End (1/2)

Boys Over Flowers

Everyone had a secondary gender apart from their . Unlike which was assigned at birth, the secondary gender only manifested when an individual reached puberty, ranging from the age of fifteen to eighteen. After a week of hormonal disturbance, a person could come out as either an Alpha, a Beta, or an Omega. The Betas weren't that much different from the unidentified person, except they were gifted with exceptional emotional intelligence. The Alphas, who made up only 10% of the population, were gifted with both bright minds and outstanding physiques. It was physically impossible for them to get pregnant, in exchange for high fertility. The Omegas, on the other hand, were gifted with artistic skills and the ability to get pregnant in both male and female Omegas. They had a pheromone gland located at their napes that secreted a scent based on each individual. Although anyone could smell it, Alphas were especially very receptive to the Omegas' pheromone. Meanwhile, Alphas' scent only manifested when their senses were heightened, for example, being stressed or threatened, excited or ecstatic, during or when bonding with Omegas. By biting Omegas' glands, Alphas left their marks on the Omegas which symbolized their bonds, and from that point onward, only the pair could smell their partner's pheromone. Generally, the secondary gender didn't marginalize people. There were as many Beta executives as Alpha artists and Omega athletes. While the secondary gender helped give the individual a good head start, everyone still needed to work hard to achieve success.



For that reason, it's actually quite common to mistake people's secondary gender at the first glance...









"Hey!! Let him go! You cowards!!"


Jongwoon shouted and rushed into the alley without hesitation. He raised his fist and harshly swung it in the face of a bully no. 1 who ran at him. Then, he dodged a right hook from a bully no. 2 and countered by kicking the man and sending him stumbling back. He crouched down and side-stepped just in time to avoid getting pinned by a bully no. 3 who snuck behind him. He aimed at the chicken guy's knee and stomped on it, not too hard to cause a permanent injury but hard enough to send a message. The three bullies scrambled up from the ground and glared at him, but quickly ran away with their tails between their legs when he took a step forward menacingly. Scoffing at the cowards who only knew how to bully those weaker than them, Jongwoon brushed off the dust from his clothes before turning his attention to the poor victim. The young man was a very cute guy with a lanky build and milky skin. His slightly long dark-brown hair perfectly framed his oval face dotted with a few acne scars and his bright innocent eyes roused a sense of adoration from him. Those full pale-pink lips that pursed in nervousness made his heart soften like when he encountered a scared small animal. A faint scent of grape coming from the guy was very pleasing to his nose. Mm, this guy has a good face and an alright body! He nodded while openly sizing the other man up. He suddenly had an urge to ruffle that fluffy hair and kept this person in his pocket to keep him safe from any danger.



This guy must be an Omega. 



"Don't worry. I won't hurt you."

"...Thank you so much for saving me. They threatened to break my leg if I didn't hand them my wallet. However, I politely refused and told them that my wallet is a gift from my father so I can't do that. Plus, it's a limited edition of this brand so I really can't give it away."

"You what?"


Jongwoon swept his gaze all over the lanky Omega again. Although the young man was wearing casual clothes of a simple black t-shirt, black trousers, and black sandals, as a fashionista himself, he knew immediately that every piece was a famous brand-name product, down to the very backpack that the man picked up from the ground. He shook his head in disbelief.


"You're basically begging people to rob you, flaunting your wealth like that."

"Eh? But I choose the cheapest stuff in my closet..."

"Sigh, you're too naive. You should be extra careful especially when you're an Omega. While the general public treats Omegas fairly, there are still some people who take advantage of our weaker physique."


"You seem to come from a well-off family so why don't you at least have a guard to keep you safe? I doubt any rich parents would let their Omega son live alone."

"Well, my mother did insist on me bringing a few of our men but I refused. I wanted to experience normal college life. Plus, I'm not—"

"That won't do! No worry, I'll protect you from now on!'

"... Protect me?"

