitated for a little while until she finally gave in and decided to tell her current dilemma. “Minjoo, Kazuha kissed me a few days ago…” Chaewon started off, and Minjoo almost spat out the drink but she tried to remain calm.


“I see… nothing wrong with that? Isn’t normal for a couple…” Minjoo started out carefully, blushing lightly. She never had a romantic partner before so she wasn’t too experienced and she was slightly shy.


Chaewon sighed, “It’s our first kiss since we started dating. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course… it’s me, I’m the problem.” She looked very troubled as she pulled her hair slightly and winced.


Minjoo was worried and leaned in closer, “Hey, what happened?”


“I never felt anything at all when she kissed me.” Chaewon told her the truth, and she looked guilty upon the revelation, cowering on her seat.


Minjoo was shocked but she tried to recover as soon as possible then gave Chaewon a sad look. “Don’t you like her, Chaewon? Maybe… the timing wasn’t too right? You were caught off guard, that’s why?” She tried to help but it was no use.


Chaewon shook her head, biting her lower lip. “The timing was perfect, heck, everything was perfect but… nothing, really. My heart did not skip a beat at all.” She whispered, and uncomfortably shifted on her seat. Her gaze suddenly became lost. “It did not react at all, unlike when she kissed me—” She stopped abruptly at the slip of tongue.


Minjoo’s brow arched but said nothing.


Chaewon took a deep breath. “I really like Kazuha, I know that but I don’t know why the hell I’m suddenly feeling like this…” She started to mumble to herself, and Minjoo finally gave a comment.


“Maybe you don’t like her anymore, you didn’t like her enough… or maybe, you like someone else, Chaewon.” Minjoo said, and Chaewon looked as if heaven and hell squeezed her in between so Minjoo fumbled over her words in panic. “I’m just listing out the possibilities.” She cleared out.


Chaewon bit her lower lip again to the point it almost drew blood. Minjoo was concerned, Chaewon was never like this. Minjoo felt bad that she couldn’t help much. However, when she was about to say comforting words, a familiar person started to approach their table casually that made Chaewon freeze then started to gather her things before running away. “I-I need to go, Minjoo.” Minjoo could only watch her dash away.


“Huh, where the hell will she go?”


Minjoo turned to Yena who was also confused at how Chaewon suddenly acted like that when she was about to approach and sit with them. Pursing her lips, Minjoo smiled at her. “She probably needs to use the bathroom really badly.” She lied through her teeth, intently looking at oblivious Yena. She started to test the waters. “Say, Yena, can I ask you something? Were you and Chaewon lovers before?”


It was blunt and straightforward that made Yena flinch at the wordings. She looked awkward and started to sweat upon hearing that question. “What a sudden question,” She chuckled nervously before answering. “No, we’re not. We’re just childhood besties.” answered the woman with a tight smile.


Minjoo actually got the answer, and sipped on her drink. They probably didn’t become official lovers but… something probably happened to them before?


“Why did you suddenly ask? It’s so weird,” Yena faked a grimace.


Minjoo shrugged, “Just wondering randomly, to be honest.” And sipped on her coffee again. “Why do my friends like to run away…” She thought.


After that, she went to the library to study but it was packed. The library was big but half of it was being renovated so the space became much limited. Minjoo sighed to herself and started to roam around the school, trying to spot a place where she could study peacefully.


While roaming around, Minjoo suddenly drowned in her thoughts. She couldn’t help but to think of her conversation with Chaewon earlier. And kiss, huh? Minjoo never experienced that… how does it feel to be kissed by someone…


She suddenly bumped into someone taller, and the line of her eyesight was on the taller person’s lips. Well, she has very familiar and luscious lips. Huh, does it feel soft? Was kissing nice?


“Oi, Kim, are you okay or what? Is there something on my chin?”


A familiar voice pulled her out of her daze, and almost jumped in shock when she tilted her head up, Yujin’s face greeted her. Jesus! It was Yujin’s lips she was staring at, thankfully, the younger woman thought she was just staring at her chin.


She coughed and cleared . “Nothing,” She answered, looking away. “What do you need?”


Yujin raised a brow at her. “You’ve been walking around like a fool so I decided to approach you.”


Minjoo slightly puckered her lips, “Ah, it’s because I don’t know where to go. I’m trying to find a spot where I can properly study quietly.” She said, and hugged her coat tighter.


Yujin was silent for a few seconds, staring at her before speaking, “I know a place.”


Minjoo tilted her head towards Yujin, and when the latter told her to follow her, she did.


She shouldn’t be too surprised when Yujin brought her to their hideout in the school. Really a perfect place to study quietly. No other member was spotted inside so it was empty and peaceful, the fireplace was lit up to warm the room up.


Yujin cleared , “You can go here to study, if you want.” She said, and went to the mini kitchen to prepare some hot cocoa, it may seem. “No one really uses it that much because they’re all too busy. Feel free to use anything that’s in here.”


Well, that was a great offer. Minjoo sat on the comfortable couch, sighing softly because it was so soft and she could just take a nap. “Thank you.” She murmured, then pulled her books out.


Minjoo started to study quietly, only hearing the noises from the mini kitchen and the pouring of liquid on the mugs. After that, Yujin went back and gave her hot chocolate wordlessly. Oh, Minjoo was moved by the gesture. “I just had coffee but thank you for this. I like hot chocolate as well.”


Yujin just hummed and sat on the other single couch, taking a book of hers and started to study. Minjoo continued to study while taking little sips from her steaming hot chocolate, and she tried her best not to feel bothered at Yujin’s glances from time to time.


It was distracting her… making her feel slightly giddy.


But she tried her best to just focus on her books. A few hours passed, and finally, Minjoo decided to go home. She stood up and gathered her things, glancing at Yujin who literally fell asleep on the couch, her brows furrowed cutely which made her chuckle silently.


She grabbed a blanket on the side and decided to be kinder today, she just wanted to repay Yujin for letting her study peacefully and even made her hot chocolate. Yup, that was it. She then draped the blanket over Yujin’s body and grabbed a piece of paper, writing down a note.


Minjoo left it on the table and fled away as quietly as possible.


Yujin woke up after fifteen minutes or so, finding herself slightly warmer. In a daze, she took off the blanket and stretched as she casted her gaze around to spot Minjoo but to no avail, she was completely alone. She immediately noticed the note placed on the table anyway.


‘thank you for letting me study here and making me hot chocolate. in exchange, i gave you a blanket and saved you from hypothermia. we’re even now, ahn :P’


Yujin scoffed at the silly note, but she was grinning ear to ear anyway and stared at the note for a little while until Kazuha entered the hideout, looking quite sad. Yujin immediately placed the note inside her pocket and asked her dear friend what happened.


