Ch. 1: Weird And Weirder

Downside Up [stranger things x male child reader]

This place... No... This WORLD is amazing! Everything is familiar yet so UNfamiliar! Everything is the same yet so different! I really am in a better place! I didn't even have to die to get here!

The fauna isn't always aggressive, had to learn that the hard way... Got a bite on my leg from a barking creature... The flora is thriving! Judging by the green stuff in what used to always be, ash filled sticks!

There are even creatures that are similar to me! I think I read in a book that the creatures like me are called... Humans? Or people? I'm not sure... It was written in a book called 'Bible' ...I thought it was just a fairytale! Man... I should probably switch it out of the fiction isle... How was I supposed to believe that plot-hole-filled book?! I read fictional-medieval books with more believable storylines!

Anyways... I am currently sitting beside the bald human, as the other 3 humans were questioning us about stuff I don't even know about! I mean... What the hell are parents?!

At least they were nice enough to get us away from the crying sky! What I was really interested in is how the structures look like from the inside! I was not dissapointed! There were these strange light-emiting objects all over the place! It really helps with the dark! Not that I need light to see in the dark...

Most of all, everything inside was so clean! I could easily fall asleep here! I feel so safe! And it's so warm! Man... I wish I found this place sooner!

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?"
One of the humans asked.

There he goes again with the parents...

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?"
A grown baby asked the bald one

Why doesn't he have upper teeth?

"Did you run two away?"
The black one asked.

I still wonder why he looks like that...

"Are you in some kind of trouble?"
The normal one asked again...

They kept bombarded us with questions... I just sat there, not knowing how to answer my new potential friends! I mean... They started asking about parents, and homes? What even are those two... I get that my home is the gray land... But what are parents?

"Is that blood?"
The black one asked, looking towards the bald one.

He tried to reach for the blood stain that was on her yellow t-shirt, but the first human slapped his hand away.

"Stop it! You're freaking her out!"
The first human said.

"She's freaking me out!"
The black one rebuttals.

"I bet she's deaf."
The toothless one said.

Deaf? I think I read it in a book before... I think it means... 'Lacking the power of hearing or having impaired hearing...' thank God for my photographic memory! I would've never got that!

If she is deaf... I need to check! Gotta know all of my new friends' disabilities before I truly can call them friends!

I attempted to scare her, which worked.

The bald one flinched when I scared her... Meaning she's not deaf!

"Nope! Not deaf! Hehe"
I said, smiling widely at the 3 humans.

They seem to look at me weirdly.

I turn to the bald one. I noticed the bald one gave me a frightened look.

Oh no... I didn't want my new friend to fear me! In general, I didn't want friendship to be because of fear! That's a bad habit I left in the past! I'm all about love and acceptance now!

I wanted to apologize to her, but the black one started talking again.

"What a bunch of weirdos..."
He muttered.

"Alright, that's enough, all right? She's just scared and cold... And he... He's just not in the right mindset right now"
The first human reasoned.

Some strange noise came from outside. A flash of light following it.

It was weird to me... Usually thunder was red... But in here it's white!

"Whoa... Cool!"
I couldn't resist saying. I looked towards the window, hoping more white thunder strikes.

At this point, my curiosity was peaking! What else does this mirror world have to offer?!

The first human went away to a plastic basket in the corner of the room. There were cloth in it.

Wow! Pre-made cloth in the size of humans! I usually have to make my own!

Speaking of clothing... They seemed to look at mine weirdly... Don't tell me they roam the dark lands with such thin and colorful clothing! These people have zero sense of survivability! Everyone knows the best way to roam the world is to have thick and dark clothing!

Thunder struck again.

I stare at the window wide eyed. The world slowed down for me... I could see how the individual thunder bolds branched out from eachother!

It was amazing! Red thunder is cool and all, but white thunder has a different feel to it!

The bald girl beside me flinched at the loud noise.

Is she not used to the noise produced by thunder? Man... How did she survive out there? It thunders like... Every 5 seconds! Oh wait... I'm in a new world... Thunder must not be very common here...

I had to call her down! I want to make my friends feel safe when they're around me! I'll be like... Their energy shield! Like the ones I read from those 'X-Men' picture books!

"Hey... It's just thunder and lightning! Lighting is just harmless electrostatic discharge. It happens when there's loooots of dark clouds in the sky! Which was very often... In my world... The noise is just a harmless small shock wave caused by lightning! Well... if you were struck directly, you would die from the amount of voltage... And even if it does miss you, you'd still have ringing ears from the loud noise that comes from the shock wave... Actually... They're not harmless at all... They're very dangerous... You just have to get lucky to not be hit! Hehe~"

The bald one looks at me as if I just spewed some dog.

