So that didn't go well

That's my wife, that is

A/N: Finally starting this! I had this summary in my book for a long time and I thought why not, might as well get started and I am really trying to branch and do new things/try new things and mix it up a bit in between, of my usual sort of fics I do. So please enjoy some new things as they come, thank you :) 



One thing young alpha Kang Seulgi had always learned from her sire, when she was growing up was to always trust her instincts. Even before it had been discovered she was in fact an alpha. Her sire instilled it in her mind that she should always trust her instincts. Such advice Seulgi took to heart when it came to practically all the decisions she made so far. Whether that meant choosing who to be friends with, determining when an omega had a genuine interest or wanted to use her for another, or even just staying safe in a potentially dangerous situation. Her instincts had never failed her and so Seulgi knew something was up this time.


Her first sign had been parents and their odd behavior. Her parents had a pretty loving relationship. She always saw some sort of affection while growing up, whether it be holding hands, or her sire giving her mom these tiny kisses. In that sense it wasn’t unusual to see them in some embrace even at this age. What Seulgi didn’t understand is why they were often caught speaking in hushed voices with heads buried together as if plotting some major scheme. Even odder they’d always break apart whenever one of them noticed Seulgi in the room too.


Of course, whenever Seulgi asked, both of her parents would tell her it was nothing or simply two old people reminiscing about their youth. Sure, Seulgi might have bought that if her parents weren’t still acting so oddly. 


“I’ll be home late tonight, Seul.” Her mother told her that morning at the breakfast table. 


“Again?” Seulgi asks as it’s the second night in a row her mother isn’t going to be home. 


“Your mom made enough food to last a few nights. It’s not like we would let you starve.” Mrs. Kang mentions her wife and Seulgi’s sire who the young alpha notices isn’t exactly around either. That’s another strange behavior of her parents these days, if it’s not one of them gone, then they’re both not around. 


“It’s just weird to not have dinner with the three of us.”


Seulgi’s comment must have struck a nerve within her mother, because she did look sympathetic. “I know, sweetie. It has always been just us three for so long. But don’t worry, mom will be home, and I won’t be out all night.”


Seulgi has a feeling she won’t get a full answer if she asks. Her curiosity gets the better of her and she is trying to keep a mental record of why her parents are acting off.


“Can I ask why you’ll be late?”


“Oh, I just promised I’d help Mrs. Jang with some things around the house. You know she is all alone and not as strong as she used to be.”


“Yes, that’s kind of you, mom.” And it was a believable excuse. Mrs. Jang is an older lady who does live alone and often people will try and help her out. Seulgi herself has made a grocery delivery or two and she never minds as Mrs. Jang is kind and grateful for the help. In some ways she is like a grandmother figure and it could be true that her mother is going to help out. Seulgi just has a feeling there’s more to the story, and if there had been anything her sire always taught her. It was to never ignore her instincts.


“Okay, I love you, Seul. Finish your breakfast and I’ll see you tonight.”


“I love you too, mom.”


All Seulgi could do was look at her unfinished breakfast that suddenly seemed more unappetizing than it had been moments ago. The alpha couldn’t think about food, not when she had this uncomfortable feeling her parents weren’t being honest with her. 





“You’re being paranoid.” Are the first words out of her best friend, Son Seungwan’s mouth when Seulgi met her after Seungwan finished working her shift at her family’s bakery. She normally would go to Seungwan with most things as they’ve been close friends since childhood. Their families are close too and Seulgi is one of the few alphas Seungwan’s parents trust around their omega daughter. Because they know it’s a friendship and even still Seulgi would not ever take advantage of her, so there was never any worry to separate them once Seungwan presented as an omega around her eighteenth birthday.


“I don’t think I’m being paranoid, Wan. I know somethings up.”


“Well…” Her friend stops to check the bag she packed to make sure it did in fact have everything she packed. She breathes a small sigh of relief when there’s indeed two sandwiches, two oranges, and water bottles. Usually they’ll meet for lunch and this time it was her turn to bring it.


