So what are we doing?

That's my wife, that is

A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you very much for the reviews of the last chapter, and well Joohyun has some work to do, that’s for sure lol, I get it believe me. I’m not going to say she’s some “bad” character or person though. She just needs to work on herself like we all do at different points in our life, and so bare with me as I figure her out lol and Seulrene’s eventual growing relationship. Here’s chapter 4, and thank you very much once again! 


Seulgi hopes she didn’t just hear Joohyun say that their parents were trying to arrange a marriage between them. Because that would be completely insane. Now, it’s one thing for her mothers to feel compelled to introduce her to their friend’s daughter. (Even if Seulgi is sure there’s no way there could be anything between the two of them) It's another thing to try and arrange a marriage. What are they all thinking? Furthermore, why didn’t either of her parents let her know anything? Why is she finding out information from someone she doesn’t know?


“You’re messing with me right? You know, like a joke? Haha now we’re teasing each other, sort of thing?”


Joohyun didn’t look as if she was joking. She looked serious, and that only made Seulgi feel worse.


“I don’t think that’s a very funny joke to tell someone you hardly know. I wanted to give you a heads up, since it seemed like you were in the dark about this, for whatever reason your parents didn’t have a chance to say anything to you yet.”


What could Seulgi say to this? She didn’t get the feeling Joohyun was lying to her, for what reason would the omega have to lie about this? She doesn’t know her at all and this is too important of a topic to make up. 


“I can’t believe my moms think I’d want to marry you.”


Well, ouch. That was a bit harsh. Then again, maybe she did leave a bit of a bad first impression on the alpha earlier. One that probably isn’t going to go away easily, simply because Joohyun apologized for her behavior. 


“You’re not much of a prize yourself, Kang Seulgi. You’d be lucky any omega would want to marry you.” Joohyun couldn’t help that in her slightly hurt feelings, she might have defended herself with a comment. One that might be more rude than it needed to be,  but who really cared at this time. 


“Ah-hah!” Seulgi points. “There’s that rude omega I remember so well. I knew you’d show your real face soon enough.”


, this wasn’t going well.


“Look, I’m sorry. That was rude, you’re right, But you really don’t know me at all.”


“You’re not making it all that easy to want to get to know you either, Bae Joohyun.”


Seulgi wasn’t wrong there. Perhaps, she wasn’t making it easy, and yet Seulgi was frustrating for her as well. Joohyun certainly didn’t know what to do and it was making her head spin if she were being honest with herself.


“Never mind, it’s obvious we won’t be solving anything tonight.”


“I agree, and I need to talk to my parents. For what it's worth, thank you for telling me the truth, Joohyun. I’m not sure why they haven’t yet, but thank you.”


She did look at the slightly taller girl with a sympathetic look. She had to put herself in Seulgi shoes for a second. It wouldn’t feel good to be the only one to not know the full story here. While, Joohyun has spent enough time with Misook to know she’s not a terrible person. She’s very much a woman who loves her daughter and is probably just trying to look out for Seulgi, similar to how her own mother is doing in this case. It’s still not a nice feeling to be kept in the dark. Joohyun wonders very briefly if her own mom and dad would have told her too, had she not managed to get them to finally tell her the truth?


Would she have been just as clueless as Seulgi?


“You’re welcome, Seulgi. Let’s go back to the house, okay.”


“Yeah, let’s go.”


Seulgi didn’t know what she wanted to say to her moms. Either way it would have to wait, because no matter what she wasn’t going to disrespect the Bae family in their own home. They were good hosts and treated her kindly, and Seulgi wasn’t about to cause a scene in front of them. She’d wait until getting back home to talk to her parents. Besides, she needed the long car ride to fully think about what she needed to say.


But as soon as she and Joohyun stepped back inside of the house. Her parents could tell automatically from the tension and her expression that she probably knew everything. 


“Seul?” Haeyeon tried to reach out for her first.


“Not now, alright.” Seulgi shook her head. This was not the time or the place. 


“Sweetie.” Misook did actually touch her arm. “Will you at least give mom and I a chance to explain when we get home?”


