Chapter 5: (Un)Premeditated conversation

Accidental attraction

The way home is kind of blurred for Kyuhyun. He's just way too perplexed by his own actions to pay more attention than necessary to his surroundings. His mind is filled with so many thoughts, yet feels empty as no one gets fully processed before another appears, leaving him in a state of deep confusion. He absentmindedly looks at the people entering and leaving his wagon, wondering if any of them would be this idiotic; taking so much time to realize something so obvious. And so suddenly, on top of that. You know, like he did just a few moments ago.

For the first time in his life, Kyuhyun feels helplessly stupid.

That feeling only grows when, upon arriving at his apartment, he receives a series of text messages from the origin of his internal conflict. It's dumb and it feels too short for his liking, but damn how much it makes Kyuhyun's heart beat.



- Let me know when you arrive home

- I had a lot of fun today ^^

- See you on Monday <3



But what's more foolish is the smile he wears as he reads it and writes his answer. He hesitates before sending it, but heck, he has already kissed him, a text message is nothing compared to that.



- I just got in my room

- Me too. Let's go somewhere next Saturday



And as he continues texting with Kanghoon to make plans for what could be their next date, Kyuhyun reaches a strange idea. Aren't they kind of dating?

After all, although the dramatic confession is part of a great amount of dramas and webtoons, in real life people don't always do that before going out and, usually, it tends to be a slower transition. A lot of the times dating, specially in the early stages, is all about hints, reading between lines and subtleties, not direct confrontation. However, Kyuhyun has always preferred straightforwardness and some awkwardness than wasting weeks with tortuous mind games, so he decides he'll talk (face to face, of course) with Kanghoon and clear what direction they're going on.

Before that, however, what he needs to clear is his mind.

So, a couple of hours later, when he finishes texting with Kanghoon, Kyuhyun starts to think deeply. He looks calm as he lies in his bed, yet he's experiencing a mini existential crisis. It's undeniable he likes Kanghoon, which is something surprising itself, but it's more shocking the other revelation this brings. His ual orientation, something he had always thought was clear and unambiguous, now seems diffuse. He may not be as straight as he had always thought, something he had never imagined could happen to him. The implications this fact alone carries are intimidating; prejudices, rejection, social isolation, the small possibility of his family and friends abandoning him... It's just too overwhelming.

However, if it's part of who he is, the very least he can do is accept it. So he thinks, rethinks, analyzes and overanalyzes all his life, the every interaction he has had with Kanghoon, all the things he has purposely and unconsciously ignored before. He discovers a few things and becomes aware of some other, yet he still feels lost. Is it even possible to like people from the same gender out of nowhere?

He resorts to the internet to resolve his doubts.

After putting a few keywords in his smartphone browser, Kyuhyun starts reading all the information he finds. There's, sadly, lots of links with fake or biased information, but they are easily spotted, mainly because of the lack of legitimate sources. However, most things he reads are not helpful. If anything, he's gotten more confused. He was brought up in a rather religious environment that, although not adverse, wasn't too friendly with LGBTQ either. And since he never really got into investigating about it before, it's a somewhat new world for him. A very confusing one.

The wikipedia articles, blog posts and videos he's consulted say pretty much he could be biual, but when taking some of those online tests of ‘discover what your ual orientation is’, the results seem inconclusive. Some say he's straight, some homoual, some he's under the ‘bi umbrella’ (a new term he's not familiar with)... There's even some that say he could be neither! How would that be possible, he doesn't know. Maybe he's thinking too much into every question asked and giving inaccurate answers. That or the lack of sleep is affecting him. He likes to think it's the tests fault, though. Some questions were pretty ambiguous. But dwelling on that isn't really going to help him.

And so, he decides to forget about labels for now. He won't be less of whatever he is just because of finding it later and whatever he is doesn't change who he likes. Also, understanding something like this in only one day doesn't seem plausible. For the time being, the most relevant information is that he likes Kanghoon and, to be honest, that's the only thing that really matters to him. So he focus instead on how to proceed with his relationship with said man. That seems more urgent and, frankly, more difficult.