“They could be planning a surprise party or event and they don’t want you to know about it.” Seungwan hands over one of the sandwiches and Seulgi disagrees.


“They could. But I know my sire and she’s not good with keeping things like surprise parties a secret. She nearly ruined the one we wanted to have for my mom’s birthday two years ago.”


“Okay, fair enough. Why are you so stressed about this, huh? I know your parents and even if they’re possibly keeping something secret. I don’t think it would be meant to hurt you, Seul.”


Seungwan knows the Kang family very well. She’s only known them pretty much her entire twenty-two years of life, and they’re both some of the kindest people she’s ever met. She would consider Seulgi’s parents like her own parents, just like Seulgi also really adores her mom and dad. Every week Seulgi’s mother will stop by the bakery to talk to her mother, and purchase freshly baked goods even if her mother insists she doesn’t need to pay. Seungwan has a hard time seeing either of her best friend’s parents being deliberately cruel. 


“I don’t think they’d do anything to hurt me either, not on purpose. I just want them to be honest with me, what if it’s something bad? Like my sire’s sick and they don’t want to tell me. Or we have to move away and they haven’t found the best way to say that? I don’t know…” Now the alpha does feel quite ridiculous and proceeds to fall back into the soft striped picnic blanket they were sitting on. She hates overthinking and running different scenarios in her mind that might not even be true.


“Hey, let’s not panic until there’s a reason to worry. You’re usually the calm one, Seul.” It’s said in a soft way that is meant to make the alpha calm down. Besides, Seungwan doesn’t enjoy seeing her friend stressed out. Seulgi is typically the calm one and it is worrying to see her this on edge. She hopes that it turns out to be nothing serious and Seulgi will soon be telling her there was nothing to worry about. Maybe it is simple like her parents planning a surprise party or some sort of event they didn’t want to tell their daughter just yet.


“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Wan. Come on, tell me about your day?” Now she’s just eager to change the subject and hopes it’ll be a much needed distraction. She listens as Seungwan talks about her day, about how the most exciting thing that happened to her was when the cute alpha delivery girl who usually makes the deliveries actually looked at her.


“Did you find out her name?”


“No.” Seungwan sighs. “But then I had to be a klutz and trip over some flour I didn’t know spilled. Now I’ll probably never find out.”


“Oh, I’m sure you will. You’ve only been going on and on about this girl since you started working at your parents' bakery.”


“Well, it’s nice to have the eye candy. Keeps me focused while I’m working.”


Seulgi knows it wasn’t in Seungwan’s immediate plans to end up working at her family’s bakery. Seungwan had other plans and for as long as Seulgi could remember she would say she’d grow up and be a doctor. It was cute seeing Seungwan when they were kids, with a toy stethoscope, and Seulgi would willingly play the role of a sick patient that Seungwan would treat (usually with cookies) Then when she got older she’s always see Seungwan reading over any medical books or journals she could find from their local library, until one day Seungwan told her she probably wouldn’t be a doctor after all. That she needed to stay to help out with her parents bakery, so she did. Seulgi figured she would because Seungwan is the most selfless person she’s ever known.


“I thought you were going to talk to your parents about letting you go back to university?”


“Were we drinking when I said that? You know I’m braver when I’ve had a few drinks.”


“Seungwan?” The alpha frowns in concern. “Is being a doctor not still your dream?”


Then her friend smiles sadly. “Sometimes, we don’t get to do the things we want, or end up with a choice we would have hoped for. We have to make the best of things.”


And while Seulgi did understand to an extent. She just didn’t think she’d not try to do everything in her power to change a situation she wasn’t happy with. The two friends didn’t speak anymore about parents acting strangely or trying to get over long-held dreams, and accepting whatever fate had in store. Seulgi wanted to end this outing on a good note, that’s why she thanked Seungwan for meeting her for lunch, and looked forward to the next time they’d be able to meet. Seungwan also asked her to try not to be too paranoid and give her parents the benefit of the doubt.


Seulgi promised she would.