Seeing as how they had to have one hell of an explanation for her. Seulgi told them she’d give them a chance to explain and said nothing more. The Bae’s didn’t need to say anything else. They figured there was a good chance Joohyun probably said something to Seulgi. While it would have been better for Seulgi to hear the news from both Haeyeon and Misook. They also can’t find fault with their daughter for deciding to tell Seulgi too. Most likely, she was probably thinking about if she herself was in the dark. She probably would have wanted Seulgi to tell her, if the tables were reversed. 


“Thank you for having us over for dinner, Minjoon, Hyunsook. We should do this more often. I’m sure we have more to discuss.” Haeyeon tells the two of them.


“I’m sure we will, and yes it was lovely to have you all for dinner.”


“Next time, let’s have dinner at the Kang's house.” Joohyun mentions it out of nowhere. 


“This girl!” Seulgi can’t believe her, then again, maybe she can. “It’s rude to just invite yourself over like that!”


“I think it’s a great idea.” Misook agreed. “We’d love to have you over for dinner. It’ll give me a chance to use fancy china for a change.”


“What fancy china?” Seulgi knows for sure they don’t have any fancy plates or silverware. Of course, her sire simply covers and laughs in an awkward way. Before agreeing with her wife that they’ll set something up for the Bae’s to join them for dinner soon.


“We will, besides, this isn’t over. We need a do-over. You didn’t give Joohyun a proper chance, after all.”


Oh, here they go again with the give Joohyun a chance nonsense. Yes, it was certainly time to get going.


“Right, well thank you Mr. and Mrs. Bae for a great dinner. See you next time.” The way Seulgi practically runs out the door doesn’t go unnoticed by anyone. Joohyun smiles with arms folded across her chest. Though she isn’t smiling in a way that would suggest she’s happy.


“I hope you all don’t think I’m going to marry that one. Not unless she learns some manners very quickly.”


“Oh, Hyun….” Her mother smiles fondly and touches her daughter’s cheek. “She’s very cute though, you have to admit. Pretty easy on the eyes, no?”


The way Joohyun’s face scrunches up like she’s suddenly smelled something rancid shouldn’t have looked as amusing as it did, but it did look pretty funny. 


“No comment.” The omega never cared about someone’s outer appearance. What they looked like never mattered to her, that’s not to say she didn’t notice some physical attributes about the alpha. She did have very pretty eyes and nice hands, but Joohyun cared more about someone’s personality than anything else. The way Seulgi’s parents looked amused didn’t help matters either, though they didn’t say anything further.


“Have a good night. We’ll be in touch about dinner at our house soon.”


Joohyun waved goodbye to both women and knew very well that it wasn’t going to be the last time she would be seeing the Kang family. It wasn’t so much the fact that it wasn’t just the mention of meeting for another dinner. One that wasn’t simply said out of a fake politeness or anything of the sort, no. Because the Kang’s were truly friends of her parents, and besides Joohyun did like Seulgi’s parents. They were nice and she especially liked Misook. Joohyun didn’t like that Seulgi had this terrible impression of her, mostly thanks to how she presented herself. Which was odd, since Joohyun never really cared before what an alpha thought of her.


“Joohyun?” Her father called her name.


“Yes, daddy?”

“Did you hear a word I said?”


“No, what did you say?”


“It’s just mom and I here. What do you really think of Seulgi?”


Was she at the point she wanted to run to the altar? Of course, no. She didn’t think she disliked Seulgi or anything. She didn’t know enough about the other girl, and maybe they did need to get to know one another better. Perhaps, get to know one another under better circumstances. 


“I think the next time you want to arrange a marriage for me. Make sure your friends tell their daughter about it.”


“J-Joohyun…” Hyunsook coughs suddenly then clears . “While you’re not wrong. Your dad and I really don’t have a line of potential alpha’s for you. This was it, we’re afraid.”


“Oh, well I guess that’s kind of good then.” 


“I think she’s a nice young lady. Try to be more open-minded, and like your mom and I said before. We’re not forcing you to get married. If you both decide you really don’t like each other, then that’s all there is to it.”


“Yeah, alright. I’ll have a Spring wedding, thanks.” Joohyun waves them off and starts heading up to her room. They might say they’re not going to force the issue, and perhaps they mean what they say. Joohyun just knows how both her parents and the Kangs have their hearts set on things working out between herself and Seulgi. Might as well not disappoint them if she can help it. “I don’t like overly hot weather, you know.”