Her furrowed brows and confused eyes stare into mine... Don't tell me my new friend is retarded...

"What is thunder?"
She asked me, tilting her head.

Oh... She must not be as educated as me! Learning is easy for me since I have photographic memory, and a massive curiosity to quench! She must not read a lot... Not that I blame her... Books were REEEEAAAALLY hard to find in my world...

Well! I guess I'll have to teach her! She is just like me when I was roaming the world... Soooo many questions... Yet no one to ask them to! At least now... I am here to answer her questions! I'll be her knowledge pit! I won't lie, having a student seemed so fun! At least... That's what I thought when I read those 'Drama school' books...

Now that I'm her 'sensei' I should answer her question!

"Thunder is a loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lighting flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air!"
I beamed, smiling at the curious girl.

She looks at me with the same confused eyes. Is she understanding any of this?

"What is... Lightning?"
She asked

Ah... She must really be lacking in knowledge. She has the same thought process I did when I was just 5... Or I think I was 5... I read about human age before, and thought that I should put a number on my name!

Before... I chose 5 since I saw picture books with creatures that had the same appearance as my 5 year old self! I'm 12 now! Or at least... I think I am... I also read about birthdays and how the age increases with every birthday! Birthdays happen every 365 days... so after I decided I was 5, I started counting the days till my next birthday! Good thing I had a good memory, otherwise... I probably would've already forgotten my birthday!

Nelly also has a birthday! And it's... Oh... It's a week from now... I really wanted to celebrate her first birthday...

Anyways! Considering her appearance... The bald girl must be at LEAST 12... Yet she still has the brain of a 5...

No matter! Teacher is here to help!

"Lighting is the occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of a very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud accompanied by a bright flash and typically also thunder, which... I've already explained!"
I said, still smiling at the curious girl.

She still looked at me with even MORE confusion... How many words doesn't she know?!

I glance towards the 3 males, hoping to see if they also thought the bald girl was dumb... but... They also looked at me with confusion... Maybe some surprise? And... Admiration?

I tilted my head as I look at them... I wonder why they're giving me the wide eyes...

"What the hell was that..."
The black one said.

"hm? Did I say something wrong, friends?"
I asked them.

They didn't answer right away... They seemed to be too surprised to answer.

"Whoa... You're smart"
The toothless one said, smiling in awe.

"Like... REALLY smart..."
The first one said with wide eyes.

I questioned, tilting my head.

I'm smart? I thought this was basic knowledge! I just learned all of this from reading a book with the number 11 on it... It was a book about strange subjects... I thought the 11 was supposed to be read by people who are also 11... These guys look well over the age of 11... Maybe I misread something? Or maybe these guys just didn't read it...
(Satanael: it's a grade 11/senior highschool book... They're still in 7th grade)

I thought they were smart, considering how they look like they know more about this mirror world than me! They even know what parents are! I don't even know what parents are! Maybe I overestimated the locals of this world... I guess not everyone is as smart as me!
(Satanael: he says, not knowing what the hell rain is...)

I felt a tug on my sleeve. It seems that the bald girl was trying to get my attention. I look towards her again, waiting for her to ask something.

"What is electri-"
The bald girl gets cut off by the first boy.

"Uh... Here... These are clean, okay?"
The first boy said, handing both me and the bald girl a piece of cloth.

He was clearly still surprised of my knowledge, but shook it off...

I muttered, grabbing a piece of cloth.

The bald girl grabbed one too. She seemed to be frightened, considering she's been panting quite hard.

Wait... I don't know what to do with this... Is he giving me this as a gift? Should I wear it immediately? I heard that gifts such as clothing should be worn either immediately or the next day, to show them that you like what they gave you...

I look towards the girl... Maybe she knows what to do with them?

The bald girl brought the cloth up to her face, using it to wipe the water from it.

Ah... So it's used as a wipe!

I copy her motions, using the cloth to rub violently on my face. Before I knew it, my face was dry! Yay!

"Thanks for the gift, friend!"
I said, smiling at the male.

He looks at me with furrowed brows, but nods his head anyways.

The black one muttered, shaking his head slightly.

The toothless one just nudges the black ones' elbow, prompting him to stop.

I felt movement beside me.

I looked to my left, only to see the bald girl taking off her jacket.

Ooooh... So it IS for wearing too! I thought it was just for wiping liquids from my body!

I have a designated rag I use to wipe blood off of me! I thought it was just like that!

I once again copied her example. Jumping up from my seat, I wrapped the shirt he gave me around my neck!

"Radical! New layer of clothing! It should be black though..."
I muttered.

"Thats not how it's used..."
The black one facepalmed.