 That was all well and good until dinner that evening. As her mother told her she would be late coming home, and so it was Seulgi with her sire at dinner. Most people would comment how much Seulgi and her sire looked alike, whether it was the same warm colored eyes, nose shape, and face structure. Seulgi had to admit as she got older she could see the resemblance to her sire as opposed to her mom. When she was a child her sire would tell her she was like a tiny lion cub to her fierce mama lioness. Seulgi thought it was more so that they had similar cat-like features. But, then she thought about the protective sire aspect of it too. Maybe she’d think the same when she became a sire one day too. A fierce mama lioness looking after her own cub.


However, that was nothing to be concerned about now since becoming a sire herself had been the furthest thing from her mind. Not when she had two parents acting strangely.


“What?” Seulgi looked up from her mostly untouched dinner of stew and rice to make sure she heard what her sire said.


“I just think it would be a good idea if you spent a little less time with Seungwan, at least not alone.”


Seulgi didn’t understand why now after all this time is such a conversation coming up. Neither her parents or Seungwan’s parents had a problem with their friendship continuing even after Seulgi presented as an alpha, and later when it had been discovered Seungwan was an omega. No one enforced any rules saying they couldn’t continue their friendship.


“She’s my best friend. We always hang out alone and it’s not been a problem before, why now?”


Seulgi had to hear the explanation. Because it would have to be a very good one to all of a sudden stay away from her best friend now.


“I’m not saying that you have to end your friendship with Seungwan. You know I adore her as if she were my daughter too. I need you to trust me, Seul. It would be better if you limit how much time you spend alone with her.”


“But why?”


A tanned hand touched her shoulder. “Just trust me, Seul.”


Seulgi sighed and got up from the table. Whatever appetite she might have had is no longer there and she wants to simply go up to her room.


“You can’t keep expecting me to trust you when you keep acting so weird, mom.”


“Seul, please don’t leave. Let’s finish having dinner. I’ll be able to explain more soon…”


Rather than continue with a conversation that would most likely not get her any of the real answers she needed. Seulgi thanked her for dinner and told her goodnight. She knows she promised Seungwan that she wasn’t going to be paranoid. But so far her parents weren’t doing anything to change her opinion.


“A-Alright, Seul. I understand, have a good night.”


Something was up and Seulgi didn’t think she could wait much longer to find out what her parents were hiding.





With her daughter having left a short while ago, Kang Haeyeon let out a small sigh. She very much needed her wife to come home and soon, as she would have known how to handle this situation a lot better than she just did. Her wife is the more softer spoken of the two of them and while she does have her own unique bond with Seulgi as her sire. It’s different from the one Seulgi shares with her other half who gave birth to her.


“Might as well clean up the kitchen and dishes for now.”


It was already after 8 and Haeyeon expected for her wife to be late tonight, but not this late. She was starting to get anxious and the situation with Seulgi earlier wasn't helping her nerves. She didn’t enjoy telling Seulgi it would be a good idea to see Seungwan less. But she did have her reasons. Reasons her daughter would soon understand.


Clearing the dishes and washing out the used plates, cups, and utensils gave the older alpha something to focus on. She found herself getting more calm. But nothing helped more than when she heard the front door opening and the soft voice of her omega calling out to announce she’s home.


“Honey! I was getting worried. Let me take your coat, you get comfortable.”


Kang Misook could tell from the moment she walked in the door that her wife was anxious. If it weren’t already obvious from how her other half started rambling the moment she walked in the door.


“I’m fine, dear. I should have been home an hour ago but after the meeting I was asked to stay for dinner.”


Haeyeon figures it was something practical and lightly reprimanded herself for getting so anxious because of the time.


“So how did it go? Please tell me you have good news, because Seul is not happy with either of us at the moment.”


“I know. She’s very smart and I know she can tell we’re being off lately. Fortunately, everything went well with the meeting tonight. In fact, I do have good news. We can go this Saturday and we won’t have to keep much back from Seul any longer.”