Both her mom and dad’s mouth drop at that very moment. Is she kidding or what? They just don’t know when it comes to their daughter sometimes. 




“Oh, never mind. At least, she’s got a good sense of humor about everything. I suppose?”





While, Joohyun might be having a good sense of humor about this whole ordeal or taking things in a good stride. Seulgi wasn’t sure what was going through her mind. There were many thoughts coming into her mind all at once, it was hard to keep track of them. She didn’t understand why neither of her parents sat her down to tell her what was going on. She had the feeling for a while they were acting oddly, and now it made sense why that was. Who knows how long they were probably in touch with the Bae’s about setting a marriage up between herself and Joohyun. Seulgi felt like she had more answers about some things, but not enough. Her mothers needed to fill in the blanks for her.


And even still, she didn’t know what she wished to say when they made it home. There was such an uncomfortable and awkward silence in the kitchen as the three of them sat down at their dining table. Haeyeon offered to make tea and had chocolate chip cookies that she baked too, as if that would have made everything better. But this wasn’t a regular after dinner treat where they’d sit for a homemade dessert. Seulgi needed to figure out a way to talk to her parents. Since, she knew them and knew they’d never try and deliberately hurt her no matter what the situation. She just wished they would have found a way to tell her what they planned to do. One of them should have sat her down to tell her the truth. 


“Is there some reason why you guys didn’t think of telling me what was going on?” Seulgi begins. Maybe the best thing to do in this case was to simply speak her mind. Overthinking what she wanted to say wouldn’t get her anywhere. Her parents would understand, because ultimately they were the ones who owed her answers.


“Seul.” Misook touched her daughter’s hand. “Mom and I never intended to lie or hurt you. We’re sorry for not telling you sooner that we did ultimately hope for you and Joohyun to get married.”


So what Joohyun told her was true, of course it’s true. Why would Joohyun lie to her about it? There’s nothing she could have to gain about making up a story like that. 


“This is no excuse, Seul. We should have been honest with you from the beginning, especially once we knew for certain that the dinner at their house was definitely happening. We didn’t want to worry or stress you out unnecessarily, but you should have been told by us, and no one else.” Haeyeon tells her daughter, and that is where the real issue is. No matter what either herself or wife should have told Seulgi first. They did drop the ball on that one, and there is no excuse for it.


“We agree on something at least. You don’t think it was important I know you want me to marry your friend’s daughter? Last time I checked information like that seemed pretty important.”


“Sweetie, it doesn’t matter what we want. Would we like for something to spark between you and Joohyun, sure. But you know we’d never force you to get married if you didn’t want to. That much you know, right?”


The young alpha does know her parents enough to know the sort of people they are. Both of them always told her they hoped for her to one day find someone she truly loved very much. Just as they themselves were fortunate to find their one true love in one another. These are the same parents who always told her this, so why would they want to try and set her up with their friend’s daughter.


“I really would have appreciated a heads up, that’s all. Instead of going into a dinner thinking it was only a dinner.”


“But it was just dinner. It wasn’t like we were going to plan a wedding for you right there, Seul.”


“Are you sure about that, mom?” Seulgi speaks sarcastically. “You sure there wasn’t someone ready to marry us right then?”


“Of course not. We didn’t know if you and Joohyun would like one another, that was the point of the dinner. Which could have gone better, honestly.” Misook sighed and rubbed her forehead. She doesn’t think she will forget that first meeting for a while, and neither will Seulgi or Joohyun for that matter.


“Don’t blame me that something is wrong with that girl.”


“Seul.” Haeyeon begins softly. “She was just testing you, trying to gauge your reaction to her. Probably trying to see what sort of alpha you were. it’s an omega thing.”


“It’s a stupid thing.”


“Okay, honey.” Misook nodded. “You are entitled to your feelings, and we are both sorry for not telling you sooner. It’s okay if you need more time to process everything. Your mother and I, we just didn’t want you to be alone. We’re not going to be here forever, you know. If there’s even a chance it works out and Joohyun is the perfect girl for you like I think she is…”


“What makes you think she’s the perfect girl for me?”


