chapter two: good person


When Monday came, Minjoo came to the school with her head hung down low, all eyes on her as she passed by the school grounds. Murmurs filled up her ears as she walked along, sighing sadly to herself as the hair on the back of her neck stood up.


Gazes with awful faint in them followed her as she entered the classroom with her imaginary fox tail down low. She was not liking the attention at all, she heard some few words from the students earlier as she walked by – of course, they were talking about what happened last Friday, when she fought back with that woman. She heard some comments like how brave Minjoo was, or how dare she do something like that to someone elite like Ahn Yujin?


Finally, it struck Minjoo that Yujin was a god among them. They feared the woman greatly, and Minjoo should too.


Yunjin blocked her way, giving her a shocked look. “My god, scholar,” She exclaimed in her fluent yet exaggerated English. “You really did that to Yujin?” asked the woman, and Minjoo just gave her a pointed look, not speaking. The indirect confession made the taller woman gasp, leaning a little bit closer. “You got guts, I tell you that.” She added with a grin before sitting down on her seat, letting Minjoo go to hers.


Suppressing a deep sigh, Minjoo looked around the classroom and everyone was staring at her, either with pity or hatred as if Minjoo did something horribly bad like… murdered a classmate but she didn’t!


Yeji smiled at her when she plopped down on her seat, “Surprisingly, Principal Kwon has no clue about it yet.” She said after greeting Minjoo a good morning.


Minjoo pouted, “Will I be relieved that Yujin did not tell it to the higher ups?”


Yeji laughed softly, taking her books out of her bag. “They never tell,” She replied.


The class started and the four empty seats behind Minjoo remained unoccupied, and should she be relieved? She should. But when Minjoo thought she would be saved this morning, she thought wrong.


In the middle of the discussion, the door was opened widely, disrupting the teacher from explaining scient-y s which made him furrow his brows. It was rude, after all, but when the students stepped inside the classroom – his lips were pressed into a straight line, just in time to stop himself from cursing whoever disturbed his discussion. And of course, no one would be able to do that unless you were someone powerful that even teachers bow to you.


Gasps and murmurs filled up the classroom but Minjoo paid no mind, continuing to doodle on her notebook.


“You guys are late,” Mr. Park said after clearing his throat then added, “Go back to your own seats. I’m glad to see your faces again after a long while.”


Multiple footsteps approached but yet, Minjoo did not look up. She did not even notice Yeji freezing on her seat, subtly glancing at Minjoo worriedly.


And then, the footsteps stopped, and there – finally, the new face felt multiple presence beside her, and sharp gazes over her. But before she could even look up, a voice could be heard near her. It was awfully familiar that she stopped doodling a puppy halfway, her muscles going tense.


“What an awful drawing it is,”


When Minjoo looked up, she was met with a familiar pair of mesmerizing yet dangerous eyes. Her breath hitched, and her pen almost slipped from her grasp out of little shock. But she did not back down, eyes hard as she glared back with the same intensity. Her pride just couldn’t take it. Her righteous side couldn’t deal with it.


There stood tall, Ahn Yujin, and this time she was wearing a complete uniform with her hair down. Her tie was loose around her neck, and the first button was open making her look like she was rebellious yet cool. Her hair was down today, and it was unexpectedly long and shiny. She was wearing this unamused scowl, and she was staring down at her as if she was a peasant. Minjoo just then realized that it wasn’t just Yujin who was looking at her, there were three people behind her. One was familiar while the other two weren’t.


Shin Ryujin – Minjoo could remember her, Yeji told her about the woman, she was with Yujin in the football team – placed her hand on Yujin’s shoulder. “Yujin,” She said in a warning tone, glancing at Minjoo softly. This one was Yujin’s older cousin from mother’s side, Ryujin’s grandmother and Yujin’s grandfather were siblings. Minjoo never got to give her a proper look that day – she had handsome, sharp, and firm facial features like Yujin (she could see some similarities). She was absolutely gorgeous and cool, her appeal was off the roof. She was the epitome of ‘attractive’. Her aura alone told Minjoo that she was cool and chick. According to Yeji, Ryujin came from a family full of politicians and that they owned a huge and reputable law firm in the country.


The one on Yujin’s left was laughing to herself, finding everything amusing. “Let the wolf be.” She commented snarkily, and Minjoo would assume that it was Kim Minjeong. The other troublemaker. Always smiling in a mocking way, had softer yet pretty features, and looked like a puppy – a devil in angel’s disguise, Jimin would like to describe her. She was a member of the softball team of Diamond, and according to her sources, her family owned the biggest real estate agency in the country and she would inherit it soon.


The other tall one nudged Minjeong, shaking her head a little bit then glanced at Minjoo in a pitying way. “Don’t do anything funny.” She also warned. And this beautiful woman was definitely Nakamura Kazuha. Chaewon’s love interest. The woman was a prodigy – she was a professional ballerina, and her family in Japan owned an entertainment company and some dance studios here in Korea. A player of the volleyball team of Diamond, too.


Just being near these four could make someone so common like Minjoo. They looked all so godly and untouchable but Minjoo reminded herself that at the end of the day – they were all just humans living in this unjust, cruel world. They just had more privileges than Minjoo.


Yujin was the granddaughter of the chairman of Diamond All-Girls School and founder of a private hospital in Seoul, the daughter of the current president of one of the biggest producer companies in Asia. AY Incorporated. Got a lot of subsidiaries under that company too. They produce and manufacture different kinds of food, drinks, medicine, hygiene products, cosmetics, and many other products that were just simply necessities and almost needed in everyday life. The woman was an ace player of Diamond’s soccer team, and she heard from Yeji that she was also a top student.


All scary powerful and could potentially ruin Minjoo’s life but the latter remained still and strong, she even had the guts to stare back at Yujin even though there was an obvious line between them.


“Let’s sit,” Ryujin said to her cousin, squeezing her shoulder.


Yujin snorted, and broke eye contact between them before walking to their seats. Minjoo ignored them, continuing to doodle but her hands were obviously shaking. She tried to draw a line but it was shaky and the line wasn’t straight.


Throughout the first period, she could feel gazes boring the back of her head. Minjoo tried to remain unbothered. She really thought that they wouldn’t do anything but to stare so she let it be. And once again, she thought wrong.


In history class, the teacher suddenly called for Minjoo to answer her question so she stood up. Minjoo confidently answered the question, of course, she wasn’t an airhead. She usually studied before sleeping so she knew the answer was. The teacher gave her a satisfied look and told her to sit down again so with a swelling chest in pride, Minjoo bent her knees ready to sit down back but… there was no chair that caught her. She fell right into the floor, first.


Everyone gasped at what happened, Yeji immediately helped Minjoo back who was bewildered at what happened, feeling her bottom numbing. She turned to look behind her and saw that someone actually pulled the chair away from Minjoo’s reach. There was a smirk playing on Yujin’s lips, and it was enough for Minjoo to know that the culprit was none other than her.


Minjoo stood up despite her numbing, and looked down at Yujin. The latter met her gaze, looking up with her eyes sparkling in delight. Clenching her fists, Minjoo arched her brow at the taller woman. “How childish of you,” She commented through gritted teeth.


Yujin tilted her head innocently, sneering. “Weren’t you childish too a few days ago when you threw the ball on my face on purpose?” asked the woman in a seething tone.


Minjoo’s brow twitched, wearing a scowl. Well, this woman was from a filthy rich and powerful family but she was so freaking childish. This woman could be the next president of a powerful and known company but look at her behavior.


“Miss Ahn,” The teacher called, his tone was firm.


Yujin rolled her eyes, and kicked the desk back near Minjoo. The latter took a deep breath, and decided that it would be better not to fight back. Not when the teacher was looking so she sat back, with Yeji comforting her. She tried to swallow her embarrassment and ignored the amusing and mocking looks of her classmate.


Great, angering one rich person was hellish enough, but getting into rich people’s nerves was going to be tougher and sickening.


Well, it looked like it would be the start of hell.




When the bell rang, everyone rushed to fix their things and ran towards the cafeteria while some girls stayed in the classroom, gawking at the four that were sitting behind Minjoo.


Yujin and Minjeong passed by Minjoo’s desk, the former threw her a death glare first before walking away – ignoring the women who tried to hit a chat on them. Meanwhile, Kazuha strolled after, giving Minjoo and Yeji an apologetic look. At least she was better than the rest and she had no intention to do anything bad. Ryujin followed, but she stopped in front of Minjoo’s desk.


“Sorry for my cousin’s behavior,” Ryujin apologized and it quite surprised Minjoo, blinking at the woman in front of her.


Minjoo continued to pack her things before standing up, ready to go to the cafeteria to grab lunch with Yeji and meet with her friends. “Why are you apologizing on behalf of her?” asked the woman softly.


Ryujin shrugged coolly, “She can be a handful sometimes. I apologize for the childish stunt she pulled earlier. Does your bottom still hurt?” She asked, looking at her worriedly. She was very genuine, and Minjoo felt her heart melt. Ryujin had a rough visual that would make one think that she was a cold delinquent but… she was a great person.


Minjoo appreciated the concern, “I’m fine now, thank you for asking. Your cousin is so annoying, by the way.” She tried to lighten up the mood.


Ryujin gave her a smile, her unexpected whiskers showing. Minjoo had those too but Ryujin looked prettier. “I know that so well,” She replied, playing along. “You can punch her. I won’t bat an eye, promise.” Fortunately, Ryujin was great.


After that, the woman excused herself and Minjoo was left there with Yeji who was gaping at the door where Ryujin exited. “At least, Ryujin is good. Why is her cousin that bad? There’s a stark difference between them.” She commented then sighed before looking at Yeji who was in a light daze. “Let’s grab something to eat now?”


Yeji turned to her, breaking in her trance. “Ryujin is more reserved and mature than Yujin. I’m with her in the debate club.” She answered, and they finally walked out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria where Jimin and Chaewon must be waiting for them.