Kazuha was just worried and gloomy because after her date with Chaewon a few days ago, the woman became distant and she didn’t know what to do.


Yujin could only sigh and give her buddy a pat on the back.




The next day, the library was packed again and she had no place to study so she went to the hideout to stay there for a little while. Minjoo got permission from Yujin anyway.


She was about to back out when she spotted Ryujin at the lounge, typing away on her laptop. “Minjoo!” But it was too late as the woman already called for her. “What brings you here?”


Minjoo shyly scratched her nape then approached Ryujin, explaining what happened and how Yujin gave her access. Ryujin was slightly surprised at first, and Minjoo took it as discomfort because they might not want an outsider to linger around their room but Ryujin just smiled at her.


“Good, you can go here as much as you want.”


With that, Minjoo started to study at the corner while Ryujin crammed her essay but they would have a light conversation from time to time. Ryujin decided to make tea and brought some chips, sitting beside her. The athlete also offered to help her to review so she could also study as well, and of course, Minjoo took the offer. Hitting two birds with one stone.


“Mark Twain’s beloved characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn reside in which state?” asked Ryujin, looking over the book.


Minjoo thought of it deeply for a second before beaming, “Wait… it starts with the letter M.. Oh! Missouri, right!?”


Ryujin gave her a smile that showed her whiskers. “You’re really good at this.”


They continued like that until someone entered the room, and the both of them looked over at the newcomer. It was Yujin who looked surprised to see them both. Her gaze alternatively landed on them, and pressed her lips together on a thin line before making her way towards the pantry. “Just continue, don’t let me distract you.” She blankly said.


So, they continued but Yujin was very distracting… she kept loudly closing the cabinet and loudly muttering to herself, “Where the hell did I put my Cheetos?” It was pretty loud as she padded around, creating noisy noises which really bothered the two. Minjoo frowned, she knew that the woman was doing that on purpose.


Yujin even sat in front of them to loudly eat her chips, watching them as if they were her favorite entertainment show. Minjoo was in pure discomfort as Yujin stared at her intently as she loudly chewed on the crunchy chips, provoking her.


“Goodness, stop that,” Minjoo finally gave her attention, she couldn’t even concentrate because Yujin was very distracting.


Yujin stopped chewing, acting innocent. “I’m just minding my own business here. Mind your own, fox.”


In the end, Minjoo and Ryujin stopped their session. The latter excused herself after getting a phone call from a teacher, asking for her presence so she fled away almost immediately. Minjoo could only thank her and smile until she got out of the room.


Her light expression dropped when Ryujin was nowhere in sight, turning sharply to Yujin to give her a pointed look. Yujin was smirking but it faded almost immediately upon noticing Minjoo’s intimidating stare, she offered her chips. “Why? Want some?”


Minjoo scoffed and gathered her things, “It’s better if you’re just fast asleep, really.” She retorted before walking out of the lavish hideout, Yujin’s chuckle ringing in her ears as she went out.


Damn it.




Finals rolled in, and Minjoo was stressing over it but when it was done, she was very happy. The Christmas break was alright, and spent her holidays with her family and friends. Jimin even gave her an expensive watch! Minjoo was reluctant to receive it because she only gave her new friends knitted hand gloves that she herself made but they gifted her expensive things. Though Jimin almost cried when she got those knitted gloves, what a very sentimental person.


As the snow fell, Minjoo stared at the bright blue skies, a mug with warm hot chocolate as her source of heat. She shivered slightly and took a sip from her drink, the sweet and chocolate taste filling her tongue nicely. And she couldn’t help but to think as her eyes followed the snowflake slowly falling down.


“I wonder if she’s drinking hot chocolate right now, she seems to like it.” Minjoo whispered to the rim of her mug, blushing almost immediately when she caught herself talking to herself.


Throughout the holiday, a very surprising person kept finding her way towards Minjoo’s mind for some reason. She didn’t know, really, why she kept swimming in her mind like a pest that she was. It was annoying. So annoying.


Meanwhile, a tall person was intently looking at the coffee she made just now. She grabbed it, feeling its warmth covering her entire palm that made her sigh softly before going outside the balcony. She sat at the chair there and took a sip from the steaming hot coffee, almost spitting it out.


“Ah, why does she like this thing so much?” Yujin grimaced to herself, and looked at the sky, “That fox’s face is really annoying.”




Winter break passed by like a breeze, within a blink, Minjoo found herself entering the prestigious school’s lavish premises once again after a while. Days really flew by very fast, like a melting snowflake when it landed on one’s palm.


Minjoo bought some hot latte from the canteen, and made her way towards the corridors instead of sitting with her friends. She already told her friends that she wouldn’t be sitting with them at lunch since she would deliver some warm drinks and little gifts for the Diamond Four.


Well, it just crossed her mind, and she wanted to give them simple gifts for letting her stay around their hideout so she could study properly in peace. Because of it, she got high scores. These gifts would express her gratitude even though she wasn’t that too close to them, with Ryujin, sure… to Yujin? Maybe.


As she passed by the crowded hallway, she couldn’t help but to hear some gossip from the other students.


“Did you see Victoria earlier?”


“Oh my, is she finally back?”


“Goodness! I saw her earlier, she became even prettier. Living in Paris is really something else, I’ll tell my parents I’ll go there to attend college instead.”


“Yujin must be ecstatic that her lovely partner is back.”


Minjoo slightly frowned upon hearing Yujin’s name but she shook her head, and sighed to herself, continuing to walk down, wondering who Victoria was but that thought didn’t last long when she reached the door of the hideout. Knocking thrice, she then opened the door, peeking her head.


She immediately spotted Yujin who’s dark aura shifted upon seeing her, the latter’s expression was sour and emotionless but upon seeing Minjoo, her face turned lighter and fresh.


“It’s been a while since I saw you, fox,” Yujin said to her, her voice soft and almost breathless. Minjoo was slightly taken aback how Yujin sounded like a calm puppy who was looking at her owner adoringly. But to be honest, it brushed her heart. Yujin looked glad to see her again, and Minjoo felt the same.


What was wrong with her heart, really… why did it keep acting up whenever she saw this annoying wolf? Before, whenever she saw Yujin, her heart was painted black and all she could feel for her was deep hatred but who would know she would be able to feel something light and giddy like this to that same woman.


“Hey, I just dropped by to give you all these,” Minjoo finally went inside to show the paper bag and the four cups of coffee, almost dropping them all on the floor when she noticed that Yujin wasn’t alone.


