Chapter 1: Accidental first meeting

Accidental attraction

Kyuhyun sighs while watching the door from the convenience store he works at. The place is near his university, meaning it has a lot of customers. However, given that it's Friday night with no exams period near, it's empty. Students are either reaching home if they're from outside the city or drinking to oblivion in some seedy place, while the unfortunate ones who have classes on Saturday are more likely getting ready to sleep right now. So yeah, no students for the night. Even if it isn't the best for the business, Kyuhyun is grateful they've had very few clients in his turn until now.

Today has been a pretty annoying day for Kyuhyun. He barely slept last night, staying until 3 am playing videogames, but got awoken at 6 in the morning by a vision. A stupid vision about some dude running, stepping on a  banana peel, doing a backflip because of the momentum and crashing down. Because of a freaking banana peel! It was so ridiculous it was funny, with the cliche and all. But Kyuhyun wasn't amused at all, sleep deprived people rarely is.

Things didn't get better after that: there was a construction in the neighborhood that started its noise pollution first thing in the morning, depriving him of the possibility of going back to sleep. He dozed off on the bus in his way to school and had to walk back two stops because he missed the correct one. He was a sleep deprived zombie through the day, so he easily fell when someone pushed him by accident, just for his glasses to fall as well and be broken in front of his eyes; someone had to step on them. At least the culprits offered to pay for the repairs (or better said replacement, as the poor object was beyond repair). But continuing with his miserable day, Kyuhyun actually found the evil banana peel. He deposited it in the garbage and successfully saved the day. As funny as it could have been, the way the guy fell in his vision was quite bad, he may have gotten a serious injury.

Kyuhyun was truly a savior.

But even with his good action of the day he wasn't saved from having to suffer through his classes. It's so annoying to have to sit at the front of the class just to keep squinting because you don't see and that's exactly what Kyuhyun had to do for the whole day. The only good thing at school was when it ended. Sadly, he still had his part time job left.

He thought about calling sick and skipping work, but decided against it at the end. He just recently got the job, skipping now will leave a bad impression. And Heechul will kill him if he messes up. So Kyuhyun dutifully took his shift. He knows he needs the job, so he'll have to deal with this.

But no amount of responsibility is going to stop Kyuhyun from wistful thoughts. He wishes for time to pass faster and be free to return to his apartment, jump to his bed and get his so needed rest. He's wondering if he could just sleep in the counter when someone enters the shop. A black haired guy dressed with black clothes and an unnecessary amount of accessories is the third client Kyuhyun gets in the night. Kyuhyun can't really see his face because of the distance, but he isn't going to squint to barely grasp his features. It may look as if he is glaring and he isn't supposed to glare at a customer. But despite his short vision, Kyuhyun can notice the apparent tattoos in the guy's arms (they look more like scribbles to Kyuhyun, though). Continuing with his usual ‘new client analysis’, Kyuhyun notices the man has this dark aura around him that makes him look unapproachable, but it isn't as if Kyuhyun needs to establish a relationship more profound than that of a cashier and a customer with him, so it doesn't matter. The tattoos may be a concern for some other people, but Kyuhyun doesn't think this dude will be a problem. The guy must be just some sort of fashionista with a fancy for scribbles in skin. Nothing to be worried about.

Just as Kyuhyun was going to look away from the stranger, his powers work up. The sight in front of his eyes changes to that of the future. His senses are overtaken as his brain is filled with information.









The man will be looking around for some minutes. He will bring an instant ramen and some miscellaneous stuff to the checkout. He will leave from the front door after paying. The man will stay for about five minutes in front of the shop, checking his smartphone and putting on his headphones. Just as he will be about to leave, a loud sound from above will grab his attention. He'll look up and find a large amount of metal tubes is going to fall on top of him.

He will not have time to react, as he will only realize with the tubes mere centimeters above him. He'll only be able to lift his arms in a protective manner, but he will still be hit by the metal objects. There will be some protuberances on the first tubes, which will open some wounds on the man's head.

The rest of them will then fall on top of the man, hitting him on different parts of his body after he falls. Loud sounds of hitting metal will give room to groans of pain after all the tubes fall. There will be blood and a maddening silence. And then...


