
Boys Over Flowers

Jongwoon was facing a mega huge trouble, even bigger than the time he mistook Kyuhyun as an Omega.



Everyone misunderstood and thought that he got pregnant.



To be honest, even he and his boyfriend also misunderstood it at first. A few days after their hot and streamy first night, he woke up feeling nauseous and lost appetite. Later that day, his boyfriend took him to a famous Japanese restaurant to eat his favorite sashimi. However, its smell made him feel even more nauseous and he ended up vomiting even though he hadn't eaten yet. They went to a hospital and found out that he got food poisoning after eating expired pastry because he didn't want to waste food. The worried Alpha boyfriend took him home to rest but they ran into Kyuhyun's parents. Seeing his pale face and low energy, the kind-hearted Mister and Mrs. Cho inquired about his well-being kindly. His stupid mouth then ran faster than his brain and he said jokingly that he might be pregnant. Then...


"Oh my God!!!! Jongwoon-ah is pregnant with our first grandchild!!"

"Uh, eomma, I—"

"Kyuhyun, what are you doing? Why don't you let him rest and called the best doctor?"

"Appa, I—"

"Did your parents know about this? Omo I can't wait to see Mrs. Kim and discuss about the gifts for our grandchild together!!"

"It was—"


Too late. The two esteem Cho elders already ran off to their separate ways to deal with "welcoming their first grandchild". After that, he didn't know how but his parents and their siblings also heard the news within an hour and everything suddenly got messy. Their fathers discussed which doctors to hire as his pregnancy private doctor. Their mothers discussed which temples or churches to go and pray for his and his child's safety. Ahra noona happily boasted to all of her friends that she was about to have a cute niece or nephew. Jongjin was busy asking everyone he met about a perfect gift for a pregnant Omega and a newborn baby. Even their college friends also heard about it somehow and agreed to throw a party for them. In a nutshell, he ed up. BADLY. BIG TIME.


"Jongwoon-ah, don't bite your nails."

"But what should we do!!? Now everyone believe that I'm pregnant and we're too deep in this to fix it!!"

"Wouldn't it be the best that we confess? Although it's your fault for joking inappropriately but my parents are to blame too for quickly jumping to conclusions."

"But they'll be heartbroken... Not to say that Ahra noona and Jongjin are very excited about the news too..."


Jongwoon murmured while snuggling closer on his boyfriend's lap. It had been a few days now after the silly incident but he still didn't know what to do. He didn't want to hurt everyone's feelings but lying also made him feel guilty. So, he locked himself in the bedroom and just cuddled with his Alpha mate until some solution miraculously manifested to him. He pondered deeply while slapping the younger man's naughty hand that kept trying to slide under his t-shirt. Is there any way that he wouldn't hurt anyone's feeling...?


"Oh!! I know how to fix this silly misunderstanding now!!"

"My adorable boyfriend is the smartest. What's your plan, Jongwoon-ah?"

"It's a genius plan that will solve everything!! But I'll need your help for that."

"We're bound as a lifetime pair now so, obviously, I'll help you no matter what you want me to do. So?"


Jongwoon grinned smugly and shifted around on his Alpha mate's lap to straddle him instead. Then, he hooked his arms around the younger man's neck and winked.


"Easy! We just have to keep having until I get pregnant for real!!"



His enthusiasm died down a bit when his boyfriend didn't show any reaction to his idea. He also thought a bit more and realized that his plan was indeed flawed.


"Wait, even if we do that, there's no guarantee that I'll get pregnant... Maybe you're right, Kyu, it's better to just be honest and—"

"No. That's a brilliant idea. My wife is really a genius."

"Huh? You agree with— Ahh!"


Jongwoon cried out in surprise when his boyfriend suddenly threw him on the bed and came to straddle him. When he saw Kyuhyun smirking and his lips, he realized that his plan might not be a good idea at all.


"W-Wait, Kyu, I changed—"

" Don't worry, Jongwoon-ah. I'll work even harder and solve the problem for us~"

"I-I think we should just—"


The Alpha's warm hand slid into his shorts and Jongwoon completely forgot about the confession plan after that...