The alpha breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t know what she’d do if Misook came home with not such good news. It is not exactly easy holding back a lot of information from their daughter, and yet neither herself or wife wanted to jinx things by speaking them out loud yet.


“Alright, that is good news. But what should we say to Seul in the meantime?”


“She’ll understand soon. For now, let’s just tell her we’re going over to see some old friends this Saturday and we’d like her to come too.”


It sounded good in theory, as if all they had to do was tell Seulgi they planned to visit some old friends and she needed to accompany them. However, their daughter would ask questions as she should. What else could they say to her that wouldn’t give everything away right now.


“It’s going to be okay.” Misook said with a small smile. “Besides, this is us just taking a chance we don’t know how things will go on Saturday, it’ll be a good chance to get an idea on if it’ll even work out.”


That was true and knowing that calmed the alpha down. They’d tell Seulgi soon about the planned trip.





Much to her parents' surprise when they were able to sit down with Seulgi to talk about their plans. Seulgi didn’t seem to react in the way they thought she would. She didn’t really have much of a reaction. She didn’t ask questions and simply said she would be ready to go when they were. 


“Seul?” Misook touched her daughter’s shoulder. “Are you alright?”


“Yes, I’m fine, mother. You and mom said it’s for dinner with some friends, right? I can handle that.”


Though she doesn’t know who these old friends could be. Seulgi knows she shouldn’t assume she knows all of her parents' friends, just because they live in a small town. She had to take in account her parents might have friends she’s not even met, or they don’t communicate often. Either way, the young alpha didn’t get the sense her mom’s were lying to her, at least not about this. Perhaps she’d finally find out what was going on. 


“Are you sure you’re alright, Seul.” Haeyeon kept analyzing her daughter’s face for any sort of reaction. Even if she was disappointed about being told she needed to accompany them. But there had been nothing of the sort. All Seulgi did was say she was fine, and nothing else had been said. They already knew a good reason why Seulgi might be acting off. How could she not when they knew themselves they were coming off strange to her as well. 


Hopefully things went well on Saturday so they could answer any and all questions Seulgi must have for them.


“Will it be alright if I stop by the Son’s bakery before we leave on Saturday? You won’t have a problem if I talk to Seungwan while her mom is there, right?”


“Seul…” Her sire stops. Maybe she shouldn’t have said what she said to Seulgi about limiting the time she spends with Seungwan. But she had her reasons. “You know I wasn’t saying you can’t be friends with Seungwan anymore.”


“Then it shouldn’t be a problem if I meet to talk to her. I will be back home before we need to leave for your friends’ dinner.”


“That’s fine, Seul. As long as you’re home before four. We need to get an early start.”


“Fine, I’ll be back before four. I should go, because Mr. Kim said he’d have some odd jobs I can do today.” She refers to their local butcher who will sometimes throw some random odd jobs her way. And because Seulgi isn’t working a solid job at the moment. She will take most of the jobs people in town might ask, whether it’s helping change tires, working in the butcher shop, or making a delivery or two. It’s a way to get out of the house and make some money on the side, at least until she’s working on more stable hours.


“Alright, sweetheart.” Misook told her, though she didn’t let Seulgi go without giving her the warmest hug. “We love you.”


“I love you both too. See you later.”


And for now, all they could do was let her leave. Would it have been easier to just sit their daughter down and explain themselves. Perhaps, it might have been. For now, it was still better to wait until Saturday, and all they hoped was for Seulgi to ultimately understand in the end.


“It’ll be okay.” Haeyeon told her wife, with a warm hug when they were alone. “I think things will work out well, honey. You’ll see.”

“I really hope so.”


For now, it was decided they’d not do anything other than prepare for Saturday. Even if they wished to talk to Seulgi, it was clear their daughter was choosing to keep herself busy. They barely saw her if not for breakfast and dinner times. Sometimes, there wasn’t even that when Seulgi was gone before the sun came up, or back home late. Even on Saturday morning when her sire planned a big family breakfast and spent hours making everything so the three of them could have breakfast together. Seulgi was already dressed and ready to leave.