He doubts the internet would be more helpful in this than it was in his other research and thinking by himself isn't going to help either, so he figures he needs to talk with someone to do clear his mind. And, although not completely willingly, he's going to do that. Now the question is who to call. Kyuhyun searches in his phone's contacts for the most suitable person.

Since he's going to include a sensitive topic such as uality in his talk, he needs someone who wouldn't judge him. Heechul and Ryeowook are very good prospects, yet they don't seem to be the best option. Kyuhyun has the feeling they'll laugh at him before anything, so the possibility of him closing up to then purposely ignore their advices is high. It wouldn't be efficient nor effective.

Kanghoon is out, obviously. He'll only talk with him once he has a better idea of what he wants with him.

Siwon is a no as well, he doesn't even know why does he have his number.

Telling Hyukjae could make sharing apartment uncomfortable if he doesn't take it well. Kyuhyun doesn't want to risk losing a living space with a location as good as this.

His list gets shorter and shorter as he mentally crosses names. He's never been the friendly type, so most of the numbers are from people he only meets with to drink. Clearly, that's not the level of closeness required for this.

He finally ends with only one number, which happens to be owned by the one person that could understand him the best. She's also the only one who knows his secret, so it's only with her that he can confide with full details about his encounters with Kanghoon, visions and stupid accidents included. She's actually his last resource, but given he didn't have much of them from the start, he sighs before calling her. He feels the anxiety grow as he waits for his call to be answered. Trying to distract himself, he starts practicing the words he's going to say, but before he can formulate a single coherent sentence, his sister's voice is heard through the line.

— Kyu? Did something happen? — The worry is notorious in her voice despite the sleepiness, something to be expected as it's 5:48 am. Maybe he should have waited a few hours to call, it's not like that could worsen his sleep deprived state. Though right now reassuring his sister is more important.

"I'm fine, noona. I'm on my room."

— Are you sure?

"Yes. I need to talk with you about something..."

— If you woke me up for nothing-! — Yep, he should have waited. — Wait... Is this about your power?

"It's loosely related... Do you remember I talked to you about a guy named Kanghoon?"

— The one with chronic accidents, right?

"That one." He sighs, trying to resume the situation as best as he can. "Apparently, he interpreted my actions to avoid the accidents as me flirting with him... And now it looks as if we're seeing each other."

— Just talk clearly with him and explain it was all a misunderstanding. It shouldn't be hard for you... Unless there's something you aren't telling me.

"Uhm... I guess he isn't wrong?" His voice fades as he says the last words, but it still reaches her ears perfectly.

— ...


— ...So you mean you feel... To him... In that way?

"Yeah... We even kissed."

— Oh, my god! — Her loud tone alarms Kyuhyun, but since there's no other of the usual signs of when she's angry at him, he waits. — You- Aish! Be here in the evening and explain every single detail to me. — Although commanding, her voice isn't hard, something that eases Kyuhyun's nerves a little. — And Kyu.


— No matter what, you'll always be my baby brother. Mom and dad will always love you as well. — There's no trace of lying in her words, only sincerity and affection. — And even mom and dad were to not take it well, I'm sure they'll eventually understand.

Kyuhyun feels some tears forming in his eyes despite not being the type to cry easily. He blames the lack of sleep even when he knows the real reason behind them. He wipes his eyes with one hand, hoping his state isn't noticeable in his voice. "I'm not a baby... But- thank you."

— No worries. Now let me see if I can sleep another hour or so. Bye.


And the call is ended. After hearing her words, a weight is lifted from Kyuhyun's shoulders. He doesn't understand anything yet, but knowing he won't be hated by his family brings such relief he thinks he may nap peacefully for a couple of hours.












Ahra, his sister, hums as she analyzes Kyuhyun's full explanation about his relationship with Kanghoon. She finishes her piece of chicken before telling him her assessment. "In my professional opinion, he's serious."

"Can't you elaborate?" Kyuhyun is sitting across her, barely touching his serving but taking constant sips from his beer. He doesn't want to get drunk, but oh goodness, he does need to drink.