Minjoo blinked, amazed. “Soccer player and also a member of the debate club, I’m pretty impressed.” She replied cheekily. Yeji gave her a bright smile.


“She’s something else,” Yeji murmured to herself, and there was something that Minjoo just couldn’t pinpoint on how Yeji said it.


She did not pry on it further.




The mishaps and misfortunes started there. Minjoo tried to lengthen her temper, just shutting up and letting everything just come her way. She knew that if she would do something, it would get worse. Yujin just kept childishly picking fights with her, just verbal ones, and the physical ones that would happen were just light and considered as ‘pranks’.


And everytime, Yujin’s kinder older cousin would apologize on behalf of her after such incidents, even going as far as running up to Minjoo in the middle of the hallway to tell that her cousin was such a rascal.


It went on like that for a month, Minjoo got used to it already.


Until Yujin ‘accidentally’ bumped into her, causing the juice to splash over Minjoo’s uniform. Typical drama. Minjoo’s patience finally snapped, and she roared, “You’re such a childish head!”


And it was really an accident. Minjoo was marching down to the cafeteria with her juice but Yujin suddenly turned and also walked back, causing them to collide. Yujin did not even notice her because she was looking at her phone.


Yujin’s brows furrowed, “But it was just an accident—”


“It’s no accident when it’s you who did it,” Minjoo growled, and took a very deep breath as she faced Yujin, ignoring the cold sensation on the front, trying not to mind the expensive fabric of her uniform sticking into her skin. “You’re so childish, and annoying. Because you’re extremely wealthy, it doesn’t mean you can pick on people. Spoiled brat.” She said before taking another step forward, reaching for Yujin’s blazer, pulling her closer.


Everyone elicited a surprised gasp, not believing what they were currently witnessing. If everyone was shocked, Yujin was beyond surprised as she felt herself getting pulled closer by the younger woman. She wasn’t expecting that at all, she was frozen. She even dropped her soda on the floor in shock, the drink pouring over the clean tiled floor, as the can rolled over at the side.


Minjoo pursed her lips together, pressing herself tight for a while. Silence passed by, and everyone was just watching in amusement or bewilderment. Yeji, Jimin, and Chaewon’s mouths were dropped on the floor as they watched their friend hug Yujin in horror.


Yujin blinked, jasmine filled her lungs all of a sudden, she suddenly malfunctioned. “W-Why are you hugging me?” whispered the taller woman, heat traveling up to her cheeks but then, she finally felt it. A cold and wet sensation on her front


Minjoo pulled away, a smirk tugging past her lips as she looked down at Yujin’s equally drenched uniform. The latter was dumbfounded, trying to recover from the sudden hug. “Now, we’re even.” She haughtily said before running away out of the scene.


When Minjoo was out of the cafeteria, Ryujin chased after her. There was when Yujin just realized what the woman did to her. She looked down, seeing her white uniform drenched in iced tea.




Minjoo was wiping herself in one of the bathrooms of the school, she leaned over the sink while pouting. Her attempt on cleaning her shirt was a failure. She got herself a handkerchief but at what cost? The brown color of the iced tea tainted the expensive fabric greatly, and she needed to wash this immediately or else, the stain would never come off anymore, leaving a permanent brown-ish mark.


The door opened, and Minjoo just continued to do her own thing.


“There you are,” Ryujin’s familiar voice murmured, and finally, Minjoo looked over.


Ryujin walked over, holding a white shirt similar to her uniform, she was looking apologetic again which made Minjoo scoff. The woman had already done this countless times so Minjoo was used to it, but still, she did not get why Ryujin kept doing this. “No need to apologize on behalf of your devil of a cousin,” Minjoo spoke first, looking at her own reflection.


Taking a deep breath, Ryujin just nodded then handed her the uniform. Minjoo took it, confused. “It’s my extra. You can use it for a while, you can’t go around school with your iced tea drenched shirt. It’ll fit you.” She softly said, and this time, Minjoo took it gladly.


“Thank you, Ryujin.” Minjoo smiled at her before taking off her tie. “Why are you so kind while your cousin is extremely insufferable?”


Ryujin just shrugged, giving her a cat-like grin before excusing herself. She almost ran over Yeji who was rushing inside the bathroom. They almost collided, their eyes met briefly. Yeji tried to hold the eye-contact but Ryujin looked away, disappearing. The former’s sharp gaze followed Ryujin’s disappearing figure before walking inside to check on Minjoo who was changing shirts.


“Principal Kwon is asking you to go to her office.” Yeji said, and Minjoo could only sigh to herself, wanting to bash her head against the beautiful mirrors installed on the walls of the glamorous bathroom.


And there was when Minjoo found herself sitting in front of Principal Kwon’s desk, and Yujin, with new uniform too, sat comfortably on the couch, playing with a card boredly. Minjoo kept fidgeting, scared for her life that this news would reach her parents. She just didn’t want her parents to worry.


Principal Kwon was silent, eyeing them alternatively. Her hands were clasped together, and she was wearing a poker face look which made Minjoo extra nervous because Eunbi always looked chirpy but now, she looked very unamused.


“I heard everything from Yeji, and some other students of mine,” Eunbi finally broke the silence, starting with a statement like that. “So, this… has been going around for more than a month already.”


Minjoo hung her head down low, subtly pointing at Yujin because she wasn’t the one to blame anyway. “She started it, Principal Kwon.” She murmured with a tone full of honesty.


Yujin heard it, and she stopped playing with the card, looking over with furrowed brows. She did not say anything but she wasn’t pleased that Minjoo was pinning her.


Eunbi glanced at Yujin before Minjoo, “Of course, she started it,” She deadpanned, and leaned against the backrest of her swivel chair as she closed her eyes. It looked like it wasn’t the first time Yujin got called over. Yujin’s eyes widened, tilting her head in an unamused manner.


“What do you mean by that, auntie?” Yujin fired back but Eunbi raised her hand, gesturing to her to stop so the former did, rolling her eyes as she just laid down on the couch, smoothly playing the card with her hand. Minjoo watched their exchange silently.


So, it was true then, that they were related and close. She heard from Yeji that Principal Kwon was more like a mother to Yujin already so she wouldn’t tolerate the latter’s actions towards her. Judging by how Yujin shut when Eunbi made a gesture, the taller woman had a lot of respect for the principal. It looked like the principal would be her shield to Yujin.


“Yujin,” Eunbi called, her voice stern. “Sit here.” She pointed at the chair beside Minjoo. The latter sighed to herself, subtly scooting away. Yujin started to whine but when Eunbi gave her a sharp look, the soccer player complied, sulking beside Minjoo and was also leaning further away from the other woman as if she was carrying some deadly virus.


After that, both of them got some scolding from the principal – mostly Yujin only, actually. Because it was the truth that Minjoo just fought back twice and endured the little bullying.


“I do not tolerate such behavior, the school doesn’t tolerate those kinds of actions. You guys even made a scene earlier in the cafeteria.” Eunbi said, writing down something in her journal. Minjoo looked like a guilty puppy, pouting, and hanging her head down low while Yujin wasn’t looking at them, glancing outside silently.


“Both will be punished,” Minjoo deflated, and there was a smirk on Yujin’s lips after that. Minjoo saw it when she glanced, giving the taller woman a glare, murmuring a curse under her breath. “But of course, Minjoo will only receive light punishment. Both of you will scrub the gym floor clean later after school, yes – don’t look at me like that, and Yujin’s another punishment…” She paused, glancing at the two students who were giving her a look of horror, especially Minjoo who was practically begging through her gaze. “You will not play soccer for a month–” Yujin whined but Eunbi ignored her and continued. “And instead, pick leaves and sweep the field clean. That’s all.”


Yujin started to protest while Minjoo tried to suppress her evil laugh at the side, satisfied. Although it wasn’t that awful punishment, Yujin deserved something much worse. It was enough to put Minjoo’s heart and rage at ease.


Yujin noticed her and gave her a laugh, “What are you laughing at, new face?” She asked, gritting her teeth. Minjoo’s eyes narrowed. She’s not a new face anymore!


“Was that even an insult? You keep calling me that,” Minjoo snorted, and before Yujin could even say something, Eunbi cut their rising childish argument off.


“I take that back. You guys won’t be scrubbing the gym floor clean after school,” Eunbi firmly said with closed eyes. “But now! You guys will be excused in your afternoon classes so you can start cleaning. Go!”


They got kicked out of the principal’s office. Both of them stood by the door, unmoving. Minjoo was trying to sink in what was happening, everything wasn’t going according to her plan. All because she got involved with this brat named Ahn Yujin.


She glanced at the woman, and Yujin glanced back. When their eyes met, they immediately looked away and walked away in opposite directions with a huff.




Minjeong was peacefully reading a book under the tree. The weather was exceptionally perfect, and this fictional book that she was currently reading was simply good so she was enjoying herself under the shade. She flipped the page, continuing to read even though she felt and heard some light footsteps approaching her.


She did not even look up, and murmured, “What do you want?”


“Tell your friend to stop picking on Minjoo,”


Minjeong almost flinched at the familiar voice but she tried her best to look unaffected, even showing a forced grin before looking up. She was laying down so the person was looking down at her, looking displeased.


“Oh?” Minjeong exclaimed, faking a surprise, closing her book right away to pour her full attention to the woman. “Princess,” She said with a fake formal and sweet tone that made the woman roll her eyes in distaste at the annoying pet name.


“Tell Yujin to stop it. I get that she’s bored but picking on someone as if we’re in elementary school is pure childish.” The woman insisted, looking away.


Minjeong sat up, still looking up at her. “Jimin,” Her name rolled out of her tongue beautifully. She loved saying that pretty name anyway, she would never get tired of saying it. “Let them have some fun. We’re still in high school.”