“Trust me, sweetie. Call it mama’s instinct. She’s really a sweet girl, I spent time with her. You just need to be open enough to give her a chance.”


“As long as you and the Bae’s haven’t booked a wedding venue too while I wasn’t aware of anything.”


“No, Seul. You are aware of everything now. There is no secret wedding already planned, no cakes, no engagement rings either. If you meet Joohyun again and you two decide there’s nothing between you then that’s it. But at the least, perhaps you can make a new friend.”


Seulgi didn’t have a problem with making a new friend. She already has a best friend in Seungwan who is an omega and it’s one of her longest most precious friendships she’s had so far. The only problem is could Joohyun be a friend too? In the event there is no romantic chemistry between them? Seulgi wasn’t sure. At the moment, she doubted they could be anything to one another, let alone married.


“I don’t know.” Seulgi admits. “I don’t think it’ll work out.”


“You never know, sweetie. First impressions can be wrong. Maybe you two just need to meet again without us older adults cramping your style. Just the two of you?”


Seulgi thinks her parents have completely lost it. “Meet up, just us. Yeah, right. That’ll be a disaster waiting to happen. Anyways, it’s been a long day. I’m going to shower and go to bed, alright.”


The conversation was tabled for now, but this didn’t necessarily feel like the end of things either. While Seulgi didn’t seem upset anymore. The two of them knew they still needed to make things right as they could, and hope their daughter did understand their intentions were good and in the right place.


“Alright, Seul. It was a long day, have a good night. We love you.” Her sire says first.


“Yes, we love you, honey. Please remember that.”


She loved her mothers too, very much. She didn’t doubt that the two of them loved her as well. Seulgi felt she needed much more time to process everything, including the dinner, their involvement, and Joohyun as well.


“I love you both too.” She left it at that, and headed up to her room in hopes of at least getting a good night's rest. One thing for sure was, she sure had a lot to tell Seungwan during one of their next visits. 


But what on earth would she even tell Seungwan about any of this? That she might maybe have a potential wife? No, that didn’t sound right at all. Maybe she can ask Seungwan for advice from an omega’s perspective? 


Because Bae Joohyun was one confusing omega and Seulgi wanted to be much more prepared the next time she spent time with the girl.


There was definitely going to be a next time.


Bae Joohyun wasn’t going to catch her off-guard again.





With a few days having passed since the dinner at her house, life had gone on as usual for Joohyun. Or as usual as it could, considering the fact she may or may not be an engaged woman at some point. Until now, her biggest concern was making sure she wasn’t late to her part-time job at the newspaper. Now, she might have to worry about being someone’s wife? What did that mean, getting up at the crack of dawn and making breakfast, packing two lunches for herself and Seulgi, having dinner on the table, doing chores, being some glorified housewife? Not that there was anything wrong with being a housewife, because there wasn’t. Joohyun just hoped Seulgi wasn’t the sort of alpha that expected her to sit around the house all day. No, that wasn’t her style. If anything, Joohyun wanted a partnership. Something completely equal where both people pitched in, and no one person just did everything.


Then again, the omega was also getting ahead of herself. She might not even have to worry about such things. For the moment, she isn’t exactly trying to rush down the aisle and Seulgi isn’t exactly all that thrilled by her either. 


“Okay…” Joohyun takes a breath to calm down. “You’re not going to get anywhere like this, Hyun.”


Joohyun never liked sitting in limbo and not knowing anything. Neither her parents or the Kang’s mentioned anything about having another dinner. That didn’t mean the dinner was off by any means. Joohyun knew they probably had their own things going on and would let both herself and Seulgi know when they’d do this. That aside, she felt she needed to take matters into her own hands. She was going to do what she did best and take some initiative.


The first thing she did was go into her father’s home office. There had to be a phonebook laying around, or personal list of contacts with the Kang home number. Seeing as how they were friends it shouldn’t be all that hard to find. What she didn’t want is to have to flat out ask her mom or dad for their number. Joohyun could almost hear their slight teasing and questioning now. 


“Oh, want to give Seulgi a call, do you?”


“Do you perhaps like her after all, maybe even a little?”


“Look at our Joohyun, honey. Her first crush and she doesn’t know how to handle it.”