Ahra puts more chicken in her plate while she talks. "From what you told me about him, Kanghoon-ssi seems to be the type who is serious with all his relationships. He probably has given this a lot of thinking and has concluded he can see you as a romantic partner. I doubt he would have initiated the kiss if he wasn't sure about commiting."

Kyuhyun almost chokes hearing her last words. "Isn't ‘commiting’ a word too big for this?"

"It definitely is, but you understand my point. He's not playing around nor using you as experimentation." She eats another piece of chicken before looking seriously at him. "But what matters to me is what you want to do. Do you want to keep seeing him or do you want to clear the misunderstanding? It was never in your intentions to woo him, though with your behavior anyone would find that hard to believe." Kyuhyun takes a pillow from the couch and (softly) hits her with it to make her stop laughing. It doesn't give the desired results, but she does holds back her laughter after some while.

Kyuhyun rubs his face with his hands, still insecure about the answer. "I'm still not sure... There are so many things to take into account."

Another mental dilemma starts for Kyuhyun, who analyzes the pros and cons, the possible consequences and the different challenges that either having a short or long term relationship with Kanghoon could entail. He exposes all his worries point by point to Ahra, who gets sick of all the pessimistic and exaggerated ifs Kyuhyun brings up.

"...if this lasts, we would eventually have to tell both families, don't you think? What if his parents don't take it well? He's very close with them, it would for sure affect him. I know mom and dad would like him after digesting that I wouldn't be in a relationship with a girl, he's very likeable, but I don't have that effect with everybody, some even find me irritating. And if that happens—" Ahra takes the pillow from Kyuhyun's arms and throws it at his face so he stops blabbering. "Hey!"

"Okay, calm down. You're thinking too deeply about this. You're not marrying him! It's not exactly a yes or no question, but there are primarily two options, going for the dating route or the ‘sorry, I didn't mean it in that way’ speech." Kyuhyun gets annoyed with the last part and throws the pillow back at her, but Ahra catches it with a smirk on her face.

"This is serious!"

"But not that serious." Ahra sighs as she retakes a less playful posture. "Just focus on this. Do you like Kanghoon?"

A blush appears in his cheeks, evidencing the embarrassment this question brings, but his voice is firm as he answers. "Yes."

"Would you be happy if you go out with him?"

Kyuhyun thinks deeply before answering. And despite the confusion and fear, he's sure about his answer. "Yes."

"Then, keep seeing him. Have more dates with him and get to know him better. And if you two feel it's right, start a relationship with him." With that, she starts eating again. "You'll have to discuss the serious stuff with Kanghoon-ssi instead of me, but that will be at its given time. You'll scare him if you tell him all that at once." Kyuhyun has to agree with this, maybe he was being too hardcore with his analysis.

"So that's it?"

"That's it."

"It was easier than I thought." Finally relaxing, Kyuhyun joins Ahra in the quest of making all the chicken disappear.

"Told you." She finishes her beer before sneering at him. "But seriously, how come you didn't notice until now you have feelings for him? Even Kanghoon-ssi noticed."

"I don't know. It just didn't make sense I out of nowhere was interested in a guy."

Ahra sighs dramatically before putting a hand in his shoulder. "Kyunnie, it wasn't out of nowhere."

"... What do you mean?" Kyuhyun looks at her baffled. If he himself didn't notice it, how can it be possible Ahra did? Apparently, he's more ignorant of his own feelings than he thought.

"You've shown interest in guys since you were younger. Your math teacher in third grade, your seatmate in sixth grade... Have you ever seen yourself when you see any of Sung Sikyung presentations? You look exactly like mom when she sees that actor she likes."

Kyuhyun looks at Ahra with wide open eyes, not believing something like that was possible. The thought of he liking a guy never crossed his mind before, but she connected everything from the start. That provokes mixed feelings in him. "...Why didn't you say anything before?"

She shrugs, not being sure of the answer either. "You did show interest in girls, so I thought there was no way you could like boys as well. It was easier to think you were straight."