And then everything fades to white.


















































Kyuhyun's face is full of cold sweat, his heartbeat erratic. As he regains his senses, he realizes he unconsciously followed the client with his eyes. He pales as he stares at the man, way too shocked by the fragment of future he saw.

He isn't sure how much time passed, but the stranger becomes aware of Kyuhyun's stare and turns to look at him in confusion. Kyuhyun rapidly lowers his gaze and avoids eye contact. The man looks at him for a few more seconds before returning to his search. Kyuhyun waits some minutes before continuing to take glances at him, not sure if the man is seeing him or not. But even if he notices, Kyuhyun doesn't have time to think about that. In just some minutes, the person in front of him is going to be in a horrible accident.




He needs to think how to prevent this tragedy.




A good thing about his powers is that they let him know the exact amount of time left until his premonitions become true. He has about ten minutes for this to happen, so he should have enough time to take countermeasures. Even if his foresight doesn't tell an absolute future (the future is in constant change, after all), he knows more or less how high the probability of a vision happening is. With that information, Kyuhyun thinks he can prevent this.


Kyuhyun has done this before and he's not going to fail this time.


He checks how high the probability for this incident is, but regrets doing it almost immediately. It is above 90% and growing. Kyuhyun inwardly curses, he just got more nervous with that.

Kyuhyun tries to calm down and think rationally. He knows for sure the tubes are going to fall, he can't change that. Then, he just needs to buy enough time to let them fall before the black haired guy gets out the store. Some small talk to keep him from going out will do the work. Kyuhyun inhales and exhales, this should be easy enough to do.

There wasn't anyone else in the street in his vision, but he checks the security camera installed outside to make sure. The street is empty, giving him one thing less to worry about. He's going to keep checking, though. Who knows when a random person may think buying something in this shop in particular at this specific moment is the best idea ever. Or at least a good enough idea to pass time.

Shaking his head to get rid of useless thoughts, Kyuhyun redirects his attention to the only other person in the shop. The guy seems to be pondering on which chips he should buy, completely oblivious to the pain he will suffer in the future if Kyuhyun can't stop it. Kyuhyun shudders remembering his vision. He shakes his head again to get rid of the memory and concentrates on calming down. He has eight minutes left. And a big part of that time is going to be about waiting...

That's making him uneasy. Uneasy enough for his mind to occupy itself with creating alternative plans.

Kyuhyun doesn't have any way to go to the rooftop, the most likely place for the tubes to be in. And anyways, he would just lose his time trying to go up the four stories the building has, the tubes would fall before he reaches the door. That option was discarded from the start. But instead of just waiting for an opportunity to distract the man, should he hide in the back of the shop and make the customer wait? No, if he does, he wouldn't have any way to know if the guy gets impatient and goes out just when the accident happens. Would it be better if he goes to him right now? Kyuhyun rejects this idea as well. It may look like he is suspecting the guy from shoplifting. The man may decide that's enough and go out at the worst moment. Chasing him out of the store could work, but there's the risk of him staying too near the shop and getting involved in the accident anyways.

As Kyuhyun thinks of enough plans, to use half of the alphabet, he runs out of time for most of them. The client just finished choosing and is coming to the counter. Kyuhyun doesn't look up and mutters a "good night" when he arrives. The guy simply answers with a similar greeting. And it is then when Kyuhyun realizes the biggest flaw in his plan, which happens to be the basis of it as well.

He doesn't know how to do small talk.


... Great.


To be honest, it's not that Kyuhyun lacks social skills. He is just too awkward to have a smooth talk with a stranger. He can become anyone's friend when drinking, but his sorber self was shyer and, well, awkward. On top of that, there's the fatigue from the day, the anxiety caused by the now five minutes away accident and the fact that Kyuhyun can feel the stare from the customer on him. It's too much to think how to start a conversation smoothly.

Not knowing what else to do, Kyuhyun takes one of the few articles brought by the man and checks it with the barcode scanner. He does his job swiftly although nervous, cursing at himself because he is supposed to buy time. While trying to grab the next article, Kyuhyun accidentally touches the guy's hand. He retreats his hand startled, similar to how people would do when touching something burning. He blushes a little, flustered by his own reaction. It's a wonder how he manages to mutter an apology.