She didn’t have a crush on the alpha that was for sure. Whatever this was, it wasn’t a crush. 


“Unbelievable…” Joohyun whispers as she looked through her father’s book of contacts, not a single number that said Kang Haeyeon or even under Misook’s information. She wasn’t going to have to go ask her parents to tell them what the Kang’s number was, was she? Joohyun hoped it wasn’t going to come to that point. Though she’d do it if she had to, because anything would be better than sitting around waiting.


“Missing something, princess?”


Oh crap. Looks like she was about to have some explaining to do in a moment. Her father didn’t exactly look upset or anything. It’s not as if she was forbidden from stepping foot in his home office. There’s nothing dramatic like that going on, so it’s not as if Joohyun felt guilty she’s in here looking for a phone number. If anything, it’s exactly like Joohyun figured it might be. Especially with the amused expression on her dad’s face.


“No, I thought I might have left my favorite pen in here. The last time I helped you edit that letter, but I guess…” She stops talking when her father looks as if he’s trying his best not to laugh.


“Oh, favorite pen, you say?”


“Oh, alright. I was hoping either you or mom had the Kang’s number. It’s not important why I need it.”


Minjoon had never seen his daughter quite like this before. It was fairly obvious to him why she wanted the Kang’s phone number. Why else if not to try and call Seulgi? He has to say he is proud of her for taking such initiative, and can’t help to find it kind of endearing too. Then again, his daughter takes after him and isn’t very good at expressing herself in words. 


“Sure, princess.” He says nothing and quickly writes down the number from memory. He then hands her the paper and Joohyun thanks him softly. Maybe she can make a quick getaway before he decides he might want to . Joohyun was barely at the door when her father did call her name.


“Hey, Joohyun.”


“Yes, daddy?”


“Say hi to Seulgi for me. Don’t forget to remind her that she should really get together a portfolio for me to look at.”


“Y-Yeah, sure…” So she wasn’t teased as badly as she thought, either way she made a quick getaway out of his home office and hurried to the kitchen. She should be able to make a phone call in peace. 


Now, her only problem this time is figuring out what she wanted to say to Seulgi?





Kang Haeyeon was taking a break from household chores and about to grab herself a sandwich, or maybe another light snack when the phone rang. Nothing unusual at all about the phone ringing in the afternoon, of course. Though she herself wasn’t expecting a call and Misook was out running errands. 


“Good afternoon, Kang residence.” 


When Joohyun hears Mrs. Kang on the phone. She feels relieved that it’s not Seulgi, as she’s not exactly ready to talk to the alpha. And yet, she would have felt a little more at ease if it were Misook, because she’s had more experience with the other woman. Not that Haeyeon isn’t very nice too, since she was nice at the dinner. 


“Hi, Mrs. Kang.” Joohyun remembers how to talk to her elders, thank goodness.


“Hello, Joohyun. How are you?” Haeyeon certainly wasn’t expecting a call from Joohyun of all people. Though she suspects the young woman isn’t necessarily calling to talk to her.


“I’m fine, Mrs. Kang, thank you. I’m sorry to bother you randomly this way. But if it’s not any trouble…” God this is awkward, terribly awkward. Joohyun thinks of how easy it is to talk to the senior editors at work, and her boss at the newspaper, all of them older adults than herself. She shouldn’t have such a hard time talking to another adult. Even if it’s Seulgi’s sire. Perhaps, that’s why she’s struggling this much, since she is Seulgi’s sire.


“Would you like to talk to Seulgi, dear?”


“Yes, thank you. Is she around?”


“I think she’s home. Hang on for a moment, alright.”


“Alright, thank you.”


She made it through the first hard part, now she had to wait for Seulgi to answer the phone. This wouldn’t be too bad if Joohyun had figured out what she wished to say. Thank goodness she had a few moments or so, depending on how long it took for the other girl to come to the phone.


“A phone call, who is it?”


“Why don’t you answer it and find out, Seul.”


Joohyun heard the background noise of the mother and daughter’s conversation and it was a bit amusing. It did at the least settle her nerves.


“Well, alright. Maybe it’s about the job I applied for recently.”