There was a tall woman just a few steps away from Yujin, eyeing her from her spot, smiling gently. Minjoo blinked, and for unknown reason, there was a hollow feeling in her stomach when her eyes landed on this beautiful lady. She was even slightly taller than Yujin, had long jet black hair, and she looked like a literal model that just came from the runway.


“Oh,” Minjoo breathed, and turned to Yujin. “Did I bother you two?” She didn’t know but her voice became quiet.


Yujin’s eyes widened, “No,” She immediately responded. “It’s fine. What did you get me? A gift? Oh, I never knew you’re the type who gives gifts.” Yujin said before walking down towards her, eyeing the bags and coffee.


Minjoo tried to smile but the stranger’s eyes burned her. “These are for the three too. Just a small, simple gift.” She replied sassily and shoved the bags towards her.


Yujin looked happy with it but she suppressed her joy. “Thanks. I appreciate it a lot.” murmured Yujin, and Minjoo was once again taken aback because the younger woman sounded genuine and she even stared at her softly.


There was really a drastic change in Yujin. If you compared her to the one Minjoo met months ago, it was bewildering. Of course, she saw the subtle change, and Minjoo thought that it was just something forced because of Eunbi but seeing things now? Minjoo couldn’t bring herself to say that Yujin was a faking .


Minjoo couldn’t help but to smile back. She liked their development.




And of course, they weren’t the only ones in the room.


Minjoo looked away almost instantly, her cheeks burning a little and bowed to the other person as a greeting. The latter was actually approaching them, wearing an elegant smile but there was something in her eyes that Minjoo couldn’t point out but it wasn’t something good. As if she was glaring at Minjoo and wanted to take her soul.


“This must be Minjoo. Ryujin told me a lot about her, and how she became close to the group… most especially to you.” The woman said, striding towards them like a confident model. Minjoo shrunk.


Yujin frowned slightly but shrugged, putting the bags on the side. “Yeah, I guess so. Our start isn’t great but well, at least this is better. I do not want to get nagged by aunt Eunbi every single day.” She replied.


The other woman hummed, tapping her chin with her finger as she stared down at Minjoo. She was very beautiful and intimidating. Yet for some reason, Minjoo felt threatened. She didn’t like the way this woman stared at her.


“How about you introduce me to her, Yujin-ie?” said the woman with a lower tone that made Minjoo’s brow twitch a little.


Yujin sighed heavily before boredly giving the tall woman a glance. “Minjoo, meet Jang Wonyoung. A childhood friend of ours.” She said, and when her eyes landed on Minjoo, something shifted. “And Wonyoung, meet Kim Minjoo. Aunt Eunbi’s scholar aside from Yeji and the most insufferable human on this planet.”


Minjoo rolled her eyes at the introduction, “Oh, shut it. You’re the most insufferable here, not me.”


Yujin shrugged, giving her a sheepish grin. “Really though?”


“Okay,” Wonyoung butted in, and turned to Minjoo. “I heard a lot from the three. I hope this girl here didn’t cause you a lot of trouble.”


Minjoo grumbled under her breath, “She caused a lot but thankfully enough, Principal Kwon is that terrifying, she couldn’t help but to get along with me.” She responded lightly, snorting at Yujin.


Wonyoung smiled at that, “She never used to be a huge troublemaker like this but then, Yujin is quite something else.”


“Are you guys trash talking me? In front of me?” Yujin was nowhere looking offended.


Wonyoung just flipped her hair towards Yujin’s direction. “Whatever,” She dismissed the woman before turning to Minjoo, finding her more interesting. “Anyway, once again, my name is Jang Wonyoung. Most people here call me by my English name which is Victoria. Feel free to call me either way.” She said to Minjoo, and the latter froze a little. So this was the woman that the students were gushing about.


Yujin’s partner? In what?


But then, Wonyoung’s phone beeped so she swiftly checked before looking at Yujin, and Minjoo saw how Wonyoung’s eyes shone even brighter when her gaze landed on the soccer player. “Anyway, I need to go now. Make sure to go to my party this weekend to catch up. It’s been a year or so since we last hung out.” She said, stepping closer to Yujin to give her a brief hug.


There was something that stirred inside Minjoo’s chest when she witnessed that scene, and it made her uncomfortable. She hid her emotions and watched as if it was nothing but inside her… something was grumbling. Minjoo paid no mind.


“Sure, if I’m not busy.” Yujin responded, not really interested and hugged back briefly before pulling away.


Wonyoung snorted because of that and finally walked away, giving Minjoo another pointed look. “It’s really nice to meet you, Minjoo but I need to run.” She said, and Minjoo just stammered to say some grateful phrase.


Finally, Wonyoung walked out of the scene just like that and for some reason, Minjoo rejoiced. There was just something in Wonyoung. A threat? She didn’t know why she felt like that towards that newcomer.


“I need to go too now.” Minjoo awkwardly and lowly muttered, she was about to run away because she didn’t want to be alone with Yujin, especially that she was feeling weird things lately for the taller woman.


But Yujin didn’t let her escape, grabbing her wrist with a frown. Minjoo’s breath hitched, and Yujin’s touch was tingly and warm.


“Wait up, I have something to give to you,” Yujin said, clicking her tongue and so Minjoo silently stood by her spot, waiting impatiently but Yujin did not even budge, just staring at her as if she was observing her intently.


Minjoo squirmed a little, “Come on, oaf, I don’t have all day.” She hissed.


Yujin rolled her eyes, “Geez, why are you suddenly aggressive?” whispered the woman under her breath before grabbing something from the table and tossed it towards Minjoo. The latter caught it perfectly.


“What is this?” asked Minjoo in confusion as she stared at the book, suppressing her gasp when she saw the title. Oh goodness! It was the new limited edition book of her favorite author. She actually wanted to buy it but it was very expensive so she was actually going to buy the cheap paperback edition instead after winter.


Yujin sat on the couch, “A spoon.” She deadpanned.


Minjoo narrowed her eyes on her. “Funny,” She breathed out but she happily flipped through the book, almost losing her grip from it because she saw the author’s signature on the first page. “What the hell!? Is this real!?” She shrieked, obviously delighted.


The corner of Yujin’s mouth twitched, “I will never give you something fake.”


Suppressing her excitement, Minjoo calmed herself down and glanced at Yujin with a smile and grateful look. “Thank you for this, really.” She genuinely said, hugging the book dearly against her chest. “Sorry if my gift is just simple…”


Yujin shook her head because of what she said, “Don’t say sorry about it. It already holds a very sentimental value that is more expensive than diamond.” She murmured to herself, Minjoo almost didn’t catch it. “Now, we’re even.”


The next morning, in the hallway, as Minjoo walked to the classroom — she was reading the book Yujin gave.