“You don’t need to go this early to the Son’s bakery, do you? It’s barely 9:00 am, Seul. At least have breakfast with your mother and I.”


And Seulgi could see a full spread of food. More than enough for the three of them to eat and she also knew her mother probably got up extra early to make breakfast. As disappointed in her parents as Seulgi currently felt. She didn’t want to be unnecessarily rude to them either. Because at the end of the day she agreed with Seungwan. Her parents wouldn’t ever intentionally try to hurt her. That much she knew.


“Okay, let’s have breakfast.”


This wasn’t a typical breakfast situation. Seulgi spoke very little and wasn’t as engaged with either of her moms. She kept her eyes trained on her plate and as delicious as everything was. Seulgi only thought about getting out of here so she could meet up with Seungwan. Talking to her best friend usually helped and she needed to know if Seungwan had also received the same message, that they shouldn’t spend as much time alone together anymore. 


“I’ll clear the dishes.” Seulgi told them, mostly in an effort to be helpful and to ease some of the current tension. She still had time to go meet Seungwan, staying behind to help with the dishes wouldn’t make that much of a difference. 


“No, that’s okay, sweetheart. I can do the dishes since your mom did cook for us. You go ahead and see Seungwan, just remember…”


“Be back before 4, I know. Thanks, mother.”


“Do you need a ride, Seul? I need to go to the bank anyway..”


“That’s okay. I can ride my bike. I’ll be back before we need to leave. See you later.”


Seulgi was gone before either of them could blink. From the kitchen windows they could see Seulgi already heading to her bicycle. The last thing they saw was the back of their daughter’s head as her figure got smaller and smaller until there was nothing.


“Everything will be okay.” Misook told her other half and all Haeyeon did was nod with a hesitant smile. 


She hoped it would be.





Seungwan was thankful she’d be on a break soon. Working every other weekend wasn’t really ideal, but she never complained to either of her parents. She knew they needed the help and so she willingly helped out, even if it ultimately cost her own dreams.


“Mom?” Seungwan called out. “Seul should be here soon. We’re going to chat for a bit, is it okay if I take my break a little earlier.”


“Of course, Wan. Take your time. I’ll handle things from here.”


“Alright, let me know if you need any help. I don’t think Seul will stay long.” At least, she didn’t think so from what Seulgi told her. Her best friend called her the other day and Seungwan didn’t get the impression Seulgi would hang around long. But she did have the feeling Seulgi had something on her mind she needed to discuss. That’s why she’d do her best to be there for her friend and still make sure she could help out today at the bakery. They were able to hire at least one other person to help run things, but with the way things were currently going. Seungwan had to be there too and she didn’t mind helping her family. Even if it was also costing her certain things she wanted as well, like going to med school.


As she was getting ready to leave for her break. She noticed a familiar delivery truck parking and that cute alpha girl getting ready to make deliveries. 


“Oh…” Seungwan paused. Maybe Seulgi could wait a few minutes, so that she could at least find out the delivery girl’s name. “Seul won’t mind.”


When Seulgi was nearing the bakery she expected to see Seungwan out front waiting for her. She had already asked beforehand if it was okay to stop by and talk. And she did see Seungwan, of course. But she saw Seungwan looking like any schoolgirl with a crush as it appeared she was trying her best to speak to that delivery girl she clearly has a crush on. Seulgi thought it was kind of cute seeing her normally calm friend acting this way. In all the years they’ve been friends she’s not ever seen Seungwan with a crush. As she got down from her bike she swore she heard Seungwan trying to ask for the girl’s name.


“Cute…” Seulgi thought and felt like she shouldn’t interrupt this moment. Then Seungwan noticed her and shouted in a high-pitch nervous way.


“Hi, Seul! You’re here already.”




The delivery girl looked at Seulgi in a curious way. She smiled and turned to Seungwan with a somewhat teasing expression.


“Is that your girlfriend?”


At that both Seulgi and Seungwan make faces similar to small children who have just eaten something they don’t like. “Uh, no. She’s like my sister. Just no.” Seungwan shakes her head and Seulgi places her hand over her chest in mock pain.