"I guess... I myself didn't see it for so long and they were my own feelings."

"I can picture that perfectly." Shifting completely from her understanding position, Ahra goes back to teasing Kyuhyun. "You complained Kanghoon-ssi is oblivious, but you can be worse!" Not being able to hold herself back anymore, Ahra starts laughing at him again.

Unfortunately for Kyuhyun, she's right.













The weekend ended, giving place to the worst week day for a great part of the human population, Monday. To be honest, Kyuhyun is usually neutral about this dreadful day as it's when he only has two classes, but today it appears to be the most stressful day ever. Last night he slept like a baby thanks to his talk with his sister, but because of that he forgot to think about a minuscule, minium, tiny, enormous detail... How the heck is he supposed to act around Kanghoon after Saturday's events!? Read Saturday's events as in the kiss. A kiss that means a shift in their dynamics and in turn deserves an appropriate response.

If Kyuhyun weren't using all his willpower in paying attention to his class, he would be nervously overanalyzing all his previous interactions with Kanghoon in search for the confidence he previously had to act so shamelessly flirty. And since apparently he's very good at ignoring or denying his own feelings, he's successful until the class ends.

Then he panics again.

Just what should he do!? Be flirtatious? Nonchalant? Go straight to the point and ask him to talk with him? Kiss him again? The last one sounds good for sure, but predicting the correct timing is a hassle. Maybe as a greeting? Would that be too soon? He still has to talk with him, though. Knowing what direction they're in is going to help Kyuhyun know how to behave. Or at least that's what he expects. Wait, he doesn't know yet what to ask him. Nor how to act around him. Damn. He should have asked Ahra about this instead on letting himself be dragged in showing her pictures of Kanghoon. At least they both agreed he has fine looks.

Going back on track, he decides to trust the internet again and searches tips for ‘how to talk with your crush’. They're clearly meant for highschoolers, but since Kyuhyun feels like one right now, he looks into it. However, before he can find anything useful, his next class begins, pausing his internal conflict. He tries to pay extra attention, taking more notes than usual as the teacher resolves the example exercise. After all, to add to his problems, midterms are just around the corner, meaning he'll have more homework as preparation for the exams. The hardships of being a student.

His mind is scattered in different thoughts even after his class ends and he meets with Ryeowook. They leave the campus to buy something to eat, the perfect excuse for Kyuhyun to avoid thinking on Kanghoon and the awkwardness of not knowing how to behave. He still has enough time to sort that out before his shift starts, time when they would meet. With that in mind, Kyuhyun mentally avoids the topic once again.

So, when Kanghoon shows himself in the same place as Ryeowook and him went to eat at, Kyuhyun is unprepared.

The older guy doesn't notice him as he's talking with some friends of his, but that doesn't stop the younger's surprised, anxious gazing. Why does Kanghoon have to be so ing stunning? It's always nice to see him, but it isn't enjoyable in the least noticing the few appreciative looks other people throw at him. The downside of liking someone hot, he guesses. Not that those other people have any opportunity, unlike Kyuhyun who already kissed Kanghoon. A smug smile unconsciously forms in his face, something that is caught by Ryeowook.

"Okay, since there's no way you could put a face like that when hearing me talk about mold, I guess there's something you're not telling me." Kyuhyun looks at Ryeowook with a frown after hearing his words.

"Why were you talking about mold?"

"You would know that if you payed attention." He crosses his arms as he leans in the back of his chair. "Now spill the beans."

"There's nothing to spill."

"Sure. And your distraction has nothing to do with our Kanghoon hyung being over there." Ryeowook has since long noticed where Kyuhyun's attention was engrossed at.

"Why do you assume I was distracted by him?"

"Because you've been looking at him all the time since he arrived." So he wasn't as discreet as he thought.

To tell or not to tell Ryeowook, Kyuhyun still isn't sure. He trusts him and all, but he isn't exactly in the mood for Ryeowook's gossiping. He uses an excuse for the time being. "I'm just surprised to see him at this hour. We always meet at the store, so it's quite unusual." Well, it's partly true, so it's easier for Ryeowook to believe him.