Jimin’s eyes narrowed, sharpening as she stared down at Minjeong. The latter shivered at the look, subtly gulping but she did not back down, staring back with a playful smile playing on her lips. “You and Yujin never matured until now,” Jimin replied back instead after a few moments.


The smile on Minjeong’s lips faded, and she became serious because of that but she did not say anything. Letting Jimin scoff at her then turned away, walking out. Minjeong watched her go, and even until now, there was still this delicious ache in her chest whenever she would watch that figure turn and walk away from her. She shoved down the feeling and shook her head, continuing to read.


“What a mood killer,”




Never in her life, never in Yujin’s life she would ever think that she would have to scrub the floor clean as some sort of punishment or just… simply scrub the floor clean with any reason, she had servants to do that for her but look at her right now – in the gym, a mop on her hand, a bucket of water with scrubs on the side. She had to clean or else, her aunt Eunbi would give her even heavier punishment.


All of this because of…


Yujin bitterly glanced at Minjoo who was at the other side of the gym, already starting to diligently clean without a complaint. She was also wearing P.E. clothes because she wouldn’t be able to clean well with their uniform. She expertly wiped down the floor with determined eyes, as if she had done it in the past a million times. She was kneeling on the floor, and wiping the dirt stains on the floor with a towel and scrub, until it shone.


With a sigh, Yujin could only curse under her breath and started to lazily mop. “Crazy.”


“Oi,” Minjoo called from the other side, her voice echoing around the empty indoor gym. “Clean up properly. Don’t tell me you don’t know how? It’s a simple task yet you can’t still perform it well. Don’t just lazily mop around while talking about me.” shouted the older woman across the gym.


Yujin glared at her, harshly dipping the mop in the soapy bucket then wiped the floor with much force. “Infuriating.”


Minjoo did not like the attitude but she did not do anything, continuing to scrub.


Silence engulfed them, the only sounds that could be heard was the scrubbing and the noise of the mop getting dipped into the water.


Soon enough, Yujin got bored halfway, and she felt tired already so she stopped and sat on the bench with a sigh. Minjoo saw her, and shook her head. “Don’t tell me you’re tired already.”


“I am.” Yujin answered as she closed her eyes, leaning against the bench.


There were footsteps nearing, “Seriously? Your cleaning is so half-assed, as if you didn’t even make an effort. And you’re an athlete too, for god’s sake.” Minjoo pointed out, and Yujin fluttered her eyes open to give Minjoo a glare.


This woman was really getting on her nerves. She could make Yujin annoyed and childish whenever she would fight back, and it was annoying. She didn’t know. She was already over the bully phase of her life but for some reasons, Minjoo irked her after what happened that day on the soccer field. There was just something in her that satisfied Yujin whenever she would pick on her.


Minjoo looked absolutely funny whenever she was trying to hold herself back from snapping at her once again, the way her brows would deeply furrow when she was mad at Yujin, the way she would give her sharp glares whenever their eyes would meet – that was why she kept continuing to bother and annoy the hell out of the woman. There was just something in her reactions and expressions that kept enticing Yujin to fight her. She really caught Yujin’s attention because she was the first ever woman to ever fight back. Exciting, yet annoying, the sight of the woman alone could spoil her mood. Unreasonable, yes. But Yujin was always unreasonable, anyway.


Yujin huffed to herself, standing up, and walked back to her mop and bucket. Minjoo was standing there, wearing their P.E. attire, hand on her hip, one brow arched towards her, and with her hair tied up into a messy bun. Yujin’s stare lingered a little longer but no one seemed to notice, not even herself.


The athlete took the mop and a wicked idea came into her mind, childish it was. She dipped the mop in the bucket full of water, making some of the water splash out of the bucket. Unfortunately, Minjoo was standing just beside it. The water got poured over her shoes, and drenched the hem of her pants. She was shocked, squealing.


Yujin smirked at that but played obliviously before starting to mop. Minjoo looked at her in disbelief, annoyed.


And so, as a revenge, Minjoo unfolded the wet towel and also dipped it in the bucket. She then started to fling it mid-air to remove the excess water, making sure that she did that in front of Yujin who got drenched because of it.


“Hey!” Yujin yelled, looking at her with wide eyes, looking like a wet puppy.


Minjoo snorted, and was about to laugh but it turned into shriek anyway when Yujin swung the mop over her, the excess water from the mop splattering over her face. She wasn’t amused. And of course, as a form of revenge, she threw the wet towel on Yujin’s face.


“Bullseye!” Minjoo happily exclaimed when the towel hit Yujin square in the face.


However, the taller woman, of course – did not like it. With gritted teeth, Yujin grabbed the bucket full of water, giving Minjoo a look and when she saw that the older woman was looking at her in horror as she slowly took a step back, she gave her a wide smirk.


“Put that down!” Minjoo pleaded, and Yujin just stuck her tongue out before surging forward, making Minjoo scream, running away, almost slipping twice as she climbed the bleachers, trying to run away from Yujin who was still holding the bucket of water, ready to dump it over her head.


“Come here! I’ll bathe you,” Yujin yelled in the middle of tired pants when Minjoo climbed onto the stage.


Minjoo gave her a middle finger, sticking her tongue out to mock her even more. Yujin sneered at her action, and tried to chase her again.


They did not even notice that they were having a fun time chasing each other like that, squeals and shouts filled the gym because of the two of them. They were out of character all of a sudden. They did not even notice that they had big genuine grins in their faces as they ran across the wet, slippery floor.


Finally, Minjoo successfully slipped, rolling on the floor which made Yujin guffaw but when she ran over, she also almost slipped which made Minjoo laugh at her, trying to crawl away when the taller woman managed to balance herself, marching towards her with her water bucket – giving her a devilish grin. Minjoo stared at her in horror.


“Don’t dump that to me! It’s so dirty, Yujin!” Minjoo warned, still crawling away while pointing at her. “I swear to god, you’ll regret it.” She firmly said but Yujin kept advancing forward, raising the bucket. “Please, Yujin! It smells awful. I’m drenched enough.”


Yujin snorted at her, mocking. “Now, you’re begging.” She was amused, and then, she thought of it thoroughly. “Mm’kay, I won’t dump this over you but under one condition,” She offered, and Minjoo nodded at her furiously, waiting for her to say her condition. “Tell aunt Eunbi to lift up my other punishment. Even if you have to beg her.”


Minjoo rolled her eyes at that, “You deserve harsher punishment than that after all the torment you’ve put me into for almost a month!”


Yujin attempted to pour the dirty water on her but then, Minjoo clung onto her, “Come on, now, play fair!” She murmured, tugging Yujin’s shirt to pull her closer. The latter just rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips but before she could even say something – there was a cough coming from the other side of the gym.


Both her and Minjoo looked over, seeing two people near the entrance. It was a surprised Ryujin and an awkward Yeji, giving them confused yet amused looks. “Just… what is happening here? You guys look like a cute couple playing around,” Ryujin commented quietly.


Yujin and Minjoo flew away from one another after their eyes met and realized the position they were in, as if they got burned, composing their own selves. “It’s nothing, I’m trying to dump the dirty water on her.” Yujin immediately reasoned out, coughing. She realized that it was out of her character to act childish around Minjoo like that. It was… good childish, and not evil childish.


“W-What are you guys doing here? We’re doing our punishment, almost done,” Minjoo stammered, also surprised that they were like that earlier. She wasn’t expecting that she had fun playing around with her enemy like that.


Yeji cleared , giving her friend a look. “Principal Kwon told me to check up on you two, she’s worried that you guys might be strangling each other to death but much to my surprise, you guys are…” Her voice trailed off in a teasing way which made Minjoo and Yujin glare at her.


“It’s not what you think!” They shouted in sync, surprising their own selves and the two newcomers. “We hate each other.” They added in sync. Because of that, they looked at each other in disbelief, looking away at the same time too with blush in their cheeks.


Yeji was amused while Ryujin was silently observing them. “I heard from Yeji about the punishment so I went along to check,” Ryujin said, and sighed to herself.


After that, Yeji took a step backward. “You guys continue cleaning, I’ll report to Principal Kwon. No water pouring, please. Don’t take a shower here in the gym. There are bathrooms in there where you could shower.” She said with a soft smile, giving Minjoo a meaningful look before walking away but stopped when she realized that Ryujin wasn’t moving, just staring at her cousin and Minjoo who was awkwardly standing there.


Yeji sighed, and dragged Ryujin along. “Let’s leave them alone to clean.”


Ryujin hummed, and glanced over her shoulders, letting Yeji drag her out. “Looks like they’re getting along now, finally.” She whispered.


Yeji gave her a look, “That’s great then.”




Yujin and Minjoo finished cleaning in silence. The latter volunteered to take the tools back so Yujin was left in the gym while Minjoo went to take back the cleaning supplies inside the storage room. But when she got back, Yujin was nowhere to be seen anymore.


Of course, what was Minjoo expecting anyway. With a sigh, Minjoo silently exited the gym, ready to go home because it was getting late. Much to her surprise, she spotted a familiar figure at the side, crouching and seemingly talking to something? Minjoo went closer.


Yujin was petting a cat, and the latter kept delightly purring, leaning against Yujin’s touch. “Thankfully, I brought some cat food today.” She talked to herself, taking something out of her bag – a can of cat food. She opened it then fed it to the sweet black cat. Yujin sat there, smiling as she watched the cat eat the food delightfully, not even noticing Minjoo watching from behind her with a fond smile.


“Didn’t know you’re fond of cats,” Minjoo finally spoke, almost scaring Yujin to death.


Yujin stood up and glared at Minjoo, “Don’t tell anyone about this.” She warned before walking away. Minjoo scoffed, and followed Yujin after glancing at the happy cat.


“Oh, how scandalous? The great Ahn Yujin is actually kind to animals? And even brings some cat food inside the school so she can feed it to the stray cat,” Minjoo said with a dead tone, and Yujin just gave her a death glare.