“Hello, this is Kang Seulgi.” Now that Seulgi had answered the phone. Joohyun nearly lost all her nerve and almost hung the phone up. But that would have been very rude, and she was the one who called Seulgi.


“Hello?” Seulgi frowned in concern. The person on the other end wasn’t answering and this couldn’t be about the job she applied for. 


“Hi, Seulgi.” 


There was a voice she wasn’t going to be forgetting anytime soon. Of course, the voice on the other end of the phone didn’t sound like the rude and strange omega girl she had come to know. Yet, Seulgi wasn’t about to forget the voice of Bae Joohyun. The only question is why on earth was Joohyun calling her house.


“Joohyun? What’s wrong? Did you forget about something else you wanted to tell me at your house? Like, maybe I washed the dishes wrong or is there a list of things I need to know before you come over here?”


“Fair enough, I know I was rude to you, Seulgi.”


“Very rude.”


“Yes, alright. You can’t let me redeem myself if you don’t allow me another chance, right?”


“Is that what you’re calling about? Then you can do that when we have dinner. I’m sure my parents will talk to your parents. If there’s nothing else, then…”


“Wait, please wait.”


Seulgi can’t explain why she doesn’t hang up. What does she owe this girl? Joohyun hasn’t been particularly nice to her. She’s been really just about the strangest and weirdest girl, Seulgi has ever met. There was of course the fact Joohyun did give her warning about what was going on with their parents' hope for them to get married. Seulgi supposes she had to at least give her credit for that.


“What is it?”


Joohyun took a deep breath. She came as far as calling Seulgi and had to see it through. No matter what the results are. 


“I was wondering if you’d like to meet with me. We could go for lunch, or if that doesn’t work for you. Maybe over the weekend for breakfast? There’s actually a great breakfast place I like to go to sometimes. It would be a good idea to have a re-do, without our parents watching us, and making it extra awkward.”


Seulgi had many thoughts after Joohyun said this to her? First, was she being asked out? Second, how in the world was she supposed to meet with Joohyun unless one of her parents drove her? Third of all, had Joohyun suddenly got hit in the head because she was being….well pleasant? At least, more pleasant than Seulgi expected. Lastly, was this supposed to be a date?


“Are you asking me out?”


“N-No!” The way the omega shouted no, alerted her dad and he could only sigh. His poor child takes after him so very much. “It’s not a date. It’s really not. It’s just us having another chance at meeting. I owe you that much.”


“Uh-huh.” The alpha didn’t sound convinced. “I guess, maybe the weekend could work. I uh…” This is going to be embarrassing to have to admit to the other girl, but she technically doesn’t know how to drive. “One of my moms will probably have to drop my off.”


“Don’t worry. I can come get you.”


“You will!” Seulgi hadn’t meant to react so loudly. A girl has never come to her house to get her for any reason, well perhaps Seungwan but that was entirely different. Since Seungwan has always been her best friend and it’s never been anything romantic between them. 


“I know how to drive. My father is just overprotective about coming to get me himself, but I can drive. I’ll come to get you, it’ll be easier since I’m the one who asked you.”


“And you’re sure it’s not a date?” It’s sure sounding like a date, first she’s asked out, and now Joohyun is coming to pick her up.


“No.” She sighs. “It’s not a date.”


“Good!” Seulgi laughs. “So I don’t have to actually put any effort or look good.”


“No, of course not. Why would I expect you to do any of those things?”


Oh, ouch. Okay, for that, Seulgi was going to put in effort and look great. If for no reason but to see the shocked look on this weird omega girl’s face when she did come looking quite amazing.


“Alright, Bae. Just for that, I will look very good this weekend.”


“I’ll just be happy if you wear an ironed shirt, but seriously thanks, Seulgi. I didn’t think you were going to say yes to meeting with me one-on-one. Our parents seem to have it in their heads that we should at least give each other a real chance.”


“Yeah, I think they’re nuts.”


Joohyun laughs a little. “Well, you might be alright, I won’t know until we have proper conversations and throw out past bad impressions. Don’t you think so?”


Seulgi has to admit Joohyun isn’t wrong here. Marriage or no marriage one day. She has to go into this with an open-mind. Joohyun might not be all bad. Either way she won’t know for real unless she gives her a second chance. The only way to know that is by seeing what she does this next time. It does make her a little nervous meeting one-on-one, however.