The sightly older man averts his eyes before nodding. "Mhmm, ok." He doesn't buy it completely, but lets it go for now.

They stay quiet for a while, time Kyuhyun uses to ponder on the words he should use when talking with Kanghoon. He is submersed in his thoughts until he notices Ryeowook's doing some gestures with his hand as if he were telling someone to get closer. "Who are you calling?"

"Your boyfriend."

Despite the obviously inaccurate term (at least for now), Kyuhyun turns to look at Kanghoon's direction. Indeed, he's the one walking to their table. The younger is completely impressed by how much his heart beats as those dark eyes meet with his. With only that small interaction he feels completely exposed at Kanghoon, as if all the previously supressed feelings were at full display for him and only him, as if with only one look he could know how much Kyuhyun has thought about him. Then, when a tint of pink blooms in Kanghoon's cheeks and his lips form a shy smile, he's awestruck. Kanghoon is as nervous and, probably, as glad to see him as Kyuhyun is.

Kyuhyun gulps before moving his chair to make some space for Kanghoon, somehow remembering Ryeowook's previous comment. "We're not going out yet."

"Sure— wait, yet!?" Ryeowook turns in the younger's direction abruptly, completely taken aback. However, Kyuhyun avoids his eyes. "You'll have to tell me everything sooner or later."

"You can't tell anyone." Kyuhyun whisper-threatens. Sometimes Ryeowook's bluntness could be dangerous.

"I won't. Half humanity already knows."

Kyuhyun is ready to answer back, but Kanghoon is there with them before he can do anything.

"Hey." Kanghoon goes for a casual verbal greeting accompanied by a quick pat in Ryeowook and Kyuhyun's shoulders, an expected choice as they're in a public place. It's a small detail, but the touch on the youngest lasts a tiny bit longer. It's weird how Kyuhyun has started to notice this things now that he's aware of his feelings.

Both maknaes greet back in a similar way and then ask Kanghoon to sit with them. "Having lunch?"

"Yeah, though we're almost done. Do you want to eat something?" Ryeowook asks since Kyuhyun is having problems forming coherent sentences in his head.

"No, thanks. I'm still full of all the snacks I ate a few minutes ago."

"Oh, right, you were with some people before."

"They're friends of mine from work, but they left a few minutes ago. Unlike them, I got some free time as my class got postponed."

"So that's why we're seeing you at this hour. It's kinda surprising." Kyuhyun says without much thinking.

"In a good way, I hope." Kanghoon says jokingly, though there's a hint of truth in his words.

"You're always good news to me." Well, it seems being flirty comes naturally to him when he's with Kanghoon. Wink included and all.

The sightly flustered face Kanghoon makes is enough reward for Kyuhyun, though the chuckle that follows it tops it. "I'm also glad to see you."

Now it's Kyuhyun's turn to be flustered. He hides it from his expression, but his ears are beyond his control and blush on their own. There's an interchange of goofy smiling, interrupted by Ryeowook clearing his throat. The other two act as if nothing happened, even when their ears are completely red.

Ryeowook shakes his head as he takes his phone out of his pocket. He seems to read something before making a worried face. "Oh, no. Sorry, I have to go. One of my teachers is currently giving feedback on this semester project." He makes a worried face before looking at Kanghoon. "Hyung, could you keep Kyuhyunnie some company? He's been distracted all day and I'm worried he may run into a lamppost for not paying attention."

"I'm not a kid, I don't need to be taken care of." Kyuhyun complains before feeling Ryeowook nudging at him with his elbow. He gives him a look that makes the wires in Kyuhyun's head connect and go oh as he understands Ryeowook's intentions. "But I won't mind if you want to hang out for a while."

"I'd love to." Kanghoon shows them a bright smile as he laughs at their interaction. "Good luck with your project, Ryeowook-ah."