"Who even uses the word radical anymore..."
The toothless one murmured to the black one.


I look towards the bald girl, waiting for her to do the same. Instead, she bends down to try and take of her yellow shirt...

But before she could take of her clothing, the first boy stopped her.

"No, no, no, no!"
The boy exclaimed, stopping her from going further.

"Oh no! NO!"
"Oh my gahd, oh my gahd, oh my gahd, oh my gahd, oh my gahd!"
The other two boys quickly face away from her.

"Ababababababababababa noises! Why are we making noises?"
I asked, confused.

"No, no... See... Over there?"
The first one said, pointing across the room.

"I can see."
I say, looking to where he's pointing.

"Th-thats the bathroom."
He continued.


"Privacy... Get it?"
The boy ignored my question.

"Got it!"
I said with a determined look.

What the hell is a bathroom?

The blad girl looked around confused.
The other two boys were still not looking our way.

I smiled at the girl. She probably has questions.

"Privacy means the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people"
I say, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She slowly nods at me, looking concerned of the situation.

Once again, the boys look at me with mild surprise.

The bald girl bends down to grab the clothes and turns away to walk to the bathroom. The first guy followed her as well.

I decided to follow the two humans too.

Before I could follow them any further, the black one grabbed my outfit, stopping me from moving any further.

"Not you"
He said.

"Privacy, remember?"
The toothless one said.

"Oh... yeah..."
I said, knocking my head.

"How the hell do you know so much about thunder and lighting, but have ZERO clue about common sense..."
The black one deadpans at me.


We heard a noise from the bathroom door.

"You- you don't want it closed?"
I heard the first one ask.

I heard the bald one said plainly.

"O-Oh... Okay... Well, how 'bout we keep the door... Just like this? Is that better"
He said, keeping the door slightly ajar

The bald girl replied plainly once again.

The boy nodded, before walking away from the door, leaving it slightly open.

The first one joined his group of friends. They all silently look at me like they're expecting something from me.

Oh wait... I forgot to introduce myself! Gah! How could I forget the first step of making friends?! I'll introduce myself now!

"Hi, my name's Y/N."
I said, smiling widely.

... They all kept quite, probably wondering what to do. Their eyes told me that they're were concerned...

"Hi... I'm Mike"
The first one awkwardly said.

"Hi Mike!"
I smiled widely.

The other two were still silent. Mike nudge the toothless ones' shoulder.

"I'm Dustin!"
He immediately said after Mike nudged his shoulder.

"Hi Dustin!"
I said.

I then looked to the black one, waiting for his introduction.

"...I'm not gonna say anything"
He shook his head, as his brow was furrowed.

"Hi, Not-Gonna-Say-Anything!"
I said, smiling at him.

"No, no, his name is Lucas"
Dustin said, pointing at Luca.

"Oh, I thought your name was Not-Gonna-Say-Anything... Hi Lucas!"
I said.

That other one is probably his nickname or something...

There was another long second of silence, before Mike spoke.

"Are you gonna change? You're soaking"
He said.

I said, still smiling.

They all look at me weirdly. It looked like Lucas was about to complain about something, but Mike beat him to it.

Mike said, looking at his friends. They all share the same concerned look.

"Ahem... Y/N, Do you mind... Going over there for a moment?"
Mike said, placing his hands on my shoulders and making me look to another corner of the room.

"Hm? Why?"
I asked, tilting my head.

"The three of us need to talk about something..."
He said, gesturing to the other boys.

"Mm hmm"
Dustin backed Mike up, nodding his head.

I didn't move from my spot yet. I was still enamored I was able to get this many friends in a day! I have more friends than I did in my old world!

Mike continued.

"Yep, alone"
Dustin said along with Mike.

I still didn't budge. I just stood there tilting my head while smiling widely at them.

"Meaning... Without you"
Mike continued, staring at me with concern.

My eyes widened with realization.

"Oooooh! Yeah okay! You guys talk about your thing! I'll be over there!"
I said, repeating what Mike said.

I happily trotted to the other corner, which has a wonderful view! I could see the sky crying from this window!

The moment I left, I heard muttering from where the boys were. They're probably talking about how great of a friend I'll be!




After a few minutes, the bald girl came out of the bathroom, wearing her new clothes.

Speaking if bald girl... I should probably get her name...

My friends finished their discussion, Lucas and Mike decided to leave... Probably to go to their house.

I quickly gave them a Goodbye and a wave before they left.

It seems that Dustin was the only one to return the goodbye back to me... While Lucas just gave me a nasty glare...

Oh well! I'm making progress!

After they left, it was only Mike, Bald girl, and me left alone in this room.