"Yes!! It's the strong's duty to protect the weak, even though I'm an Omega. I'm Kim Jongwoon, by the way, a sophomore studying Photography. You?"

"Nice to meet you, Jongwoon hyung. I'm Cho Kyuhyun, a freshman studying business and—"

"Oh my God!!! You're that Cho? You know? The Cho Family who owns a lot of real estate in Seoul? Including all famous department stores and hospitals and hotels?"

"Yes, that's my family but, hyung, I'm actually—"

"Then you should be even more careful! If I recall correctly, aren't you the only son with an older sister? You're making your parents worry about you by living carelessly!"

"They're worried about me but they also know that I'm—"

"I know! How about you become my roommate? I'm actually looking for someone to help with the rent after my Omega friend Donghae moved out to live with his Alpha boyfriend Hyukjae. Although I can pay it just fine by myself, I don't mind sharing my apartment with a fellow Omega. Plus, I should look after you as a senior and make sure that those bullies won't touch you again and..."


Jongwoon trailed off after realizing that he talked a lot like a crazy person. Ah, his bad habit struck again. He grinned sheepishly and ruffled the younger Omega's head while apologizing.


"Sorry, I have a bad habit of running my mouth. It's okay to turn down my offer if you find me annoying. I understand and promise to still be your good senior."

"No, I like your voice and I think you're very cute, Jongwoon hyung."


Kyuhyun smiled breezily and lowered his head for him. However, something in those bright brown eyes made him shudder in scared excitement. It was a feeling of a prey realizing that they were targeted by an apex predator. So, he retracted his hand out of instinct but the boy's larger hand immediately caught his wrist. The younger man beamed and put his hand back on his head.


"Although I don't think it's a good idea for us to room together, I've taken a liking in you and I want to know you more, so, Jongwoon hyung, please take care of me from now on~"

"O-Okay, leave it to me!"


He put up with a strong facade and kept patting the taller man's soft hair, even though his heart was beating crazily. His gland suddenly produced more pheromones even though there weren't any Alpha here. Meanwhile, Kyuhyun closed his eyes and hummed in a good mood while enjoying the head pat.



At the same time, he felt like getting drunk from Kyuhyun's grape pheromone even though the scent belonged to an Omega.




"Kyuhyun, wake up. Didn't you say that you wanted me to take you to a local mall and see how normal people shop?"


Jongwoon shook the younger man who was sleeping in the bed. Kyuhyun groaned but obediently got up. He chuckled and brushed aside the younger man's messy bang. Suddenly, the taller man pulled him into his arms and buried his nose in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent happily.


"Hyung... you smell so good..."

"Again? Jeez, why are you so obsessed with smelling me?"


He complained but let the younger keep smelling him. Although they had been roommates for two weeks now, he still couldn't get used to this brat taking a sniff of him whenever he had a chance. They were both Omegas so their pheromones should be very subtle to each other, yet Kyuhyun never got tired of smelling him. The Omega freshman liked to sneak behind him and hug him tightly while rubbing his nose against his nape. He also often caught the younger staring at his neck but he brushed it off as his superior beauty attracting even a fellow Omega. Although Kyuhyun behaved strangely as an Omega, he didn't mind it and took the young man under his wings as promised. No one dared to bully Kyuhyun again after he began to hang out by the junior's side. He felt good to help a junior and he was also happy to have the Omega as his little brother to spoil. Being a sheltered rich kid, Kyuhyun was very clueless about how normal people lived and often asked him to teach him many things.



Today, they planned to go to a local department store together.




"See that clothing store over there? Near the end of each quarter, it'll hold a big super sales fair and you can buy brand name goods with up to ninety percent discount!"

"Do normal people really wait for three months to buy new clothes? I'd have just bought the entire store."

"Duh, not everyone is an heir to a billionaire family like you! In fact, the super sales fair is still too expensive for some folks and we opt to buy secondhand stuff instead."