Yujin scoffed, “Stray animals aren’t allowed here but that cat keeps sneaking inside the school premises so yeah,” She quietly explained, and did not elaborate on it further.


Minjoo looked at Yujin’s broad back. Well, it looked like she still had some kindness in her heart, it was such a pity that she had no kindness for people though. But hey, it was nice knowing that someone like Yujin still had some soft spots for animals, which was something great. All Yujin did was to pester and annoy the hell out of her so seeing something like this was shocking for her.


They were on their way towards the gates of the school, when Minjoo finally decided to say something. “Sorry,” She mumbled, finally lowering her pride. “For what I did that day, and for keeping fighting back at you. I just don’t want any further trouble anymore. I’m planning to graduate in a breeze..”


Yujin stopped in her tracks, turning to the older woman with a surprised gaze. “Good,” She replied plainly before turning away to continue walking, leaving Minjoo dumbfounded.


“What the… you won’t apologize back? You clearly started this and keep bullying me!” Minjoo whined, and ran to catch up with Yujin, blocking her way.


Yujin’s eyes narrowed, “You’re annoying.”


Minjoo’s brow arched. “You’re more annoying, Ahn. I should let you know that.” She fired back


With a sigh, Yujin just walked past her, going to the parking lot. Minjoo did not follow but she did watch. Yujin entered a luxurious car, and drove away just like that. Mimjoo could only scoff to herself, walking home while kicking some pebbles away to pent out her frustration.


“Filthy rich people are so insufferable.”




Minjeong scooted closer to Yujin when the youngest sat on the couch beside her, her eyes were glimmering in interest. “So… I heard what happened in the gym from Ryujin.” She said, smiling brightly and teasingly. “It sounded like you really did have some fun with that girl you’ve been picking on for a month now.”


Yujin gave her a ridiculous look. “Fun? She kept splashing dirty water on me.” She whispered to herself then grabbed a book from the table, reading it.


Kazuha appeared from the side, holding a tray with three glasses full of juice then placed it on top of the table. She got one, and sunk into one of the cushioned seats. “Stop picking on that girl, Chaewon keeps telling me that Minjoo’s having a hard time. Apparently, some kids are also picking on her now too because they see that you’re pretty hostile around her.” She said, taking a sip.


Yujin did not say anything but to them, silent Yujin meant guilty Yujin. Minjeong glanced at Kazuha who was also looking at her. Usually, whenever they were talking about Minjoo, Yujin would be so annoyed and she would keep saying stuff but now, complete silence. The woman was quiet and wasn’t even saying anything, pretending they weren’t existing. She was thinking and was guilty.


Kazuha took a long sip before standing up from her couch. “I have a lunch date with Chaewon so I’ll just fetch her. See you guys around.” She said, and coolly walked off the situation. But before she could even walk off entirely, she glanced at Yujin again. “Oh yeah, Principal Kwon is telling you to go to her office.” And she closed the door.


Yujin just hummed in acknowledgement.


Minjeong just snorted and glanced at Yujin, the latter was still silent and flipping the pages of the book absentmindedly. “Jimin came up to me just to tell me to off, and tell you to off from Minjoo.”


That got Yujin’s attention, the younger woman stared at her. “Damn, Jimin-unnie approached you first?” She clarified.


Minjeong shrugged, “She rarely approach me after what happened but whenever she does, she’s always telling me to off.” She answered, her voice laced with something close to bitterness and sorrow.


Yujin gave her a look and Minjeong just laughed at her, “You don’t want her mad, Yujin.” She playfully said.


Yujin scoffed at that, standing up then walked away before saying, “You’re just still scared of her.” She commented and then walked out of their hideout, leaving Minjeong alone there.


Chuckling to herself, Minjeong stared at the ceiling, her smile fading. “I am.”


Yujin went to her aunt, not even bothering knocking on the door. She just opened and made a bee-line towards the couch, plopping herself there while the older woman looked at her with a menacing look. “Why, hello to you too, Miss Ahn.”


Yujin gave her a bored and unamused stare. “What’s the deal now, auntie? If you’re still going to insist that I should attend that goddamn seminar in SNU—”


“Did you bribe Minjoo or something?” Eunbi asked seriously, crossing her arms. Yujin looked at her in confusion.


Eunbi sighed, fixing her glasses that were perched on the bridge of her nose, “She came to me this morning and she asked me to lift up your other punishment.” She said, and Yujin was taken aback, in a daze. Eunbi got the hint that her niece did not do anything to the girl. “Alright, your reaction gave way.”


Yujin tilted her head, sitting up properly, “She really came to you to ask that?” She clarified.


The principal hummed, “Yeah. And what did you do?”


Yujin awkwardly shifted, scratching her ear. “We kind of had a deal? And I guess we’re even now after wiping the gym floor clean. I have no plans picking on her anymore. I feel like a child or something.” She honestly told her.


Eunbi looked pleased. “Minjoo told me that you and her finally made up,” She revealed and rubbed her nose, “And yeah. You’re so childish Ahn Yujin. I thought you’re over that phase already?”


Yujin winced at that, “She just annoyed me. I’ll try my best to not pick on her anymore.” She paused then commented absentmindedly. “She’s just funny whenever I infuriate her. I’ve never gotten such a fearless reaction whenever I’m speaking to someone.”


The principal’s lips were pressed together, now unamused at what her niece just said. “Stop annoying the poor scholar, Yujin. She just wants to attend school peacefully.”


“She shouldn’t have messed with me, then,” Yujin commented at the side, playing with the plant that was on the table beside the couch.


Eunbi’s eyes narrowed. Her niece could be really troublesome. She always had issues with Yujin because of her temper and irrationality but she could be lovely, too. “You started and— no, don’t even open your mouth— she’s my scholar, Yujin. Get along with her. She’s a nice kid. If it wasn’t for her, I’m probably dead now.” She said, pointing it out.


Yujin obviously did not like what she had said. “Auntie…”


“Hey, it’s true.” Eunbi said, shrugging. Being in a powerful family could be really a handful sometimes. She’s lucky enough that Minjoo was there, doing her job. Although the culprits were already behind bars because of the attempt, Minjoo’s heroic act shouldn’t be forgotten. If it weren't for that beautiful scholar, Eunbi would probably not be in her office now — in the world.


“Just… be nice, okay? That girl saved your favorite auntie’s life.” Eunbi said, Yujin whined silently. “I’m sure you two will get along very well. Both stubborn.”


Yujin already considered that, she planned not to do anything bad anymore to the woman but she doesn’t want to admit that out loud anymore because they might think that she had this soft spot for Minjoo now or whatever. She didn’t want to be misunderstood.




“I don’t know why Yujin can be so… petty and childish. We were best buds before and she never acted like this.” Yena said with full.


Chaewon slapped her arm lightly, “Don’t talk while your mouth is full, Choi Yena. Disgusting. Look at those crumbs falling off from your filthy mouth.” She grumbled, getting some tissues then shoved it into Yena’s face.


Minjoo chuckled, taking a bite from her sandwich. “You mentioned that you guys were in this… video game club of Diamond when you guys were in middle school?” She asked.


Yena nodded, wiping then swallowed her food first, “Yep, we were best buddies back then. She was just a huge nerd, y’know? She never cared much for others and had her own world. It’s really amusing that she became like this.” She replied back.


Choi Yena was Chaewon’s childhood friend, also good friends with Jimin and Yeji too because Yena used to stick close with Chaewon until she got into another section and had different classes, and schedules. She was also an athlete, tennis. However, what caught Minjoo’s attention was when Jimin pointed out that Yena started to hang out less with them after Chaewon and Kazuha started to date.


( Chaewon pinched Yena’s side as the latter sat down next to her after their countless insistence.


“You annoying , I’m really thinking that you’ve been avoiding me these past few months.” Chaewon rolled her eyes while Yena just coolly glanced at her.


“I’m a busy woman, Chaewon.” Yena excused.


Yeji scoffed playfully, “Busy woman my .”


“Ever since Chaewon and Kazuha started to date, you’re always been missing in action. We never traded you for Kazuha, Yena.” Jimin suddenly pointed out which made something shift in the air. Chaewon remained oblivious while Minjoo was confused.


Yena cleared and ignored them, stretching her hand towards Minjoo for a handshake, “Minjoo, right?” )


When Minjoo met Yena, her first impression was that the latter was a complete airhead because of the way she acted but the woman was very cool. Minjoo liked her humor, she got along with her nicely.


“Anyway,” Yena continued, glancing at Chaewon who was moping beside her. “What’s with you this time?”


Chaewon weakly glanced at her, “Me and Zuha were supposed to have a lunch date today.” She murmured sadly, Jimin chuckled at the side which made Chaewon glare at her.


Yena was attentively listening to her friend while Minjoo observed quietly. Yeji asked, “Oh yeah… that’s why I’m curious why you’re here with us since last time I knew. You were bombarding the group chat last night about your date with her today.” She was simply curious.


Chaewon continued to share what happened earlier. “We were about to go out but her… I don’t know. Someone called and she had to drop everything. She was looking forward to today’s date too. I was so excited but I understood anyway. We can have a date next time.” She explained, and everyone was aware why the woman was acting sad and grumpy the moment she sat on her seat with furrowed brows.


Jimim sighed dramatically, “You’re dating a busy woman, after all. Find someone else instead, who’s always around… great example is Yena.” She started to comment, pointing at the older woman who was about to take a bite on her sandwich but stopped halfway because her name was mentioned.


Minjoo’s brow arched in curiosity. She was feeling something.


Chaewon frowned, “What?” exclaimed the woman, Yena also said it with her. They looked at each other because of their sync reaction.


Yeji sighed quietly, nudging Jimin. However, the latter kept on going. “Well, Yena’s always around Chaewon. She cancels her plans with others so she can be with Chaewon. I don’t know… I just want someone like her to be with you, Chae. Kazuha is always busy and not around.” She said, as if it wouldn’t create tension on the table.