In the end, Jongwoon's genius(?) plan worked wonderfully and he got pregnant with twins...




"So that's how we were born? Mommy, you're a fool."

"Yes, luckily, we got daddy's genes in terms of IQ."



Jongwoon sniffled when he got called a fool by his own twins daughters who inherited his husband's sharp tongue out of all things. Kyuhyun hurriedly scolded the two troublemakers but he was also chuckling along, causing Jongwoon to pout even harder. He slapped the Alpha's arm and protested.


"You!! Get out and sleep in the living room tonight!! I'm going to sleep with Minji and Yejin!"

"I'm sorry, dear, don't kick your husband out... The couch is cold at night, Jongwoon-ah..."


The evil twins girls suddenly interrupted their silly banter and hugged their mother while grinning at their father.


"If the couch is cold at night, daddy just has to turn on a heater."

"Or bring more blankets with you. We'll share ours!!"

"Aigoo! My baby daughters are the smartest little angels!"


Jongwoon cooed and happily kissed his daughters' cheeks while the girls giggled and squealed in joy, leaving only Kyuhyun as the most miserable one.


"Minji! Yejin! How could you do this to your daddy!!? You two were the one who asked me to beg your mommy to tell the story of how you were born!!"

""We have no idea what you're talking about, daddy.""


Kyuhyun stared at his daughters in disbelief. Who would have thought that his own children will be his greatest enemy competing for his wife's attention. However, the twins still had a lot to learn before they could outwit him.


"Babies, don't you want to have a little brother or sister?"

"Kyu!!! What are saying to our children!!?"

"I saw the way you look at your friends who have a younger sibling. You want to have a little henchman in your adventure too, right?"


"Daddy is right."

"It'd be awesome if we got twins just like us."


Jongwoon's eyes almost popped out at his daughters' betrayal. These girls really are Kyuhyun's children!!! Without doubts!!! He watched helplessly how the twins gave their father a high-five and ran out of the bedroom, leaving only him and his erted husband... Kyuhyun chuckled and came to cuddle his wife while his hands skillfully did magic on the Omega's clothes.


"Jongwoon-ah, it's our duty as parents to make our children's wish come true, right?"

"...Why did I get myself into this again?"

"Because you love me~ And I love you too, always."


Well, he certainly couldn't deny that. Jongwoon sighed and let his Alpha husband lead him to a hot sleepless night that will result in another pregnancy, but that's the tale of another time!



The end




Someone said in the comment that they wanted to know whether Jongwoon was pregnant or not + see their interaction with their children so I added a short extra chapter xD   Thanks for reading!! 

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Everyone, I add a short extra per the comments request xD Don't forget to check it out!!


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Chapter 3: I love the story so much ❤️ thank you for your hard work <3
Chapter 3: KYAAAAAA..you have granted our request. Thank you author-nim you are really kind. 💕👍
Jongwoon's innocence that I really like the most
Kyusungftw #3
Chapter 3: Hahahaha of course that is 100% approved by kyu kind of idea, jongwoon ah. Adorable ending 😍
Kyusungftw #4
Chapter 2: Jongwoon wondered what kyu meant by seducing him and then proceeded doing the exact thing hahahaha. Again Kyu has the highest level of patience! We love a gentleman 😍

Oh no no no no 🫣 but still hope for happy ending
399 streak #5
Chapter 3: LMAO! It's soooooo EXTRAAAA! Jongwoon you idiot XD~
399 streak #6
Chapter 2: 4 KIDS?!? THAT'S A LOT XDDDD~

Sooooo... You are going to make me cry next week (?) good to know, I'll prepare a box of tissue when the time comes T^T
Chapter 3: Now I want to know whether the twins will have brother or sister or other twins 😅
Thanks you for this awesome fics. Look forward to your new ones 💙
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1521150/2'>End (2/2)</a></span>
poor him brought a leopard at home..
pinkeussi #9
Chapter 3: Omg i can't stop giggle like a fool while reading this omg
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 3: Thank you for making my wish come true, this was great! I don't know why I enjoy reading Kyuhyun struggling with his mini-me(s) xD and when it comes to Jongwoons plan... it was kinda stupid but on one hand very logical :D