Fantastic, now it will be even more awkward trying to talk to him.

However, Kyuhyun's actions seem to be helpful; the guy starts talking.

"Am I that scary?"

"Excuse me?" Kyuhyun is taken aback by the question. And by how deep and husky the voice of the man is. But despite the surprise, his mind supplies him with a ‘you're not scary, your future is’ that he somehow manages to suppress. He looks up, still not meeting the other's eyes. Looking at people's eyes when seeing this blurry is kinda weird, so he avoided them, but Kyuhyun still manages to see how the guy scratches the back of his neck while smiling shyly. Despite the shock, Kyuhyun doesn't fail to notice how small are those hands.

"You've been looking at me with this pale expression and worried eyes. And you were very startled just now... Even if I have tattoos, I'm not a criminal, you know? And they're not even real."

Kyuhyun lowers his head again, nervously fidgeting with the article in his hand. "Ah, no... I'm just... I broke my glasses this morning. I was worried of accidentally squinting and looking as if I'm glaring, but it seems I made things worse. And about just now... My distance perception is a mess for the same reason, so it was really unexpected..." It's a lame excuse, but it's the best Kyuhyun could think at the moment. He feels weirdly intimidated by the man, so his mind is working more poorly than expected. Thankfully, the guy doesn't seem to doubt the veracity of his words.

"Ah, so it was just that. I was worried I looked suspicious. I was almost kicked out from another shop this morning because someone thought I was a criminal." The guy let out a breathy laugh at his own words. The deep tone charms Kyuhyun more than it should. Miraculously, the man doesn't notice Kyuhyun's flustered state and continues taking. He looks a little embarrassed as he tells the story. "Thankfully, the misunderstanding was cleared and didn't reach the point of calling the police." It kind of eases Kyuhyun how the guy keeps talking despite how reserved he seems. It almost makes him forget about all his fatigue, fear and anxiety.


There's no way in heck he is going to forget about the imminent future he saw. But at least it helps him to relax a little. The conversation may flow better than he thought.

He is brought out of his thoughts when he hears the man talking again. "I come here often, so it would be bad if I'm banned."

"Dear customer, I can't confirm if you look suspicious or not. As you already heard, I can't see well." The guy chuckles at Kyuhyun's comment and over polite tone. Kyuhyun is sure laughter shouldn't sound so pretty, but this guy somehow manages to do it. He pushes the thought aside and continues taking. "But you haven't done anything bad, so I'll have to trust you. You are innocent until proven otherwise."

"That's very reassuring." The man laughs again. Kyuhyun thinks he may get addicted to the sound and gets flustered again at the thought. To hide his blush, he continues doing his work. As he is thinking how to continue the conversation, he hears the man's voice again. "You're new here, aren't you?"

"I started working here last week. Wait... Didn't you say you come here often? How come you didn't know of a new employee?"

"I had to travel last week. I just got back this morning."

"Mmmmmmmm. That sounds pretty convenient."

"Are you going to suspect me for this?" Kyuhyun didn't see, but he is sure the guy rolled his eyes. "I know you're new, meaning I do know the personal of this shop."

"Yes, but being a regular may have been an strategy to get information before an assault."

"You can ask Heechul hyung about me, I know him."

"A lot of people know about him. He has lots of fans in his faculty who know very well he is the nephew of this shop's owner." Kyuhyun said in mock doubt. He looks amusedly at the man as the latter gets a little frustrated.

"He knows me." Wanting to back his words, the man takes out his phone and shows Kyuhyun a photo of him with Heechul. "We're friends."

Kyuhyun squints to look at the picture and leans forward, barely restraining himself from slamming his face against the device. Has his vision worsened? That would be bad. His lens prescription may not be as high as Ryeowook's, but that doesn't change the fact that his eyes need a lot of help to do their work. And Ryeowook's is just ridiculously high, there's no use in comparing them.

After getting a somewhat decent look to the picture, Kyuhyun retreats, still squinting his eyes. "It looks legitimate."