Yena looked awkward, as if a deer caught under a headlight. Minjoo did not in, silently watching in interest.


Chaewon frowned, “What are you trying to imply, Jimin? You don’t like her for me because of the simple reason that she had an emergency and couldn’t have a date with me or is it because you don’t want me to be involved with her.” She said through gritted teeth.


Jimin obviously went tense because of that emphasized word. Yena looked alarmed and immediately stood up, trying to urge Chaewon to stand up. “Alright! Let’s grab some coffee, my treat, y’all.” She tried to ease the tension by dragging one of them away from another. But Chaewon was fuming, it did not help that she was in a bad mood because of her canceled date with Kazuha.


Jimin finally realized her mistake but it looked like she wanted to settle that ‘her’ matter first before apologizing, “It’s not it, Chaewon—” Chaewon looked really bitter, huffing.


“Oh, it is, Jimin. Me and Zuha are out of your and Minjeong’s business. We’re happy and can you just please let us be? Don’t drag us to your beef.” Chaewon spat, obviously upset.


“Uhh, did I come at the wrong time?” A familiar voice piped in. They all turned to the owner of the voice. It was Yujin who looked very awkward when she came at a very… wrong time.


Minjoo bit her lower lip, “What brings you here?” She murmured, looking up to meet her worried gaze.


Yujin stared back, “Just to tell you that I won’t pick on you anymore because aunt Eunbi practically begged me to? And to give this,” She said, showing a can of soda then placed it in front of Minjoo. “To express my gratitude because you asked aunt Eunbi to lift up my punishment.” She cleared .


Minjoo didn’t know if Yujin came at the right or wrong time. The two might fight if Yujin did not in… but it’s so awkward she approached in this kind of situation just to tell her that.


“Thank you?” Minjoo was unsure but she took the soda anyway. Yujin just glanced at them all silently.


Chaewon sighed after a moment, standing up. She gave Jimin a very disapproving look before walking away, dragging an apologetic Yena with her.


Everyone was stunned and silent, especially Jimin who looked very guilty.


Jimin sighed heavily, ruffling her hair in frustration. “I ed things up, didn’t I?” She looked very solemn for upsetting her friend like that.


Yeji couldn’t lie, “Yeah,” She responded then added. “She made a point.” Jimin gave Yeji a ridiculous look as if to say, ‘wow, you helped’.


After that, Jimin asked Yeji to go with her to the washroom because she might bash her head into the mirror if no one would supervise her, leaving Minjoo there alone at the table, sighing to herself. Well, friend quarrels were normal. She and Yuri had some fights like that too, especially when Yuri dated this fishy guy in middle school. It was just awkward for her since she didn’t know the full story yet about Jimin and Kim Minjeong, and why Jimin was so furious at the latter to the point she doesn’t even want her friend to be involved with Minjeong’s friend.


She could only sigh, flinching in surprise when Yujin sat across her table, oh yeah… she almost forgot this one.


“Do you know what’s the deal with them?” Yujin asked, and snorted, “I feel like I know…”


Minjoo glared at her, “Don’t poke your nose into other people’s business,” She nagged which made Yujin scoff.


“It’s about Chaewon and Kazuha dating but Jimin is a little bit…” Yujin started to gesture at some weird stuff but Minjoo got the thought. “I know that issue well. Jimin-unnie is still holding a grudge.”


“Can’t relate much since I don’t know the story of Jimin and your friend,” Minjoo answered, caressing the chilled can of soda Yujin gave to her.


Yujin hummed, “I know everything. Do you want me to tell you? They won’t mind for sure,” She offered nonchalantly. Minjoo knew she shouldn’t even take up that offer but it was very tempting, sooner or later, Yeji would tell her anyway. Curiosity was eating Minjoo up already, so she conceded.


“Is this you making up for all the headaches you gave me?” Minjoo asked, half-joking.


Yujin shrugged but she played along slightly, “Hmm, maybe.”


Minjoo chuckled lightly at that,”Okay storyteller, share me the story.” She replied but Yujin stood up instead of saeking.


“Too many nosy people, come, let’s go somewhere else.” Yujin said then started to walk away, not even waiting for Minjoo who was rushing to fix her things first.


“Hey, wait up!”


It was funny that Minjoo was really going to go with Yujin alone just so they could talk about their friends when a few days ago, Minjoo was just thinking about some ways how she would be able to put a cockroach in Yujin’s bag as revenge, to make her feel satisfied after what she had been through because of the taller woman herself.


Yujin already indirectly said her apologies, and she even expressed her gratitude through giving her a drink, which Minjoo hoped that it wasn’t poisoned. Nevertheless, it was better that Yujin was warming up to her, being enemies with her was a bad idea because she was annoying to fight with.




Jimin and Minjeong were childhood friends like Chaewon and Yena in some ways. They also grew up together, inseparable. Because their dads were friends and business partners — they were usually together.


Jimin was actually their little group’s princess when they were younger. Even Yujin was close with Jimin before until a few years ago. A storm came which left Jimin bitter and furious.


First, Minjeong’s dad betrayed her dad, doing a scheme behind his back. Their relationship got tainted a little bit because of the conflict between their families but they did not let it damage them further. What really made Jimin drift further and get angry at the woman was an entirely different reason. This fact just enhanced her anger and bitterness even more.


You see, Jimin and Minjeong liked each other romantically. But it was an unspoken fact between them, they never really discussed it much, both were cowards and it felt like it wasn’t a good time to confess and be together because of the conflict between their fathers.


Almost everyone knows that Jimin likes Minjeong, and Minjeong likes Jimin. Maybe, even more than that.


But that connection changed after Minjeong dated someone else that wasn’t Jimin.


Jimin felt like she was betrayed, and that was the start of her rage and hatred for her childhood best friend. After that, she cut off her friendship with Minjeong and the ones who were close with her. She avoided them as much as possible, pretending that they never existed.


The woman Jimin once adored, she became the woman she hated the most. So ironic.


“I would feel the same,” Minjoo murmured to herself, drinking the soda that Yujin gave to her. “I think Minjeong somehow already gave a … some sort of assurance that it would be Jimin only but? Your friend turned out to be an . Sorry not sorry for the term. She also loved to laugh at me like I was some sort of a clown whenever you pick on me.” Minjoo continued to say, unfiltered.


Yujin chuckled, “You don’t even know the other side of the coin, Kim.” She responded.


Minjoo sighed, “My friend got hurt badly, the end.”


They were in Yujin and her friend's ‘hide-out’. She never expected that she would take a step inside of this infamous… restricted, exclusive place for the four women. She was hesitant at first but Yujin looked pissed when Minjoo kept asking if it was alright for her to go inside.


Minjoo thought the place was very nice, ah, privileges really. She loved the interior and she was surprised at how spacious it was, her eyes sparkled at the sight of the huge bookshelves. Minjoo was also amused when she saw a billiard there, and even some arcade machines for entertainment. There was a freaking second floor, and Yujin told her that there was a theater room there where they could watch some movies or sleep. Was that even allowed…?


Minjoo wondered once the four of them graduated, what would happen to that beautiful place? She saved that question for later.


To Yujin, she never expected that she would bring Minjoo there in their spot too. She just needed some peace, hence, she dragged her here to talk. The other three would be amused once they learn that the woman Yujin least expected to bring here was there. They never really bring other people here unless they were really close in their group of friends.


Yujin was laying down on the couch while Minjoo was awkwardly sitting on one of the comfortable chairs.


“Minjeong was also hurt,” Yujin defended.


Minjoo scoffed, as if she heard something stupid. “She dated another person while having feelings for Jimin, and you’re telling me she’s hurt?” snickered the woman.


Yujin rolled her eyes, “Hear me out first, will you? God, I shouldn’t have offered to tell you if I just knew you would keep being biased.” She said with a frown, playing with a fidget spinner.


“Hah, too late,” Minjoo said flatly. “Okay, I’ll listen to Minjeong’s side of the story.”


Yujin gave her a look, “You sound so disinterested.” She pointed out.


Minjoo frowned, “Wow! Can’t wait to hear Minjeong’s side of the story. It’ll be fantastic for sure!” She faked chirping which made Yujin wince at her.


“You’re really goddamn annoying. I just wanted to be nice to you because of aunt Eunbi but you’re still so irritating.” Yujin commented, Minjoo stuck her tongue out childishly but instead of fighting back, Yujin just rolled her eyes and continued to talk about Minjeong.


It was funny how they were in each other’s throats for almost a month yet here they were, gossiping with each other in an exclusive place that Yujin partially owned.


Character development, finally?


And so, Yujin finally summarized what happened in Minjeong’s part that left Minjoo slightly speechless. Apparently, Minjeong also didn’t like what happened too, and it was discovered by her family that she liked girls. They didn’t really care about her uality, however, they didn’t like Jimin for her and forced her to go out with a business partner’s lesbian daughter instead or they would refuse to support Minjeong with her needs. They also threatened that they would tell the chairman of YJ Group that his daughter was having a romantic affair with her so Minjeong couldn’t refuse.


But when she was about to explain everything, Jimin already deeply resented her, shoving her away before she could even spout a word so Minjeong was defeated and let her be instead.


“Damn, rich people drama…” Minjoo commented first, and she slightly pity Minjeong because of what she heard.


Yujin shrugged, slightly satisfied that Minjoo was showing sympathy now that she heard the other side of the story. “It’s actually much more complicated than what I’ve told you, to be honest. Their situation is pretty intimidating. Powerful families can be really terrifying.” She replied, stretching her arms, combing her fringes absentmindedly.


“How about yours?” Minjoo asked, without thinking twice.


Yujin gave it a different meaning though, she squinted her eyes on Minjoo then a sheepish and teasing grin formed in her lips. “Oh?” She exclaimed softly yet firmly, as if she was trying to emphasize something. “Interested in me now, are we?” teased the younger woman, smirking as she leaned over to annoy Minjoo further.