“You’re not my type either, Wan. Besides, I think you like people in uniform that make deliveries to certain bakeries.”


Seungwan’s mouth drops and she turns to the delivery girl with the reddest face. She can’t believe Seulgi would do that, okay never mind she can believe Seulgi would do that. She can’t even apologize fast enough because the words aren’t coming out coherently. The delivery girl simply smiles and tells Seungwan not to worry.


“I’ll see you around, Seungwan.” She nods. “It’s nice to know you like delivery girls in uniforms.”


“I…I….” She stutters and can do nothing as the delivery girl heads back to the truck. The moment she’s alone she hits Seulgi in the arm and the taller girl smiles before chuckling.


“It’s not funny!” The omega reminds her. “You completely embarrassed me just now.”


“I didn’t. I was trying to help you. It’s clear you needed a push, and Wan. I think she really likes you.”


“B-But… can’t possibly know that! She probably couldn’t get out of here fast enough. You’re so lucky that you’re my best friend and I love you. Otherwise, I’d never speak to you again.”


Seulgi knows that it is mostly her friend’s nerves talking. She wasn’t trying to embarrass Seungwan in front of the person she likes. Truly, all she wanted to do was help. Seulgi hugged the shorter girl and promised that all she wanted to do was help smooth things along.


“I’ve never seen you interested in someone, Wan. I want you to be happy, you know that.”

She did know that and so she hugged Seulgi back. “Thanks, Seul. I know you do, anyways never mind about that, hopefully the next time I talk to her she won’t even remember any of what happened. Okay, now tell me what’s wrong with you. You didn’t sound like yourself when we spoke the other day.”


And this is why Seulgi needed her best friend, just like that she goes into that caring friend mode and sits down with her. Seungwan waits patiently for her to explain some of what’s going on. She listens and it’s what Seulgi needed right now. So she told Seungwan everything that was currently going on, and then she told her what her sire said to her.


“I don’t understand.” Seungwan admits. “We’ve been friends too long, even when we found out you were an alpha, and I was an omega. Your parents didn’t seem bothered.”


On the one hand, while Seulgi does feel relieved her parents hadn’t specifically told Seungwan what they said to her, about limiting the amount of time they spend alone together. It only brings up more questions than answers. 


“I know, I thought it was weird too. We are just friends and even still you know I would never try to take advantage of you in a situation that my sire is probably thinking about.”


“Yeah, I know you wouldn’t, Seul. I trust you and you’d not take advantage of any omega in heat. Maybe you’re right that your parents are acting off.”


“Yeah, they are. I have a feeling I’ll get some answers later on. They told me that we needed to go to a dinner with some friends of theirs, so I’ll let you know when I find out more.”


“You don’t think they’re lying about having dinner with friends, do you?”


“I honestly don’t know.” Seulgi admits with a tired sigh. “It would be pretty stupid to lie about it, since I agreed to go. I just wish I knew what was going on.”


Seungwan places a gentle hand on her friend’s shoulder. “You’ll find out, Seul, and you know I’m always here if you need me.”


“Thanks, Wan. I appreciate that, come on, tell me more about the delivery girl. Did you find out her name?” She wanted Seungwan to talk more about herself, and it would be a nice distraction to not think about whatever her parents were currently hiding from her. 


“Oh yeah, I did find out her name. It’s Yerim, Kim Yerim.”


“See, I knew you could do it. Next thing you know I’ll be the best woman at your wedding.”


At that the omega throws her head back and laughs. “I think we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves, Seul. Marriage is the furthest thing from Seungwan’s mind. She would be happy with a date first, a regular date, not so much a wedding date.


“You never know, Wan.”


“I’ll see you at your wedding first before I take a walk down the aisle.”


Now it was Seulgi’s turn to laugh out loud. Seungwan must be kidding. After all, unlike her Seulgi isn’t interested in anyone and looks like a schoolgirl with a crush each time she sees the cute delivery girl, who Seulgi now knows is named Kim Yerim.