Meanwhile, as Yujin strided down towards the school grounds, her hands were covered by blue knitted hand warmers that Minjoo herself made.


Both were aware of their sudden relationship development, but yet they didn’t notice that something else was blooming.




“Where the hell is Jimin again?” Chaewon asked, looking slightly pissed when Minjoo sat down in front of her. They were just the three of them sitting down on the table set that were located at the garden. They didn’t have classes so they were chilling there.


Yeji scratched her head, “She said she had some stuff to get from the library. She’ll follow.” She answered.


Chaewon’s brow twitched. “Are you guys buying her frequent excuses? I’m sure she’s hiding something from us.” She pouted, and looked away. Recently, Chaewon had been in bad moods and frequently sought their comfort. They weren’t sure what it was all about but they gave their shoulders silently.


They just talked randomly about stuff, and Yeji suddenly inserted Minjoo’s sudden closeness with the granddaughter of the school president. Minjoo rolled her eyes and noticed that they had been teasing her about Yujin lately.


“I caught her staring at you a lot of times, Minjoo,” Yeji revealed, chuckling to herself and Minjoo almost choked on her banana milk. “She saw me looking at her staring at you, she looked embarrassed.” She added, and Minjoo was silent, that explained the burning feeling whenever she was in class.


Chaewon gasped, grinning evilly at Minjoo. “Maybe the great Ahn has a crush on you~?” chirped the woman, giggling at the possibility.


Minjoo ignored the skip on her heart when she heard that. “Hell no,” She instantly dismissed the idea. “Did you literally forget that that woman bullied me?” She reasoned out but to be honest, she got over it because of how she and Yujin got along well now.


Chaewon snorted, “We still know, of course, and Yujin’s treatment did change, right? She made it up to you.” She answered boredly as she played with the hem of her scarf.


Yeji chuckled, fiddling the pages of her book while she played along. “I’m beginning to think that Yujin might have done that awful stuff because she got attracted to you at first sight or something, that you intrigued her. Yujin can be really… unpredictable and immature, so I’m not surprised if in the end, she would confess that she did all of that so she could get your attention.”


“Oh, please for the love of God,” Minjoo grumbled, groaning internally. That was plain ridiculous!


Thankfully, Jimin suddenly appeared out of the blue, saving Minjoo from the conversation. She approached them with a gentle smile on her face, and they all noticed that she had been smiling a lot lately.


“Sorry I came late, I had to drop something off at the library and met Wonyoung on the way. I just caught up a little.” Jimin said, sitting down beside Chaewon then looked at the two in front of her. “What are you guys talking about?”


Minjoo felt something sour building up in her chest upon the mention of Wonyoung’s name.


“Just some stuff,” Chaewon casually said and then her eyes sparkled upon hearing Wonyoung’s name. “So she’s really back. Is it for good?”


Jimin shook her head, “No, she just went here for a vacation then she’ll be back in France soon. She just keeps lingering around Diamond because she misses the school, apparently.” She answered.


Chaewon giggled at what she heard, “She’s been tailing Yujin, no?” Jimin nodded with a smile. “That girl didn’t change, still sticking around Yujin.” She said, her eyes shifting to Minjoo but the latter just hung her head down low and was looking unaffected.


Yeji then looked at Minjoo, “You’re not familiar with Wonyoung, right?”


Minjoo told the truth, “I met her a few days ago. She’s pretty.”


“Well, she’s Diamond’s princess after all. If Yujin is the prince charming, she was the princess.” Chaewon said, and added nonchalantly. “She transferred to France because of her parents last year, if she did not… she’s still a year below us and the most popular here.”


“I understand the popularity,” Minjoo cooly commented. “No wonder students like them together? I heard them gushing.”


Jimin observed Minjoo’s reaction, “Yeah… Wonyoung liked to stick to Yujin too. People really thought that there was something going on with them.” Her voice trailed off, and Minjoo’s curiosity was piqued.


Gulping, Minjoo asked bravely. “Oh really? Is it true?” She was slightly nervous about the answer, she didn’t know why.


The three gave her a scandalous look so Minjoo glared at them. There was no malice in the question! She was just plainly curious.


“Of course,” Chaewon answered, beaming.


Minjoo’s heart dropped.


“...Not.” Chaewon added with a sly grin, satisfied at how Minjoo’s expression wavered a little. Minjoo pressed her lips together in a thin line. She did that on purpose. “Nothing happened between them. Yujin just looked at Wonyoung as a sister and nothing more than that but Wonyoung…? I think she’s infatuated and attached to the older woman.” She honestly told Minjoo.


And that explained the malicious gaze of Wonyoung to Minjoo that day…


Jimin was silent for a little while before speaking. “Wonyoung confessed the day before she flew to France and Yujin rejected her because it’s true that the latter did not like the younger woman at all that way.” She said, and Minjoo wasn’t liking the mixed feelings in her chest. “But it seems like Wonyoung is still into Yujin and hoping for something, unless someone already caught Yujin’s eyes.” Jimin whispered, and her eyes slowly found Minjoo.


Minjoo coughed, and nodded in acknowledgement. “I see. I mean, it’s not surprising. They look great together, and their titles fit one another.” She swiftly responded.


Yeji shrugged, “And that means nothing if the feelings aren’t mutual.” Which was right.


They dropped the topic right after, thankfully, because Minjoo was tense throughout the conversation. It was annoying that she was feeling that way when it wasn’t her business at all.




Jimin looked around, checking her surroundings before entering the empty gym. The gymnasium was empty and quiet, no student was using it so it was easier for her to sneak towards the locker room. She swiftly rounded on the other corner and went to the very end aisle of the locker room.


There, she finally spotted another person inside the gym, sitting on the bench comfortably with her eyes closed. Upon seeing her, Jimin’s heart warmed up instantly and was about to sneak and surprise her but she got caught almost immediately.


“Jimin-ah,” The other woman called softly, fluttering her eyes open as she stared at Jimin who was peeking behind the lockers.


Pouting, Jimin just sighed and plopped down next to the person. “You already noticed my presence?”


The woman chuckled at what she heard, her arm instantly wrapping around Jimin’s waist as if it was natural already between them. “I heard your footsteps. It’s too quiet here, Jimin-ie.” She said with a smile, scooting closer to Jimin.


The older woman sunk into her embrace, leaning her body closer to the woman before reaching to pinch her nose. “You could’ve at least let me surprise you,” Jimin whined, “Minjeong-ah.” She softly whispered.


Minjeong grinned at her, pressing a kiss on Jimin’s cheek. “Next time then.” She murmured, and planted another kiss on her temple. “Anything that will make my girlfriend happy.”