Minjoo yelped, scooting further into the couch until she couldn’t move anymore, so she pushed Yujin lightly on the shoulders because her face just kept on inching closer to her and it was making her uncomfortable. She didn’t even notice that she was blushing, “Stop it, I’m certainly not interested in you. I’m just curious!” She defended herself, Yujin continued to corner her until the latter was satisfied at her flustered reaction.


Without a word, Yujin leaned away and sat properly, crossing her arms before answering. “For a powerful family, mine is pretty chill? They don’t really care about me, to be honest, as long as I do well and do not shame them. Aunt Eunbi is the only one I like.” The younger woman then answered before standing up, leaning against the billiard table at the corner.


Minjoo scoffed, then why was she acting like a problem child who liked to bully for attention? Thankfully, Eunbi finally knocked some sense into her.


“Do you know how to play billiards?” asked Yujin out of the blue.


Minjoo tilted her head a little in confusion, “Why are you suddenly asking me? Are you interested in me now since you want to involve yourself with me in such things like this willingly?” She tried to attack, giving her a smug look.


Rolling her eyes, Yujin took a ball from the board and started to throw it mid-air and catch it, she continued to play with it as she conversed with Minjoo. “Hell no,” She retorted, and gave her a piercing look. “I’m just trying to get along with you like what my Aunt kept telling me. Can you like… cooperate? I’m trying my best not to be hostile with you.” She replied sassily.


With a sigh, Minjoo decided that maybe she should put an effort too. She didn’t want further troubles anymore, she got enough of them from this woman in front of her. She would just play the mature and better one, and not hold a grudge. Thank her soft heart!


“No, I do not play billiards,” Minjoo replied boredly as she roamed her gaze around the lavish entertainment room, eyeing a particular item hanging on the wall. “I do know how to throw some darts though.”


And that was the official unspoken agreement that they were finally on good terms.


Ever since then, Minjoo noticed that she kept on bumping with Yujin. She just kept on running onto the younger woman for some reason. Diamond is not that big but still, they bumped into one another casually. It was kind of bewildering at first, especially that Yujin would always give her a glance whenever they crossed paths, and Minjeong would greet her loudly, spoiling Jimin’s mood entirely if she was with her. Before, Yujin would immediately give her glares and give out ridiculous unprovoked comments so it was still new to her.


But it was a refreshing change, she didn’t feel too… scared and worried coming to school anymore. It was just pretty annoying that fate kept bringing her and Yujin closer like they should be friends or what.


In class, she got partnered up with Yujin for some reporting and they had little argument but settled it in the end anyway. Yujin was insanely smart, and her ideas clashed against Minjoo’s. Then, whenever she was running an errand for Eunbi, she would always spot Yujin inside the older woman’s office without fail and had to talk with her until Eunbi arrived. Another encounter was they became partners in their Physical Education class too and it was annoying as hell.


Unlike Yujin, Minjoo wasn’t athletic. She was clumsy and limpy. She wasn’t great at sports and other physical activities at all so keeping up with Yujin was hell. Although she noticed that Yujin would subtly slow her pace so she could keep up, it wasn’t enough. Especially when their instructor started to become goofy all of a sudden and decided to start a ‘couple relay race’. The partners’ feet would be tied up to one another and run towards the finish line.


Minjoo did not even pay mind to the envious glances of her classmates because she was going to run with Yujin. She was just so worried as hell because she certainly wouldn’t be able to keep up and run fast like her! She was actually going to tell their teacher that they wouldn’t participate but Yujin was naturally competitive so in the end, Minjoo couldn’t convince Yujin not to do it as the latter grabbed a tie for them.


“Jesus Christ,” mumbled Minjoo under her breath as Yujin smirked at Ryujin smugly after giving a boasty comment about them winning. At least Ryujin looked worried for her. “Seriously, Yujin, I would just get dragged like a rag doll and you wouldn’t be able to run properly because I’m down on the track.”


Yujin rolled her eyes, and kneeled in front of her, not responding. Minjoo’s breath hitched when she saw Yujin do that and she did not know why, not like she wanted to know why she reacted that way.


Yujin grabbed her ankle gently, tying up the tie around it to her own ankle. She made sure that it wouldn’t wear off. Minjoo sighed to herself, and shook her head, yup, she couldn’t escape this.


After that, Yujin stood up and settled close beside her because the tie was restraining her from scooting her and Minjoo further away from another. They had no choice but to stand closely like that to each other, Minjoo did her best for their shoulders not to touch, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Okay, it did not help that Yujin smelled really good? Now, she wanted to ask what perfume she was using.


“Are you sure you can run with her?” Ryujin asked, walking to her with her partner, Yunjin who was also getting dragged but paid no care as she tapped furiously on her phone, playing a rhythm game.


Minjoo shook her head, “No.” She answered, dead-serious.


“She can.” Yujin replied at the same time.


Ryujin pressed her lips together and her gaze softened once it landed on Minjoo, reaching to pat her shoulder. “Be real careful, alright?” She murmured softly, and Minjoo smiled reassuringly at her, she had no choice anyway. “And you… mind your own partner, Yujin. Don’t let her fall over.” Her voice and eyes turned sharp when she turned to her cousin.


Yujin shrugged, and gave her cousin a serious look, as if she got slightly annoyed at the reminder. “If she falls, I’ll make sure to catch her and she won’t get hurt.” She said, her aura getting a little bit darker as she had a staring battle with Ryujin.


Minjoo felt herself shrink between the two cousins, “Alright,” She clapped her hands. “Coach Kim is already calling for us.” And that ended the slight tension between them.


Well, the race didn’t particularly go badly nor well. Minjoo kept on stumbling forward, and she just couldn’t really match Yujin’s pace so the latter kept on matching hers instead which made her groan everytime because they weren’t winning at all.


“Run, Minjoo!” Yujin urged, and it pressured Minjoo who was already panting heavily as they ran, she was really going to trip over if she just didn’t maintain her balance.


She almost fell if it wasn’t for Yujin, the latter’s reflex was fast. She held Minjoo’s arm before releasing a frustrated groan, wrapping her arm around the older woman’s shoulders instead because Minjoo was really limping already so she had to support.


Minjoo’s face was red, and she would like to think that it was because of the heat and not the tight hold of Yujin’s strong arm around her shoulders!


They finished third to last, Ryujin and Yunjin were the first. Yujin wasn’t entirely pleased with that but she was silent, gaping over Minjoo who was catching her breath and untied the tie that was binding them together. Yeji went over to give Minjoo some water, laughing at her.


Minjoo thought that Yujin was just slightly upset because of their ranking because she was silent and went over to the bench to sit, flexing the arm that she used to hold and support Minjoo so the latter went over to apologize awkwardly. “I told you, I’m not good at this.” She said, and Yujin glanced at her.


“It’s cool, although it did hurt my pride a little.” Yujin softly replied, and the older woman sighed in relief that Yujin did not hold a grudge. She was about to give her a smile and all when suddenly, the taller woman commented. “You run like a duck though.”


Minjoo slapped the towel that was draped on her shoulders to Yujin’s face while the latter just continued laughing, earning weird gazes from other people.


And another encounter when Minjoo was tasked to be the one who brings water for athletes’ practice since she wasn’t in any club. She had no objections since she had nothing to do anyway since it was club day or whatever you call that.


Ryujin noticed her and went over to get some water from her, she was sweating and looked tired from the laps. “Fancy seeing you here,” She said, smiling charmingly at her. Minjoo could’ve really fallen for Ryujin because she was naturally charming and kind. Maybe because Minjoo knew she was out of her league so she wouldn’t attempt.


“Hey,” Minjoo greeted back shortly, handing her a cold water. “Got tasked.”


Ryujin chirped at her brightly, “As much as I want to talk to you, I need to go back to the field.” She whispered, gesturing over behind her, looking slightly sad because their conversation was only short.


“Good luck, Ryu!” Minjoo cheered happily and genuinely, and Ryujin’s smile went bigger, skipping towards her teammates while Minjoo just followed her with her gaze, a smile still plastered on her lips.


“You better stay far or you’ll get hit again on the face.”


Minjoo almost jumped when she heard another familiar voice at the side, she looked over and frowned as Yujin appeared in her sight, towering over her as usual with pursed lips. She didn’t even notice her. “Geez, thanks for reminding me, hero.” She whispered, and took a cold water bottle then passed it to Yujin whose stare lingered. Shifting uncomfortably on her foot to another, she gave Yujin a look. “What?”


“No cheer for me but my cousin got it?” Yujin asked, and she was obviously teasing Minjoo but there was a hint of… something that Minjoo couldn’t pinpoint.


Rolling her eyes, Minjoo gave what Yujin wanted. “Hmm, break a leg, Yujin.”


Yujin’s eyes narrowed, catching the double-meaning of the phrase. “Wow, figuratively or literally?” She deadpanned, her brow arching.


Minjoo shrugged, a sneaky smirk crawling up to her lips to annoy Yujin even more. For some reason, riling Yujin up was fun. “Whatever fits the best for you.” She said, and poked her tongue out.


Yujin just scoffed and jogged towards the field while Minjoo was hit by the realization that she and Yujin were like casual friends that liked to joke around already. It was better than getting bullied.


She also spotted Yujin feeding the stray cat again (but he brought another one, must be his girlfriend!) at the back of the gym after their class and helped her get the cats some fresh water too.


All in all, Minjoo was just surprised at how often their paths crossed.


And now, she was surprised to also cross paths with her outside of the school. She did not expect this at all, like ever.


Yeji, Jimin, and Chaewon decided to stroll around the mall one weekend and of course, they tagged Minjoo along, and Yena also followed. Minjoo had nothing to do anyway since Yuri was away for some family trip. So, they casually met in the mall to hangout.