"What? You seriously wear the clothes that people already wore once?"

"Why not? It's cheap and comfortable!"

"I could never do that."

"Well, to each their own, but I guess I have to return your pajamas that I secretly borrowed then—"

"I don't mind it."


Jongwoon eyed the younger man suspiciously.


"Didn't you just say that you could never do that?"

"I don't mind if it's you, Jongwoon hyung. Plus, I like having you smell like me."

"You're a weirdo."


He shook his head but chuckled at the peculiar rich heir. This guy is really fun to be with! He grinned and offered his hand to the taller man.


"Let's take a break at some cafe. We've been walking around for hours now."

"Really? Why do I feel like it's only been a few minutes? Oh, it's probably because I'm having too much fun spending time with you, Jongwoon hyung."


Kyuhyun smiled back while grasping his hand and hooking it intimately. Jongwoon felt his cheeks and his gland in the nape got warmer at the charming smile. Jeez, why did he get flustered with a fellow Omega!?




"What do you want, Kyuhyun?"

"I've only ever eaten desserts made by Michelin Star chefs so I don't know any of these menus. Do they have Crème Brûlée or Mille-feuille?"

"...Just a regular cheesecake for me and strawberry shortcake for this guy then. Oh, an iced latte and iced chocolate too."


Jongwoon put down the menu and met the young waiter's gaze. After quickly sizing the man up, he found out that the other party was an Alpha based on his firm and strong build. He smiled at the boy and chuckled when he quickly looked away.


"I-Is that all for your order, Sir?"

"Yes. Unless you want to recommend something good~?"

"Um, if you don't mind, can I have—"

"That's all we need. Thank you."


Kyuhyun suddenly spoke up and stared the waiter down coldly. Jongwoon whistled in his head when he saw the waiter's eyes widen while looking at the young Omega. Oh my, someone had fallen for his junior! He giggled and grinned wider when the waiter boy's face turned pale at the grape pheromone that Kyuhyun released. Poor boy. Looks like it's still too early for him to handle an Omega of Kyuhyun's level! He smiled after the waiter's back who stumbled on his own feet while running away, and almost dropped their orders while serving. As soon as the poor boy left, he quickly gossiped with the other Omega.


"Kyuhyun! That boy has a crush on you!"


"That waiter boy! He likes you! That's why he can't stop looking at you~"

"You're unbelievable, Jongwoon hyung."


"Nevermind, there's something else that I saw normal people do that I want to try. Can you help me?"

"Sure! Do you want me to get his number—"


The sour grape pheromone became much more intense that he actually felt a bit hot and weak in the knees. He quickly stopped the teasing.


"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore! So? What do you want to do, Mister Rich Heir?"

"Let's feed each other."

"That's it? Isn't that a thing everyone does regardless of status? Oh, whatever, here, say ahh!"



Jongwoon happily fed his cheesecake to the brown-haired man and smiled seeing a contented (smug?) look on that beautiful face. Ah, he really likes Kyuhyun's face! He could never say no to such a gorgeous face so he obediently ate the strawberry shortcake that the younger fed him.


"Hyung, you got cream on your lips."

"Huh? Where—"


Kyuhyun suddenly leaned closer and wiped off the cream for him. The young Omega's thumb brushed his bottom lip and took care of it, only for Kyuhyun to the whipping cream on his thumb next while holding their gazes. Jongwoon blushed madly when the taller man smirked while his lips.


"Mm, very sweet, I love it."

"O-Oh, that's great! Um, I mean, we can always come here! Yes! Very good!"



Ahhhhh! He would have thought that Kyuhyun was actually an Alpha if he didn't already know that the man was an Omega!




After a month and a week, Jongwoon slowly got used to his roommate's weird habit of smelling him. Every morning, Kyuhyun would nuzzle his neck and sniff for about five minutes. During the day if they happened to run into each other on the campus, Kyuhyun never failed to stop to hug him (and smell his neck, of course). In the evening back in the dorm, Kyuhyun ALWAYS clung to him like a baby koala after he took a shower. The younger Omega's nose was literally glued to his neck. As for the nighttime...