It was funny how it turned out like this. Jimin was still in disbelief, to be honest, but in a very pleasing way. She loved how everything turned out.


It all started that day, when Minjeong chased Jimin down until in her apartment. Finally, Minjeong got the guts to chase her down. Jimin was in absolute shock when she realized that Minjeong followed her through with Kazuha’s help.


Jimin was cornered in her apartment that day, and so, she had no choice but to let Minjeong in. It was horrible at first, she knew that it wouldn’t end well but still, she gave Minjeong a chance. She had been waiting for Minjeong to chase her down, to be honest — and finally, Minjeong did it. You see, Minjeong never chased her down after what happened. Sure, she did initiate and approached Jimin for a talk but nothing after that. Maybe because she thought Jimin was so mad and wouldn’t hear her out? Maybe she thought she deserved it? Or maybe Minjeong didn’t like her much?


Jimin was just waiting for Minjeong to corner her like this. Unfortunately for the both of them, Jimin had this pride that refused her to give in easily until she had no escape.


Let’s just say, their conversation went well that day because Minjeong was able to properly explain what had happened and Jimin finally listened attentively. And their conversation even turned into something more.


Confessions and secret feelings were revealed, the topic that they both avoided before when they obviously had something for one another was finally settled down.


( “Let me court you,” Minjeong said to her that day, caressing her hand with her thumb as they both leaned against the railing of Jimin’s balcony.


Jimin was left speechless which made Minjeong chuckle, bringing their joint hands up to her lips so she could kiss the back of Jimin’s hand. “Let me court you and make it up to you, Jimin.”


And after a short silence, Jimin answered. “I think it’s not necessary.” Her voice was serious and deep.


Minjeong was about to take it as rejection, her shoulders slumping.


“We’ve been dancing around each other for years, Minjeong. I think courting is not necessary anymore. We already wasted too much time.” Jimin mumbled and before Minjeong could even say something, she pinned her against the railing and caged her between her arms.


As the skies turned orange, the wind howled ever so slightly, and the lights from the buildings started to light up — Jimin kissed Minjeong softly.


Everything suddenly became fast and a blur yet no one complained, like Jimin said, they danced around each other for too long. It was finally time to stop waltzing. )


They just decided to be lowkey because their fathers weren’t still on good terms and were just finding the right timing to tell their friends about what happened, for the meantime — they were enjoying their peaceful space. It was the main reason why Jimin was suddenly disappearing from time to time. She was meeting with Minjeong in these hidden places in school.


The two of them had a conversation about the things that happened so far in their day while cuddling like that. Until suddenly, Jimin asked for a kiss. And of course, Minjeong gave it happily.


She cupped her girlfriend’s face and peppered her kisses on her face happily while Jimin giggled, holding her waist.


It was really amusing that they became like this but they were the happiest, and to be honest, maybe Jimin should’ve let Minjeong explain sooner and shouldn’t have become hard to get. She should’ve gotten thousands of kisses from Minjeong already.


“You know, I really should’ve let you explain sooner… we could’ve had what we currently have earlier.” Jimin suddenly whispered, her hold around Minjeong’s waist tightened.


Minjeong’s eyes softened, and softly caressed Jimin’s cheeks, staring at her dotingly. “Hey, let’s not fret over that. We can’t take back the time but at least now, we’re all over each other.” soothed Minjeong to ease Jimin’s heart.


Jimin smiled because of that, feeling the butterflies in her stomach rage. Ever since she and Minjeong started, the butterflies and the flutters in her heart became even more intense than before whenever Minjeong was around.


“I love you,” whispered Jimin softly. Before, those three words were forbidden to tell or they couldn’t simply bring their own selves to mutter those words to each other but now, they could happily express it in ease.


Grinning, Minjeong brushed her nose against Jimin’s nose. “I love you more.” She then pressed their lips together.


With that, the pair kissed each other in the quiet locker room… where no one could see and witness them express how much they love each other.


Or so they thought.


“On god!?”


Minjeong fell on the floor after Jimin pushed her abruptly upon hearing that familiar shriek. With wide eyes, Jimin turned to where the voice came from, her heart dropping upon seeing Chaewon’s wide eyes. Not just her! Yeji and Minjoo were also there, with Yujin too!?


Yujin just got dragged, really. She was walking towards the classroom when she spotted the trio sneaking around to follow Jimin so she followed along and somehow, Minjoo dragged her with them. Unlike the three, she wasn’t too surprised. She figured it out the moment she observed that Minjeong was happier lately and always missing in action, in contrast to Kazuha who looked like she was going to collapse from sadness any time.


Minjeong held her bottom while laying down on the floor, brows scrunched up in a painful furrow before looking up to meet Chaewon’s glare. “Hey there…” She greeted sheepishly, her grin playful.


“You both owe us an explanation,” Chaewon’s nostrils were flaring. “Now!”




The talk went smoothly though Chaewon was furious because Jimin hid it like that to them and had to be followed and caught like that. And that was the exact reason why she wouldn’t want to tell her friends and most especially Chaewon. Jimin had been hostile and against the idea of Chaewon dating Kazuha because the latter was involved with Minjeong. She had shame too, of course, that was why she was embarrassed to tell Chaewon.


But all in all, Chaewon had no grudge. Jimin was happy and so, it was okay.


“No more secrets.” Chaewon firmly said, and Jimin nodded like an obedient puppy while Minjeong was hugging her from the back, wearing a smile.


To make it up to them, Jimin treated them to some food at the cafeteria. Minjeong bought them nice drinks too so they were satisfied.


“Stalkers,” Jimin whispered playfully at their friends.


Yeji defended their actions, “Well, you’ve been distancing yourself to us lately. Always disappearing and all so when we got the chance, we grabbed it.”


Minjoo just smiled at the original trio, smiling fondly at them while Yujin was standing beside her, her arms crossed. “Minjeong has been happier lately,” She commented so Minjoo looked up to her.


“Jimin, too,” Minjoo responded softly.


Yujin’s expression became slightly serious and leaned down a little to whisper something to Minjoo. “Do you know what happened between Chaewon and Kazuha? Kazuha looks gloomy recently.”


Minjoo tried her best not to get distracted by their close proximity. It was killing her, why was she feeling something like this to the younger woman. “I noticed something off about Chaewon lately too but I really have no idea what’s up with them. Kinda worrying, to be honest.” She replied softly, subtly shifting away so she was slightly further away from Yujin.


The action made Yujin frown slightly but she stepped closer anyway, and Minjoo forgot to breathe. Seriously, now…


When Minjoo was always taking a step backwards, Yujin would take over that space to be closer to her. Literally, and figuratively.