"Thanks hyung. See you, guys." Ryeowook says as he gives Kyuhyun the money to pay for his share before leaving with backpack on hand. He waves at them once at the door, something corresponded by both people on the table.

Kanghoon looks at the door for an extra couple of seconds before looking back at Kyuhyun. "I hope I didn't interrupt you and Ryeowook-ah."

"Nah, it's fine. We were only talking about... Mold."

"Mold?" He asks with surprise but some genuine curiosity in his eyes.

"Long story, you don't want to hear it." Not that he himself heard, but that's not important.

They chat for a while about banal things, not having the opportunity to bring any more serious topic. Kyuhyun looks at his empty plate before looking at their surroundings. The cafeteria is busy with various person's coming in and out. It's not the best place to have a private conversation. "Want to go for a walk? I have some time before my shift starts."

Kanghoon looks around, noticing the same thing as Kyuhyun. He nods. "Sure."

After Kyuhyun pays for the food, they get up and get ready to go.

The park they go to is relatively empty. There's some people strolling and some families walking, but in general there's no prying eyes in them. They still wait until the number of people decreases and the tree density increases to intertwine their fingers. They walk in silence for a few minutes, just looking at the landscape of trees and blossoming flowers.

Once they reach a more secluded area, where no one else seems to reach, they stop. Kyuhyun leans against a tree as Kanghoon takes some photos, taking the time to find the best angle and composition for each pic. The younger watches it all, finding all of Kanghoon's concentration expressions to be very entertaining.

After he gets satisfied with his work, Kanghoon turns to show them to Kyuhyun, finding him a few meters away from him. He's looking at the blossoms, showing his side profile. Kanghoon looks at him fondly and an urge to capture the moment surges in him. He puts his phone in position and takes a photo. The sound of the camera catches Kyuhyun's attention, so he turns in the direction of the sound.

"Hyung, what are you doing?"

"Taking photos?"

Kyuhyun scoffs as he approaches the other. "I know that. What I mean is why are you taking photos of me."

"Can't I?"

"It's not that you can't, but you have to let me know before doing it."

"Okay." He lifts his phone again, focusing the camera in him. "Can I?"

Kyuhyun shakes his head with a smile on his lips. "Let's take one together."

Kanghoon beams at the idea. He stands next to Kyuhyun as he changes the settings to selfie mode. He poses for the camera, unlike Kyuhyun who just stands boringly with a grin in his face. Since it would be such a waste to take a simple photo given their photoshoot spot, Kanghoon instructs him in how to pose properly. Kyuhyun complains, but he does the (in his opinion) silly poses at the end. He looks at the camera as he's told to do, however, his eyes gravitate towards Kanghoon from time to time, both to make sure he's doing it well and to steal glances at him.

Kanghoon presses the button a few times, taking a good amount of selfies, before noticing the movement of Kyuhyun's eyes. "Kyu, it looks funny if you side eye me like that."

"Sorry, my eyes just naturally move to look at you."

Kanghoon didn't expect that answer, so he almost drops his phone. "You're such a flirt."

"Only with you, Honey." Kyuhyun laughs at the face Kanghoon makes, barely avoiding the hand slap in his arm. "Don't you like it?"

Kanghoon shakes his head as he chuckles. "It's cute." And he steals a kiss from Kyuhyun. "But I guess that expression is cuter." He smiles so brightly Kyuhyun's already blushed face reddens more. Kanghoon gets ready to continue their walk, but Kyuhyun stops him by holding his hand.

"Hyung, wait. I want to talk with you."

Kanghoon turns serious, analysing him with his eyes as he processes his words. He nods, accepting the request, but looking a little worried. "What is it?"

Kyuhyun starts feeling nervous, not being sure how to phrase things to make sense. At the end, he somehow forms a coherent enough question to ask. "The kisses... What do they mean?"

Kanghoon's eyes grow a tiny bit larger as he hears Kyuhyun, finding the traces of insecurity in both his eyes and his words. His expression softens as he answers. "I want to give this a chance. It may still be too early to say we're in a relationship... But I like spending time with you and I..." He looks down, a little embarrassed by what he's going to say. He squeezes Kyuhyun's hand before meeting his eyes again. "I started to like you."