"Jongwoon hyung, I have a nightmare again..."

"Huh...? Oh, come here, Kyuhyun."


Jongwoon sleepily made space for the taller man to lie down on the bed behind him. The young Omega immediately assumed a big-spoon role and circled himself in his arms and legs. During the first few times, he felt weird about being held by another Omega but he took it like a champ now. Not only did he not mind it, but he also found a perfect position to sleep in less than a second. If there's anything that he couldn't get used to yet, it's the way Kyuhyun practically shoving his face in his nape and staying like that until morning. Seriously, what's so good about a fellow Omega's smell?


"Hyung..." Kyuhyun murmured almost drunkenly, "your smell... so good... mmn.."

"Can you really smell me? My scent is a sunflower. It's so subtle and unique that even my younger brother can't smell me, and he's an Alpha!"

"Mm, yes... I can smell you just fine... because I'm a Dominant type..."


Kyuhyun explained dreamily while taking another sniff and rubbing the tip of his nose against his nape. The ticklish sensation made him accidentally moan and the grape scent suddenly exploded and invaded his being. Jongwoon mewled softly and tried to calm down his racing heartbeat. So, Kyuhyun is a Dominant Omega. No wonder his pheromone was very strong...


"Jongwoon hyung?"

"Huh...? Yeah...?"

"Do you like my pheromone?"

"Hnn, yes... It's... rich and refreshing at the same time... But..."

Kyuhyun held him tighter, "But?"

"But it's too strong sometimes... My head is feeling funny..."

"I see. I'm sorry, hyung."


At his apology, the other Omega's pheromone lessened its intensity to a pleasant level. Jongwoon inhaled the lively scent and yawned. He had no idea why but the younger man's pheromone really made him feel relaxed and secure. He shifted once more to settle on a comfortable spot in Kyuhyun's embrace.


"G'night, Kyuhyun..."

"Sweet dreams and dream of me, Jongwoon hyung."


He felt something soft and warm touch his nape but it was probably his sleepy brain.




"Yes! It'll be a winter break soon! Kyuhyun, what do you rich folks usually do on Christmas?"

"Last year, we went to Norway and celebrated it on a private yacht at a fjord. I think we plan to go to Austria this year. Hyung, do you want to go with me? It's a perfect chance to introduce you to my family."

"Um, thank you but no. I don't feel comfortable leaching on your wealth like that when I'm just your ordinary senior slash roommate."



Kyuhyun looked at him as if he was pondering hitting him with a frying pan and tying him up and locking him in a basement forever. So, Jongwoon wisely ran away first. He took out his accessories box and started picking out his collection of chokers. Due to the advanced medical technology in this age, Omegas no longer had to wear a pheromone-control choker but some still did purely for aesthetics and fashion, him, for example. He happily laid out each choker on the table while Kyuhyun came to sit on the bed and watched him. He picked up a simple black leather collar adorned with a tiny silver bell and put it on, before turning to the other Omega.


"Kyuhyun, how do I look?"

"So cute that I want to keep you to myself only. Why are you suddenly trying your chokers?"

"I want to choose the best one! What about this one?"


He picked up the next one which was a black ribbon made of silk and tied it around his neck into a bow. Then, he turned his back to the younger man and lowered his head to fully show off his decorated nape. He also pulled the t-shirt wide collar down to his shoulders so the younger could take a better look at his choker of choice. However, only unnerving silence answered his question. He couldn't help but wonder if this choker didn't suit him. He was about to take it off but he was suddenly hugged from behind, followed by a warm breath against his nape and a faint smell of grape that made him shudder. Then, he felt the tip of the junior's nose rubbing along the black choker and pressing down, causing him to accidentally moan.