However, before Yujin could speak again, another presence entered the picture.




They all looked at the unexpected newcomer. It was Wonyoung, wearing her beautiful smile as she strided down elegantly at them, the students were eyeing her with sparkling eyes.


Minjoo shrunk a little when their eyes met, and for some reason, she was affected when she saw Wonyoung linked her arm around Yujin’s. The latter wasn’t entirely pleased but she didn’t do anything.


“I’ve been trying to search for you! Drive me to our house~” Wonyoung cutely said after giving a greeting towards the other people.


Yujin looked reluctant, “Don’t you have a driver?”


Wonyoung pouted, trying to charm Yujin and even flushed herself closer to the taller woman. Minjoo looked away, and scooted closer to Yeji who was silently observing her friend. Another pair of eyes were intently looking at the situation.


“I purposely told him to go home early since you’ll drive me home,” Wonyoung answered then tugged at Yujin’s arm before turning to them. “I’ll take this idiot away from you guys first.” chirped the younger woman before dragging Yujin with her while the older could only protest, glancing through her shoulders.


Minjoo wanted to curl into a ball, she was feeling sick and she didn’t know why. It was annoying that she had been feeling like this for a while now but she was refusing to acknowledge it because of the main reason that the person who was making her feel like this was none other than Ahn Yujin. The least person that Minjoo expected to trigger something within her that she couldn’t bring herself to find out.


“Are you okay? You’re spacing out,” Ryujin suddenly appeared which made Minjoo jump a little.


“Y-Yeah, just something in my mind. Don’t worry.” Minjoo explained, forcing a smile.


Ryujin wasn’t too convinced, staring at Minjoo worriedly. Yeji gulped as she stared at the two of them, looking away to chat with Chaewon.


With a sigh, Ryujin didn’t force Minjoo to tell her something. She just shook her head and muttered inaudibly under her breath. “She didn’t even realize that she’s that affected…”




That night, Minjoo couldn’t sleep, recalling what happened that day and what she had felt. She assessed the feelings that she had been experiencing lately. She just came up with one conclusion.


This wasn’t just recently.


But it was baffling that she was feeling something like this. To a person she used to loathe a lot too.


Should she call Yuri? Alright, great idea.



And no, it wasn’t.


She called Yuri to ask shyly about what she was feeling and Yuri immediately had her own conclusion. And she earned a lot of teasing from the woman, it was very annoying. She wanted to shove a shoe in the other girl’s mouth. It made everything worse.


“I think you have a crush, Minjoo. Oh my god! You have a crush! On a woman too. Oh good lord, Kim Minjoo… you’re finally a lady now~ Who’s the lucky girl? Oh my…”


Minjoo hung up almost immediately and wrapped herself with a blanket, refusing the idea. She refused the idea until the sun had risen up from the horizon already and she had to get up and prepare for school already. Great.


With black bags under her eyes, she went to school. She was grateful enough that her parents were too busy rushing to their work and had to drop Minseo off to the babysitter for the meantime so they didn’t see her state.


But of course, to her friends, it didn’t remain unnoticed. They were worried and tried to tell Minjoo what was happening. The latter just lied through her teeth, telling them that she just stayed up late reading a fictional book. Even though they did not buy the reason, they did not force it out from Minjoo either, respecting her. She was grateful enough.


Minjoo would like to thoroughly inspect it herself, thank you very much. She sought help from Yuri and it just turned worse. It might get worse if she would tell it to them without even having a firm conclusion to herself on why she was feeling like this towards a certain person.


Yujin went inside the classroom, with her three other friends, and the first thing she did was look at Minjoo so of course, she also noticed the big black bags under her eyes. Minjoo noticed that she was wearing the gloves she made for her.


“Someone did not get a wink of sleep at all,” teased Yujin but her voice was laced with worry.


Minjoo went red, out of shame and anger? Not really. Yujin just looked particularly more attractive that day, maybe because it was the low ponytail she did on her hair? Because the first two buttons of her shirt were open? Wait. No. Why was she even thinking like this… yes, she was red because of shame and anger!


“Shut it,” Minjoo grumpily said.


Minjeong chuckled because of that, “Well, someone’s very grumpy in the morning.”


In their break though, Minjoo decided to stay inside the classroom to study for their quiz. She packed a sandwich anyway. However, she was surprised that Yujin came to her desk and wordlessly placed a cup of coffee on top of it. Minjoo looked up, confused.


“It looks like you badly needed caffeine to help you stay awake.” Yujin remarked nonchalantly before walking back to her seat, just literally behind Minjoo. What was surprising was Yujin didn’t use Principal Kwon’s name to defend the gesture she did.


Minjoo stared hard at the coffee cup, it was freshly brewed. It was enticing to her. her own bottom lip, she grabbed the coffee, her palm warmed thanks to the heat that was emitting from the cup itself then mumbled, “Thank you for this.” Yujin did not answer.


And no, this wasn’t a crush. Never. Crush on Ahn Yujin? The woman who was a menace to her life months ago? That suddenly became kind towards her and started to treat her warmly afterwards? No. Impossible. Funny.


Minjoo took a sip from the coffee Yujin gave her. And her heart melted.




“Where will you attend college?” Yujin asked Minjoo, breaking the silence between them. Minjoo just winced.


Of course, fate brought them together once again. Minjoo wasn’t too sure how they ended up together again alone. She was just running an errand for Principal Kwon which was to help her move the boxes to her office from the storage room. But there was an urgent meeting for the higher ups so Eunbi had to call her niece, Yujin, to help her.


The taller woman just came from soccer practice. She was panting and sweating when she rushed towards there just to help Minjoo.


Ugh, when Minjoo was just trying to figure things out, the world had to bring them close like this! Making Minjoo feel even more extreme and distressed. Fate was toying with her, for real.


“Principal Kwon suggested that I attend SKKU, and I can’t refuse so maybe I’ll go there… That’s one of my dream schools too.” Minjoo answered as they walked down peacefully in the hallway. “How about you? I heard from Principal Kwon that your parents want you to study abroad.” Her voice trailed off.


Yujin snorted, “About that… yeah, my parents actually said that I should study in the US. I agreed since I really want to have a new environment and it felt like I had no purpose here. But something happened so I decided to stay.” replied Yujin smoothly, looking at her with this pointed gaze. She refused to elaborate. “What are you taking up again?”


“Liberal Arts,” Minjoo answered plainly, finally reaching the office, and opening it. Yujin and her entered the quiet place. “I’m assuming you’re taking up something related to business.”