It was going well until Chaewon almost choked on her drink when she spotted some women entering the coffee shop they were currently in so the other three looked over, they were pretty surprised to see them too.


None other than the Diamond Four (don’t tell them that or they would literally judge you), they made their way towards the counter and ordered, the workers were starstruck but got their order anyway.


“What the hell are they doing here?” Jimin asked, pissed, because Minjeong was there.


Chaewon giggled, “Kazuha did not tell me that they’re going to hangout here, if I just knew…” She whispered under her breath. Yena snickered beside her which made Chaewon glare at her.


Minjoo reacted too. “No way they go here?” She was surprised because she thought people like them liked to hang out in much more lavish malls and other expensive places but they were just casually lingering around this… public mall.


Yena sipped on her drink, “They’re still people…?” She answered, slightly confused because they were surprised that the four were in a mall. “Is it really shocking to spot them here?” She was genuinely curious.


Yeji shrugged, silent, her eyes fixated on the four women.


Minjeong turned around, and spotted them almost immediately, her eyes lit up and pointed at them, “Oh? Would you look at that,” She chirped, grinning wildly at them already. The other three turned to where Minjeong was pointing and were surprised as well at their presence inside the establishment.


Minjeong made her way towards them, and patted Minjoo on the head which made the latter sigh, “Hey, new face.” She teased, her gaze moving over the table, and saw the scowling Jimin. “It’s really nice seeing you guys here.” She beamed, and sat on the table beside them. The other three followed after, settling on their own table minus for Kazuha who stood behind Chaewon’s chair.


“Kazuha,” Chaewon gave her an enthusiastic wave.


Kazuha smiled sweetly at her, “Chae. Hey there.”


The atmosphere immediately went tense. Ryujin greeted Minjoo first, “Minjoo, it’s a coincidence to meet you here outside school.” She softly said, and looked over to the people who were with the woman, giving them a nod to acknowledge them. “Hello.”


“Excuse me,” Jimin suddenly excused herself, standing from her seat then walking to the bathroom. No one really batted an eye, and let her be, they all knew why she was trying to run away.


Minjeong sighed softly, thinking for a little bit before standing from her own seat, earning attention from the people seated on the two tables. “I’ll just go to the bathroom too.” She said smoothly before striding towards the bathroom where Jimin went.


“Do you think they will be okay?” Chaewon asked, turning her head towards the other table, asking Kazuha specifically who was still standing up behind Chaewon’s chair.


Kazuha reached for Chaewon, and patted her head. “They will be, don’t worry.” She assured her with a charming smile. Yena shrunk into her seat, looking away as she nibbled on the straw of her drink as if she wanted to walk out like Jimin.


Minjoo eyed the bathroom, slightly worried for her friend since she knew how much she disliked Minjeong. But it was a personal affair, and Kazuha said it herself that it would be fine.


Jimin was washing her face on the sink of the bathroom when the bathroom door opened, and there was a clicking of lock. She tried not to mind it and continued to wash her face with cold water until she heard footsteps approaching her.


“Can you like… hide your disgust and unprovoked annoyance when I’m around, at least? You’re kinda hurting my feelings.”


Jimin wasn’t too surprised to hear that familiar playful voice, the same voice that she used to adore so much. Too bad, the owner of that beautiful voice ed it all so bad. She turned off the running faucet and leaned onto the sink, droplets of water dribbling from her chin. She did not move, trying to calm herself down until she felt the presence getting closer.


She flinched when she felt something damping on her cheek. She jumped away, glaring at Minjeong who was trying to wipe her drenched face with her handkerchief.


“Go away,” Jimin hissed at her, harshly grabbing tissues from the side to use them to wipe her face and hands. “While I’m still being nice.” She added menacingly.


Minjeong faked an expression of pure horror, “. I’m so scared, I’m going to pee on my pants.” She said in the most exaggerated voice ever, earning a sharp glare from Jimin herself that made shut.


With a sigh, Minjeong leaned onto the wall. “It can’t be like this forever, Jimin. Let’s talk.” She sounded so serious that a shiver ran through Jimin’s spine.


“No need for such ,” Jimin insisted through gritted teeth, dumping the tissues into the trash can before swiftly giving Minjeong a glare. She was about to walk out when Minjeong blocked the door. “Get out of my way.” hissed the older woman, trying to shove the shorter woman out of the door but instead, Minjeong suddenly pinned her against the door — surprising her.


Minjeong shook her head, firmly holding her, “I’m tired of this , Jimin. I want to talk to you, listen to what I will say. Let’s talk about what happened between us.” She said through gritted teeth.


“Absolutely not! There’s nothing to talk about!” Jimin shrieked and pushed Minjeong away with her remaining strength, fumbling over the door then ran away, leaving the other woman sighing to herself.


Minjoo was the first one who noticed Jimin who was marching down towards their table, Jimin wordlessly grabbed her jacket and purse, earning confused looks from her friends. “I’ll go first guys, I’m sorry. I’ll send you guys a message, okay?” Jimin hastily said, and gave them an apologetic look before rushing away before one of them could speak.


“Be safe!” Yeji shouted immediately, and Jimin just waved at them as she dashed out of the establishment.


Minjeong followed after, looking slightly distressed then turned to look at the innocent Kazuha, grabbing her wrist. “Wha—” Kazuha exclaimed as Minjeong tugged at her.


“I’ll chase Jimin. I need you to drive me, I forgot to take my license with me so I can’t borrow your car.” Minjeong said in a serious tone.


Before Kazuha could even reject, Minjeong glared at her which was very… rare and she looked desperate and serious too so she cowered slightly at her shorter friend. She gave Chaewon a look, “I’ll call you later, Chaewon.”


“Drive safely, Zuha.” Chaewon could only softly mutter, and the two went out of the cafe too just like that, not even bothering to speak to Ryujin and Yujin anymore (who looked chill about it, by the way).


And once again, silence. The six of them remained, and the drinks that the newcomers ordered finally came but Kazuha and Minjeong already left before they were served.


Yujin looked over at Minjoo’s table, “You guys want some drinks? Minjeong ordered peach iced tea while Kazuha ordered chocolate frappuccino.” She said, taking her own americano then sipped from it.


Yena raised her hand voluntarily, “Can I get Minjeong’s iced tea?” asked the woman casually. Yujin instantly handed it to her, Yena happily drank it. Meanwhile, she placed Kazuha’s frappuccino in front of Minjoo.


“You must be tired from seeing that sudden drama, have a frap.” Yujin monotonously said, pursing her lips after then went back to her seat to drink her own order while staring at nowhere. She was unpredictable.


Minjoo stared at the drink awkwardly then to Chaewon. The latter got her signal and shook her head, saying that she was full and she could drink it. Minjoo turned to Yeji who also got herself some frappuccino so of course, she didn’t take it. With a sigh, Minjoo just decided to take it rather than throw it away. What a waste of money.


Ryujin spoke to break the awkward silence. “You guys want to walk around?” offered the woman, and they decided to go along.


The six of them walked in silence, minus Chaewon and Yena who were bickering over a petty arcade game they wanted to play.


Ryujin then scooted over to Minjoo to converse with her, “Sorry about my friends and their drama.” She apologized quietly, and Minjoo gave her an amused look.


“You should always stop apologizing on behalf of others, and it’s fine. I feel like I’m a supporting actress in a drama.” Minjoo responded back lightly with a smile.


They continued to talk like that, not noticing the two pairs of eyes boring holes into their backs. Yujin and Yeji did not speak to each other, too busy watching Minjoo and Ryujin talk a few steps ahead of them.


“Oh, ! I forgot that I need to accompany mom, she’ll kill me if I’m late.” Chaewon suddenly cursed when she glanced at her expensive wristwatch, and they all stopped to look at her.


Yena stretched her arms, yawning. “Let me drive you home.”


Chaewon looked at her friend smugly, “Duh, of course. You’re my driver. Let’s go, my personal driver.” She said, flipping her hair which made Yena scowl slightly but complied anyway.


After bidding each other goodbye, Chaewon dragged Yena by holding her hand, with the latter whining about how tight her grip was but Chaewon just told her to shut . And to be honest, they look cute together. Minjoo would like them to be together if it wasn’t just for Kazuha.


“Now, four of us are left,” Yeji stated the obvious, looking at them, she was awkward.


Yujin decided to be an and said, “Yes, we can clearly see that.” Minjoo kicked her lightly on the feet.


“Should we go home now too? To be honest, we just dropped by to get some drinks.” Ryujin suddenly said, slightly suffocated at the awkward aura. Minjoo felt the awkwardness too, she didn’t know why they were like that.


Yeji answered with, “Fine by me. I need to study.”


Minjoo also agreed. “Yeah, I need to look over my cousin.” She replied.


Ryujin then looked at Minjoo, “I can drive you h—”


“Yeji, your house is close to ICY Condominium, right?” Yujin cut her off, turning to Yeji who was just silently gaping at them. She was surprised that she was inserted but nodded nonetheless.


Yujin then looked over at her cousin, “Let’s be a gentlewoman. You drive Yeji with you, I’ll deal with this fox.” She gestured to Minjoo, the latter’s eyes narrowed at what she had called her.


Ryujin blinked, looking conflicted. Well, obviously, she wanted to drive Minjoo home but her cousin cornered her. Pressing her lips together, Ryujin intently eyed her cousin who was trying to act oblivious. “Alright.” She couldn’t refuse anyway, she shouldn’t act rude.


Yeji tried to refuse, blushing slightly. “A-Ah no need, I can take the bus.”


Ryujin just gave her a small smile, “It’s alright, I’ll pass by your house anyway.” She insisted so, Yeji was defeated. She looked over Minjoo and just sighed. “We’ll go now, drive safely, Yuj.”