"See?" The man's face lights up hearing Kyuhyun's words. Kyuhyun avoids looking directly at him, else he may end up staring.

"I think it was clear I can't see well. Since I broke my glasses and all. Are you making fun of me, sir?"

"You know what I was talking about!"

Kyuhyun laughs at the pout forming in the other man lips. "Yes, yes, I know. If you end up being a criminal, then I can make fun of Heechul hyung for being used by his criminal friend."

"Oh, come on. I'm not." the guy complains, but there is a smile in his face.

"That's something only time can tell." Kyuhyun says solemnly, an exaggerated expression in his face. He types something in the POS as he takes another glance at the man. "Not that I think you'll be one."

The man snorts. "That's good to hear."

The flow of the conversation was weird but also good in Kyuhyun's opinion (or decent at least), but it gets interrupted when the customer receives a text message. Now, the guy seems to be in a hurry to leave, cutting the possibility of continuing the bantering. After Kyuhyun registers everything, the man pays him, to then exchange a polite ‘thank you’. Kyuhyun thinks how to stop him, but the time pressure and his sleepiness are slowing his mind.

The man takes the plastic bag containing the things he just bought, planning to go. He looks at Kyuhyun just as the latter looks at him. This all in the perfect timing for their gazes to connect.



And they stare.






It's the first time Kyuhyun looks at him properly (or as properly as he can without glasses) and he can't help it when he loses himself in those eyes. They're a brown so dark it may appear black at the distance. However, they don't look gloomy. There's this spark in them that makes them look so bright and captivating. Their sharp shape makes them look more intense, but not scary. Kyuhyun may think he just fell in love if not for the fact he is in a life threatening situation. He blames the accelerated beating of his heart and the small attraction he feels for the man in front of him to the suspension bridge effect.

Kyuhyun doesn't know how long they stayed like that, staring at each other. It could have been a second, it could have been an eternity. What he knows is that it wasn't enough time for the stupid tubes to fall. But before he could react and do something to entertain him, the man smiles.

"Well, then, I guess we'll see each other around." He lifts a hand as a sign of farewell and waves. Kyuhyun's anxiety grows as he sees him turning towards the exit.

"Wait!" Kyuhyun shouts louder than intended, but he is desperate. The man turns to look at him, a little startled by the loud voice. Kyuhyun's mind works a mile per second trying to come up with a valid reason to keep him there, for at least a minute more. "Sorry, I just... Can... Can you tell me your name?" However, he now thinks it may have been better if he didn't open his damned mouth.

Smooth, Cho.

The man blinks a few times (or that's what Kyuhyun could tell from the corner of his eyes), not expecting that question. Kyuhyun tries to come up with something, stuttering a little as he says his poor excuse. "You said you're a regular here, so it will be more convenient if I know how to refer to you... I also need a name to ask Heechul hyung if what you said was true or not... If you're his friend or just a stalker with good skills in edition of images..." Kyuhyun blushes and gets embarrassed by his own behavior. It looks as if he has ulterior motives! Well, he has, but not that kind of ulterior motives. He's actually trying to do something good!

The man, however, doesn't seem to think too much into it and answers with a smile. "Kanghoon. Kim Kanghoon. Can I get yours?"

Kyuhyun is surprised the man, now known as Kim Kanghoon, actually answered. It takes him a little to react before giving his name as well. "Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun."

Kim Kanghoon smiles again and Kyuhyun feels a squeeze in his heart. He assures himself that it's because of the countdown running in his mind. There's only five seconds left.

"I'll see you later, Kyuhyun." He waves his hand again and Kyuhyun returns it this time. Kim Kanghoon turns to the door again, his eyes lingering in Kyuhyun for a couple of seconds. He finally looks at the door and....





A loud sound of something falling startles both of them. The tubes finally fell, just like the probability of Kim Kanghoon being hit with them, which became a very reassuring 0. Well, not exactly 0, as there's still some near imposible ways for the tubes to somehow reach innocent Kim Kanghoon head. But those are possibilities with infinitesimal probability, meaning ridiculously low. It's impossible something like that happens, all thanks to entropy. So yeah, practically zero. But since Kyuhyun is the only one who knows that, the reassurance doesn't reach Kim Kanghoon. He gets freaked out instead.