Yujin hummed in acknowledgement. “Great choice, and yeah, you guessed it right. Aside from soccer, fortunately, I’m pretty interested in business.” She responded honestly, and placed the box down on the side. “Geez, aunt Eunbi should’ve asked the other male staff to move her things.” She commented, shaking her head.


As they were walking out of the office, Yujin stretched her foot a little so the distracted Minjoo tripped, almost stumbling forward if it wasn’t for Yujin holding her by her arm.


She growled, and took her arm away, not even sparing her a glance. “Do you always have to annoy me?”


Yujin smiled brightly at her, arching her brow. “Yeah, that way I can get your attention and see your priceless reactions.” She straightforwardly answered.


Minjoo gritted her teeth, not liking how her heart fluttered because of that. It was a joke, for sure, Minjoo thought. So she tried her best not to mind her and went out of the office without saying anything more.


They exited the office, and Yujin made sure to lock it. They walked side by side, silent. Until Yujin finally broke it again since Minjoo looked distracted and she was oddly quieter than usual.


“Want to grab some coffee? My treat,” Yujin smoothly said.


Minjoo felt a lump in , feeling something shimmering in her stomach. As much as the offer sounded tempting, there was this second voice in her head that told her not to accept. “I still need to—”


“There you are! I’ve been looking around for you,”


Minjoo was in great disbelief as she eyed Wonyoung happily skipping towards Yujin. Why does this woman just keep on popping out of nowhere? And just to steal Yujin away?


Even Yujin was surprised at the sudden appearance of Wonyoung.


But before anything could happen, Minjoo stepped away. “I’ll be going now.” She grumbled, bowing a little bit then she walked out, feeling something dark spreading through her whole chest, and the fluttering feeling in her stomach faded instantly.


Wonyoung was surely in love with Yujin. Minjoo could tell from the way her eyes sparkled and the way her voice chirped when she was talking to Yujin.


Minjoo clicked her tongue, shaking her head. That wasn’t her business at all. But why was she feeling this way? God. She shouldn’t care.


With a conflicted heart, Minjoo instead went to the rooftop instead of the classroom. There, she gave herself some time to think and take a breather. She sat behind the wall and leaned over, fluttering her eyes close as the wind hit her.


The door suddenly opened, and Chaewon emerged, wearing a serious look. Kazuha followed after, she looked very gloomy, her eyes lost its sparkles. Obviously, she had been losing sleep after stressing over something.


The two of them silently settled on the other side of the rooftop, Chaewon was unable to look at Kazuha while the latter stared at her helplessly.


“Kazuha, I told you, it’s not working anymore.” whispered Chaewon, frustrated and guilty.


Kazuha pursed her lips together, bowing her head a little. “I know… but I can’t accept it, Chaewon. I need the real reason why.” She firmly said, sadness was written all over her eyes. It had been more than a month since Chaewon distanced herself from Kazuha and a few days since Chaewon confronted her that it wasn’t working anymore.


Kazuha had high hopes for this one. She genuinely liked Chaewon and thought it was going all well between them until out of the blue, Chaewon became cold and no matter how much Kazuha tried to soothe her, the coldness didn’t fade.


Chaewon’s expression softened, “I liked you for real, Kazuha but… it can’t go past there anymore. I think it’s better if we remained as friends.” She explained, really looking guilty. She brought this upon herself because of bad decisions. She did like Kazuha, the latter was sweet and caring, so calm and gentle. She treated Chaewon well, like a princess even but…


Kazua stared at her, unconvinced. She clenched her fists at the side, and Chaewon noticed it, sighing to herself. “Kazuha, I’m really sorry but I can’t just—”


“You love someone else, don’t you?” Kazuha asked, low and quiet which made Chaewon freeze.




Taking a deep breath and ignoring the ache in her heart, Kazuha accepted her fate. “Just… honestly tell me, Chaewon. I won’t get mad, I just need the truth. Please? So I can move on in peace. I won’t bother you anymore after you tell me the truth.” Kazuha said, her voice was serious.


Chaewon was silent, glaring hard at the ground, her heart pounding fast. Kazuha was about to speak again after a minute of silence but Chaewon beat her to do it.


“Yes! I’m in love with somebody else when I shouldn’t be.” Chaewon finally said the truth, her eyes were intense and she was gritting her teeth. She was obviously frustrated at her own feelings. “And I think I’ve been loving her ever since the very beginning.” She added.


Tears started to pool in the frame of Chaewon’s eyes, her lips were quivering as she confessed the truth that she only realized recently. “I only learned how to accept that fact recently, I’ve been in love with her and I’ve been in denial ever since. I realized that it was wrong to lead you on like this when all along I’m harboring deep romantic feelings for someone else.” She muttered, sniffling as she wiped her tears away, shutting her eyes in shame.


Kazuha was stunned, just staring at Chaewon.


“I really thought I do not love her that way, I ran away from my feelings because I was scared. I shouldn’t have felt this way towards her, it’s bad… I can’t lose her. I can’t risk it.” Chaewon started to pat her chest, feeling it ache. “I did like you Kazuha, you’re a good woman but… I can’t. I realized that this is all wrong after I finally embraced my real feelings so I immediately broke away before I could even hurt you even more. I’m really, really sorry. I did try, Kazuha but… I’m sorry. You deserve someone who will love you thoroughly.” She hung her head down low, feeling defeated, and guilty consuming her whole.


Feelings were really so ed up. She didn’t even realize that she was having feelings for a different person all along. No, she realized it, but she ran away and refused to embrace it. Now, she was here, causing people pain.


Kazuha was silent for a little while, just looking at Chaewon before breaking into a sigh. She shook her head and smiled tightly, “It’s Yena, right?”


Chaewon flinched at the mention of the name, she was tense as she nodded. “Yeah,” She bitterly murmured, and pursed her lips together before continuing. “It’s Yena, my best friend. That’s why… I ran from my feelings. I couldn’t afford to lose our friendship.” whispered the woman.


Kazuha let out a sigh again, “You do know that Yena loves you, right?”


Chaewon didn’t even flinch. “I know, that’s why I was the one who kept on walking away. I don’t want to lose this, lose us.” She whispered, and a lone tear rolled from her eye. “If not being with her romantically means I’ll be able to keep her beside me, I’m fine with it.”


Kazuha shook her head and looked at Chaewon, “You would rather miss the opportunity to be happiest with her?” She asked quietly, and Chaewon bit her lower lip. “Yena is waiting for you, Chaewon. I think you know well that Yena isn’t the type to let you go. I think she will never let you go once you give her the green light.” She said, and cupped Chaewon’s tear-stained cheeks, wiping her tears away. “I like you so much, Chaewon. Even though I know I’m not the one who’s not going to make you happy… I want to see you be the happiest even if it’s not in my arms.”