Yujin and Minjoo watched Ryujin and Yeji walk away from them. Minjoo caught the smirk on Yujin’s lips, “Why are you looking so smug like that?” asked the woman, slightly pouty since she actually wanted to ride with Ryujin. She would like to have a genius talk with Ryujin. Unlike Yujin who loved to spout nonsense and — Ryujin was a great talker, she could relate to Minjoo in many conversations so it wasn’t awkward to be with her.


The smirk on Yujin’s lips instantly faded away and coughed, immediately reasoning out. “I’m just being supportive. Yeji obviously has something for my cousin.” Minjoo’s brow twitched and tried to think.


“...Oh really? I mean, I used to notice Yeji’s different gaze at Ryujin but I paid no mind to it, turns out — it does mean something.” Minjoo murmured to herself, audible enough for Yujin to hear.


Yujin nodded boredly, “Yeah, that’s why I’m just being nice to Yeji. Why? Are you against it? Do you like Ryujin, hmm?” the taller woman started to tease, leaning her face closer to Minjoo.


Minjoo blushed a little over that, not that she liked Ryujin that way, it just felt slightly bothersome to be teased like that to someone who wasn’t on her level. By this menace named Ahn Yujin too. “No, I do not like Ryujin that way.” She immediately answered, and there was somehow a flash of relief in Yujin’s eyes? Psh. She didn’t want her for her cousin!?


“Great,” Yujin shrugged then dragged her to the parking lot. “I’ll drive you home since aunt Eunbi might kill me if she ever heard that I left you here all alone like a little child.” She said, and Minjoo glared at her.


“Shut up, really.”


Minjoo just found herself inside Yujin’s flashy car. It was a Mercedes Benz, and it was very good looking and expensive but she was rather surprised at Yujin’s choice of car. She thought that the woman would at least have a Ferrari to boast about. Still, she was pleasantly amazed, it still wasn’t an average luxury car.


“I thought I would sit in a Lamborghini or something,” Minjoo commented to tease as she settled down on the leathered seat. Wow, her car smelled good.


Yujin buckled her own seatbelt and glanced over at Minjoo with a snort, “I don’t like flashy cars, you’ll get unwanted attention. I do have a Porsche that I rarely use though.” She said smoothly as she started the engine.


“What a flex,” Minjoo scoffed at her while Yujin gave her a smirk.


But then, Yujin still didn’t maneuver the car, the latter just stared at her so Minjoo uncomfortably shifted on her seat. Damn, why was she always feeling so affected whenever Yujin’s piercing gaze was on her. Was this trauma or what.


And Yujin leaned closer to her, which shocked Minjoo a lot, and pushed herself further at the corner while Yujin cornered her. “W-What the hell are you doing!?” Minjoo squeaked, her voice was high pitched.


Yujin rolled her eyes and reached behind her, and buckled the seatbelt for her, leaving Minjoo frozen. “Your seatbelt, ma’am.” She just replied and went back to her position on the driver’s seat after fixing Minjoo’s seatbelt.


Minjoo was speechless and embarrassed, her face was beet red as she grumbled under her breath. Yujin secretly smiled and drove out of the parking lot.


“I love this car the most, I got it using my own money.” Yujin suddenly blurted out when they were stuck in the usual Seoul traffic. Minjoo’s eyes bulged out.


“Excuse me what? Own money?” Minjoo asked, trying to clarify.


Yujin glanced at her, propping her elbow to the window of the car, resting her chin on top of her palm. Well, she looked attractive.


“Yeah, I have my own shares in our company and I invest. I saved up the money I got from my parents then I started to invest big money when I was fifteen.” Yujin boredly explained, and Minjoo could only sigh dreamily. Damn.


Surprisingly, Yujin was a decent talker throughout the whole drive. She also asked Minjoo to type her address at the GPS, and on their way there, their talk was lighthearted with little teasing. It was lovely, much to Minjoo’s surprise.


They finally reached their neighborhood, and Minjoo was slightly insecure that someone like Yujin would see her small house that couldn’t be compared to her palace-like mansion. Yujin stopped the car when the GPS told them that they arrived, and glanced outside the window.


“Is this the right address?” Yujin asked softly.


Minjoo murmured her answer, “Yes.”


Yujin hummed, staring outside still, eyeing Minjoo’s small simple house from the car. “What a lovely home.” She commented genuinely, and amazingly before turning off the car’s engine, hopping out of the car. It shocked Minjoo and also fumbled with her seatbelt to get out. She was confused at Yujin’s genuine reaction to the one-storey house.


Minjoo couldn’t even react when she saw Minseo by the gate, playing with her dolls. Her cousin immediately noticed her and beamed, running towards her. “Unnie!” She exclaimed happily.


Minjoo lit up, and opened the gate, scooping the child with her arms then peppered her with some kisses. “Hello, Minseo-ah! Did you eat already?” asked the woman.


“I already did, unnie!” Minseo beamed, and noticed another presence at the side, she curiously peeked at Yujin who was standing awkwardly outside the opened gate, looking at them. “Who is that… unnie?”


And Minjoo was once again reminded that Yujin was still here, she looked over and arched a brow at her. “Do you want to come inside?” She asked silently, not wanting to be rude.


Yujin was about to refuse when suddenly, Minseo tried to get off from Minjoo’s hold. When Minjoo placed her down she ran towards Yujin, looking up at her with sparkling eyes. Yujin stared back, not really knowing what to do so she smiled.


“Woah, unnie. Is she your friend? You finally have other friends besides the loud Yuri-unnie?” Minseo asked, obviously amazed, hugging her doll close. “You’re tall and pretty! You look like the actress Joo-unnie likes!”


Yujin tilted her head, and crouched down so she could easily talk with the child. “Hi there, thanks for the compliment little fella’. What’s your name, cutie pie?” She asked with a very soothing and soft tone that made Minjoo blink in amusement.


“Kim Minseo!” Minseo said enthusiastically. “What’s your name, unnie?”


“Ahn Yujin,” Yujin introduced herself with a grin. “Nice to meet you Minseo.” She said, stretching her hand for a little handshake. Minseo happily took Yujin’s bigger hand then shook it which made Yujin laugh wholeheartedly.


Wow, Minjoo was taken aback, she never expected this at all. Yujin was charming towards kids!?


“Oh, you’re back, Minjoo. I need to go to the office— Oh, hi there!” Mrs. Kim went outside, surprised to see an unfamiliar face. “Oh my, you’re beautiful!” She cooed upon seeing Yujin’s face and Minjoo got the second hand embarrassment.


Yujin’s cheeks flushed at the compliment, “Good afternoon, Mrs. Kim.” She politely and formally greeted with a bow while holding Minseo’s hand.


Minjoo’s mom was fawning over her, “Are you one of Minjoo’s friends in Diamond?” She asked, brighter than intended and Yujin just nodded then told her that she drove her here which shocked Minjoo to the core. She thought she would easily deny it. “Awe, that’s great! Thank you for taking care of our Minjoo. Please, make yourself home here. I’m glad to know that my Minmin has charming friends.”


Yujin gave Mrs. Kim a dimpled grin. “Thank you so much. I’m happy that I met Minjoo too.” She said, and Minjoo wanted to scoff at the side because of how fake Yujin was! Sugarcoating , what a liar.


“As much as I want to have a conversation with you, I’m running late for a meeting. Minjoo! Make sure to give Yujin some snacks. I’ll be going now. Minseo, behave, alright?” Mrs. Kim said, patting Yujin’s arm lightly with a chirp before excusing herself.


Minseo looked over at Yujin, “Unnie, are you going to stay here? Are you going to play with me?” asked the little child with a cute tone, it was very hard to resist.


Minjoo prepared for Yujin’s excuse but much to her shock again, Yujin smiled at Minseo and nodded before beaming. “Sure! Yujin-unnie can stay for a little while to play with Minseo~” She sang.


And so, Minjoo had no choice but to let Yujin inside the house. Thankfully, Yujin didn’t look at their house indifferently, she even looked comfortable in the living room as she played and conversed happily with Minjoo’s younger cousin while Minjoo prepared snacks.


She noticed that Minseo was really enjoying being with Yujin. The latter had an amazing energy that matched Minseo’s and they got along very well. Minjoo concluded that Yujin was simply good with kids. Not only at animals but children too? Ahn Yujin was surely full of surprises.


An hour later, Yujin finally told that she needed to be home. Minseo was sad over it but Yujin promised that she would play with her soon so Minjoo’s little cousin was delighted. They even made a pinky promise before Minjoo escorted Yujin back to her car.


The air around Yujin was light, and there was a small smile plastered on Yujin’s lips. It was really genuine and somehow, Minjoo’s heart melted knowing that Yujin looked happy because of Minseo, her little cousin.


“Didn’t know you’re also fond of children, not just cats,” Minjoo commented when they reached the gate.


Yujin’s smile dropped, and started to act coolly again. “I guess so,” She said, and halted in front of her car. Minjoo just watched her expression turn in a few seconds, as if she was hesitating but in the end, she managed to blurt out — “I enjoyed playing around with that kid. And your house is very homey.”


Minjoo didn’t even notice the smile that was plastered on her lips when she went inside her house while Yujin drove back to her own home.





A/N: hello! sorry for the delayed update huhu something came up yesterday so yep! i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! the next one might be the last~ hopefully, i’ll be able to update on time because it’s our midterm week… huhu i have to study hard !!! anyway, stay safe everyone! upvotes and comments are appreciated :D

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stray_zone21 #1
my comfort story
its4jenchulichaeng #2
Chapter 3: noooooo :( whyy summerzz?!! :( bye
hellifox #3
Chapter 3: summerz sad ending huhu
ray_scyyy #4
bluuuuuu #6
Chapter 5: I like this story very much. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story☺️
Chapter 5: what a nice special chapter 😊
bluejin #8
Chapter 4: im in love huhu
bluejin #9
Chapter 4: im in love huhu
Chapter 4: I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH you're my favourite jinjoo writer! Of course this one didn't disappoint! Looking forward for your future stories <3