Mike fixed up a little sleeping area for me and bald girl. We both got our own tent thingies! I think they're called... A bed fort? I'm not sure, I read it in a 'Sleepover' book.

Both me and the bald girl settled in to our beds... It was so comfy! No crusty feeling to the cloth, and no bloodstains at all! It was like I was sleeping on a cloud!

Oh... My clothes also dried up while I was exploring the room. Thank gosh for that! I did not want to sleep while I was still wet... Although that would be a weird experience... I should try it out in the future!

Oh wait, let's get back on track! I should ask the bald girl her name!

I quickly got out of my bed and walked to where Bald girl is. It seems that Mike was also there, giving her pillows and stuff.

I knelt beside mike and gave the bald girl a radiant smile.

"My name's Y/N! Mmm...what's yours?"
I asked, smiling at her.

Mike glanced at me, arching his brow. The bald girl didn't answer... Instead, she rolled up her sleeve and revealed a strange number that was on her wrist!

It was the number 11.

"Ooh! Cool! It doesn't answer my question though..."
I said, looking at the number intently.

Wait... Don't I have one of those too? Nah... It's not a number, it's just a bunch of circles! No use in showing mine!

"Is that real?"
Mike asked, reaching for her wrist.

Bald girl quickly retracted her arm away from Mike.

Is she scared of people touching her? Is she a germaphobe?

Bald girl looks at Mike with fear.

"Sorry, I've just... Never seen a kid with a tattoo before."
Mike said.

So it's called a tattoo! Cool! Word of the day, I guess.

"What's it mean?"
Mike asked.

"Clearly it means eleven... Wait... Is that your name? Eleven? That's a cool name!"
I said, beaming with joy.

Yes! Now I have 4 new friends! Dustin, Luca, Mike, and Eleven!

Eleven nods at my question. So her name is Eleven... I was scared I might've misread the situation.

"That's your name?"
Mike asks Eleven.

Eleven nods at Mike.

"Eleven... Okay. Um, well, my name's Mike. Short for Michael."
Mike said.

Ooh... So Mike is a nickname! Hmm... I should get a nickname... Wait, I should give everyone a nickname! Let's start with Eleven!

"I'll just call you 'El'! It's a cool nickname! Everyone should have cool nicknames!"
I said, smiling at El.

"Yeah... El, short for Eleven"
Mike backs me up.

El nods at Mike and I.

"Hi, new friend, El!!!"
I said, waving a hand at her.

She was taken aback from my sudden shouting, but calmed down. She must've calmed down 'cause of my non-threatening aura! Nice! I've perfected it!

"Okay... Um... 'Night El..."
Mike said, before standing up.

"'Night Mike!"
I shouted at him immediately after he stood up.

"'Night Y/N..."
He replied back.

"...'Night Mike..."
El spoke.

Mike walked away from the two of us, climbing up the stairs to what I assume was, his room.

"Goodnight Mike!"
I said again.

" Uh... 'Night..."
He replied from the top of the stairs, before closing the door.

I smiled at him, before focusing back on El.

"Goodnight El!"
I smiled widely at her, standing up from my crouching position.

"Goodnight Y/N"
El replied instantaneously.

I nodded with a huff of joy. I climbed back in my blanket ten, and laid down...

This was a good day! I'm in a wonderful new world where everything is so much better, I made 4 new friends, and I even have a nice bed to sleep on!

I won't lie, I am gonna miss Nelly and the other creatures... Even if they were hellbent on trying to kill me... I'll especially miss Nelly, since I've basically been with her for most of her years... Ever since I found her as a teeny tiny worm thingy, she's been with me for... Basically forever!

"*Sigh* ...Goodnight Nelly..."
I muttered.

I heard El hum from her tent.

"Oh, it's nothing, El! Just... Thinking of old friends..."

I didn't hear a reply... She must've just nodded...


I wonder what other friends I'll make in this new world...


Oh wait... I just remember I don't need sleep to survive!





































> There is no night and day cycle in the Upside down, the only reason why Y/N knows if a day has passed, is because he counts it down by the second!

> Eleven feels calm when Y/N is around

> Y/N is a living dictionary. The only reason why he doesn't know some words, is because the dictionary he read is missing pages.

> Mike tolerates Y/N

> Dustin likes Y/N (as a bro)

> Luca still thinks Y/N is weird

> Nelly will return!

> Y/N doesn't need things like food, water, and sleep to survive!

> Y/N's birthday is on June 15th, the middle of the year! He just chose the right day to be his Birthday!

> If you've been following the story, you'll know that Y/N actually has 3 zeroes on his wrist, not 'circles'

> Y/N has photography memory

> Y/N likes to collect books.

> Books are rare in the upside down. They're either too deteriorated to read, or just straight up covered in ash.

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