Chaewon started to sniffle, suppressing her sobs. Yena’s broken looks haunting her mind. The day they shared a sweet kiss, and Chaewon shoved her away, telling her that best friends shouldn’t do that. Yena looked so heartbroken that night and Chaewon’s chest started to ache upon recalling that moment. Yena confessed her true feelings before walking away, unable to keep it to herself after what happened.


Yena wanted something more. Yena wanted to hold her like a lover, not just a friend. Yena would be the happiest if Chaewon would finally tell her the truth. And they could be the happiest. Should she risk it? Is everything going to be worth it?


“Kazuha… why are you doing this… even though I broke your heart?” Chaewon said instead, collecting her thoughts.


Kazuha smiled genuinely, pressing a kiss on top of Chaewon’s head. “Because like I said, I like you Chaewon. And I want you to be happy, and I do not want you to have regrets.” She said softly, which made Chaewon cry even more out of guilt. Kazuha just chuckled weakly, wiping the tears away and swiped Chaewon’s bangs away to take a good look at her.


Chaewon was about to say a grateful speech but Kazuha looked over her, her eyes widening a little so she followed her gaze. She looked around, and her heart literally jumped out of her chest upon seeing her.


It was Yena.


Speaking of the devil and talking about the timing…


Yena looked so flustered catching them like that, there was an obvious tremble on her lips. She gulped and looked away painfully, “I-I’m sorry, didn’t mean to bother you guys having a good time. Hehe, see you!” She hastily said and rushed out of the rooftop before Chaewon could even explain.


She looked at Kazuha in panic while the latter just giggled and took a step back. “Go, Chaewon. Chase her and be happy.” She gently said.


Chaewon’s fists trembled, and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she looked determined, and finally nodded, she had finally decided.


“Thank you, Kazuha. You’re really the best. You deserve better.” Chaewon said, and briefly hugged her then ran after Yena.


Kazuha could only watch until Chaewon disappeared, sighing to herself as she leaned at the railings. “Not the best for you though.” She murmured with a bitter smile. She took a lungful of fresh air and looked up at the bright skies.


Clicking her tongue, she looked down and wore a gentle smile. “Enjoyed the little show?”


Minjoo flinched behind the wall, and sighed, finally going out because she got caught. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” She said, looking sadly at Kazuha.


Kazuha just snorted and walked to Minjoo, patting the latter’s head with a genuine smile. “You too. You shouldn’t run away and deny your feelings. Don’t have regrets, Minjoo.” She suddenly said, which made Minjoo blink.


With one last smile, Kazuha walked away just like that, feeling accomplished but at the same time, there was a delicious ache in her heart.


While Minjoo was left there on the rooftop, her mind was running once again.




It hurt. Yena thought as she walked fast, she needed to go away as far as she could from them. From Kazuha. From Chaewon. She couldn’t bear the pain, she couldn’t get used to seeing them being close like that. It felt like Yena was drowning, she couldn’t breathe and her chest was burning.


She needed to get out of here. She needed to hide and breathe.


She went to the empty garden, and rounded up to enter a secret pathway that would lead her to her favorite spot in this school. She let out a sigh of relief when she finally got in the orchard and walked towards the huge apple tree in the middle.


But suddenly, there was a shout that tugged her heart.


“Choi Yena!” Chaewon roared, and Yena yelped, wondering why the hell Chaewon followed her there when she was with Kazuha.


She turned around, and tried to remain calm, trying to soothe her aching heart. She put up her usual facade, smiling at Chaewon who was marching down towards her, her heartbeat matching Chaewon’s hurried strides.


“Chaewon… why—” And she was cut off when Chaewon did the least thing she had expected for the younger woman to do.


Pull her for a hungry kiss.


Swearing to God, Yena’s world stopped, her brain malfunctioned but still — as if her body was programmed to do so, her hesitant hands made their way to rest on Chaewon’s hips, pulling her closer, and kissed her back, pouring her utmost feelings.


Years of unspoken feelings were poured easily, the years of frustration of dancing around each other, the years of loving each other… they could feel it.


No words needed for now as they enjoyed each other’s warmth.


Finally, they pulled away for air after one last peck. Yena was hit by realization when she fluttered her eyes open and she was greeted by Chaewon’s beautiful pair of orbs.


“I… What…” Yena was in confusion but the warmth in her heart was never wrong.


Chaewon smiled at her, and cupped her cheeks together, “I love you, you annoying idiot.” She confessed with a smile.


Yena didn’t catch it immediately. “I love you too, of course — hold on, wait, Chaewon… Kazuh—”


Chaewon pressed a kiss on Yena’s lips to stop her from saying more. “We already broke up a few days ago after realizing some things…” She said, her grin was wide. “After we shared a kiss and you confessed to me that night… I might have realized and come to accept something.”


Yena blinked, the information still not sinking into her brain immediately. She just gaped at Chaewon until the latter chuckled at her, pinching her cheeks before leaning in again to give her a sweet kiss on the mouth. Yena melted, feeling her knees buckle as Chaewon moved her lips against hers. It was all familiar, those soft lips… that always Yena craved to kiss after getting one brief taste of it.


And they kissed in the orchard, sweet and slow, as the sun beamed happily as if it witnessed their love story and pleased with it.


A few trees away, a figure stood, her hands inside her pocket. She actually ran away from a certain persistent bunny to find a certain someone but lost her. She just found herself wandering in the orchard and saw the happenings which bubbled the feeling of envy in her chest.


Yujin slowly walked away, letting the new lovers have their moment alone. She shouldn’t have witnessed it anyway, it was just a coincidence. With a hum, she scratched her chin.


“Should I take a risk too? Ah, that woman is going to be extra annoying to handle if she ever learns…”




A/N: hello everyone! sorry for the delayed update damn. this girlie got sick and was unable to work on the fic for the meantime huhu it didn’t help that it was in the middle of our midterms too. anyway here’s the update~ sorry not sorry summerz enjoyers :P <3 hope you guys enjoyed hehe!


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stray_zone21 #1
my comfort story
its4jenchulichaeng #2
Chapter 3: noooooo :( whyy summerzz?!! :( bye
hellifox #3
Chapter 3: summerz sad ending huhu
ray_scyyy #4
bluuuuuu #6
Chapter 5: I like this story very much. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story☺️
Chapter 5: what a nice special chapter 😊
bluejin #8
Chapter 4: im in love huhu
bluejin #9
Chapter 4: im in love huhu
Chapter 4: I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH you're my favourite jinjoo writer! Of course this one didn't disappoint! Looking forward for your future stories <3