“Alright, sure, Joohyun. Thanks for the invite.”


“You’re welcome. Let’s talk soon?”


“Yeah, sounds good. Talk to you soon.”


The minute the call ends. Haeyeon doesn’t even have a chance to ask her daughter what’s going on in her mind. Not when Seulgi releases a breath she didn’t fully realize she was holding and everything fully hits her. She agreed to spend a day out with Joohyun, just the two of them, where practically anything could happen. What the heck was she thinking?




“I need to talk to Seungwan right now!”


She absolutely needed her best friend’s expert advice more than ever, especially before the weekend.


Just what has she gotten herself into with Bae Joohyun.


A/N: Woo, oh boy what is she getting into. No worries though should work out fine! At least they should have a nice/better do-over where both of them are going to behave themselves, right? Right lol. Anyways, thank you truly everyone for reading and your interest. I will see you for chapter 5 as soon as I can. 


Sponsor Mentions: Sincere Thank you to everyone :) tay_84, YANGx_, AliyaViktoria, Taeyang729, DTHDHR, Pinkbubl, zombiejuhyun, User_name1200, pinkpinkypin, Androsssss, Mmm2392, sleepyhead, Informedpuppy, LOCOppl, dmac20, j33200, Supergirl03, Redpaint, ainijt, jjlevi93, bbongdrr, Zesev7, Xoxosonegg, okay54321, seulseulseul, Mustafina, Rated_pg, dianafeng, Jiminiepabo707, Taitai84, km3bty,  itheartisti, baetokki9, Ginestroza2000, born10966, raej02, km62201n, KasierKawaii, mari102002, ultchae, omadiver, jinja_ninja, conysilvaa, ir3nes, 2ce985f2b6709de35b9l, SuperLin, MsVSR69, seulich,somebbboy, noob101, wittyadie95, jasonds, Fantasiii, Eris78, captainsnsd, theRequiem78, royalshipper2122, iamforeverlame, aya_aha98, s1786343, noob101, Lpoppp, Maria2308, Icantstandtofly, thatsadreveluv, Hi_Bae23


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72 streak #1
Chapter 4: I miss this😭😭😭😭😭
2077 streak #2
Chapter 1: Lol why did she hit Seulgi like that
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 4: Joohyun might probably not really notice or even accept that in fact she has interest in Seulgi with the way she's acting. let's see how the next chapter unfolds.

I can already see Seulgi being drop dead gorgeous on their next meeting, picturing how Joohyun would then be mesmerized and would be out of her words.
Yoonchoding07 #4
Chapter 3: had a couple of laughs for this chapter. I don't know if I should pity Seulgi or actually just laugh how nothing's going her way.

really looking forward how their relationship will develop.
Yoonchoding07 #5
Chapter 2: will Joohyun regret how she greeted Seulgi for their first meeting?
Yoonchoding07 #6
Chapter 1: just picturing how Joohyun's feelings towards Seulgi would transform after leaving that very strong negative impression on her on their very first meeting... I also wonder what her parent told her to greet Seulgi with a smack on the head.

we know how Joohyun is not immune to our Seulbears charms. hahaha!
AmyMej #7
Chapter 4: Contina con tus historias, eres genial, gracias por tantos fanfics :)
Chapter 4: Reading this after Crossing Boundaries is fun. You really can balance every mood of your stories with all these well-written plots. This is totally the contrast of Crossing Boundaries. Chill, cute, and comedic lmao. (Both stories are very much liked by me btw.) I love how Joohyun is actually trying to make things work. She might not directly say it as what her parents described her that she's not good with words, but her efforts speak louder. Afterall, they won't be on a bad note if she didn't smack Seulgi's head 😭 Just hope everything will go well in their first date and that Seulgi will eventually be less colder. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 3: I love how chill their parents are 😂 At least they apologized to each other now but I fear for Seulgi's future socialization with other omegas, Joohyun obviously doesn't like that at all lmao.

And every update just keeps getting better. Thank you so much for writing another masterpiece.
Chapter 4: A redo at first impressions.
This should be good, both let the prejudgment out and try to know the other person for who they are