"Holy !!! What was that!!???"

He looks at the door with a expression full of surprise, terror and disbelief. Kyuhyun understands him, this accident is pretty odd. What are the chances for a ing group of tubes to fall like that and cause so much damage? What were they doing in the building in the first place? And even though he knew it was going to happen, Kyuhyun was also very startled with it actually happening.

"There wasn't anyone out there, right?" Kim Kanghoon gets closer to the door and looks worriedly through the glass, but doesn't go out. "Can you check through the CCTV? It's dangerous to go outside at the moment, another one may fall."

Kyuhyun comes out of his stupor and does as Kim Kanghoon instructed. Not because he is following his orders, but because it is the most reasonable thing to do and it was actually part of his plans. There wasn't anyone else in his vision nor when he last checked the cameras and the probability of more tubes falling is very low, but things doesn't always happen exactly as he predictes them. Being careless can result in very catastrophic events. Thankfully, there were no victims. "The street is empty, no one got hurt."

They both let the breath they were holding out and allow themselves to relax. Still, there are more things left to do. Kyuhyun needs to call the owner, find a way to stop people from coming, find out if he should call the police, the firemen, civil protection or who else and get this solved.

The night is still far from ending, meaning Kyuhyun won't be able to sleep until this gets settled.









Kyuhyun inwardly curses.











Author's notes: Silly story to meditate the angsty fic I'm working on. Funny thing this was also going to be angsty.

This was originally inspired by JYJ's MV In Heaven (I couldn't find the official video in their YouTube channel, so I linked this upload. Does anyone know what happened? Anyways, here is the song in Spotify.)

At first, the story was going to follow the MV plot in general lines (lover dies, protagonist goes back in time and tries to avoid lover's death), but I kept changing things until a very dumb idea came to my mind and I wanted to use it. So here we are (⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ v⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)



(You can skip my rambling)

I was actually going to start publishing this a few days after KyuSung week, but things happen (aka me being lazy) and I couldn't. In truth, this chapter was done and posted since December, just that the story was unlisted (I wanted to know how that worked and then I forgot I did it. Sorry). When I realized, I was going to put it in public (?), but I didn't like the flow of the conversation between Yeye and Kyu, so I struggled for some time to make it less worse. I still don't quite like it, but it's better.


There won't be constant updates as there are lots of things happening that have messed up all my plans and dayly routines, but I'll try (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)





I hope you have a great day and see you next time! 💙


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Sorry for the inconveniences, I'm not going to abandone this.
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400 streak #1
Chapter 5: Oh gosh! This chapter just sooooo entertaining and interesting! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) LOVE IT TO THE MOON AND BACK!
Rinirin07 #2
Chapter 5: So fluffy 🥰🥰🥰
Kyu denial really amusing yet annoying to read 🤭
But glad they reach an understanding 🥰🥰🥰
I love the progress
HelenDamnation #3
Chapter 5: I'm laughing pretty hard at Kanghoon finding out he has only seen the mild, unconscious version so far...
idiyanalexx #4
Chapter 5: I usually hate in denial characters, but I like Kyu here! He's confused, but he wholeheartedly acknowledge his feelings
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: Yay, a kiss!
Lucky Ryeowook having front row seats to the Kyusung romcom, he really seems to enjoy it :D
Liza-Nan #6
Chapter 4: The first sweet.... :) <3
HelenDamnation #7
Chapter 4: OMG, I love this. I just bingeread the first four chapters.
400 streak #8
Chapter 4: Wuaaaah, Wookie said what he said about giraffe, awesome ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

And finally! First kisu ever (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

Eniwei, I don't understand about topo.. topo what? I'm too dumb. When I was in school, what I did just make friends and find a cute boy. It's really a miracle that I survived until now LOL but well, thank you for the graphic demonstration!
idiyanalexx #9
Chapter 4: I love this update! Kyu's so oblivious about his feelings
400 streak #10
Chapter 3: Yeay an update!

I'm really enjoying this story! Don't you dare leave us hanging, this is a warning! XD