"Jongwoon hyung... "


"I thought it couldn't get any worse but I was wrong. Your beautiful neck alone is already bad enough but adding this choker... Do you have fun teasing me and driving me crazy?"

"What teasing? I just want to ask your opi—"


Jongwoon shrieked when he felt something soft touching his nape through the silk choker. Did Kyuhyun just kiss his neck!!? The younger Omega's unexpected action, the fragrant grape pheromone, and the strong arms caging him made his heart skip faster. He suddenly lost strength and his head was foggy. There was only one thought swirling in his fuzzy mind: he wanted Kyuhyun to touch him more. Panting loudly, he glanced over his shoulder and his body's temperature raised up when he met a pair of blazing brown eyes. They were staring at him with a strange glint that rang a bell in his head. But if those eyes are a sign of danger, why does it feel so good to be looked at? He felt like getting in when he looked at the beautiful eyes so he glanced down. Bad idea. His gaze then dropped to the taller man's plump lips and—


"D-Don't you have to pack your bags soon for going home during the winter break!!?"


Jongwoon bolted up from the chair and got away from the Omega junior who didn't behave like an Omega at all. He knew that he was blushing just by looking at the smirking younger man. Just now... Why the hell did he think that he wanted to kiss Kyuhyun!!? A fellow Omega!!?


"I don't have to pack anything because the butler will prepare everything for me."

"Jeez, you guys really are something... Sigh, I'm so jealous of you. I have to buy new clothes by myself..."

"Why? The choker too, are you going somewhere that requires you to dress up?"

"Yep! I'm going to join a mixer party during Christmas. Who knows? Maybe I might find a kind-hearted, cool, smart, handsome, hot, and rich Alpha guy to date~"

"... You're coming with me to Austria and I'll introduce you to my family."


"I'm taking your family with us too. This is the perfect chance for our families to get to know each other."


"Oh, you can bring that silk choker if you want to but you can only wear it when we're together in our bedroom, just the two of us."





Is this guy really an Omega!!?




Author's note:

It's never a boring time writing oblivious Jongwoon unintentionally seducing poor Kyuhyun  xD

This is my first time writing Omegaverse! I'm still not familiar with the lore yet so forgive me if there's any mistake. Please see it as my interpretation of this au and enjoy this comedy kyusung fic!

Take care and love you!  <3

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Everyone, I add a short extra per the comments request xD Don't forget to check it out!!


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Chapter 3: I love the story so much ❤️ thank you for your hard work <3
Chapter 3: KYAAAAAA..you have granted our request. Thank you author-nim you are really kind. 💕👍
Jongwoon's innocence that I really like the most
Kyusungftw #3
Chapter 3: Hahahaha of course that is 100% approved by kyu kind of idea, jongwoon ah. Adorable ending 😍
Kyusungftw #4
Chapter 2: Jongwoon wondered what kyu meant by seducing him and then proceeded doing the exact thing hahahaha. Again Kyu has the highest level of patience! We love a gentleman 😍

Oh no no no no 🫣 but still hope for happy ending
399 streak #5
Chapter 3: LMAO! It's soooooo EXTRAAAA! Jongwoon you idiot XD~
399 streak #6
Chapter 2: 4 KIDS?!? THAT'S A LOT XDDDD~

Sooooo... You are going to make me cry next week (?) good to know, I'll prepare a box of tissue when the time comes T^T
Chapter 3: Now I want to know whether the twins will have brother or sister or other twins 😅
Thanks you for this awesome fics. Look forward to your new ones 💙
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1521150/2'>End (2/2)</a></span>
poor him brought a leopard at home..
pinkeussi #9
Chapter 3: Omg i can't stop giggle like a fool while reading this omg
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 3: Thank you for making my wish come true, this was great! I don't know why I enjoy reading Kyuhyun struggling with his mini-me(s) xD and when it comes to Jongwoons plan... it was kinda stupid but on one hand very logical :D