“I don’t think so, Wan. If anyone’s getting married first it will be you.”


“We’ll see.” Her friend gently nudges her shoulder, though she has a thoughtful smile on her face. “I can see you happily married with a few kids. I wonder who the lucky omega will be…”


“Wan, if there’s any lucky omega in my life, you’ll be the first to know. Not that that’s going to be anytime soon.”


Because just like Seungwan, marriage was also the furthest thing from Seulgi’s mind too. She wanted to live in the present time, and a part of that meant figuring out what was going on with her parents.


Seulgi had a feeling she’d find out something tonight.





Waiting around always seemed to never get easier. Even though Seulgi told them she’d be home before it was time to leave. Both Haeyeon and Misook found themselves staring at the large wall clock in their living room at various moments. They both kept themselves busy in small ways, whether it was cleaning up the house, or returning phone calls they both missed. At first time went by slowly, and then before either of them knew it. The front door was opening and Seulgi had come home.


“I’m back.” She spoke. “Early enough to leave for your friends dinner.”


And she was right. There was plenty of time before the originally decided upon time. “We should get an early start. I hope you’re hungry, Seul because the dinner at our friend's house will be wonderful.”


At this point, Seulgi has to believe they are serious. Otherwise it would look very foolish to lie about having to go to a dinner and not actually attending one. She follows her parents to the car and they head off. Seulgi has no idea what to expect. It would have been easier if she knew these friends of her parents, and had an idea what she might be facing. One thing Seulgi didn’t quite expect was the long drive, not when they were driving away from most of the main stores and buildings she recognized like the bank, or the Son’s bakery. The further away from the town they went and there was nothing but roads. Seulgi knew they were in for a long drive and it made sense why her parents wanted to get an early start. Seulgi is sure that at some point she drifted off to sleep and closed her eyes. She wasn’t sure for how long she slept, it could have been ten minutes, maybe even a whole half hour. But she did hear her mother calling her name in a gentle voice to wake her up.


“We’re here, Seul.” Misook spoke. 


“We are?”


Seulgi saw the sun was nearly setting, and when she got out of the car with her parents she saw a two-story white house that reminded her of a painting she saw in an old book once. There didn’t seem to be any other houses around for miles either, nothing but acres of land.


“Um…” Seulgi laughed in a nervous way. “I don’t know if you guys watch a lot of horror movies but this is usually when bad things happen. So I’ll just go back to the car and…”


Neither of her parents say anything because two people come out of the house. A man and a woman, both dressed very nicely. The man in a dark suit and his hair combed perfectly and his wife in a colorful dress that was ironed so well, Seulgi couldn’t help but look at her wrinkled plaid shirt and worry that she should have tried harder. 


“Misook, Haeyeon.” The two spoke and hugged her mothers. “It’s so good of you to come.”


“Hello, Hyunsook, Minjoon.” Seulgi watches as her parents address the two people and they have a short conversation. She feels more than a little awkward standing by the car and wishes more than ever she knew how to drive. At least, that way she could have made a quick escape. Only even if she did know how to drive she wouldn’t actually have left her parents, that would have been too rude even for her.


“This must be Seulgi.” She heard her name.


“Yes, this is our daughter Seulgi. Seulgi, come say hi. There’s someone we’d like for you to meet.”

There was someone they wanted her to meet? That didn’t make sense, who else could she meet other than their friends. Besides, she didn’t see anyone standing there other than her parent’s friends. Seulgi walked over anyways and as she did. She noticed there was someone else. Someone she could have easily missed because of how she stood behind her own parents. A girl that stood a bit shorter than her, perhaps even a bit shorter than Seungwan even, dressed just as perfectly as her mom and dad. Not a wrinkle to be seen in her blouse or skirt, dark brown hair in a neat ponytail, and such pretty big brown eyes. 


Seulgi didn’t know what she should do, or say. Seungwan is the only omega she’s talked to on a regular basis. The few others she’s had contact with had been very brief. Should she shake her hand or not? Well, maybe she should at least introduce herself.