"We're dating, then?"

"Only if you like me as well."

Kyuhyun laughs remembering all the ordeal he needed to figure it out, but at the end the answer is evident. "Hyung, it's obvious I do."

They gaze at each other, a mix of embarrassment, giddiness and romance permeating the air.

It's silent for a while before it's Kanghoon's turn to laugh. "You know, I thought there was no way I could be gay, but it seems at the end I falled for your tricks."

"You would mean my charisma. I didn't do anything but showing my true self. If it happened to be hot, there's no doubt you would fall for me."

"Cheeky brat." He pinches the younger's cheeks fondly, causing the other to complain. There's no bad feelings in neither, though.

Kyuhyun scratches his head nervously before saying what's on his mind. "To be honest, I didn't really plan anything. I truly wanted to be only friends with you, but I guess I unconsciously flirted with you..."

"That was unconscious?" Kanghoon looks at him in disbelief, with eyebrows arched and surprised eyes but an entertained smile.

"You haven't seen me in my fullest, hyung. You'll have to prepare."

"That sounds interesting. I guess I'll also have to be bolder."

"Bolder? How much?" The younger lands his hands in Kanghoon's waist, holding him affectionately.

"Not sure." He encircles Kyuhyun's shoulders with his arms, leaning forward just enough for their noses to touch. "Maybe something like this." And he closes the distance between the two.

Their lips meet and Kanghoon initiates a subtle movement with his mouth, something quickly corresponded by Kyuhyun. It's very simple as they're not ready to venture in something more, but it still does wonders in both hearts, filling their chests with warmth.

As Kyuhyun thought, he's happy with being with Kanghoon.













Author's notes:

Kyuhyun in half this chapter: *confused noises*


I apologize for the delay of... I had a hard time figuring out the beat way to portray Kyuhyun's realization and his talk with his sister. I hope it got properly explained. Also, my (failed) project for Kyuhyun's debut took a great part of my free time (but still I couldn't finish ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)


By the way, I got very excited with KRY in Allobank. We need more KRY!! It's a great source for more KyuSung/YeKyu moments!!!

But you know, I've somehow started to believe there's no KRY comeback to avoid KyuSung going unhinged. Like, seriously, they get really excited to show their love when it's just the three of them. (The more reason I wish for KRY to make another album)



Anyway, have a great weekend, bye 💙 !

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Sorry for the inconveniences, I'm not going to abandone this.
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400 streak #1
Chapter 5: Oh gosh! This chapter just sooooo entertaining and interesting! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) LOVE IT TO THE MOON AND BACK!
Rinirin07 #2
Chapter 5: So fluffy 🥰🥰🥰
Kyu denial really amusing yet annoying to read 🤭
But glad they reach an understanding 🥰🥰🥰
I love the progress
HelenDamnation #3
Chapter 5: I'm laughing pretty hard at Kanghoon finding out he has only seen the mild, unconscious version so far...
idiyanalexx #4
Chapter 5: I usually hate in denial characters, but I like Kyu here! He's confused, but he wholeheartedly acknowledge his feelings
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: Yay, a kiss!
Lucky Ryeowook having front row seats to the Kyusung romcom, he really seems to enjoy it :D
Liza-Nan #6
Chapter 4: The first sweet.... :) <3
HelenDamnation #7
Chapter 4: OMG, I love this. I just bingeread the first four chapters.
400 streak #8
Chapter 4: Wuaaaah, Wookie said what he said about giraffe, awesome ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

And finally! First kisu ever (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

Eniwei, I don't understand about topo.. topo what? I'm too dumb. When I was in school, what I did just make friends and find a cute boy. It's really a miracle that I survived until now LOL but well, thank you for the graphic demonstration!
idiyanalexx #9
Chapter 4: I love this update! Kyu's so oblivious about his feelings
400 streak #10
Chapter 3: Yeay an update!

I'm really enjoying this story! Don't you dare leave us hanging, this is a warning! XD