Before Seulgi could even do any of that. The omega snarled at her in a way Seulgi didn’t expect and slapped her upside the head, not in a hard way, that it hurt. But still…


“Did she just hit me?” 


All the older adults looked at the scene before them in varying degrees of worry and concern. That wasn’t the exact way they wanted the first meeting between their children to go, not at all.


“What the hell is your problem!” Seulgi snarled back. 


Just who the hell did this omega think she was.


A/N: Ah first impressions, am I right lol. I know, I know, not the best intro for them to meet. But I am trying something new and different where there isn’t immediate butterflies/attraction and Seulrene has to work their way to those feelings so hopefully that should be fun! Hope you guys find this first chapter interesting and thank you so much if you did!


Sponsor Mentions:) Thank you so very much to: tay_84, zombiejuhyun, Pinkbubl, YANGx_, AliyaViktoria, taeyang729, DHTDHR, User_name1200, pinkpinkypin, Androsssss, 2ce9585f2b6709de35b9, Mmm2392, InformedPuppy, ericakate, LOCOPPL, dmac20, j33200, Supergirl03, RedPaint, ainijt, jjlevi93, bbongdrrr, Zesev7, LocksmithTaeng, Xoxosonegg, okay54321, seulseulseul, Mustafina, Rated_pg, dianafeng, Jiminiepabo707, macegraco, Taitai84, km3bty, somebbboy, iheartisti, baetokki9, Ginestroza2000, AlineKwon, born10966, seulich, Choerrybat, raej02, km62201n, KaiserKawaii, roroan, Morning-Star_06, mari102002, omadiver, wittyadie95, jasonds, falsuki, Fantasiii, Eris78, captainsnsd, theRequiem78, Jewster88, royalshipper2122, iamforeverlame, aya_ah98, s1786343, noob101, Lpoppp, Maria2308, ErisKeeyan


I appreciate each and everyone so much!! 



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72 streak #1
Chapter 4: I miss this😭😭😭😭😭
2076 streak #2
Chapter 1: Lol why did she hit Seulgi like that
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 4: Joohyun might probably not really notice or even accept that in fact she has interest in Seulgi with the way she's acting. let's see how the next chapter unfolds.

I can already see Seulgi being drop dead gorgeous on their next meeting, picturing how Joohyun would then be mesmerized and would be out of her words.
Yoonchoding07 #4
Chapter 3: had a couple of laughs for this chapter. I don't know if I should pity Seulgi or actually just laugh how nothing's going her way.

really looking forward how their relationship will develop.
Yoonchoding07 #5
Chapter 2: will Joohyun regret how she greeted Seulgi for their first meeting?
Yoonchoding07 #6
Chapter 1: just picturing how Joohyun's feelings towards Seulgi would transform after leaving that very strong negative impression on her on their very first meeting... I also wonder what her parent told her to greet Seulgi with a smack on the head.

we know how Joohyun is not immune to our Seulbears charms. hahaha!
AmyMej #7
Chapter 4: Contina con tus historias, eres genial, gracias por tantos fanfics :)
Chapter 4: Reading this after Crossing Boundaries is fun. You really can balance every mood of your stories with all these well-written plots. This is totally the contrast of Crossing Boundaries. Chill, cute, and comedic lmao. (Both stories are very much liked by me btw.) I love how Joohyun is actually trying to make things work. She might not directly say it as what her parents described her that she's not good with words, but her efforts speak louder. Afterall, they won't be on a bad note if she didn't smack Seulgi's head 😭 Just hope everything will go well in their first date and that Seulgi will eventually be less colder. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 3: I love how chill their parents are 😂 At least they apologized to each other now but I fear for Seulgi's future socialization with other omegas, Joohyun obviously doesn't like that at all lmao.

And every update just keeps getting better. Thank you so much for writing another masterpiece.
Chapter 4: A redo at first impressions.
This should be good, both let the prejudgment out and try to know the other person for who they are